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Number of items: 127.

Authored Books

Istratii, Romina (2020) Adapting Gender and Development to Local Religious Contexts: A Decolonial Approach to Domestic Violence in Ethiopia. London: Routledge.

Edited Book or Journal Volume

Istratii, Romina and Laamann, Lars, eds. (2024) Orthodox Christian Churches and War Politics in Ethiopia and Ukraine. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. (Studies in World Christianity. Vol. 30, no.2)

Kalkum, Benjamin and Istratii, Romina, eds. (2023) Conference Proceedings of the Project dldl/ድልድል and EMIRTA Annual Conference 'Domestic Violence-Gender-Faith: Promoting Integrated and Decolonial Approaches to Domestic Violence Cross-culturally'. London: Project dldl/ድልድል, SOAS University of London.

Hirmer, Monika and Istratii, Romina, eds. (2022) A Time for Change. London: Decolonial Subversions.

Istratii, Romina, ed. (2020) Development Meets Theology: Contextualising Non-Western Christian Missions in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. London: Decolonial Subversions. (Special Issue 2020)

Hirmer, Monika and Istratii, Romina, eds. (2020) Cross-Cultural Engagements in Decolonial Times: Subverting Euro-Centric Structures, Epistemologies and Ontologies. London: Decolonial Subversions.

Hirmer, Monika, Istratii, Romina and Lim, Iris, eds. (2018) Decolonisation in Praxis. London: SOAS University of London. (The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research)

Hirmer, Monika and Istratii, Romina, eds. (2017) Exploring Fluid Times: Knowledge, Minds and Bodies. SOAS. London: SOAS University of London. (The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research Vol. 10 (2016-2017))

Istratii, Romina and Hirmer, Monika, eds. (2016) Identities: Power and Politics. London: SOAS University of London. (SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research; Vol. 9, 2015-2016)

Book Chapters

Istratii, Romina (2023) 'Domestic Violence, Religion and Migration.' In: Rowlands, Anna and Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena, (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Religion and Contemporary Migration. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Istratii, Romina (2023) 'Wartime violence and partner violence.' In: Ali, Parveen and Rogers, Michaela M., (eds.), Comprehensive Guide of Gender-Based Violence For Nurses and Healthcare Professionals. Cham: Springer Nature, pp. 335-349.

Istratii, Romina (2021) 'Foreword.' In: Alexander, George, (ed.), Patriarch Daniel and the Resurgence of the Romanian Orthodox Church. Kerala, India: OCP Publications.

Istratii, Romina (2019) 'Orthodox.' In: Ross, Kenneth, Jeyaraj, Daniel and Johnson, Todd M., (eds.), Edinburgh Companions to Global Christianity Vol. 3 Christianity in South and Central Asia. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 223-235.

Journal Article

Istratii, Romina (2024) 'Beyond "Religious Fundamentalism": Bridging Religious Tradition, Gender Normative Systems, and State Institutions to Respond to Intimate Partner Violence in Ethiopia.' American Behavioral Scientist. (Forthcoming)

Istratii, Romina and Laamann, Lars (2024) 'Editorial: Orthodox Christian Churches and War Politics in Ethiopia and Ukraine: Historical, Ecclesial and Theological Reflections.' Studies in World Christianity, 30 (2). pp. 137-148.

Istratii, Romina, Ali, Parveen and Feder, Gene (2024) 'Integration of religious beliefs and faith-based resources in domestic violence services to migrant and ethnic minority communities: A scoping review.' Violence: An International Journal, 5 (1). pp. 94-122.

Istratii, Romina, Ali, Parveen, Feder, Gene and Mshweshwe, Linda (2023) 'Integration of religious beliefs and faith-based resources in domestic violence services to migrant and ethnic minority communities: A scoping review.' PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square.

Istratii, Romina and Hirmer, Monika (2023) 'The role of language in diversifying knowledge production: Reflecting on the experience of Decolonial Subversions as a multilingual publishing platform.' Decolonial Subversions Special Issue 2023, 2023. pp. 77-95.

Istratii, Romina and Ali, Parveen (2023) 'A Scoping Review on the Role of Religion in the Experience of IPV and Faith-Based Responses in Community and Counseling Settings.' Journal of Psychology and Theology, 51 (2). pp. 141-173.

