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Liu, Yangruxin (2019) When the reader became the book: eleventh century voices on the Shiji. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00030900
Fuehrer, Bernhard and Liu, Yangruxin (2018) '國家權利與儒家經典:論孟子節文與明太祖處理真理的方法.' In: Cai, Changlin, (ed.), Lin Qingzhang jiaoshou qi zhi huadan shouqing lunwenji 林慶彰七秩華誕壽慶論文集. Taipei: Wanjuanlou, pp. 333-345.
Liu, Yangruxin, trans. (2018) “Guojia quanli yu Rujia jingdian” 國家權力與儒家經典 (State Power and the Confucian Classics) by Bernhard Fuehrer. Lin Ching-chang jiaoshou qi zhi huadan shouqing lunwenji 林慶彰教授七秩華誔壽慶論文集 . Taipei: Wanjuanlou tushu gufen youxiangongsi. pp. 333-345.
Liu, Yangruxin (2018) '“Book Review: Patricia Buckley Ebrey and Susan Shih-Shan Huang (eds.): Visual and Material Cultures in Middle Period China (Leiden: Brill, 2017)”.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 81 (2). pp. 389-390.
Fuehrer, Bernhard and Liu, Yangruxin (2017) 'Guojia quanli yu Rujia jingdian: Lun Mengzi jiewen yu Ming Taizu de zhenli chuli fangfa 国家权力与儒家经典:论《孟子节文》与明太祖的真理处理方法.' Guoji Hanxue 国际汉学 (International Sinology).
Liu, Yangruxin (2017) '“Book Review: Stephen Durrant, Wai-Yee Li, Michael Nylan and Hans Van Ess: The Letter to Ren An and Sima Qian’s Legacy (Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 2016)”.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 80 (2). pp. 399-400.
Liu, Yangruxin (2017) '“Book Review: William H. Nienhauser, Jr (ed.), Chiu Ming Chan, Hans Van Ess, William H. Nienhauser, Jr., Thomas D. Noel, Marc Nürnberger, Jakob Pöllath, Andreas Siegl, and Lianlian Wu (trans.): The Grand Scribe’s Records: Vol. X. (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2016)”.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 80 (2). pp. 400-402.
Liu, Yangruxin (2017) '“Fang Yizhi de mingwu xunshi: Yi Tongya ‘Dongwu’ wei li” 方以智的名物訓釋──以《通雅·動物》為例 (Fang Yizhi on Zoological Terminology: A Case Study of the Tongya).' In: Hubei Daxue Wenxueyuan 湖北大學文學院, Zhongwen luntan bianji weiyuanhui 《中文論壇》編輯委員會, (ed.), Zhongwen luntan (zong di wu ji) 中文論壇(總第5輯). Beijing: Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, pp. 17-26.
Liu, Yangruxin (2016) '“Book Review: Hans van Ess, Olga Lomová, and Dorothee Schaab-Hanke (eds.): Views from Within, Views from Beyond: Approaches to the Shiji as an Early Work of Historiography (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2015)”.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 79 (3). pp. 684-686.