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Number of items: 60.

Authored Books

Kabeer, Naila (2008) Mainstreaming gender and social protection in the informal economy. New Dehli: Routledge.

Kabeer, Naila, Copestake, James, Greeley, Martin, Johnson, Susan and Simanowitz, Anton (2005) Money with a Mission: Microfinance and Poverty Reduction, Volume 1. London: Institute of Development Sudies.

Kabeer, Naila (2003) Mainstreaming gender equality in poverty eradication and the Millennium Development Goals: Handbook for Policy makers. London: Commonwealth Secretariat.

Kabeer, Naila, Cook, Sarah and Suwannarat, Gary (2002) Social Protection in Asia. New Delhi: Har-Anand Publications.

Kabeer, Naila (2001) The Power to Choose: Bangladeshi women and labour market decisions in London and Dhaka. London: Verso.

Edited Book or Journal Volume

Kabeer, Naila and Cook, Sarah, eds. (2010) Deficits and trajectories: social protection as development policy in the Asia region. India: Routledge.

Kabeer, Naila and Stark, Agneta, eds. (2008) Global Perspectives on Gender Equality: Reversing the Gaze. London: Routledge.

Kabeer, Naila, ed. (2005) Inclusive Citizenship. Meanings and Expressions. London: Zed Books.

Kabeer, Naila, Nambissan, Geetha B. and Subrahmanian, Ramya, eds. (2003) Needs Versus Rights? Child labour and the Right to Education in South Asia. New Dehli: Sage.

Kabeer, Naila and Subrahmanian, Ramya, eds. (1997) Institutions, Relations and Outcomes: a framework and case studies for gender-aware planning. London: Zed Books.

Book Chapters

Kabeer, Naila and Stark, Agneta (2009) 'Passion, Pragmatism and the Politics of Advocacy: The Nordic Experience Through a ‘Gender and Development’ Lens.' In: Kabeer, Naila and Stark, Agneta, (eds.), Global Perspectives on Gender Equality: Reversing the Gaze. Abingdon: Routledge.

Kabeer, Naila (2006) 'Compliance Versus Accountability: Struggles for Dignity and Daily Bread in the Bangladesh Garment Industry.' In: Newell, Peter and Wheeler, Joanna, (eds.), Rights, Resources and the Politics of Accountability. London: Zed Press.

Kabeer, Naila and Brody, Alyson (2005) 'The Challenge of Sustainability in India’s Poorest State: the Case of the Centre for Youth and Social Development.' In: Brody, Alyson, Greeley, Martin, Wright-Revolledo, Katie and Copestake, James, (eds.), Money with a Mission. London: ITDG.

Kabeer, Naila (2005) 'The Direct Social Impacts of Microfinance.' In: Copestake, James, Greeley, Martin, Johnson, Susan and Wright-Revolledo, Katie, (eds.), Money with a Mission. London: ITDG.

Kabeer, Naila (2005) 'Methodological and Organisational lessons from Impact Assessment Studies: The Case of SHARE, India.' In: Brody, Alyson, Greeley, Martin, Wright-Revolledo, Katie and Copestake, James, (eds.), Money with a Mission. London: ITDG.

Kabeer, Naila (2005) 'Social Exclusion and Citizenship: The Wider Impacts of Microfinance.' In: Copestake, James, Greeley, Martin, Johnson, Susan and Wright-Revolledo, Katie, (eds.), Money with a Mission. London: ITDG.

Kabeer, Naila (2004) 'Labour Standards, Women’s Rights, Basic Needs: Challenges to Collective Action in a Globalising World.' In: Beneria, Lourdes and Bisnath, Savitri, (eds.), Global Tensions. Challenges and Opportunities in the World Economy. Abingdon: Routledge.

Kabeer, Naila (2003) 'Deprivation, Discrimination and Delivery: Explaining Child Labour and Educational Failure in South Asia.' In: Kabeer, Naila, Nambissan, Geetha B. and Subrahmanian, Ramya, (eds.), Child labour and the right to education in South Asia : needs versus rights? New Dehli: Sage Publications.