Istratii, Romina and Parveen, Ali (2022) 'A multi-sectoral evidence synthesis on religious beliefs, intimate partner violence and faith-based interventions. PREPRINT.' Available on Research Square.

Hirmer, Monika and Istratii, Romina (2021) 'Editorial Decolonial Subversions 2021: A Time for Change.' Decolonial Subversions, 2021. pp. 1-7.

Mormina, Maru and Istratii, Romina (2021) '‘Capacity for what? Capacity for whom?’ A decolonial deconstruction of research capacity development practices in the Global South and a proposal for a value-centred approach.' Wellcome Open Research, 6 (129).

Istratii, Romina (2021) 'An ethnographic look into conjugal abuse in Ethiopia: a study from the Orthodox Täwahedo community of Aksum through the local religio-cultural framework.' የኢትዮጵያ ዓመታዊ መጽሔት = Annales d'Ethiopie, 33. pp. 253-300.

Istratii, Romina (2020) 'Development Meets Theology: Contextualising Non-Western Christian Missions in Africa, Asia and the Middle East (Editorial).' Decolonial Subversions Special Issue 2020, 2020. pp. 1-7.

Demeter, Márton and Istratii, Romina (2020) 'Scrutinising what Open Access Journals Mean for Global Inequalities.' Publishing Research Quarterly, 36. pp. 505-522.

Istratii, Romina and Hirmer, Monika (2020) 'Editorial Cross-cultural Engagements in Decolonial Times: Subverting Euro-centric Structures, Epistemologies and Ontologies.' Decolonial Subversions, 2020. pp. 3-12.

Istratii, Romina and Demeter, Márton (2020) 'Plan S and the 'opening up' of scientific knowledge: A critical commentary.' Decolonial Subversions, 2020. pp. 13-21.

Istratii, Romina and Demeter, Márton (2020) 'A Plan S és a tudományos tudás "hozzáférhetővé tétele": kritikai kommentár.' Decolonial Subversions, 2020. pp. 13-21.

Istratii, Romina (2019) 'Epistemological reflexivity and labyrinthine ethnography: insights from a gender-sensitive study of conjugal abuse in a religious society.' Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford Online, XI (1). pp. 25-52.

Istratii, Romina (2018) 'Beyond a feminist ‘hermeneutics of suspicion’: Reading St John Chrysostom’s commentaries on man-woman relations, marriage and conjugal abuse through the Orthodox phronema.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 11 (2017-2018). pp. 16-47.

Istratii, Romina, Hirmer, Monika and Lim, Iris (2018) 'Editorial I: Conference Proceedings ‘Decolonisation in Praxis’, SOAS 2018.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 11. pp. 6-9.

Lim, Iris, Istratii, Romina and Hirmer, Monika (2018) 'Introduction to Volume 11.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 11 (2017-2018). pp. 3-5.

Istratii, Romina (2018) 'Sensitising gender to local cosmology: A participatory ethnographic gender and development approach from a Muslim community in Senegal.' The Journal of Development Practice, 4. pp. 8-23.

Istratii, Romina and Porter, Helen (2018) 'Understanding the possibilities and limitations of open access publishing for decolonising knowledge-making and dissemination.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 11 (2017-2018). pp. 185-194.

Hirmer, Monika, Istratii, Romina and Lim, Iris (2017) 'Editorial II: The Praxis of Decolonisation.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 11 (2017-2018). pp. 10-15.

Istratii, Romina (2017) 'Mainstream Gender and Development Concepts and Theories at the Interface with Local Knowledge Systems: Some Theoretical Reflections.' The Journal of Development Practice, 3. pp. 1-13.

Istratii, Romina and Hirmer, Monika (2017) 'Introduction to Edition 10.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 10 (2016-2017). pp. 2-3.

Istratii, Romina and Hirmer, Monika (2017) 'Letter from the Editors.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 10 (2016-2017). pp. 4-8.

Istratii, Romina and Hirmer, Monika (2016) 'Introduction to Edition 9.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 9 (2015-2016). pp. 2-3.

