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Hafez, Sabry (2007) The Quest for Identities: The Development of the Modern Arabic Short Story. London: Saqi.
Hafez, Sabry (2006) 'The Quest for/Obsession with the National in Arabic Cinema.' In: Vitali, V. and Willemen, P., (eds.), Theorising National Cinema. London: British Film Institute, pp. 226-253.
Hafez, Sabry (2004) 'Edward Said's Intellectual Legacy in the Arab World.' Journal of Palestine Studies, 33 (3). pp. 76-90.
Hafez, Sabry (2003) 'Al-'Unsur al-Dhati fi al-Kitabah al-Adabiyyah wa Takwin al-Wa'y al-Watani.' In: Yusuf, M, (ed.), 'Abd al-Karim Ghallab. Sabah (Lebanon), pp. 121-156.
Hafez, Sabry, Damrosch, D and Pike, D, eds. (2003) Longman Anthology of World Literature, Vol A, The Ancient World. New York: Pearson Longman (USA).
Hafez, Sabry, Shirane, Haruo and Yu, P, eds. (2003) Longman Anthology of World Literature, Vol B, The Medieval Era. New Delhi: Pearson Longman.
Hafez, Sabry, Damrosch, D and Tylus, J, eds. (2003) Longman Anthology of World Literature, Vol C, The Early Modern Period. New York: Pearson Longman.
Hafez, Sabry (2002) 'Al Naqd al-Ghrabi wa-' l-Naqd al- 'Aarabi.' ʻAlāmāt fī al-naqd, 11 (43). pp. 183-216.
Hafez, Sabry (2002) 'Al-Qissah al-Qasirah al-Hadithah.' In: Badawi, Muhammad M., (ed.), Cambridge History of Arabic Literature, Modern Arabic Literature. Jedda: Al- Nadi al-Adabi, pp. 387-460.
Hafez, Sabry (2002) 'Atyaf Taduqq Naqus al-Khatar Li-Tadahwur al-Jami' ah al-Misriyyah.' Atyaf Raises Alarm for the Deterioration of the Egyptian University, 18. pp. 10-15.
Hafez, Sabry (2002) 'The Novel of the Desert, Poetics of Space and Dialectics of Freedom.' In: Hallaq, Boutros, Ostle, Robin and Wild, Stefan, (eds.), La Poétique de l’espace and la littérature arabe moderne. Paris: Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, pp. 55-83.
Hafez, Sabry (2002) Takwin al-Khitab al- Sardi al- 'Arabi: Dirasa fi susulujya al-Adabi al-Hadith. Casablanca: Dar al-Qarawiyyin.
Hafez, Sabry (2002) 'رقش الذات لا كتابتها: تحولات الاستراتيجيات النصية في السيرة الذاتية / Variegating the Self: Transformation of Textual Strategies in Autobiography.' Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics, 22. pp. 7-33.
Hafez, Sabry (2000) 'The Novel, Politics and Islam.' New Left Review, 5. pp. 117-141.
Hafez, Sabry (1997) 'Yusuf Idris : 1927-1991.' In: Cox, C. Brian, (ed.), African Writers. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, pp. 345-365.
Hafez, Sabry (1996) 'The Transformation of the Qasida Form in Modern Arabic Literature.' In: Sperl, Stefan and Shackle, Christopher, (eds.), Qasida Poetry in Islamic Asia and Africa. Leiden: Brill, pp. 99-120. (Studies in Arabic Literature, Volume: 20)
Hafez, Sabry (1995) 'Shifting Identities in Maghribi Cinema: The Algerian Paradigm.' Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics, 15. pp. 39-80.