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Number of items: 29.

Bloom Ström, Eva-Marie, Gibson, Hannah, Guérois, Rozenn and Marten, Lutz, eds. (2024) Morphosyntactic variation in Bantu. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Gibson, Hannah, Githiora, Chege, Kanana Erastus, Fridah and Marten, Lutz (2024) 'Morphosyntactic retention and innovation in Sheng, a youth language or stylect of Kenya.' Studies in Language, 48 (4). pp. 909-950.

Gibson, Hannah, Marten, Lutz and Ndlovu, Sambulo (2024) 'Encoding politeness in African urban youth languages: Evidence from Southern Africa.' Linguistics Vanguard, 10 (S4). pp. 331-341.

Kariuki, Annah, Gibson, Hannah, Jelpke, Tom, Ochieng, Merceline and Poeta, Teresa (2024) 'Verbal extensions in Sheng: an examination of variation in form and function.' Linguistics Vanguard, 10 (S4). pp. 365-377.

Marten, Lutz and Gibson, Hannah (2024) 'On some structural similarities and differences between Herero and Swahili.' スワヒリ&アフリカ研究 = Journal of Swahili and African Studies, 35. pp. 32-50.

Marten, Lutz, Gibson, Hannah, Guérois, Rozenn and Mapunda, Gastor (2024) 'Introduction.' In: Gibson, Hannah, Guérois, Rozenn, Mapunda, Gastor and Marten, Lutz, (eds.), Morphosyntactic variation in East African Bantu languages: Descriptive and comparative approaches. Berlin: Language Science Press, pp. 1-13. (Contemporary African Linguistics, vol.8)

Gibson, Hannah, Guérois, Rozenn, Mapunda, Gastor and Marten, Lutz, eds. (2024) Morphosyntactic variation in East African Bantu languages: Descriptive and comparative approaches. Berlin: Language Science Press. (Contemporary African Linguistics, vol.8)

Marten, Lutz, Gibson, Hannah, Guérois, Rozenn and Jerro, Kyle (2024) 'Morphosyntactic variation in Old Swahili.' In: Gibson, Hannah, Guérois, Rozenn, Mapunda, Gastor and Marten, Lutz, (eds.), Morphosyntactic variation in East African Bantu languages: Descriptive and comparative approaches. Berlin: Language Science Press, pp. 383-420. (Contemporary African Linguistics, vol.8)

Gibson, Hannah, Kula, Nancy C., Marten, Lutz and Taji, Julius (2023) 'Suffix order restrictions in Bantu.' In: Ackema, Peter, Bendjaballah, Sabrina, Bonet, Eulàlia and Antonio, Fábregas, (eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Morphology. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.

Marten, Lutz, Gibson, Hannah, Guérois, Rozenn and Poeta, Teresa (2023) 'Content words and contextual meaning: Lexical NPs as discourse anaphora in Makhuwa and Cuwabo.' In: Achiri-Taboh, Blasius, (ed.), The Bantu Noun Phrase: Issues and Perspectives. London: Routledge, pp. 183-209.

Marten, Lutz and Gibson, Hannah (2023) 'Morphosyntactic borrowing in closely related varieties: “False cognates” in Swahili.' In: Kennard, Holly, Lindsay-Smith, Emily, Lahiri, Aditi and Maiden, Martin, (eds.), Historical Linguistics 2022. Selected papers from the 25th ICHL, Oxford, 1–5 August 2022. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Forthcoming)

Edelsten, Peter, Gibson, Hannah, Guérois, Rozenn, Mapunda, Gastor, Marten, Lutz and Taji, Julius (2022) 'Morphosyntactic variation in Bantu: Focus on East Africa.' Journal of the Language Association of East Africa, 1 (1). pp. 1-24.

