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Iwasaki, Noriko and Kumagai, Yuri (2015) The Routledge Intermediate to Advanced Japanese Reader: A Genre-Based Approach to Reading as a Social Practice. Abingdon; New York: Routledge. (Routledge Modern Language Readers)
Kawakami, Ikuo, Miyake, Kazuko and Iwasaki, Noriko, eds. (2018) 『移動とことば』(Mobility and Language). Tokyo: Kurosio Publishers.
Iwasaki, Noriko, Sells, Peter and Akita, Kimi, eds. (2016) The grammar of Japanese mimetics: Perspectives from structure, acquisition and translation. Abingdon; New York: Routledge. (Routledge Studies in East Asian Linguistics)
Pizziconi, Barbara and Iwasaki, Noriko (2023) 'Narratives of connecting – intercultural mediation during and after study abroad.' In: Derivry-Plard, Martine and Liddicoat, Anthony J., (eds.), La Médiation interculturelle en didactique des langues et des cultures / Intercultural mediation in teaching and learning languages and cultures. Paris: Editions des archives contemporaines, pp. 126-137.
Iwasaki, Noriko and Kumagai, Yuri (2020) 'Making it your own by adapting it to what’s important to you”: Plurilingual Critical Literacies to promote L2 Japanese users’ sense of ownership of Japanese.' In: Bagga-Gupta, Sangeeta, Golden, Anne, Holm, Lars, Laursen, Helle Pia and Pitkanen-Huhta, Anne, (eds.), Reconceptualizing connections between language, learning and literacy. Cham: Springer Nature, pp. 165-186. (Educational linguistics ; v 39)
Otsuka, Aiko and Iwasaki, Noriko (2018) '「国境を超えたあるろう者のライフストーリー:ろう者にとっての『移動』と『ことば』」.' In: Kawakami, Ikuo, Miyake, Kazuko and Iwasaki, Noriko, (eds.), 『移動とことば』. Tokyo: Kurosio Publishers, pp. 191-214.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2018) '「『ハーフ』の学生の日本留学:言語ポートレートが示すアイデンティティ変容とライフストーリー」.' In: Kawakami, Ikuo, Miyake, Kazuko and Iwasaki, Noriko, (eds.), 『移動とことば』. Tokyo: Kurosio Publishers, pp. 16-38.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2017) '「外国人は日本語のオノマトペを使えるの?」[Can learners of Japanese as a second/foreign language use Japanese mimetics?].' In: Kubozono, Haruo, (ed.), 『オノマトペの謎ーピカチュウからモフモフまでー』[Mysteries of Japanese mimetics]. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, pp. 77-90.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2016) 'Use of mimetics in motion event descriptions by English and Korean learners of L2 Japanese: Does typology make a difference?' In: Iwasaki, Noriko, Sells, Peter and Akita, Kimi, (eds.), The grammar of Japanese mimetics: Perspectives from structure, acquisition and translation. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, pp. 193-218. (Routledge Studies in East Asian Linguistics)
Iwasaki, Noriko (2016) 'Grammar of Japanese mimetics used by English and Korean learners of L2 Japanese in KY Corpus interviews: Does L1-L2 similarity help?' In: Iwasaki, Noriko, Sells, Peter and Akita, Kimi, (eds.), The grammar of Japanese mimetics: Perspectives from structure, acquisition and translation. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, pp. 148-171. (Routledge Studies in East Asian Linguistics)
Iwasaki, Noriko (2016) 'Grammar for reading Japanese as a second language: Variation of stance expressions utilizing to omou in different written registers.' In: Benati, Alessandro and Yamashita, Sayoko, (eds.), Theory, research and pedagogy in learning and teaching Japanese grammar. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 157-186.
