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Gifford, Paul (2015) Christianity, Development and Modernity in Africa. London: Hurst and Co..
Gifford, Paul (2009) Christianity, Politics and Public Life in Kenya. London: Hurst and Co..
Gifford, Paul (2004) Ghana's New Christianity. Pentecostalism in a Globalising African Economy. London: Hurst and Co..
Gifford, Paul (1998) African Christianity: Its Public Role. London: Hurst and Co..
Gifford, Paul and Brouwer, Steve (1996) Exporting the American Gospel: Global Christian Fundamentalism. London: Routledge.
Gifford, Paul (2015) 'The Prosperity Theology of David Oyedepo, Founder of Winners.' In: Heuser, Andreas, (ed.), Pastures of plenty : tracing religio-scapes of prosperity gospel in Africa and beyond. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 83-100. (Studies in the intercultural history of Christianity)
Gifford, Paul (2014) 'Unity and Diversity within African Pentecostalism: a Comparison of the Christianities of Daniel Olukoya and David Oyedepo.' In: Lindhardt, Martin, (ed.), Pentacostalism in Africa: Presence and Impact of Pneumatic Christianity in Postcolonial Societies. Leiden: Brill. (Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies)
Gifford, Paul (2014) 'African Pentecostalism, Culture and Society.' In: Ruggieri, Giuseppe, (ed.), Formes de vie chrétienne en Afrique = Forms of christian life in Africa. Paris: Harmattan.
Gifford, Paul (2014) 'Evil, Witchcraft and Deliverance in the African Pentecostal Worldview.' In: Clarke, Clifton R., (ed.), Pentecostal theology in Africa. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, pp. 94-113. (African Christian Studies Series)
Gifford, Paul (2013) 'The Southern Shift of Christianity.' In: Hermann, Adrian and Burlacioiu, Cirprian, (eds.), Veränderte Landkarten : auf dem Weg zu einer polyzentrischen Geschichte des Weltchristentums : Festschrift für Klaus Koschorke zum 65. Geburtstag. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, pp. 189-206.
Gifford, Paul (2012) 'Pentecostalismus in Afrika heute.' In: Rethmann, Albert-Peter, (ed.), Pentecostalismus: anfragen an theologie und kirche. Frankfurt am Main: Sankt Georgen, pp. 102-134.
Gifford, Paul (2011) 'Healing in African Pentecostalism: the “Victorious Living” of David Oyedepo.' In: Gunther Brown, Candy, (ed.), Global pentecostal and charismatic healing. New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 251-266.
Gifford, Paul (2009) 'African Christianity and the Eclipse of the Afterlife.' In: Clark, Peter and Claydon, Tony, (eds.), The church, the afterlife and the fate of the soul : papers read at the 2007 summer meeting and the 2008 winter meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society. Saffron Walden: The Ecclesiastical History Society, pp. 413-429.
Gifford, Paul (2009) 'Christianity in a Patronage State.' In: Knighton, Ben, (ed.), Cover image Title Religion and politics in Kenya : essays in honor of a meddlesome priest. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Gifford, Paul (2008) 'Africa’s Churches and the Second Liberation Struggle of 1989-93.' In: Koschorke, Klaus, (ed.), Falling Walls. The Year 1989/90 as a Turning Point in the History of World Christianity. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
Gifford, Paul (2008) 'Evangelical Christianity and Democracy in Africa: a Response.' In: Ranger, Terence O., (ed.), Evangelical Christianity and Democracy in Africa. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 225-231. (Evangelical Christianity and democracy in the Global South)
Gifford, Paul (2005) 'Religious Authority: Scripture, Tradition, Charisma.' In: Hinnells, John R., (ed.), The Routledge Companion to the Study of Religion. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 379-391.
Gifford, Paul (2003) 'The Bible as a Political Document in Africa.' In: Kastfelt, N., (ed.), Scriptural Politics. The Bible and the Koran as Political Models in the Middle East and Africa. London: Hurst and Co., pp. 16-28.
Gifford, Paul (2001) 'The complex provenance of some Elements of African Pentecostal Theology.' In: Corten, A. and Marshall-Fratani, R., (eds.), Between Babel and Pentecost; Transnational Pentecostialism in Africa and Latin America. London: Hurst and Co., pp. 62-79.
Gifford, Paul (2016) 'Religion in Contemporary Senegal.' Journal of Contemporary Religion, 31 (2). pp. 255-267.
Gifford, Paul (2016) 'The Charlie Hebdo Affair in Senegal.' Canadian Journal of African Studies, 50 (1). pp. 479-492.
Gifford, Paul (2015) 'A contemporary Nigerian Reading of the Bible.' Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, 152. pp. 38-56.
Gifford, Paul and Nogueira-Godsey, Trad (2011) 'The Protestant Ethic and African Pentecostalism: A Case Study.' Journal for the Study of Religion, 24 (1).
Gifford, Paul (2009) 'The Primal Pentecostal Imagination: Variants, Origins and Importance.' Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, 34 (2). pp. 44-52.
Gifford, Paul (2008) 'Africa's Inculturation Theology: Observations of an Outsider.' Hekima Review, 38. pp. 18-34.
Gifford, Paul (2008) 'The Bible in Africa: a Novel Usage in Africa's New Churches.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 71 (2). pp. 203-218.
Gifford, Paul (2008) 'Trajectories in African Christianity.' International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church, 8 (4). pp. 275-289.
Gifford, Paul (2007) 'The Nature and Effects of Mission Today. A Case Study from Kenya.' Social Sciences and Missions, 20 (1). pp. 1-31.
Gifford, Paul (2007) 'Fondamentalismo” cristiano in Africa.' Afriche e Orienti, 9 (3-4). pp. 30-43.
Gifford, Paul (2004) 'Persistence and Change in Contemporary African Religion.' Social Compass, 51 (2). pp. 169-76.
Gifford, Paul (2002) 'Liberia.' Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 5. p. 323.
Gifford, Paul (1998) 'Chiluba's Christian nation: Christianity as a factor in Zambian politics 1991–1996.' Journal of Contemporary Religion, 13 (3). pp. 363-381.
Gifford, Paul (1994) 'Ghana's Charismatic Churches.' Journal of Religion in Africa, 24 (1/4). pp. 241-265.
Gifford, Paul (1994) 'Some Recent Developments In African Christianity.' African Affairs, 93 (373). pp. 513-34.
Gifford, Paul (2024) 'Review of: Magisteria: The Entangled Histories of Science and Religion, by Nicholas Spencer, London: Oneworld Publications, 2023, 467 pp., £25.00 (hb), ISBN 9780861544615 (hb), ISBN 9780861544622 (eb).' Journal of Contemporary Religion, 39 (2). pp. 391-393.
Gifford, Paul (2022) 'Review of: 'For God and My Country: Catholic Leadership in Modern Uganda' by J. J. Carney (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2020).' Modern Theology, 38 (4). pp. 850-853.
Gifford, Paul (2022) 'Review of: Ethiopian Christianity: History, Theology, Practice by Philip F. Esler.' Journal of Contemporary Religion, 37 (2). pp. 382-384.
Gifford, Paul (2022) 'Review of: Human Development and the Catholic Social Tradition. Towards an Integral Ecology, written by Séverine Deneulin.' Religion and Development, 1 (1). pp. 150-152.
Gifford, Paul (2022) 'Review of: Chosen Peoples: Christianity and Political Imagination in South Sudan.' Journal of Contemporary Religion, 37 (1). pp. 188-189.