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Hanieh, Adam (2018) Money, Markets, and Monarchies: The Gulf Cooperation Council and the Political Economy of the Contemporary Middle East. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (The Global Middle East)
Hanieh, Adam (2013) Lineages of Revolt: Issues of Contemporary Capitalism in the Middle East. Chicago, IL: Haymarket Books.
Hanieh, Adam (2011) Capitalism and Class in the Gulf Arab States. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hanieh, Adam, AlShehabi, Omar and Khalaf, Abdulhadi, eds. (2014) Transit States: Labour, Migration and Citizenship in the Gulf. London: Pluto Press.
Hanieh, Adam (2021) 'Key Issues in the Political Economy of the Gulf Cooperation Council States.' In: Salvatore, Armando, Hanafi, Sari and Obuse, Kieko, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of the Middle East. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hanieh, Adam (2016) 'States of Exclusion: Migrant Work in the Gulf Arab States.' In: Choudry, Aziz and Hlatshwayo, Mondli, (eds.), Just Work? Migrant Workers' Struggles Today. London: Pluto Press.
Hanieh, Adam (2015) 'Capital, Labor, and State: Rethinking the Political Economy of Oil in the Gulf.' In: Ghazal, Amal and Hanssen, Jens, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Middle-Eastern and North African History. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hanieh, Adam (2015) 'Re-scaling Egypt's political economy: neoliberalism and the transformation of the regional space.' In: Abou-El-Fadl, Reem, (ed.), Revolutionary Egypt. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, pp. 156-176.
Hanieh, Adam (2015) 'Mapping the political economy of neoliberalism in the Arab world.' In: Mattei, Ugo and Haskell, John, (eds.), Research Handbook on Political Economy and Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (Research Handbooks on Globalisation and the Law Series)
Hanieh, Adam (2013) 'Middle East, Labor Migration.' In: Ness, Immanuel, (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishers.
Hanieh, Adam (2013) 'A 'Single War': The Political Economy of Intervention in the Middle East and Central Asia.' In: Klassen, Jerome and Albo, Gregory, (eds.), Empire's Ally: Canada and the War in Afghanistan. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Hanieh, Adam (2011) 'International financial institutions and Egypt.' In: Ekine, Sokari and Manji, Firoze, (eds.), African Awakening: The Emerging Revolutions. Oxford: Pambazuka Press.
Ziadah, Rafeef and Hanieh, Adam (2010) 'Collective approaches to activist knowledge: Experiences of the new anti-apartheid movement in Toronto.' In: Kapoor, Dip and Choudry, Aziz, (eds.), Learning from the Ground Up: Global Perspectives on Social Movements and Knowledge Production. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 85-99.
Hanieh, Adam (2010) 'Prisoners and Prison Conditions.' In: Rubenberg, Cheryl, (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Colorado: Lynne Reinner Publishers.
Hanieh, Adam (2006) 'The Politics of Curfew in the Occupied Territories.' In: Benin, Joel and Stein, Rebecca, (eds.), The Struggle for Sovereignty: Palestine and Israel, 1993-2005. California: Stanford University Press.
Hanieh, Adam (2006) 'Praising Empire: Neo-liberalism Under Pax Americana.' In: Mooers, Colin, (ed.), The New Imperialists: Ideologies of Empire. London: One World Press, pp. 167-199.
Hanieh, Adam (2021) 'COVID-19 and global oil markets.' Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 42 (1-2). pp. 101-108.
Hanieh, Adam (2019) 'New Geographies of Financial Power: Global Islamic Finance and the Gulf.' Third World Quarterly, 41 (3). pp. 525-546.
Hanieh, Adam (2019) 'Variegated Finance Capital and the Political Economy of Islamic Banking in the Gulf.' New Political Economy, 25 (4). pp. 572-589.
Hanieh, Adam (2018) 'The Contradictions of Global Migration.' Socialist Register, 55.