Istratii, Romina and Hirmer, Monika (2016) 'Letter From the Editors.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 9 (2015-2016).

Conference or Workshop Items

Istratii, Romina (2023) Chair: Roundtable Discussions-Decolonisation in Higher Education Policy. In: Roundtable Discussion on Decolonisation in Higher Education Policy, 28 June 2023, UCL.

Istratii, Romina (2023) Decolonising Research: An Introduction. In: AHRC Research Libraries UK – Research Catalyst Cohort Programme, 18 January 2023, Online.

Istratii, Romina (2022) Sensitising gender responses to faith in conflict settings in Ethiopia. In: British Embassy learning event to kick off 16 Days of Activism against GBV, 24 November 2022, Ethiopia.

Istratii, Romina and Gonite, Tesfaye (2022) Engaging men to respond to domestic violence: Findings from project dldl/ድልድል- EMIRTA joint research in Amhara region, Ethiopia with implications for humanitarian setting. In: ‘Working with Men and Boys to Prevent and Respond to GBV in Humanitarian Settings: Learnings and Opportunities’, 27 September 2022, Virtual.

Istratii, Romina (2022) Problematising decolonisation in the VAWG Sector. In: Practical Perspectives on Decolonisation in the VAWG Sector, 31 August 2022, Virtual.

Istratii, Romina (2022) Decolonizing Religions and Development Theory and Practice : Why is it Needed and How Can it be Achieved. In: Academic Encounters Series, 21 July 2022, Virtual.

Istratii, Romina and Assefa, Zinawork (2022) The project dldl approach: A culture-sensitive and faith-informed research and intervention programme with men to respond to domestic violence in Ethiopia. In: East and Southern Africa Regional Symposium on Gender Transformative Symposium to engaging Men and Boys in GBV Prevention and Response in Humanitarian Settings, 28 June 2022, Virtual.

Istratii, Romina (2022) Exploring the relationship between conjugal abuse, parenting and childhood trauma and the role of faith as a potential deterrent: Ethnographic insights from research in Ethiopia. In: African Families Service Link Workers' Forum, London Borough Tower Hamlets, 23 June 2022, Online. (Unpublished)

Istratii, Romina (2022) On the Greek Orthodox Church and its contemporary engagements with diverse cultural and religious contexts in the era of decolonising. In: Conference section «ON THE PROBLEMS OF MISSIONARY ACTIVITY AND POSTCOLONIAL THEOLOGY», 18 June, Tomsk Theological Seminary (virtual). (Unpublished)

Istratii, Romina (2022) Introduction. In: Orthodox Christianity and War: A historical, ecclesial and theological deliberation in pursuit of peace and inter-Church conciliation, 18 May 2022, SOAS University of London and online.

Istratii, Romina (2022) The role of religious traditions in promoting gender equality and responding to domestic violence: What we can learn from project dldl/ድልድል? In: Gender and Power: An Event for International Women's Day, 8 March 2022, London International Development Centre (LIDC).

Istratii, Romina and Damtew, Aklil (2021) Designing and evaluating faith-based interventions in culture-sensitive ways: Insights from the international evidence and practical lessons from project dldl/ድልድል. In: Designing and evaluating culture-sensitive and faith-based domestic violence interventions: International experiences, 28 October 2021, Virtual.

Istratii, Romina (2021) Decolonising methodologies in migration research: the approach of project dldl/ድልድል. In: Centre of Migration, Diaspora and Exile (MIDEX) Workshop Series on Ethical and Innovative Research in Migration Studies: Decolonising Methodologies Session, 27 October 2021, Virtual. (Unpublished)

Istratii, Romina and Demeter, Márton (2021) Open Access Publishing under Plan S: When Good Intentions Remain Eurocentric. In: European International Studies Association Mid-career Development Roundtable 'Open Access: When the Road to Inequalities is Paved with Good Intentions', 13-17 September 2021, Virtual. (Unpublished)

Istratii, Romina (2021) Project dldl/ድልድል: A research and innovation project dedicated to the development and strengthening of religio-culturally sensitive, domestic violence alleviation systems in Ethiopia, Eritrea and the UK. In: 2021 UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships Annual Conference, 12-14 October 2021, Virtual.

