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Kelsall, Michelle Staggs (2023) 'Between false messiah and symbolic politics: The International Criminal Court and the ‘Situation in the State of Palestine’.' Palestinian Yearbook of International Law, 23 (2022). pp. 156-177.
Kelsall, Michelle Staggs (2022) 'Disordering International Law.' European Journal of International Law, 33 (3). pp. 729-759.
Oette, Lutz and Kelsall, Michelle Staggs (2021) 'Amicus Curiae Submission by the SOAS Centre for Human Rights Law In the Matter of a Request by the Pan African Lawyers Union (PALU) for an Advisory Opinion on the Guarantees for the Effective Protection of the Right to Participate in Government in Africa, in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Crisis Advisory Opinion No 001/2020.' London: SOAS Centre for Human Rights Law.
Kelsall, Michelle Staggs (2021) '‘Poisonous Flowers on the Dust-heap of a Dying Capitalism’: The United Nations Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations, Contingency and Failure in International Law.' In: Heller, Kevin and Venzke, Ingo, (eds.), Contingency in International Law: On the Possibility of Different Legal Histories. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kelsall, Michelle Staggs (2021) 'One Vision, Three Communities? Reflections on Human Rights in ASEAN’s Community Blueprints.' In: Cohen, David J., Tan, Kevin Y.L. and Nabahan, Aviva, (eds.), Human Rights and ASEAN: Indonesian and International Perspectives. Singapore: World Scientific, pp. 85-98.
Kelsall, Michelle Staggs (2021) 'Horizontal Embeddedness, Business, and Human Rights: Fostering the Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights within the ASEAN Community.' In: Desierto, Diane A. and Cohen, David J., (eds.), ASEAN Law and Regional Integration: governance and the rule of law in Southeast Asia's single market. Abingdon; New York, NY: Routledge.
Kelsall, Michelle Staggs (2019) 'In Search of the Individual in the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration.' In: Toniatti, Roberto, (ed.), Constitutional Protection of Minorities: Comparing Concepts, Models and Experiences in Asia and Europe. Brill. (Forthcoming)
Kelsall, Michelle Staggs (2018) 'From a stark utopia to everyday utopias.' German Yearbook of International Law, 60. pp. 576-607.
Sperfeldt, Christoph and Kelsall, Michelle Staggs (2014) 'Not Nudging, Embracing: The ASEAN Human Rights Declaration as a Catalyst for Reinforcing A Rights-Based Approach to Constitutionalism.' In: Rule of Law and Constitution Building: The Role of Regional Organizations. Stockholm: International IDEA.
Kelsall, Michelle Staggs (2009) 'The New ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights: Toothless Tiger or Tentative First Step?' AsiaPacific Issues, 90. pp. 1-8.
Kelsall, Michelle Staggs (2009) 'Symbolic, shambolic or simply sui generis? Reflections from the Field on Cambodia's Extraordinary Chambers.' Law in Context, 27 (1). pp. 154-178.
Kelsall, Michelle Staggs and Stepakoff, Shanee (2007) ''When We Wanted to Talk About Rape': Silencing Sexual Violence at the Special Court for Sierra Leone.' International Journal of Transitional Justice, 1 (3). pp. 355-374.