Gibson, Hannah, Marten, Lutz, Mous, Maarten and Riedel, Kristina (2022) 'Valency and saliency in Bantu applicatives: A diachronic reanalysis.' In: Pacchiarotti, Sara and Zúñiga, Fernando, (eds.), Applicative Morphology: Neglected syntactic and non-syntactic functions. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 163-188. (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM]. Vol. 373)

Gibson, Hannah and Belkadi, Aicha (2022) 'The development of the encoding of deictic motion in the Bantu language Rangi: grammaticalisation and change.' Journal of African Languages and Linguistics, 42 (2). pp. 191-222.

Gibson, Hannah, Mapunda, Gastor, Marten, Lutz and Taji, Justus (2020) 'Ulinganishi wa mofolojia na sintaksia baina ya lugha 19 za Kibantu za Afrika Mashariki [A morphosyntactic comparison of 19 East African Bantu languages].' Kiswahili, 82. pp. 1-13.

Gibson, Hannah and Marten, Lutz (2019) 'Probing the interaction of language contact and internal innovation: Four case studies of morphosyntacitc change in Rangi.' Studies in African Linguistics, 48 (1). pp. 64-86.

Gibson, Hannah, Mapunda, Gastor, Marten, Lutz, Shah, Sheena and Taji, Julius (2019) 'Variation in double object marking in Swahili.' Swahili Forum, 26. pp. 142-165.

Gibson, Hannah, Guérois, Rozenn and Marten, Lutz (2019) 'Variation in Bantu copula constructions.' In: Arche, M., Fábregas, A. and Marin, R., (eds.), The Grammar of Copulas Across Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 213-242. (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics)

Gibson, Hannah, Rozenn, Guérois and Marten, Lutz (2017) 'Patterns and developments in the marking of diminutives in Bantu.' Nordic Journal of African Studies, 26 (4). pp. 344-383.

Chatzikyriakidis, Stergios and Gibson, Hannah (2017) 'The Bantu-Romance-Greek connection revisited: processing constraints in auxiliary and clitic placement from a cross-linguistic perspective.' Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 2 (1). pp. 1-39.

Gibson, Hannah, Koumbarou, Andriana, Marten, Lutz and van der Wal, Jenneke (2017) 'Locating the Bantu conjoint/disjoint alternation in a typology of focus marking.' In: van der Wal, Jenneke and Hyman, Larry M., (eds.), The conjoint/disjoint alternation in Bantu. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 61-99. (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs)

Gibson, Hannah (2016) 'A unified dynamic account of auxiliary placement in Rangi.' Lingua, 184. pp. 79-103.

Seraku, Tohru and Gibson, Hannah (2016) 'A Dynamic Syntax modelling of Japanese and Rangi clefts: Parsing incrementality and the growth of interpretation.' Language Sciences, 56 (2016). pp. 45-67.

Gibson, Hannah (2016) 'A review of Klaus Zimmerman and Birte Kellemeier-Rehbein (eds.), Colonialism and missionary linguistics (Colonial and Postcolonial Linguistics 5). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2015. pp. x+266.' Journal of Linguistics, 52 (1). pp. 236-241.

Gibson, Hannah and Marten, Lutz (2016) 'Variation and grammaticalisation in Bantu complex verbal constructions: The dynamics of information growth in Swahili, Rangi and siSwati.' In: Nash, Léa and Samvelian, Pollet, (eds.), Approaches to Complex Predicates. Leiden: Brill, pp. 70-109. (Syntax and Semantics)

Gibson, Hannah and Wilhelmsen, Vera (2015) 'Cycles of negation in Rangi and Mbugwe.' Africana Linguistica, 21. pp. 233-257.

Marten, Lutz and Gibson, Hannah (2015) 'Structure building and thematic constraints in Bantu inversion constructions.' Journal of Linguistics, 52 (3). pp. 565-607.

Gibson, Hannah (2015) 'The dynamics of structure building in Rangi: At the Syntax-Semantics interface.' Cambridge Occasional Papers in Linguistics, 8. pp. 41-55.

Gibson, Hannah (2013) 'Auxiliary placement in Rangi: A case of contact-induced change?' SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics, 16. pp. 153-166.

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