Istratii, Romina (2021) Decolonising Development Theory and Practice: The Role of Religious Knowledge. In: De-colonising Development: An Open Event for Practitioners, 23 June 2021, Virtual.

Istratii, Romina (2021) Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in international research: The GCRF Gender Equality Statement in view of definitions of equitable partnerships and understandings of diversity. In: Faculty of Health and Life Sciences Workshop Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Perspectives in Research, 29 June 2021, University of Liverpool. (Unpublished)

Istratii, Romina (2021) Decolonising prevailing systems of knowledge in international development. In: International Development Conference 2021: Decolonising Prevailing Systems of Knowledge Production Panel, 12-13 February 2021, University of Toronto Scarborough (virtual). (Unpublished)

Istratii, Romina (2021) Working with religious communities to address domestic violence in peace and war-time: Insights from project dldl/ድልድል in Ethiopia. In: JLI Religions, Humanitarianism, and Development Research Reading Group Session, 13 January 2022, Virtual.

Istratii, Romina (2020) Addressing domestic violence in religious communities: Taking stock of lessons and approaches in the era of decolonising knowledge. In: Addressing domestic violence in religious communities: Taking stock of lessons and approaches in the era of decolonising knowledge, 27 November 2020, Virtual.

Istratii, Romina (2020) Moving towards an Open Access Decolonial Knowledge Production Model: The Need for a Systemic, People-centred Approach. In: Open Science and the Decolonization of Knowledge | Europe - North America, 20 November 2020, Virtual.

Istratii, Romina, Demeter, Márton and Ginelli, Zoltán (2020) The Return of the Colonial: Understanding the Role of Eastern Europe in Global Colonisation Debates and Decolonial Struggles - A Summary and Future Roadmap. In: The Return of the Colonial: Understanding the Role of Eastern Europe in Global Colonisation Debates and Decolonial Struggles, 27 September 2020, Virtual Workshop. (Unpublished)

Istratii, Romina (2020) Moving beyond assumptions: The complex role of religious tradition the experience of conjugal abuse in Northern Ethiopia. In: Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide, 27 October 2020, Online.

Istratii, Romina (2020) Faith, human psychology and domestic violence: Some ethnographic insights. In: Partner Violence and Mental Health Network, 15 October 2020, Online Discussion.

Istratii, Romina (2020) Trying to be better partners: Key insights from an internal GCRF Strategy review at SOAS, University of London. In: THE SOAS-OXFORD Research for Development (R4D) Lunchtime Series, 17 September 2020, Online Discussion.

Istratii, Romina (2020) How can Eastern European scholars diversify and challenge constructs, theories and paradigms that remain rigidly informed by experiences of colonialism and racism in Western Europe and North America, including ‘whiteness’ studies? A Roadmap. In: The Return of the Colonial: Understanding the Role of Eastern Europe in Global Colonisation Debates and Decolonial Struggles, 10 September 2020, Virtual Workshop. (Unpublished)

Istratii, Romina, Demeter, Márton and Ginelli, Zoltán (2020) The Return of the Colonial: Understanding the Role of Eastern Europe in Global Colonisation Debates and Decolonial Struggles. In: Virtual Workshop, 10 September 2020.

Istratii, Romina and Hirmer, Monika (2020) Introducing Decolonial Subversions – a new Multilingual Open Access Publishing Platform. In: Decolonising Modern Languages: A Symposium for Sharing Practices and Ideas, 8-11 September 2020, Institute of Modern Languages Research (Online). (Unpublished)

Istratii, Romina (2020) Building strong and healthy research partnerships during the PhD experience: A decolonial approach. In: SeNSS Virtual Conference - Pathway sessions (Development Studies), 17 July 2020. (Unpublished)

Istratii, Romina (2020) Substantiating the elusive language of partnerships for development: From ‘equitable’ to reflexive, dialogical and honest. In: Stronger Together: Partnerships for the Global Goals, 9 July 2020, London International Development Centre.

Istratii, Romina (2020) UKRI Gender Equality Statement: Understanding the Risks of ‘Gender Planning’ and Suggestions towards Gender-sensitive, Locally-embedded Approaches. In: SOAS-Oxford Research for Development Lunchtime Series, 30 January 2020, SOAS University of London.