Brown, Lucien, Iwasaki, Noriko and Lee, Keunyoung (2015) 'Implementing multiliteracies in the Korean classroom through visual media.' In: Kamagai, Y., López-Sánchez, Ana and Wu, Sujane, (eds.), Multiliteracies in World Language Education. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, pp. 158-181. (Language, Culture and Teaching)
Kumagai, Yuri and Iwasaki, Noriko (2015) 'Reading words to read worlds: A genre-based critical multiliteracies curriculum in intermediate/advanced Japanese language education.' In: Kumagai, Yuri, López-Sánchez, Ana and Wu, Sujane, (eds.), Multiliteracies in World Language Education. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, pp. 109-131. (Language, Culture and Teaching)
Iwasaki, Noriko (2015) 'Sentence production models to consider for L2 Japanese sentence production research.' In: Nakayama, Mineharu, (ed.), Handbook of Japanese Psycholinguistics. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter, pp. 545-582. (Handbooks of Japanese Language and Linguistics; 9)
Iwasaki, Noriko (2013) 'Getting over the hedge: Acquisition of mitigating language in L2 Japanese.' In: Kinginger, Celeste, (ed.), Social and Cultural Aspects of Language Learning in Study Abroad. Philadelphia/Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 239-267. (Language Learning and Language Teaching 37)
Iwasaki, Noriko, Brown, Lucien, Kita, Sotaro and David, Vinson (2013) 'Japanese and Korean Speakers' Production of Mimetic Words.' In: Frellesvig, Bjarke and Sells, Peter, (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics Volume 20. Stanford, California: CSLI, pp. 199-213.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2012) 'L2 Vocabulary Teaching: Debunking Pervasive Myths.' In: Sanz, Montserrat and Igoa, José Manuel, (eds.), Applying Language Science to Language Pedagogy. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 201-220.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2011) 'Incremental Sentence Production: Observations from Elicited Speech Errors in Japanese.' In: Yamashita, Hiroko, Hirose, Yuki and Packard, Jerry, (eds.), Processing and Producing Head-Final Structures. Dordrecht: Springer Science, pp. 131-151. (Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics, Vol. 38)
Watanabe, Suwako and Iwasaki, Noriko (2009) 'The acquisition of Japanese modality during the study abroad.' In: Pizziconi, Barbara and Kizu, Mika, (eds.), Japanese Modality: Exploring its scope and interpretation. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 231-258.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2007) '「痛み」の擬態語をめぐる音象徴:英語話者が語音から感じ取る「痛み」.' In: 南, 雅彦, (ed.), 言語学と日本語教育 V. Bunkyō: くろしお出版, pp. 1-17.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2007) 'Case Particle Errors in Japanese: Is the Nominative ga a Default Case Marker in Sentence Production?' In: Schütze, Carson T. and Ferreira, Victor S., (eds.), The State of the Art in Speech Error Research: Proceedings of the LSA Institute Workshop. Cambridge, MA: MIT, pp. 205-219. (MIT working papers in linguistics; v. 53)
Iwasaki, Noriko, Vinson, David P. and Vigliocco, Gabriella (2007) 'How does it hurt, kiri-kiri or siku-siku? Japanese mimetic words of pain perceived by Japanese speakers and English speakers.' In: Minami, Masahiko, (ed.), Applying theory and research to learning Japanese as a foreign language. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 2-19.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2007) 'Japanese Children’s Acquisition of the Accusative Case: Evidence for an Interim Stage Preceding Morphological Case Acquisition.' In: Shirai, Hidetoshi and Kagakukai, Gengo, (eds.), Studies in language sciences; 6. Tokyo: Kuroshio Shuppan, pp. 77-94.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2006) 'Processes in L2 Japanese Sentence Production.' In: Nakayama, Mineharu, Mazuka, R. and Shirai, Y., (eds.), The Handbook of East Asian Psycholinguistics. Volume II: Japanese. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 158-164.
Iwasaki, Noriko and Sadler, Misumi (2005) 'Iconicity and viewpoint in determining Word order in Japanese dative construction.' In: Ettlinger, Marc, Fleisher, Nicholas and Park-Doob, Mischa, (eds.), Proceedings of the thirtieth annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, February 13-16, 2004 : general session and parasession on conceptual structure and cognition in grammatical theory. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Linguistics Society, pp. 468-480. (BLS (Berkeley Linguistic Society) Proceedings 30)
Iwasaki, Noriko (2004) '日本語学習者による「に」の誤用:他動性のプロトタイプによる仮説構築.' In: 南, 雅彦 and 浅野, 真紀子, (eds.), 言語学と日本語教育 III. Bunkyō: くろしお出版, pp. 177-196.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2003) 'L2 Acquisition of Japanese: Knowledge and Use of Case Particles in SOV and OSV Sentences.' In: Karimi, Simin, (ed.), Word Order and Scrambling. Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell, pp. 273-300.
