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Poulton, Colin, Tyler, G., Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan and Stockbridge, Mike (2010) Commercial Agriculture in Africa: Lessons from Success and Failure. Washington D. C.: World Bank.
Poulton, Colin, Dorward, Andrew and Kydd, Jonathan (2010) 'The Future of Small Farms: New Directions for Services, Institutions and Intermediation.' World Development, 38 (10). pp. 1413-1428.
Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan, Poulton, Colin and Bezemer, Dirk (2009) 'Coordination risk and cost impacts on economic development in poor rural areas.' Journal of Development Studies, 45 (7). pp. 1093-1112.
Chirwa, Ephraim, Dorward, Andrew and Kydd, Jonathan (2008) 'Smallholder Coffee Commercialisation in Malawi.' Future Agricultures Briefing Paper.
Chirwa, Ephraim, Dorward, Andrew and Kydd, Jonathan (2007) Reforming the Smallholder Coffee Sector in Malawi: A Case Study of Smallholder Commercialisation. Brighton: Future Agricultures Consortium.
Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan and Poulton, Colin (2007) 'Price intervention in Sub-Saharan African agriculture: can an institutionalist view alter our conception of the costs and benefits?' In: Koning, N. and Pinstrup-Andersen, P., (eds.), Agricultural trade liberalization and the least developed countries. Dortrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
Dorward, Andrew, Wheeler, R. S., MacAuslan, I., Buckley, C. P., Kydd, Jonathan and Chirwa, Ephraim (2007) 'Promoting Agriculture for Social Protection or Social Protection for Agriculture? Part 1: Concepts and Frameworks.' Future Agricultures Briefing Paper.
Dorward, Andrew, Wheeler, R. S., MacAuslan, I., Buckley, C. P., Kydd, Jonathan and Chirwa, Ephraim (2007) 'Promoting Agriculture for Social Protection or Social Protection for Agriculture? Part 2: Policy Approaches and Emerging Questions.' Future Agricultures Briefing Paper.
Poulton, Colin, Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan and Wiggins, Steve (2006) 'State Intervention for Food Price Stabilisation in Africa: Can It Work?' Food Policy, 31 (4). pp. 342-356.
Dorward, Andrew, Wheeler, R. S., MacAuslan, I., Buckley, C. P., Kydd, Jonathan and Chirwa, Ephraim (2006) Promoting Agriculture for Social Protection or Social Protection for Agriculture: Policy and Research Issues. Brighton: Future Agricultures.
Poulton, Colin, Dorward, Andrew and Kydd, Jonathan (2006) 'Overcoming Market Constraints to Pro-Poor Agricultural Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa.' Development Policy Review, 24 (3). pp. 243-77.
Dorward, Andrew and Kydd, Jonathan (2006) Making Agricultural Market Systems Work for the Poor: Promoting Effective, Efficient and Accessible Coordination and Exchange. London: Project title: Preparation of the DFID RNRA Team Working Paper 2: Making Markets Work for the Poor.
Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan and Poulton, Colin (2006) Traditional domestic markets and marketing systems for agricultural products. Background paper for 2008 World Development Report. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.
Chirwa, Ephraim, Kydd, Jonathan and Dorward, Andrew (2006) 'Future Scenarios for Agriculture in Malawi. Part 1: Concepts.' Future Agricultures Briefing Paper.
Chirwa, Ephraim, Kydd, Jonathan and Dorward, Andrew (2006) 'Future Scenarios for Agriculture in Malawi. Part 2: Policy.' Future Agricultures Briefing Paper.
Chirwa, Ephraim, Kydd, Jonathan and Dorward, Andrew (2006) Future Scenarios for Agriculture in Malawi: Challenges and Dilemmas. In: Future Agricultures Consortium Workshop, March 2006, Brighton.
Chirwa, Ephraim, Dorward, Andrew, Kachule, R., Kumwenda, I., Kydd, Jonathan, Poole, Nigel, Poulton, Colin and Stockbridge, S. (2005) 'Walking Tightropes: Supporting Farmer Organisations for Market Access.' Natural Resource Perspectives; 99 (Overseas Development Institute, September 2005).
Poulton, Colin, Dorward, Andrew and Kydd, Jonathan (2005) The Future of Small Farms: New Directions for Services, Institutions and Intermediation. In: The Future of Small Farms Workshop, 26-29 June 2005, Imperial College, Wye, UK.
Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan, Morrison, Jamie and Poulton, Colin (2005) 'Institutions, Markets and Economic Co-ordination: Linking Development Policy to Theory and Praxis.' Development and Change, 36 (1). pp. 1-25.
Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan and Poulton, Colin (2005) 'Beyond Liberalisation: "Developmental Coordination" Policies for African Smallholder Agriculture.' IDS Bulletin, 36 (2). pp. 80-85.
Poulton, Colin, Gibbon, P., Hanyani-Mlambo, B., Kydd, Jonathan, Maro, W., Larsen, M. N., Osorio, A., Tschirley, D. and Zulu, B. (2005) 'Competition and Coordination in Liberalized African Cotton Market Systems.' World Development, 32 (3). pp. 519-536.
Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan, Poulton, Colin and Bezemer, Dirk (2005) Coordination Risk and Cost Impacts on Economic Development in Poor Rural Areas. In: Agricultural Economics Society Conference, April, Nottingham. (Unpublished)
Dorward, Andrew and Kydd, Jonathan (2005) Making Agricultural Market Systems work for the Poor: Promoting Effective, Efficient and Accessible Coordination and Exchange. In: Making Markets Work for the Poor, 15-16 February, Manila. (Unpublished)
Dorward, Andrew and Kydd, Jonathan (2005) 'Starter pack in rural development strategies.' In: Levy, Sarah, (ed.), Starter packs : a strategy to fight hunger in developing countries? lessons from the Malawi experience 1998-2003. Wallingford, UK ; Cambridge, MA: CABI.
Poulton, Colin, Kydd, Jonathan and Dorward, Andrew (2004) Overcoming Market Constraints to Pro-Poor Agricultural Growth in Sub Saharan Africa. Paper prepared for the Africa Commission, November 2004.
Dorward, Andrew (2004) 'Pro-poor Policy Lessons from Households and Informal Rural Economy Models in Malawi.' In: Dorward, Andrew, Fan, Shenggen, Kydd, Jonathan, Lofgren, Hans, Morrison, Jamie, Poulton, Colin, Rao, Neetha, Smith, Laurence, Tchale, Hardwick, Thorat, Sukhadeo, Urey, Ian and Wobst, Peter, (eds.), Institutions and Economic Policies for Pro-Poor Agricultural Growth [DSGD Discussion Paper No.15]. Washington D.C.: IFPRI, pp. 41-68.
Dorward, Andrew, Fan, Shenggen, Kydd, Jonathan, Lofgren, Hans, Morrison, Jamie, Poulton, Colin, Rao, Neetha, Smith, Laurence, Tchale, Hardwick, Thorat, Sukhadeo, Urey, Ian and Wobst, Peter (2004) 'Rethinking agricultural policies for pro-poor growth.' Natural Resource Perspectives; 94 (Overseas Development Institute, September 2004).
Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan, Morrison, Jamie and Urey, Ian (2004) 'A Policy Agenda for Pro-Poor Agricultural Growth.' World Development, 32 (1). pp. 73-89.
Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan, Poulton, Colin and Stockbridge, Mike (2004) Agricultural Liberalisation in Sub-Saharan Africa [Prepared for EC-PREP]. London: Department of Agricultural Sciences, Imperial College.
Kydd, Jonathan and Dorward, Andrew (2004) 'Agricultural development and pro-poor economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa: potential and policy.' Oxford Development Studies, 32 (1). pp. 37-57.
Dorward, Andrew and Kydd, Jonathan (2004) 'Implications of market and coordination failures for rural development in least developed countries.' Journal of International Development, 16 (7). pp. 951-970.
Dorward, Andrew, Fan, Shenggen, Kydd, Jonathan, Lofgren, Hans, Morrison, Jamie, Poulton, Colin, Rao, Neetha, Smith, Laurence and Tchale, Hardwick (2004) Institutions and Economic Policies for Pro-poor Agricultural Growth. Washington, DC: IFPRI Discussion paper DSG 15.
Dorward, Andrew, Fan, Shenggen, Kydd, Jonathan, Lofgren, Hans, Morrison, Jamie, Poulton, Colin, Rao, Neetha, Smith, Laurence and Tchale, Hardwick (2004) 'Institutions and Policies for Pro-poor Agricultural Growth.' Development Policy Review, 22 (6). pp. 611-622.
Dorward, Andrew and Kydd, Jonathan (2004) 'The Malawi 2002 food crisis: the rural development challenge.' The Journal of Modern African Studies, 42 (3). pp. 343-361.
Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan, Morrison, Jamie and Poole, Nigel (2003) 'Markets, Institutions and Technology: Missing Links in Livelihoods Analysis.' Development Policy Review, 21 (3). pp. 319-32.
Stockbridge, Mike, Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan, Morrison, Jamie and Poole, Nigel (2003) Farmer organisations for Market Access: Issues from a Literature Review on Global Experience and Theoretical Analysis. London: Department of Agricultural Sciences, Imperial College London.
Kydd, Jonathan and Dorward, Andrew (2003) Implications of Market and Coordination Failures for Rural Development in least developed countries. In: Development Studies Association Annual Conference, 10-12 September, Strathclyde University, Glasgow. (Unpublished)
Kydd, Jonathan, Dorward, Andrew and Poulton, Colin (2003) 'Institutional Dimensions of Trade Liberalisation and Poverty.' In: Brooks, Jonathan, (ed.), Agricultural Trade and Poverty: Making Policy Analysis Count. Paris: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Dorward, Andrew and Kydd, Jonathan (2003) Policy Reform in Sub Saharan Africa. In: Policy Reform and Adjustment Workshop, 23-25 October, (Wye Campus), Wye, Imperial College London. (Unpublished)
Dorward, Andrew, Poole, Nigel, Morrison, Jamie, Kydd, Jonathan and Urey, Ian (2002) Critical Linkages: Livelihoods, Markets and Institutions. Wye: ADU Working Paper 02/03. (Unpublished)
Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan and Vaughan, Megan Anne (2002) 'The Humanitarian Crisis in Southern Africa: Malawi.' Submission to the International Development Committee.