Istratii, Romina (2020) Bridging the Epistemological, Structural and Normative in Knowledge Production: How Euro-centrism is Systemically Preserved and Can Be Subverted. In: LSE Africa Talks: Decolonising African Knowledge Systems, 16 January 2020, LSE.

Istratii, Romina and Lewis, Alex (2019) Applying a Decolonial Lens to Research Structures, Norms and Practices in Higher Education Institutions: Conversation Event Report. In: Applying a Decolonial Lens to Research Structures, Norms and Practices in Higher Education Institutions, 18 September 2019, SOAS University of London: Research and Enterprise Directorate. (Unpublished)

Istratii, Romina (2019) Decolonising aetiologies and theories of IPV in public health scholarship and practice: Insights from an ethnographic study of conjugal abuse from an Ethiopian Orthodox Täwahәdo community. In: Development Studies Association Conference 2019, ‘Opening up Development’, 19-21 JUNE 2019, 2019, The Open University, Milton Keynes. (Unpublished)

Istratii, Romina (2019) ‘Religious fundamentalism’: Contemplating the epistemological, ethical and practical limitations of the conceptual category in its cross-cultural deployment. In: Strictly Observant Religion, Gender and the State, 25-26 March 2019, Woolf Institute, Cambridge University. (Unpublished)

Istratii, Romina (2019) Cross-cultural understanding and the recovery of histories in post-colonial times: An argument for epistemological decolonisation at SOAS, University of London. In: European Association of Archeologists Beyond Paradigms, 4-7 September 2019, Bern, Switzerland. (Unpublished)

Istratii, Romina (2019) Does the theoretical language of SDG 5 hinder understanding and addressing intimate partner violence cross-culturally? Some epistemological concerns and empirical insights from a religious society of Ethiopia. In: Keeping Faith in 2030: Religions and the Sustainable Development Goals, 12-13 February 2019, SOAS University of London. (Unpublished)

Istratii, Romina (2018) Introductory Speech. In: Decolonisation in Praxis, 7 June 2018, SOAS University of London. (Unpublished)

Istratii, Romina, Hirmer, Monika and Lim, Iris (2017) Decolonisation in Praxis, Conference Proceedings. In: Conference Proceedings, 'Decolonisation in Praxis'.

Monographs and Working Papers

Istratii, Romina (2022) Training Ethiopian Orthodox clergy to respond to domestic violence in Ethiopia: Programme summary and evaluation report (A Project dldl/ድልድል and EOTC DICAC collaborative programme). London: Project dldl/ድልድል: Bridging religious studies, gender and development and public health to address domestic violence in religious communities. SOAS University of London.

Istratii, Romina (2021) Discourses and Practices of Ethiopian Orthodox Täwahәdo Clergy Regarding Faith, Marriage and Spousal Abuse: The Case of Aksum in Tigray Region (prior the war). London: Working Paper 3 (English). Project dldl/ድልድል: Bridging religious studies, gender and development and public health to address domestic violence in religious communities. SOAS University of London.

Istratii, Romina (2021) Content Summary: Workshops on Domestic Violence with Ethiopian Orthodox Täwahәdo Church (EOTC) Clergy. London: Project dldl/ድልድል, SOAS University of London.

Istratii, Romina (2021) War and domestic violence: A rapid scoping of the literature to understand the relationship and to inform responses in the Tigray humanitarian crisis. London: Working Paper 2 (English). Project dldl/ድልድል: Bridging religious studies, gender and development and public health to address domestic violence in religious communities. SOAS University of London.

Istratii, Romina and Lewis, Alex (2020) Policy Brief. Promoting the SOAS GCRF Strategy: A qualitative assessment of research development processes and partnerships building in collaborative international research. London: SOAS University of London. (Unpublished)

Book Reviews

Istratii, Romina (2023) 'Book Review: Elisabet le Roux and Sandra Iman Pertek, On the Significance of Religion in Violence Against Women and Girls, 2023, Oxon: Routledge, 194 pp, isbn 978-0-367-76949-9.' Religion and Gender, 14 (3). pp. 326-329.

