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Goodhand, Jonathan and Walton, Oliver (2025) 'Fixing the past, mediating the future? Human rights brokers in Nepal and Sri Lanka.' Cultural Studies, 39 (2). pp. 269-292.
Goodhand, Jonathan, Ballvé, Teo and Meehan, Patrick (2024) 'Drugs, frontier capitalism and illicit peasantries: towards a comparative research agenda.' Journal of Peasant Studies, 51 (4). pp. 801-825.
Thomson, Frances, Meehan, Patrick and Goodhand, Jonathan (2024) 'The political economy of illicit drug crops: forum introduction.' Journal of Peasant Studies, 51 (4). pp. 763-800.
Goodhand, Jonathan and Walton, Oliver (2023) '(Re)making the margins: Frontier assemblages and brokerage in Hambantota, Sri Lanka.' Journal of International Development, 35 (3). pp. 459-477.
Goodhand, Jonathan and Pain, Adam (2022) 'Entangled lives: drug assemblages in Afghanistan’s Badakhshan.' Third World Quarterly, 43 (11). pp. 2654-2673.
Goodhand, Jonathan and Walton, Oliver (2022) 'Fixes and Flux: Frontier Brokers, Political Settlements and Post-War Politics in Nepal and Sri Lanka.' Journal of Development Studies, 58 (11). pp. 2331-2348.
Rhodes, Tim, Harris, Magdalena, Khine Wut, Yee Kyaw and Goodhand, Jonathan (2022) Drugs and (Dis)order Interviews on Drug Use and Health in Kachin state, Myanmar, 2021. [Datasets] (Unpublished)
Goodhand, Jonathan, Koehler, Jan and Ghulam Rasool, Moosakhel (2022) Drugs and (Dis)order Drug Trading Route Interviews from Nangarhar and Nimroz, Afghanistan, 2021. [Datasets] (Unpublished)
Goodhand, Jonathan, Koehler, Jan and Ghulam Rasool, Moosakhel (2022) Drugs and (Dis)order Guideline and Life History Interview Database from Nangarhar and Nimroz, Afghanistan, 2018-2021. [Datasets] (Unpublished)
Goodhand, Jonathan, Koehler, Jan and Ghulam Rasool, Moosakhel (2022) Drugs and (Dis)order Interviews on Drug Addiction in Nimroz, Afghanistan, 2021. [Datasets] (Unpublished)
Goodhand, Jonathan, Koehler, Jan and Ghulam Rasool, Moosakhel (2022) Drugs and (Dis)order Interviews on Drug Economy from Nangarhar and Nimroz, Afghanistan, 2020. [Datasets] (Unpublished)
Goodhand, Jonathan, Pain, Adam, Wafaey, Mohammad Hassan, Mirzada, Gulsom, Behzad, Khalid and Azizi, Mujib (2022) Drugs and (Dis)order Organisational Ethnography Case Study: the Afghanistan Comprehensive Agriculture and Rural Development Facility (CARD-F), 2020. [Datasets] (Unpublished)
Goodhand, Jonathan (2022) Drugs and (Dis)order Life History interviews from Nangarhar and Nimroz, Afghanistan, 2018-2020. [Datasets] (Unpublished)
Goodhand, Jonathan, Guttierez, Francisco, Machuca Perez, Diana Ximena, Acero, Camillo, Marín Jaramillo, Margarita and Thomson Lynce, Frances (2022) Drugs and (Dis)order Interviews on illicit drugs and armed conflicts in Colombia, 2018-2021. [Datasets] (Unpublished)
Goodhand, Jonathan and Ghulam Rasool, Moosakhel (2022) Drugs and (Dis)order Questionnaire interviews with key informants, transporters, traders and officials in Nangarhar and Nimroz, 2018-2019. [Datasets] (Unpublished)
Sadan, Mandy, Meehan, Patrick and Goodhand, Jonathan (2022) Drugs and (dis)order key informant interview translations in Kachin state, Myanmar, 2018-2019. [Datasets] (Unpublished)
Goodhand, Jonathan and Meehan, Patrick (2021) Drugs ‘trilemma’: how to halt the deadly trade while still ensuring development and peace. The Conversation [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Goodhand, Jonathan, Meehan, Patrick, Bhatia, Jasmine, Ghiabi, Maziyar and Gutierrez Sanin, Francisco (2021) 'Critical policy frontiers: The drugs-development-peacebuilding trilemma.' International Journal of Drug Policy, 89 (103115).
