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Kataoka, Mai (2019) '「語りかける異質性」とその能動・受動の二元論を越える契機: アンガス・ウィルソンのみた英訳版『細雪』の最後の二行 [A Moment of Encounter, Absorbing Differences: How Angus Wilson Read the Ending of a Japanese Novel, The Makioka Sisters, in its English Translation].' In: Inaga, Shigemi, (ed.), 映しと移ろい 文化伝播の器と蝕変の実相/Utsushi and Utsuroi: Metempsychosis and Passage. Tokyo: Kachosha, pp. 547-573.
Kataoka, Mai (2017) 'マンガ翻訳の海賊たち: スキャンレーションにおける航海術をめぐって [When Manga Fans Become Pirates: the Art of Translating and Navigating Japanese Manga].' In: Inaga, Shigemi, (ed.), 海賊史観からみた世界史の再構築 : 交易と情報流通の現在を問い直す/Pirate's view of the world history : a reversed perception of the order of things. Kyoto: Shibunkaku, pp. 70-90.
Zene, Cosimo (2001) 'The Ethics of Cross-Cultural Dialogue.' In: Inaga, Shigemi and Richard, K. L., (eds.), Crossing Cultural Borders: toward an ethics of international communication. Beyond reciprocal anthropology. Kyoto: International Research Center for Japanese Studies, pp. 89-124. (International Symposium; 14)