Iwasaki, Noriko and McKee, C. (2001) 'Lemma Structure in Language Learning. Comments on Representation and Realization.' In: Weissenborn, J. and Hoehle, B., (eds.), Approaches to Bootstrapping. Phonological, Lexical, Syntactic and Neurophysiological Aspects of Early Language Acquisition. Volume 1. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 125-144.
Iwasaki, Noriko, Vigliocco, Gabriella and Garrett, Merrill (1998) 'Adjectives and adjectival nouns in Japanese: Psychological processes in sentence production.' In: Silva, David J., (ed.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Volume 8. Stanford, CA: CSLI (Center for the Study of Language and Information), pp. 93-106.
Pizziconi, Barbara and Iwasaki, Noriko (2024) 'Friends as mediators in study abroad contexts in Japan: negotiating stereotypical discourses about Japanese culture.' The Language Learning Journal, 52 (1). pp. 49-65.
Masuda, Kyoko and Iwasaki, Noriko (2018) 'Pair-work dynamics: Stronger learners’ languaging engagement and learning outcomes for the Japanese polysemous particles ni/de.' Language and Sociocultural Theory, 5 (1). pp. 46-71.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2018) '継承日本語話者のアイデンティティの変容 —留学前、留学中、留学後の言語レパートリーの意識の変容—.' Yōroppa Nihongo kyōiku = Japanese language education in Europe., 22. pp. 205-209.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2015) '「日本語のために移動する学習者たち—複数言語環境のヨーロッパで—」Presented in Panel「複言語環境に生きる人々の「日本語使用、日本語学習」の意味とアイデンティティ」.' Japanese Language Education in Europe. Proceedings of the 2015 Japanese Language Symposium, Association of Japanese Language Teachers in Europe, 20. pp. 65-70.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2013) '留学前後の日本語学習者の日本観・日本語観:複文化複言語使用者として.' お茶の水女子大学 比較日本学教育研究センター研究年報, 9. pp. 175-182.
Brown, Lucien and Iwasaki, Noriko (2013) 'Cross-linguistic Influence in the L2 Acquisition of Korean Case Particles by Japanese-Speaking and English-Speaking Learners: L1-L2 Proximity and Learner Perceptions.' Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 10 (2). pp. 176-195.
Kizu, Mika, Pizziconi, Barbara and Iwasaki, Noriko (2013) 'Modal Markers in Japanese: A Study of Learners’ Use before and after Study Abroad.' Japanese Language and Literature, 47 (1). pp. 94-133.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2011) 'Filling social space with fillers: gains in social dimension after studying abroad.' Japanese Language and Literature, 45 (1). pp. 169-193.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2011) 'Learning L2 Japanese 'politeness' and 'impoliteness': Young American men’s dilemmas during study abroad.' Japanese Language and Literature, 45 (1). pp. 67-106.
Kumagai, Yuri and Iwasaki, Noriko (2011) 'What it means to read "critically" in a Japanese language classroom: Students' perspectives.' Critical Inquiries in Language Studies, 8 (2). pp. 125-152.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2010) 'Style shifts among Japanese learners before and after study abroad in Japan: Becoming active social agents in Japanese.' Applied Linguistics, 31 (1). pp. 47-71.
Iwasaki, Noriko, Vinson, David P. and Vigliocco, Gabriella (2010) 'Does the grammatical count/mass distinction affect semantic representations? Evidence from experiments in English and Japanese.' Language and Cognitive Processes, 25 (2). pp. 189-223.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2010) '「話す力」再考: 何を指導し、どう評価するのか [Rethinking oral proficiency in Japanese].' BATJ Journal, 11. pp. 45-51.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2009) 'Stating and Supporting Opinions in an Interview: L1 and L2 Japanese Speakers.' Foreign Language Annals, 43 (3). pp. 541-556.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2009) 'An advanced reading course as a "community of inquiry" into Japanese studies.' Occasional Papers: Bridging Japanese Language and Japanese Studies in HIgher Education (9). pp. 16-17.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2008) 'L2 Japanese Acquisition of the Pragmatics of Requests during a Short-term Study Abroad.' Japanese Language Education in Europe, 12. pp. 51-58.