Dan, Seng Lawn, Maran, Ja Htoi Pan, Sadan, Mandy, Meehan, Patrick and Goodhand, Jonathan (2021) 'The Pat Jasan drug eradication social movement in Northern Myanmar. Part one: Origins and reactions.' International Journal of Drug Policy, 89 (103181).
Goodhand, Jonathan, Meehan, Patrick, Thomson, Frances, Ghiabi, Maziyar and Ball, Louise (2020) Voices from the borderlands 2020: Illicit drugs, development and peacebuilding. London: Drugs and (Dis)Order.
Meehan, Patrick and Goodhand, Jonathan (2018) 'Spatialising Political Settlements.' Accord, 4. pp. 14-19.
Cheng, Christine, Goodhand, Jonathan and Meehan, Patrick (2018) Synthesis Paper: Securing and Sustaining Elite Bargains that Reduce Violent Conflict. London: UK Government Stabilisation Unit.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2018) 'Getting the politics right: beyond ‘good governance’ in Afghanistan.' In: Bose, Srinjoy, Motwani, Nishank and Maley, William, (eds.), Afghanistan - Challenges and Prospects. Abingdon; New York: Routledge. (Durham Modern Middle East and Islamic World Series)
Goodhand, Jonathan and Walton, Oliver (2017) 'The Tangled Politics of Postwar Justice in Sri Lanka.' Current History, 116 (789). pp. 130-135.
Goodhand, Jonathan, Klem, Bart and Walton, Oliver (2017) 'Mediating the Margins: the role of brokers and the Eastern Provincial Councils in Sri Lanka’s post war transition.' Third World Thematics, 1 (6). pp. 817-836.
Goodhand, Jonathan, Suhrke, Astri and Bose, Srinjoy (2016) 'Flooding the lake? International democracy promotion and the political economy of the 2014 presidential election in Afghanistan.' Conflict, Security and Development, 16 (6). pp. 481-500.
Goodhand, Jonathan and Sedra, M., eds. (2015) The Afghan Conundrum: Intervention, Statebuilding and Resistance. London: Routldege. (Third Worlds)
Spencer, Jonathan, Goodhand, Jonathan, Hasbullah, Shahul, Klem, Bart, Korf, Benedikt and de Silva, T (2014) Checkpoint, Temple, Church and Mosque: A Collaborative Ethnography of War and Peace in Eastern Sri Lanka. London: Palgrave Macmillan. (Anthropology, Culture and Society)
Goodhand, Jonathan, Meehan, Patrick and Pérez Niño, Helena (2014) Drugs, (dis)order and agrarian change: the political economy of drugs and its relevance to international drug policy. NOREF Occasional Publication.
Goodhand, Jonathan, Klem, Bart and Sorbo, Gunnar (2013) 'Battlefields of Method. Evaluating Norwegian peace efforts in Sri Lanka.' In: Andersen, Ole Winckler, Bull, Beate and Kennedy-Chouane, Megan, (eds.), Evaluation Methodologies for Aid in Conflict. London: Routledge, pp. 61-84.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2013) 'Sri Lanka in 2012: Securing the State, Enforcing the ‘Peace'.' Asian Survey, 53 (1). pp. 64-72.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2013) 'Contested boundaries: NGOs and civil-military relations in Afghanistan.' Central Asian Survey, 32 (3). pp. 287-385.
Goodhand, Jonathan and Mansfield, David (2013) 'Drugs and (dis)order. The opium economy, political settlements and statebuilding in Afghanistan.' In: Schetter, Conrad, (ed.), Local Politics in Afghanistan. A Century of Intervention in the Social Order. London: Hurst, pp. 211-243.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2013) 'Epilogue: The View from the Border.' In: Korf, Benedikt and Raeymaekers, Timothy, (eds.), Violence on the Margins. States, Conflict, and Boderlands. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 247-264.
