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Number of items: 57.

Janson, Marloes, Kresse, Kai and Pontzen, Benedikt (2024) 'Introduction: Relational Perspectives on Islam, Christianity, and African Religious Traditions.' In: Janson, Marloes, Kresse, Kai, Pontzen, Benedikt and Mwakimako, Hassan, (eds.), Religious Plurality in Africa: Coexistence, Conviviality, Conflict. Woodbridge: James Currey, pp. 1-13. (Religion in Transforming Africa, no.14)

Janson, Marloes, Kresse, Kai, Pontzen, Benedikt and Mwakimako, Hassan, eds. (2024) Religious Plurality in Africa: Coexistence, Conviviality, Conflict. Woodbridge: James Currey. (Religion in Transforming Africa, no.14)

Janson, Marloes (2023) Crossing Religious Boundaries: Islam, Christianity, and ‘Yoruba Religion' in Lagos, Nigeria. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (International African Institute)

Janson, Marloes and Dilger, Hansjoerg (2022) 'Religiously-Motivated Schools and Universities as ‘Moral Enclaves’: Reforming Urban Youths in Tanzania and Nigeria.' In: Garbin, David, Coleman, Simon and Millington, Garreth, (eds.), Ideologies and Infrastructures of Religious Urbanization in Africa: Remaking the City. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 143-162.

Janson, Marloes (2022) 'Beyond Religion: Guru Maharaj Ji’s Divine Love Mission.' In: Adogame, Afe, Obadare, Ebenezer and Adebanwi, Wale, (eds.), Topographies of African Spirituality: Essays in Honor of Jacob Olupona. Routledge. (Forthcoming)

Janson, Marloes (2022) Anthropology and Religion: 'Religious Shoppers' and the emergence of Chrislam in Lagos. The Know Show : AcAudio. [Audio]

Janson, Marloes (2022) 'Islamic Trends and Movements in Contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa.' Oxford Bibliographies in Islamic Studies.

Janson, Marloes (2021) Crossing Religious Boundaries: Islam, Christianity, and 'Yoruba Religion' in Lagos, Nigeria. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (The International African Library)

Janson, Marloes (2020) 'Crossing Borders: The Case of NASFAT or “Pentecostal Islam” in Southwest Nigeria.' Social Anthropology, 28 (2). pp. 418-433.

Janson, Marloes (2018) 'Modern Love in Lagos: Dating the Halal Way in Lagos.' In: Gomez-Perez, Muriel, (ed.), Femmes d’Afrique et émancipation: Entre normes sociales contraignantes et nouveaux possibles. Paris: Karthala, pp. 241-274. (Hommes et sociétés)

Janson, Marloes (2018) 'Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa.' In: Shanguhyia, Martin S. and Falola, Toyin, (eds.), Palgrave Handbook of African Colonial and Postcolonial History. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 951-977.

Janson, Marloes (2017) 'Studying Religious Pluralism in Yorubaland: A Tribute to J.D.Y. Peel.' Religion and Society: Advances in Research, 8 (2017).

Schulz, Dorothea and Janson, Marloes (2017) 'Introduction: Religion and Masculinities in Africa.' Journal of Religion in Africa, 46 (2-3). pp. 121-128.

Janson, Marloes (2017) 'Male Wives and Female Husbands: Reconfiguring Gender in the Tablighi Jamaʻat in the Gambia.' Journal of Religion in Africa, 46 (2-3). pp. 187-218.

Janson, Marloes (2016) 'Unity Through Diversity: A Case Study of Chrislam in Lagos.' Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, 86 (4). pp. 646-672.

Janson, Marloes and Meyer, Birgit (2016) 'Introduction: Towards a Framework for the Study of Christian-Muslim Encounters in Africa.' Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, 86 (4). pp. 615-619.

Meyer, Birgit and Janson, Marloes, eds. (2016) Studying Islam and Christianity in Africa: Moving Beyond a Bifurcated Field. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Africa - Volume 86, Issue 4)

Janson, Marloes and Akinleye, Akintunde (2016) 'The Spiritual Highway: Religious World Making in Megacity Lagos (Nigeria).' Material Religion: The Journal of Objects, Art and Belief, 11 (4). pp. 550-562.

