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Lee, Hyunseon (2024) Perfect Days: Wim Wenders’ reflection on ageing, told through the toilets of Tokyo. The Conversation [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Lee, Hyunseon (2023) Past Lives: a luxurious and lingering portrayal of lost love and identity in the Korean diaspora. The Conversation [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Lee, Hyunseon, ed. (2023) Korean Film and History. London: Routledge. (Routledge Research on Korea)
Lee, Hyunseon, ed. (2022) Korean Film and Festivals: Global Transcultural Flows. London: Routledge. (Routledge Advances in Korean Studies)
Lee, Hyunseon (2022) 'Review of: The Korean War and Postmemory Generation: Contemporary Korean Arts and Films By Dong-Yeon Koh. London: Routledge, 2021. 244 pp. ISBN: 9780367439743.' The Journal of Asian Studies, 81 (3). pp. 598-599.
Lee, Hyunseon (2021) 'Shamanism in Korean Cinema and Popular Culture: The Korean shaman narrative, shaman films, and women.' 중앙사론 = Central History, 54. pp. 191-221.
Lee, Hyunseon (2021) PD Dr. Hyunseon Lee: Metamorphosen der Madame Butterfly. Im Apparat. Available from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BggSMb4TEuE.
Lee, Hyunseon (2020) Metamorphosen der Madame Butterfly : Interkulturelle Liebschaften zwischen Literatur, Oper und Film. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter. (Reihe Siegen. Germanistische Abteilung ; Band 181)
Lee, Hyunseon (2017) Korean Peninsula Cinema. A Database on Korean Films in Selected Western European Conuntries (1960-2015). [Datasets]
Lee, Hyunseon (2016) 'Die Verfilmung der Revolutionsoper. Die Ästhetik des nordkoreanischen Films.' In: Döring, Jörg, Schäfer, Jörgen and Schnell, Ralf, (eds.), Wechselseitige Erhellung der Künste - Möglichkeiten einer Allgemeinen Literaturwissenschaft. Siegen: Universi-Verlag, pp. 139-152.
Lee, Hyunseon (2016) 'Martial-Body in Akira Kurosawas frühen Filmen.' In: Adachi-Rabe, Kayo and Becker, Andreas, (eds.), Körperinszenierungen im Japanischen Film. Darmstadt: Büchner-Verlag, pp. 107-121. (Büchner Medien)
Lee, Hyunseon (2016) 'The South Korean Blockbuster and a Divided Nation.' International Journal of Korean History, 21 (1). pp. 259-264.
Lee, Hyunseon (2016) 'Opera goes to the Cinema: Zur Ästhetik des nordkoreanischen Films.' Rabbit Eye: Zeitschrift für Filmforschung, 2016 (8). pp. 122-134.
Lee, Hyunseon (2015) 'Global Butterfly: Visual Exoticism, or its Reversal, in Silent Film and Opera Performances.' In: Lee, Hyunseon and Segal, Naomi, (eds.), Opera, Exoticism and Visual Culture. Oxford; Bern: New York: Peter Lang, pp. 131-162. (Cultural Interactions: Studies in the Relationship Between the Arts; 34)
Lee, Hyunseon and Segal, Naomi (2015) 'Introduction.' In: Lee, Hyunseon and Segal, Naomi, (eds.), Opera, Exoticism and Visual Culture. Oxford; Bern: New York: Peter Lang, pp. 1-10. (Cultural Interactions: Studies in the Relationship Between the Arts; 34)
Lee, Hyunseon and Segal, Naomi, eds. (2015) Opera, Exoticism and Visual Culture. Oxford; Bern: New York: Peter Lang. (Cultural Interactions: Studies in the Relationship Between the Arts; 34)
Lee, Hyunseon (2014) 'Foreword.' In: Stiglegger, Marcus, (ed.), Kurosawa: Die Ästhetik des langen Abschieds by Marcus Stiglegger. Munich: edition text + kritik, pp. 9-15.