Goodhand, Jonathan and Sedra, M. (2013) 'Rethinking Liberal Peacebuilding, Statebuilding and Transition in Afghanistan: An Introduction.' Central Asian Survey, 32 (3). pp. 239-254.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2013) 'Stabilizing a Victor's Peace? Humanitarian Action and Reconstruction in Eastern Sri Lanka.' In: Muggah, Robert, (ed.), Stabilization Operations, Security and Development. States of Fragility. London: Routledge, pp. 215-241.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2012) 'Sri Lanka in 2011: Consolidation and Militarization of the Post War Regime.' Asian Survey, 52 (1). pp. 130-137.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2012) 'Bandits, Borderlands and Opium Wars: Afghan statebuilding viewed from the margins.' In: Wilson, Thomas and Donnan, Hastings, (eds.), A Companion to Border Studies. London: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 332-353.
Goodhand, Jonathan, Dennys, Christian and Mansfield, David (2012) 'A Dangerous Peace? Drugs, post conflict statebuilding and horizontal inequalities in Afghanistan.' In: Langer, Arnim, Stewart, Frances and Venugopal, Rajesh, (eds.), Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Horizontal Inequalities. London: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 249-274. (Conflict, Inequality and Ethnicity Series)
Goodhand, Jonathan, Spencer, Jonathan and Korf, Benedikt, eds. (2011) Conflict and peacebuilding in Sri Lanka: caught in the peace trap? London: Routledge. (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series)
Goodhand, Jonathan (2011) 'Corrupting or Consolidating the Peace? The Drugs Economy and Post Conflict Peacebuilding in Afghanistan.' In: Zaum, Dominik and Cheng, Christine, (eds.), Corruption and Post Conflict Peacebuilding: Selling the Peace? London: Routledge, pp. 144-161. (Cass Series on Peacekeeping, 29)
Cramer, Christopher and Goodhand, Jonathan (2011) 'Hard science or waffly crap? Evidence-based policy versus policy-based evidence in the field of violent conflict.' In: Bayliss, Kate, Fine, Ben and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa, (eds.), The Political Economy of Development. The World Bank, Neo-Liberalism and Development Reseearch. London: Pluto Press, pp. 215-238.
Goodhand, Jonathan and Walton, Oliver (2011) 'Public versus private power: Non governmental organisations and international security.' In: McKercher, Brian, (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Diplomacy and Statecraft. London: Routledge, pp. 428-440.
Goodhand, Jonathan and Korf, Benedikt (2011) 'The illiberal consequences of liberal peacebuilding.' In: Goodhand, Jonathan, Spencer, Jonathan and Korf, Benedikt, (eds.), Aid, conflict and peacebuilding in Sri Lanka. Caught in the Peace Trap'. London UK: Routledge, pp. 1-15.
Walton, Oliver and Saravanamuttu, P. (2010) 'In the Balance? Civil society and the peace process 2002-2008.' In: Goodhand, Jonathan, Korf, Benedikt and Spencer, Jonathan, (eds.), Conflict and peacebuilding in Sri Lanka : caught in the peace trap? London: Routledge, pp. 183-200.
Rampton, David (2010) ''Would the Real Dutugemunu Please Stand Up?' The Politics of Sinhala Nationalist Authenticity and Populist Discontent.' In: Goodhand, Jonathan, Korf, Benedikt and Spencer, Jonathan, (eds.), Conflict and Peacebuilding in Sri Lanka Caught in the Peace Trap? Oxon: Routledge. (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series)
Goodhand, Jonathan (2010) 'Stabilizing a Victor’s Peace? Humanitarian action and reconstruction in eastern Sri Lanka.' Disasters, 34 (3). pp. 342-367.
Goodhand, Jonathan and Walton, Oliver (2009) 'The Limits of Liberal Peacebuilding: International Engagement in the Sri Lankan Peace Process.' Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 3 (3). pp. 303-323.
Goodhand, Jonathan, Klem, Bart and Korf, Benedikt (2009) 'Religion, conflict and boundary politics in Sri Lanka’s east.' The European Journal of Development Research, 21 (5). pp. 679-698.
Goodhand, Jonathan and Sedra, M. (2009) 'Who owns the peace? Aid, reconstruction and peacebuilding in Afghanistan.' Disasters, 10 (4).