Schulz, Dorothea and Janson, Marloes, eds. (2016) Religion and Masculinities in Africa. Leiden: Brill. (Journal of religion in Africa ; volume 46.2-3)

Janson, Marloes (2016) '‘How, for God’s sake, can I be a good Muslim?' Gambian Youth in Search of a Moral Lifestyle.' Ethnography, 17 (1). pp. 22-46.

Meyer, Birgit and Janson, Marloes, eds. (2016) Rethinking Muslim-Christian Encounters in Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Special Issue of Africa. Vol. 86, no.4)

Janson, Marloes (2015) 'Modern Love: Dating the Halal Way in Lagos.' In: Gomez-Perez, Muriel, (ed.), Femmes, génération et agency en Afrique subsaharienne: vers de nouveaux defies. Paris: Karthala.

Janson, Marloes (2014) 'Praise Performances by Jalimusolu in the Gambia.' In: Hale, Thomas A. and Sidikou, Aissata G., (eds.), Women’s Songs from West Africa. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 88-111.

Janson, Marloes and Akinleye, Akintunde (2014) The Spiritual Highway: Religious World Making in Megacity Lagos. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Janson, Marloes and Akinleye, Akintunde (2014) The Spiritual Highway: Religious World Making in megacity Lagos. London: SOAS University of London.

Janson, Marloes (2013) Islam, Youth, and Modernity in the Gambia: The Tablighi Jama'at. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (International African Library)

Janson, Marloes (2013) 'Renegotiating Gender: Changing Moral Practice in the Tabligh Jama‘at in The Gambia.' In: Padru, Bade and Sacke, Brigid Maa, (eds.), Islam in Africa South of the Sahara: Essays in Gender Relations and Political Reform. Lanham: The Scarecrow Press, pp. 99-120.

Janson, Marloes (2012) 'Chrislam: Forging Ties in Nigeria’s Multi-Religious Society.' In: Uchendu, Egodi, (ed.), New Face of Islam in Eastern Nigeria and the Lake Chad Basin. Makurdi: Aboki Publishers, pp. 203-228.

Janson, Marloes (2012) 'Contribution of Mandinka songs to the anthology Women’s Voices from West Africa.' Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Janson, Marloes (2012) 'Islam and Politics in the Gambia.' Oxford Islamic Studies Online.

Janson, Marloes (2012) 'Tablīgh-i Jamāʿat in West Africa.' Oxford Islamic Studies Online.

Janson, Marloes (2012) ''We don’t Despair, since we know that Islam is the Truth': New Expressions of Religiosity in Young Adherents of the Tabligh Jama‘at in the Gambia.' L’Afrique des Générations. Entre tensions et négociations. pp. 579-615.

Janson, Marloes (2011) 'Living Islam Through Death: Demarcating Muslim Identity in a Rural Serahuli Community in The Gambia.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 17 (1). pp. 100-115.

Janson, Marloes (2011) 'Book Review of Janet McIntosh 19s "The Edge of Islam. Power, Personhood, and Ethnoreligious Boundaries on the Kenya Coast".' American Ethnologist, 38 (2). pp. 402-403.

Janson, Marloes (2011) 'Guidelines for the Ideal Muslim Woman: Gender Ideology and Praxis in the Tabligh Jama‘at in the Gambia.' In: Badran, Margot, (ed.), Gender and Islam in Africa: Rights, Sexuality, and Law. Washington DC: Woodrow Wilson Center Press and Stanford University Press, pp. 147-172.

Janson, Marloes (2010) 'The Battle of the Ages: Contests for Religious Authority in The Gambia.' In: Herrera, Linda and Bayat, Asef, (eds.), Being Young and Muslim. New Cultural Politics in the Global South and North. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 95-111.

Janson, Marloes (2010) 'Book Review of Adeline Masquelier’s "Women and Islamic Revival in a West African Town".' American Anthropologist, 112 (4). pp. 675-676.