Hanieh, Adam (2016) 'Development as Struggle: Confronting the Reality of Power in Palestine.' Journal of Palestine Studies, 45 (4). pp. 32-47.
Hanieh, Adam (2016) 'Beyond Authoritarianism: Rethinking Egypt's ‘Long Revolution’.' Development and Change, 47 (5). pp. 1171-1179.
Hanieh, Adam (2016) 'Absent Regions: Spaces of Financialisation in the Arab World.' Antipode, 48 (5). pp. 1228-1248.
El-Zein, Abbas, DeJong, Jocelyn, Fargues, Philippe and Hanieh, Adam (2016) 'Who's been left behind? Why sustainable development goals fail the Arab world.' The Lancet, 388 (10040). pp. 207-210.
Hanieh, Adam (2015) 'A Brief History of ISIS.' Jacobin [online].
Hanieh, Adam (2015) 'Development through Unity. Assessing ESCWA's Arab Integration: A 21st Century Development Imperative.' Development and Change, 46 (4). pp. 979-992.
Hanieh, Adam (2014) 'Shifting Priorities or Business as Usual? Continuity and Change in the post-2011 IMF and World Bank Engagement with Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt.' British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 42 (1). pp. 119-134.
Buckley, Michelle and Hanieh, Adam (2013) 'Diversification by Urbanization: Tracing the Property-Finance Nexus in Dubai and the Gulf.' International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 38 (1). pp. 155-175.
Hanieh, Adam (2012) 'Finance, oil and the Arab uprisings: the global crisis and the Gulf states.' Socialist Register, 48.
Hanieh, Adam (2011) 'Egypt's 'Orderly Transition'? International Aid and the Rush to Structural Adjustment.' Jadaliyya.
Hanieh, Adam (2011) 'The internationalisation of Gulf capital and Palestinian class formation.' Capital and Class, 35 (1). pp. 81-106.
Hanieh, Adam (2011) 'Beyond Mubarak: Reframing the "Politics" and "Economics" of Egypt's Uprising.' Studies in Political Economy: A Socialist Review, 87 (1).
Hanieh, Adam (2010) 'Khaleeji-Capital: Class-Formation and Regional Integration in the Middle-East Gulf.' Historical Materialism, 18 (2). pp. 35-76.
Hanieh, Adam (2010) 'Temporary Migrant Labour and the Spatial Structuring of Class in the Gulf Cooperation Council.' Spectrum: Journal of Global Studies, 2 (3). pp. 67-89.
Hanieh, Adam (2009) 'Hierarchies of a Global Market: The South and the Economic Crisis.' Studies in Political Economy: A Socialist Review, 83 (1). pp. 61-84.
Li, Minqi and Hanieh, Adam (2006) 'Secular Trends, Long Waves and the Cost of the State: Evidence from the Long-term Movement of the Profit Rate in the US Economy 1869-2000.' Review: a Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center for the Studies of Economies, Historical Systems, and Civilizations, 29 (1). pp. 87-114.
Hanieh, Adam (2011) Egypt’s ‘Orderly Economic Transition’: Accelerated Structural Adjustment under a Democratic Veneer? London: Centre for Development Policy and Research, Development Viewpoint 64.
Hanieh, Adam (2006) 'Review: 'Palestinian Labour Migration to Israel: Labour, Land, and Occupation', by Leila Farsakh.' Journal of Palestine Studies, 36 (1). pp. 89-91.
Hanieh, Adam (2018) 'Ambitions of a Global Gulf: The Arab Uprisings, Yemen and the Saudi-Emirati Alliance.' In: Middle East Research and Information Project: Critical Coverage of the Middle East Since 1971.
Hanieh, Adam (2011) 'Egypt’s Uprising: Not Just a Question of Transition.' Monthly Review MRZine.
Hanieh, Adam (2008) 'Palestine in the Middle East: Opposing Neoliberalism and US Power.' Monthly Review MRZine.