Goodhand, Jonathan (2008) 'Corrupting or Consolidating the Peace? The Drugs Economy and Post Conflict Peacebuilding in Afghanistan.' International Peacekeeping, 15 (3). pp. 405-423.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2008) 'Politics, Poppy and Statebuilding.' In: Hayes, Geoffrey and Sedra, Mark, (eds.), Afghanistan. Transition Under Threat. Canada: Laurier University Press.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2008) 'War, Peace and the Places In Between: Why Borderlands are Central.' In: Pugh, Michael, Cooper, Neil and Turner, Mandy, (eds.), Whose Peace? Critical Perspectives on the Political Economy of Peacebuilding. London: Palgrave, pp. 225-244. (New Security Challenges Series)
Goodhand, Jonathan and Sedra, M. (2007) 'Bribes or Bargains? Peace Conditionalities and ‘Post Conflict’ Reconstruction in Afghanistan.' International Peacekeeping, 14 (1). pp. 41-61.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2006) Aiding Peace? The Role of NGOs in Armed Conflict. Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2006) 'Preparing to intervene in complex political emergencies.' In: Hanlon, J. and Yanacopulos, H., (eds.), Civil Wars, Civil Peace. Milton Keynes: Open University.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2006) 'Working 'in' and 'on' conflict.' In: Hanlon, J. and Yanacopulos, H., (eds.), Civil Wars, Civil Peace. Milton Keynes: Open University.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2005) 'Bringing the borderlands back in: A Commentary on 'Selfish Determination'.' Ethnopolitics, 4 (1). 94 - 97.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2005) 'Frontiers and Wars: The Opium Economy in Afghanistan.' Journal of Agrarian Change, 5 (2). 191 - 216.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2005) Post Tsunami Asia: Early Warning, Relief, Reconstruction and Peace Process' - The Tsunami Asia and the Sri Lankan Peace Process. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Goodhand, Jonathan (2004) 'Afghanistan in Central Asia.' In: Pugh, Michael, Cooper, Neil and Goodhand, Jonathan, (eds.), War Economies in a Regional Context: Challenges for Transformation. Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner Publishers, pp. 45-91. (A project of the International Peace Academy)
Goodhand, Jonathan (2004) 'From war economy to peace economy? Reconstruction and statebuilding in Afghanistan.' Journal of International Affairs, Special Edition on International Institutions and Justice, 58 (1). pp. 155-174.
Pugh, Michael, Cooper, Neil and Goodhand, Jonathan (2004) War Economies in a Regional Context. Challenges for Transformation. London: Lynne Rienner. (A project of the International Peace Academy)
Goodhand, Jonathan (2003) 'Enduring Disorder and and Persistent Poverty. A Review of the Linkages between War and Chronic Poverty.' World Development, 31 (3). pp. 629-646.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2003) 'Profits and Poverty: aid, livelihoods and conflict in Afghanistan.' In: Collinson, Sarah, (ed.), Power, livelihoods and conflict: case studies in political economy analysis for humanitarian action. London: ODI, Humanitarian Policy Group, pp. 37-52.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2003) 'Try Again, Fail Again, Fail Better? War, the State and the Post Conflict Challenge in Afghanistan.' In: Milliken, J, (ed.), State Failure, Collapse and Reconstruction. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell.
Cramer, Christopher and Goodhand, Jonathan (2003) ''Try Again. Fail Again. Fail Better?'.' In: Milliken, J, (ed.), State Failure, Collapse and Reconstruction: Issues and Responses. Oxford: Blackwell.
Cramer, Christopher and Goodhand, Jonathan (2002) 'Try Again. Fail Again. Fail Better? War, the State and the 'Post-Conflict' Challenge in Afghanistan.' Development and Change, 33 (5). pp. 885-909.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2002) 'Aiding Violence or Building Peace? The Role of International Aid in Afghanistan.' Third World Quarterly, 23 (5). pp. 837-59.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2002) 'Afghanistan: the challenge of winning the peace.' In: Mekenkamp, Monique, van Tongeren, Paul and van de Veen, Hans, (eds.), Searching for Peace in Europe and Eurasia: An Overview of Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Activities. Boulder, Co: Lynne Reinner (USA), pp. 109-140.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2002) 'Complex Political Emergencies.' In: Kirkpatrick, Colin, Clark, Ronald and Palidano, C., (eds.), Handbook on Development Policy and Management. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 269-278.
Goodhand, Jonathan, Vaux, T and Walker, R (2002) 'Conducting Conflict Assessments: Guidance Notes.' London: Department for International Development.
Goodhand, Jonathan (2002) 'From holy war to opuim war?: A case study of the opium economy in North Eastern Afghanistan.' In: Noelle-Karimi, C, Schetter, Conrad and Schlagintweit,, R, (eds.), Afghanistan - A country without a state? Germany: IKO-Verlag, pp. 139-160.