Istratii, Romina (2019) 'Book review: Religion and intimate partner violence: understanding the challenges and proposing solutions.' Journal of Religious and Theological Information, 18 (1). pp. 40-42.

Istratii, Romina (2017) 'Review of Wendy Urban-Mead, The Gender of Piety: Family, Faith, and Colonial Rule in Matabeleland, Zimbabwe, Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press 2015, xiv + 324 pp, ISBN 9-780821-421581.' Religion and Gender, 7 (2). pp. 271-273.

Istratii, Romina (2016) 'Review of Afe Adogame. The Public Face of African New Religious Movements in Diaspora: Imagining the Religious 'Other.' Ashgate, 2014.' British Association for the Study of Religions (BASR) Bulletin, 129 . pp. 29-31.

Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs

Mormina, Maru and Istratii, Romina (2023) Decolonising Research Capacity Development. Integration and Implementation Insights (I2Insights) [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Mormina, Maru and Istratii, Romina (2023) Decolonising Research Capacity Development. On Think Tanks (OTT) [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Istratii, Romina (2021) Domestic Violence, Faith, and the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church: 16 Days Of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence. Public Orthodoxy [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Istratii, Romina (2021) On the Conflict in Tigray. Public Orthodoxy [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Istratii, Romina, Papagianni, Estela, Ghebreweldi, Mebrak and Damtew, Aklil (2021) Starting a research project during a pandemic and a war: lessons from project dldl/ድልድል. SOAS Blog [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Istratii, Romina (2021) The necessity for a decolonial approach to researching and addressing domestic violence in diverse religio-cultural contexts. Project dldl/ድልድል blog. SOAS University of London [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Mormina, Maru, Istratii, Romina and Lewis, Alex (2020) Genuine North-South collaboration depends on a new reward system. Times Higher Education (THE) [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Istratii, Romina (2020) Gender and Orthodoxy (Series) : A decolonial critique of western feminist hermeneutics in theology/religious studies in relation to Orthodox communities. Orthodox Outlet for Dogmatic Enquiries (English) [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Istratii, Romina (2020) Μια από-αποικιοκρατική αξιολόγηση των φεμινιστικών ερμηνευτικών προσεγγίσεων στις θεολογικές / θρησκευτικές σπουδές σε συνάρτηση με τις Ορθόδοξες κοινωνίες. Orthodox Outlet for Dogmatic Enquiries (Greek) [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Istratii, Romina (2020) Contemplating the impact of restrictions on the religious life of ethnic minority and migrant communities during the Covid-19 pandemic. Refugee Hosts [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Gebrselassie, Elias and Istratii, Romina (2020) Restricting religious practice in the era of COVID-19: The case of the Ethiopian Orthodox Täwahәdo community. Orthodox Outlet for Dogmatic Enquiries (Amharic) [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Istratii, Romina (2020) Restricting religious practice in the era of COVID-19: A de-westernised perspective on religious freedom with reference to the case of Greece. Political Theology Network [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Istratii, Romina (2020) The LONG READ on DECOLONISING KNOWLEDGE: How western Euro-centrism is systemically preserved and what we can do to subvert it. Convivial Thinking [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Istratii, Romina (2020) Μια σύντομη γενεαλογική ανάλυση της έννοιας του «κοινωνικού φύλου» στην δυτική φεμινιστική θεωρία: Η πορεία προς την διχοτόμηση του ανθρώπου σε κοινωνικό και βιολογικό, τα αναπάντητα μεταφυσικά ερωτήματα κι οι αποικιοκρατικές τάσεις διεθνώς. Orthodox Outlet for Dogmatic Enquiries (Greek) [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Istratii, Romina (2019) Applying a decolonial lens to research structures, practices and norms in higher education: What does it mean and where to next? LIDC (London International Development Centre) [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Istratii, Romina (2019) Research reflexivity in the current governance framework: Problematising trends and reconsidering the meaning of research ethics in ‘cultural translation’. Decolonising SOAS [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Istratii, Romina (2019) By Whose Standards? Religious Fundamentalism, Gender Equality and Cross-Cultural Differences. Woolf Institute [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Istratii, Romina (2018) Harnessing local knowledge to address gender-related issues: A new model of development in religious communities? LSE Blogs: Religion and Global Society [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Istratii, Romina (2018) Terrain/Fieldwork: gender and development through local epistemologies. The scientific blog of the French Centre for Ethiopian Studies [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Istratii, Romina (2018) H «πολιτικά ορθή θρησκεία» ως όχημα επιστημολογικής αποικιοκρατίας και πολιτισμικής υπονόμευσης: Η περίπτωση της Ελλάδας και των φακέλων του μαθητή για το Ορθόδοξο μάθημα. Orthodox Outlet for Dogmatic Enquiries [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Istratii, Romina (2018) Substantiating ‘Development’: Toward an Epistemology-Sensitive Development as Freedom? SOAS African Development Forum (ADF) [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Istratii, Romina (2015) Using Traditional Patriarchal Institutions to Address Women’s Problems. Sylff Association, Voices from the Sylff Community [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]