Janson, Marloes (2009) 'Mixing Local and Muslim Traditions: The Finoo Profession in The Gambia.' In: Luning, Sabine, de Maaker, Erik and Jansen, Jan, (eds.), Traditions on the Move: Essays in Honour of Jarich Oosten. Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publications, pp. 97-110.

Janson, Marloes (2009) 'Searching for God. Young Gambians 19 Conversion to the Tabligh Jama 18at.' In: Diouf, Mamadou and Leichtman, Mara, (eds.), New Perspectives on Islam in Senegal: Conversion, Migration, Wealth, Power and Femininity. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 139-166.

Janson, Marloes and Schulz, Dorothea (2008) 'Introduction: Piety, Responsibility, Subjectivity - Changing Moral Economies of Gender Relations in Contemporary Muslim Africa.' Journal for Islamic Studies, 28. pp. 2-8.

Janson, Marloes (2008) 'Renegotiating Gender: Changing Moral Practice in the Tabligh Jama‘at in The Gambia.' Journal for Islamic Studies, 28. pp. 9-36.

Janson, Marloes (2007) 'Appropriating Islam: The Tensions between ‘Traditionalists’ and ‘Modernists’ in The Gambia.' Islam et sociétés au sud du Sahara, nouvelle série, 1. pp. 61-79.

Janson, Marloes (2007) 'Pleasing God and Pleasing the Patrons: Portrait of a Female Finoo in The Gambia.' Canadian Journal of African Studies, 41 (1). pp. 38-65.

Janson, Marloes (2007) 'Representations: Legends, Epics, and Performance.' In: Suad, Joseph, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures Volume 5. Leiden: Brill, pp. 450-452.

Janson, Marloes (2006) 'The Prophet’s Path: Tablighi Jamaat in The Gambia.' ISIM Review, 17 (1). pp. 44-45.

Janson, Marloes (2006) ''We are all the same, because we are all worshipping God.' The Controversial Case of a Female Saint in The Gambia.' Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, 76 (4). pp. 502-525.

Janson, Marloes (2006) 'We are the sauce on top of the rice.’ A Case Study on the Finoo Negotiation of Muslim Identity in The Gambia.' Mande Studies, 8. pp. 183-205.

Janson, Marloes and Spronk, Rachel (2005) 'Ambiguous Encounters: Gender in the Context of Modernity in the Gambia and Kenya.' In: van der Kwaak, Anke, Spronk, Rachel and Willemse, Karin, (eds.), From Modern Myths to Global Encounters. Belonging and the Dynamics of Change in Postcolonial Africa. Leiden: CNWS Publications.

Janson, Marloes (2005) 'Roaming about for God’s Sake: The Upsurge of the Tablīgh Jamā‘at in The Gambia.' Journal of Religion in Africa, 35 (4). pp. 450-481.

Janson, Marloes (2004) 'Gai Sakiliba: portrait d’une jalimusoo de Gambie.' Africultures, 61. pp. 74-85.

Janson, Marloes (2004) 'The Narration of the Sunjata Epic as a Gendered Activity.' In: Jansen, Jan and Maier, Henk M.J., (eds.), Epic Adventures. Heroic Narrative in the Oral Performance Traditions of Four Continents. Münster: Lit Verlag, pp. 81-88.

Janson, Marloes and Polak, Rainer, eds. (2003) Experts in Mandé. Training, strategieën en performances. Leiden, Netherlands: Vereniging van Afrika Studies.

Janson, Marloes (2002) The Best Hand is the Hand that Always Gives. Griottes and their Profession in Eastern Gambia. Leiden: CNWS Publications.

Janson, Marloes (2002) 'Book review of Katrin Pfeiffer’s “Sprache und Musik in Mandinka-Erzählungen”.' Journal of Language and Public Culture in Africa, 2 .

Janson, Marloes and Nyang, Sulayman S (2002) 'Gambia.' In: Esposito, John L., (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Islamic World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 283-286.

Janson, Marloes (2002) 'On the Boundaries of Muslim Gender Ideology.' ISIM Newsletter, 11. p. 28.

Janson, Marloes (2002) 'Praising as a Gendered Activity: How Jalimusoolu and Jalikeolu exercise their Profession in Eastern Gambia.' Mande Studies, 4. pp. 65-82.

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