Kabeer, Naila (2001) 'Family Bargaining.' In: Smelser, Neil J. and Bates, Paul, (eds.), International Encyclopaedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences. Amsterdam: Elsevier Press.

Kabeer, Naila (2001) 'Reflections on the Measurement of Women’s Empowerment.' In: Kabeer, Naila, (ed.), Discussing Women’s Empowerment: Theory and Practice. Stockholm: SIDA: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.

Journal Article

Kabeer, Naila, Mumtaz, Khawar and Sayeed, Assad (2010) 'Beyond risk management: vulnerability, social protection and citizenship in Pakistan.' Journal of International Development, 22 (1). pp. 1-19.

Kabeer, Naila and Mahmud, Simeen (2009) 'Imagining the Future: Children, Education and Intergeneration al Transmission of Poverty in Urban Bangladesh.' IDS Bulletin, 40 (1). pp. 10-21.

Kabeer, Naila (2008) 'Gender, Labour Markets and Poverty. An Overview.' Poverty in Focus. Special Issue on Gender Equality (13). pp. 3-5.

Kabeer, Naila (2006) 'Social Exclusion and the MDGs: The Challenge of ‘Durable Inequalities’ in the Asia Region.' IDS Bulletin, 37 (3). pp. 64-78.

Kabeer, Naila (2005) 'Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: A Critical Analysis of the Third Millennium Development Goal.' Gender and Development, 13 (1). pp. 13-24.

Kabeer, Naila (2005) 'Is Microfinance a ‘Magic Bullet’ for Women’s Empowerment? Analysis of Findings from South Asia.' Economic and Political Weekly, 40 (44/45). pp. 4709-4718.

Kabeer, Naila (2004) 'Achieving Universal Education and Eliminating Gender Disparity in Bangladesh.' Economic and Political Weekly, 39 (36). pp. 4093-4100.

Kabeer, Naila and Barrientos, Stephanie (2004) 'Enhancing Female Employment in Global Production: policy implications.' Global Social Policy, 4 (2). pp. 153-169.

Kabeer, Naila (2004) 'Globalisation, Labour Standards and Women’s Rights: Dilemmas of Collective (In)action in an Interdependent World.' Feminist Economics, 10 (1). pp. 3-35.

Kabeer, Naila and Mahmud, Simeen (2004) 'Globalization, Gender and Poverty: Bangladeshi Women Workers in Export and Local Markets.' Journal of International Development, 16 (1). pp. 93-109.

Kabeer, Naila (2003) 'Wider Social Impacts of Microfinance: Concepts, Methods and Findings.' IDS Bulletin, 34 (4). pp. 106-114.

Kabeer, Naila (2002) 'Safety Nets and Opportunity Ladders: Addressing Vulnerability and Promoting Productivity in South Asia.' Development Policy Review, 20 (5). pp. 589-614.

Kabeer, Naila (2001) 'Conflicts over Credit: Re-Evaluating the Empowerment Potential of Loans to Women in Rural Bangladesh.' World Development, 29 (1). pp. 63-84.

Kabeer, Naila (2001) 'Ideas, Economics and the ‘Sociology of Supply’: Explanations for Fertility Decline in Bangladesh.' Journal of Development Studies, 38 (1). pp. 29-70.

Kabeer, Naila (2000) 'Intergenerational Contracts, Demographic Transitions and the 'Quantity-Quality' Trade-Off: Children, Parents and Investing in the Future.' Journal of International Development, 12 (4). pp. 463-482.

Kabeer, Naila (2000) 'Social Exclusion, Poverty and Discrimination: Towards an Analytical Framework.' IDS Bulletin, 31 (4). pp. 83-97.

Monographs and Working Papers

Kabeer, Naila (2012) Women’s economic empowerment and inclusive growth: labour markets and enterprise development. London: Centre for Development Policy and Research (CDPR). Discussion Paper 29/12.

Kabeer, Naila, Huda, Karishma, Kaur, Sandeep and Lamhauge, Nicolina (2012) Breaking the Multiple Constraints on Poor Women’s Livelihoods. London: Centre for Development Policy and Research, Development Viewpoint 73.