Iwasaki, Noriko, Vinson, David P., Vigliocco, Gabriella, Watanabe, Masumi and Arciuli, Joanne (2008) 'Naming action in Japanese: Effects of semantic similarity and grammatical class.' Language and Cognitive Processes, 23 (6). pp. 889-930.
Iwasaki, Noriko and Kumagai, Yuri (2008) 'Promoting critical reading in an advanced-level Japanese course: Theory and practice through reflection and dialogues.' Japanese Language and Literature, 42 (1). pp. 123-156.
Iwasaki, Noriko, Vinson, David P. and Vigliocco, Gabriella (2007) 'What do English speakers know about gera-gera and yota-yota?: A cross-linguistic investigation of mimetic words for laughing and walking.' Japanese-Language Education around the Globe, 17. pp. 53-78.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2007) 'Assessing Progress towards Advanced Level Japanese after a Year Abroad: Focus on Individual Learners.' Japanese Language and Literature, 41 (2). pp. 271-296.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2006) 'Transitivity in Japanese Sentence Production: Speech Errors of the Dative NI and the Accusative O.' Journal of Japanese Lingusitics, 22 (2006). pp. 43-57.
Iwasaki, Noriko and Sadler, Misumi (2006) 'Focus on functions in Japanese language classrooms: An output-based approach to teaching appropriate particle use for the purpose of speaking.' BATJ Journal, 7. pp. 17-31.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2005) 'A year abroad in Japan: Participants' perspectives.' Association of Teachers of Japanese Occasional Papers (7). pp. 12-24.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2002) '日本語能力簡易試験(SPOT)の得点とACTFL口頭能力測定(OPI)のレベルの関係について[Simple Performance-Oriented Test (SPOT) vs. Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI)].' 日本語教育 [Journal of Japanese Language Teaching], 114. pp. 100-105.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2014) ある日本語学習者の日本・日本観の変遷:曖昧さをめぐって [Coming to terms with Japanese vagueness: A plurilingual learner of Japaense.] Language Education in Europe 19. In: 18th European Japanese Education Symposium, 27 - 30 August 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2014) ヨーロッパにおける日本語教育の現状と展望:多文化・多言語を礎としたネットワーキングと恊働. In: 大阪大学日本語・日本文化国際フォーラム「ヨーロッパにおける日本語教育の現状と展望」, 2014, 大阪大学日本語日本文化教育センター.
Iwasaki, Noriko and Kizu, Mika (2011) Shifting styles to express empathy and emotion in Japanese: L1 and L2 style shifts. In: American Association for Applied Linguistics 2011 Conference, Chicago, USA. (Unpublished)
Iwasaki, Noriko (2009) 「タマネギ1個とセロリ1本」“One onion and one celery” ? ―食べ物名詞の捉え方の日英比較と英語・日本語教育への示唆―. In: Developing International Communication in Japanese Cultural Studies, Ochanomizu University.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2016) 'Review of Ikuo Kawakami, Fumi Ozeki, and Yuko Ota. 『日本語を学ぶ/複言語で育つ 子どものことばを考えるワークブック』Kurosio Publishers.' Waseda Nihongo Kyoikugaku = 早稲田日本語教育学, 20 . pp. 139-144.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2012) 'Review of Naoko Taguchi (ed.),'Pragmatic Competence' (Mouton Series in Pragmatics 5), 2009.' Intercultural Pragmatics, 9 (4). pp. 559-577.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2012) 'Review of Patrick Heinrich and Christian Galan (eds.), 'Language Life in Japan: Transformations and Prospects'.' Pacific Affairs, 85 (2). pp. 416-418.
Iwasaki, Noriko (2013) '欧州と周辺地域における日本語教育とヨーロッパ日本語教師会.' 文部科学教育通信, 320 . 東京: ジアース教育新社. pp. 20-21.