Kydd, Jonathan, Dorward, Andrew and Poulton, Colin (2002) 'New institutional economics, agricultural parastatals and marketing policy.' In: Livingstone, Ian and Belshaw, D., (eds.), Renewing development in Sub-Saharan Africa: policy, performance, and prospects. London: Routledge, pp. 166-175.
Kydd, Jonathan, Dorward, Andrew and Poulton, Colin (2001) 'Agricultural Parastatals Revisited: A New Institutional Economics Analysis.' In: Deryke, Belshaw and Livingstone, Ian, (eds.), Renewing Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Policy, Performance and Prospects. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 166-175.
Dorward, Andrew, Poulton, Colin and Kydd, Jonathan (2001) Rural and Farmer Finance: An International Perspective (with particular reference to Sub Saharan Africa). In: Workshop on Rural Finance, Agricultural Economics Association of South Africa Conference, 19th September. (Unpublished)
Dorward, Andrew, Moyo, Sibusiso, Coetzee, Gerhard, Kydd, Jonathan and Poulton, Colin (2001) Seasonal Finance for Staple Crop Production: Problems and Potential for Rural Livelihoods in sub Saharan Africa. DFID Policy Research Programme project 'Diverse income sources and seasonal finance for smallholder agriculture: applying a livelihoods approach in South Africa'. Wye, Imperial College.
Kydd, Jonathan and Dorward, Andrew (2001) 'The Washington Consensus on Poor Country Agriculture: Analysis, Prescription and Institutional Gaps.' Development Policy Review, 19 (4). pp. 467-478.
Kydd, Jonathan, Dorward, Andrew and Poulton, Colin (2000) Globalisation and its Implications for the Natural Resources Sector: a closer look at the role of Agriculture in the Global Economy. Department for International Development (DFID).
Poole, Nigel, Kydd, Jonathan, Loader, R., Lynch, K., Poulton, Colin and Wilkin, K. (2000) Literature Review - Overcoming informational constraints: improving horticultural marketing and technical information flows to smallholders. Wye, Kent: Wye College.
Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan, Morrison, Jamie, Poulton, Colin and Smith, Laurence (2000) 'New Institutional Economics: Insights on Innovation Dissemination and UptakE.' In: Hainsworth, S.D. and Eden-Green, S.J., (eds.), Sustaining change: proceedings of a workshop on the factors affecting uptake and adoption of Department for International Development (DFID) Crop Protection Programme (CPP) research outputs ; 21-23 June 2000, Imperial College at Wye, Kent, UK. Chatham Maritime, Kent, UK: Natural Resources International Limited, pp. 97-103.
Poulton, Colin, Killick, T. and Kydd, Jonathan (2000) The Rural Poor and the Wider Economy: The Problem of Market Access. Rome: IFAD.
Morrison, Jamie, Dorward, Andrew and Kydd, Jonathan (2000) Sustainable Livelihoods and New Institutional Economics,Paper prepared for DFID Sustainable Livelihoods Programme, Policies, Institutions and Processes sub Group. Wye College.
Stockbridge, Mike, Smith, Laurence and Lohano, H.R. (1998) 'Cotton and Wheat Marketing and the Provision of Pre-harvest Services in Sindh Province, Pakistan.' In: Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan and Poulton, Colin, (eds.), Smallholder Cash Crop Production Under Market Liberalization: A New Institutional Economics Perspective. Wallingford: CABI, pp. 177-239.
Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan, Lyon, Fergus, Poole, Nigel, Smith, Laurence and Stockbridge, Mike (1998) 'Commercial Financing of Seasonal Input Use by Smallholders in Liberalised Agricultural Marketing Systems.' Briefing Paper - ODI Natural Resource Perspectives 30.
Kydd, Jonathan, Dorward, Andrew and Poulton, Colin (1998) 'Conclusions: New Institutional Economics, Policy Debates and the research Agenda.' In: Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan and Poulton, Colin, (eds.), Smallholder cash crop production under market liberalisation: a new institutional economics perspective. Wallingford: CABI.
Poulton, Colin, Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan, Poole, Nigel and Smith, Laurence (1998) 'A New Institutional Economics Perspective on Current Policy Debates.' In: Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan and Poulton, Colin, (eds.), Smallholder cash crop production under market liberalisation: a new institutional economics perspective. Wallingford: CABI.
Poulton, Colin, Dorward, Andrew and Kydd, Jonathan (1998) 'The Revival of Smallholder Cash Crops in Africa: Public and Private Roles in the Provision of Finance.' Journal of International Development, 10 (1). pp. 85-103.
Dorward, Andrew, Kydd, Jonathan and Poulton, Colin, eds. (1998) Smallholder cash crop production under market liberalisation: a new institutional economics perspective. Wallingford: CAB International.