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Heller, Jon (2016) 'The Use and Abuse of Analogy in IHL.' In: Ohlin, Jens David, (ed.), Theoretical Boundaries of Armed Conflict and Human Rights. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 232-286.
Heller, Jon (2016) 'The UN International Commission of Inquiry and International Crimes in Libya, 2011-2012.' In: Meierhenrich, Jens, (ed.), The Law and Practice of International Commissions of Inquiry. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Forthcoming)
Heller, Jon (2015) 'A Stick to Hit the Accused with’: The Legal Recharacterization of Facts Under Regulation 55.' In: Carsten, Stahn, (ed.), The Law and Practice of the International Criminal Court. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Heller, Jon (2014) 'International Prosecutors.' In: Romano, Cesare, Alter, Karen and Shany, Yuval, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Adjudication. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Oxford Handbooks in Law)
Heller, Jon (2013) 'Complementarity.' In: Schabas, William et al., (ed.), The Ashgate Research Companion to International Criminal Law: Critical Perspectives. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 335-356.
Heller, Jon (2012) 'Completion.' In: Reydams, Luc, Wouters, Jan and Ryngaert, Cedric, (eds.), The International Prosecutor. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Heller, Jon (2010) 'The Rome Statute in Comparative Perspective.' In: Dubber, Markus and Heller, Jon, (eds.), The Handbook of Comparative Criminal Law. Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp. 593-634.
Heller, Jon (2010) 'Situational Gravity Under the Rome Statute.' In: Stahn, Carsten and Van Den Herik, Larissa, (eds.), Future Perspectives on International Criminal Justice. Den Haag: TMC Asser Press.
Heller, Jon (2017) 'What is an International Crime? (A Revisionist History).' Harvard International Law Journal, 58 (2). pp. 353-420.
Heller, Jon (2016) 'Radical Complementarity.' Journal of International Criminal Justice, 14 (3). pp. 637-665.
Heller, Jon (2015) 'Disguising a Military Object as a Civilian Object: Prohibited Perfidy or Permissible Ruse of War?' International Law Studies, 91. pp. 517-539.
Heller, Jon (2013) 'The Taylor Sentencing Judgment: A Critical Analysis.' Journal of International Criminal Justice, 11 (4). pp. 835-855.
Heller, Jon (2013) ''One Hell of a Killing Machine': Signature Strikes and International Law.' Journal of International Criminal Justice, 11 (1). pp. 89-119.
Heller, Jon (2012) 'The Uncertain Legal Status of the Aggression Understandings.' Journal of International Criminal Justice, 10 (1). pp. 229-248.
Heller, Jon (2008) 'What Happens to the Acquitted?' Leiden Journal of International Law, 21 (03). pp. 663-680.
Heller, Jon (2008) 'Mistake of Legal Element, the Common Law, and Article 32 of the Rome Statute: A Critical Analysis.' Journal of International Criminal Justice, 6 (3). pp. 419-445.
Heller, Jon (2007) 'Retreat from Nuremberg: The Leadership Requirement in the Crime of Aggression.' European Journal of International Law, 18 (3). pp. 477-497.
Heller, Jon (2006) 'The Shadow Side of Complementarity: The Effect of Article 17 of the Rome Statute on National Due Process.' Criminal Law Forum, 17 (3-4). pp. 255-280.
Heller, Jon (2014) 'Review of - Rough Justice: The International Criminal Court in a World of Power Politics by David Bosco. Oxford: Oxford University Press.' H-Diplo Roundtable Reviews, XVI (12). pp. 5-9.
Heller, Jon (2012) 'Review of: Forging a convention for crimes against humanity edited by Leila Nadya Sadat. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.' Human Rights Quarterly, 34 (3).
Heller, Jon and Gasgoine, Catherine E. (2015) 'Nuremberg Trials.' In: Oxford Bibliographies [online]. Oxford: Oxford University Press.