Kabeer, Naila, Huda, Karishma, Kaur, Sandeep and Lamhauge, Nicolina (2012) Productive safety nets for women in extreme poverty: Lessons from pilot projects in India and Pakistan. London: Centre for Development Policy and Research Discussion Paper 28/12.

Kabeer, Naila (2011) MDGs, Social Justice and the Challenge of Intersecting Inequalities. London: Centre for Development Policy and Research (CDPR). Policy Brief 3.

Kabeer, Naila (2010) Can the MDGs Provide a Pathway to Social Justice? The Challenge of Intersecting Inequalities. New York: MDG Achievement Fund.

Kabeer, Naila (2009) 2009 World Survey on the Role of Women in Development: Women’s control over economic resources and access to financial resources. New York: United Nations.

Kabeer, Naila and Kabir, Ariful Haq (2009) Citizenship Narratives in the Absence of Good Governance: Voices of the Working Poor in Bangladesh. Brighton: IDS Working Paper 331.

Kabeer, Naila (2009) Women’s Economic Empowerment: Key Issues and Policy Options. Sussex: Institute of Development Studies. (Sida Background Paper).

Kabeer, Naila, Eyben, R. and Cornwall, Andrea (2008) Conceptualising Empowerment and the Implications for Pro-Poor Growth. OECD-DAC Poverty Network.

Kabeer, Naila (2008) RPC Pathways of Women’s Empowerment: Paid Work, Women’s Empowerment and Gender Justice: Critical Pathways of Social Change. Pathways Working Paper 3.

Kabeer, Naila (2007) Marriage, Motherhood and Masculinity in the Global Economy: Reconfigurations of Personal and Economic Life. Brighton: IDS Working Paper 290.

Kabeer, Naila and Anh, Tran Thi Van (2006) Globalisation, Gender and Work in the Context of Economic Transition: The Case of Vietnam. Hanoi: UNDP Policy Dialogue Paper 206/2.

Kabeer, Naila and Anh, Tran Thi Van (2006) Globalisation, Gender and Work in the Context of Transition: The Case of Vietnam. Utah: GEM-IWG Working Paper 06-3.

Kabeer, Naila (2006) Microfinance, The MDGs and Beyond: What Difference to Financial Services Make to Low Income Women? New Delhi: IFAD-UNIFEM Gender Mainstreaming Programme in Asia.

Kabeer, Naila (2005) Gender Equality and Human Development: The Instrumental Rationale Human Development Report Office. New York: Human Development Report Office Occasional Paper 31.

Kabeer, Naila, Loi, Vu Manh and Anh, Tran Thi Van (2005) Preparing for the Future: Forward Looking Strategies to Promote Gender Equality in Vietnam. Hanoi: United Nations Development Programme.

Kabeer, Naila (2004) Re-visioning “The Social”: Towards Citizen-Centred Social Policy for the Poor in Poor countries.

Kabeer, Naila and Sabates-Wheeler, Rachel (2003) Gender Equality and the Extension of Social Protection. Geneva: Extension of Social Security (ESS) Paper no. 16.

Kabeer, Naila (2003) Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and the Millennium Development Goals: Promoting Women’s Capabilities and Participation. Bangkok: Gender and Development Discussion Paper Series No. 13.

Kabeer, Naila and Whitehead, Ann (2003) Living with Uncertainty: Gender, Livelihoods and Pro-Poor Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. Brighton: IDS Working Paper 134.

Kabeer, Naila (2002) Citizenship and the Boundaries of the Acknowledged Community: Identify, Affiliation and Exclusion. Brighton: IDS Working Paper 171.

Kabeer, Naila (2002) Demographic Transition, Intergenerational Contracts and Old Age Security: Emerging Challenges for Social Policy. Brighton: IDS Working Paper 157.

Kabeer, Naila (2002) Safety Nets and Opportunity Ladders: Addressing Vulnerability and Enhancing Productivity in South Asia. ODI Working Papers 159.

Kabeer, Naila and Anh, Tran Thi Van (2000) Leaving the Rice Fields but Not the Countryside: Gender, Livelihoods Diversification and Implications for Pro-Poor Growth in Rural Vietnam. OPB 13.

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