Istratii, Romina (2019) Gender and development through local epistemologies : understanding conjugal violence among orthodox Tawahedo Christians in northern Ethiopia and implications for changing attitudes and norms within local worldviews. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:


Istratii, Romina and Elias, Gebrselassie, trans. (2020) ኦርቶዶክሳዊ ነገረ ሰብእ. Orthodox Outlet for Dogmatic Enquiries (Amharic).

Gebrselassie, Elias, Adhanom, Fresenbet G. Y. and Istratii, Romina, trans. (2019) ለኦርቶዶክስ ጋብቻ መመሪያ - የቅዱስ ዮሐንስ አፈወርቅ ሰባት ስብከቶች ስለ ወንድ እና ሴት፡ የትዳር ሕይወትና የትዳር ላይ ጥቃት. Orthodox Outlet for Dogmatic Enquiries (Amharic), 2019 .


Istratii, Romina (2022) The Red Press Podcast: In Conversation With Dr Romina Istratii. The Press Red. [Audio]

Istratii, Romina (2020) Pursuing A Decolonial Academic Career Path in Times of Crises (Interview). The​REProject. [Audio]

Istratii, Romina (2015) Nεανικές Ανησυχίες - Ρομίνα Ιστράτη (ΥOUTH CONCERNS - Romina Istratii Interview). PΑΔΙΟ ΜΑΡΤΥΡΙΑ (RADIO MARTYRIA). [Audio]


Istratii, Romina (2022) Actions to Decolonising Development Video Series: Knowledge Production – with Dr Romina Istratii. Africa Unconstrained series by Development Reimagined. Available from

Istratii, Romina and Laamann, Lars (2022) Orthodox Christianity and War: A historical, ecclesial and theological deliberation in pursuit of peace and inter-Church conciliation. SOAS University of London. Available from

Istratii, Romina (2022) Addressing Intimate Partner Violence and Attending to Orthodoxy: A Conversation with Romina Istratii. The Orthodox Christian Studies Center of Fordham University. Available from

Istratii, Romina (2021) Decolonising Knowledge by Empowering the Margins. The Know Show Podcast. Available from

Istratii, Romina (2020) The Complex Role of Religion in the Experience of Conjugal Abuse in Northern Ethiopia. Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide. Available from

Istratii, Romina (2020) Book launch: Adapting Gender and Development to Local Religious Contexts: A Decolonial Approach to Domestic Violence in Ethiopia. SOAS University of London. Available from

Istratii, Romina (2020) Faith, human psychology and domestic violence: Some ethnographic insights. Partner Violence and Mental Health Network. Available from

Istratii, Romina (2020) Research Ethics: Developing Best Practice for Researching in the Global South - Romina Istratii Interview. The Sheffield Institute of International Development, The University of Sheffield. Available from


Istratii, Romina (2022) Ethiopian Orthodox Clergy Assessment of Workshop Series on Domestic Violence Delivered in Ethiopia, 2021. [Datasets]


Istratii, Romina (2020) 'Featured Member: Meet Dr Romina Istratii, LIDC's featured member.' London: London International Development Centre.

Istratii, Romina and Hasan, Khalid (2019) 'Ethical Reflexivity and Research Governance: Navigating the Tensions (Online Module).' SOAS University of London: SOAS Research and Enterprise Directorate.

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