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Lu, Xiaoning (2024) 'Parallel Tracks: Documenting the TAZARA in the Age of the Belt and Road Initiative.' In: Dovey, Lindiwe, Kate, Taylor-Jones and Georgia, Thomas-Parr, (eds.), Global Screen Worlds. London: Bloomsbury. (Forthcoming)
Lu, Xiaoning (2023) 'Review of: 'Trans-Asia as Method: Theory and Practices' Edited by Jeroen de Kloet, Yiu Fai Chow and Gladys Pak Lei Chong.' The China Quarterly (255). pp. 803-804.
Lu, Xiaoning and Lupașcu, Victoria Oana (2023) Moulding the Socialist Subject: Cinema and Chinese Modernity (1949-1966). New Books Network. [Audio]
Lu, Xiaoning (2022) 'Review of: Chenshu Zhou, Cinema Off Screen: Moviegoing in Socialist China. Oakland: University of California Press, 2021.' China Perspectives (4). pp. 69-70.
Lu, Xiaoning and Zhang, Yong (2022) Against All Odds: Bringing Multi-faceted China-Africa Stories to the Screen. Screen Worlds [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Lu, Xiaoning (2021) All guns blazing: the political messages of Chinese war films. SOAS China Institute. [Audio] (Unpublished)
Lu, Xiaoning (2021) 'The Captive Audience and Albanian Films in Mao’s China.' Studies in Eastern European Cinema, 12 (3). pp. 216-236.
Lu, Xiaoning (2021) 'Review of Lingzhen Wang, Revisiting Women's Cinema: Feminism, Socialism, and Mainstream Culture in Modern China.' The China Quarterly, 247 . pp. 926-928.
Lu, Xiaoning (2021) Sang culture: how a reluctant Russian singer became the hero of young pessimists across China. Conversation [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Lu, Xiaoning (2020) 'In the Name of Internationalism: The Cinematic Memorialization of Norman Bethune in Socialist China.' In: Skrodzka, Aga, Lu, Xiaoning and Marciniak, Katarzyna, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Communist Visual Cultures. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, pp. 341-363.
Dovey, Lindiwe (2020) 'Listening Between the Images: African Filmmakers’ Take on the Soviet Union, Soviet Filmmakers’ Take on Africa.' In: Lu, Xiaoning, (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Communist Visual Cultures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Skrodzka, Aga, Lu, Xiaoning and Marciniak, Katarzyna, eds. (2020) The Oxford Handbook of Communist Visual Cultures. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Healy, Dana (2020) 'The Lyrical Subversions of Socialist Realism in Đặng Nhật Minh’s New Wave Cinema.' In: Skrodzka, Aga, Lu, Xiaoning and Marciniak, Katarzyna, (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Communist Visual Cultures. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. (Oxford handbooks online)
Lu, Xiaoning (2020) Moulding the Socialist Subject: Cinema and Chinese Modernity (1949-1966). Leiden: Brill.
Lu, Xiaoning (2019) 'Intermedial Laughter: Hou Baolin and xiangsheng dianying in mid-1950s’ China.' In: Zhu, Ping, Wang, Zhuoyi and McGrath, Jason, (eds.), Maoist Laughter. Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong Press, pp. 73-88.
Lu, Xiaoning (2017) 'The Might of the People: Counter-Espionage Films and Participatory Surveillance in the Early PRC.' In: Fang, Karen, (ed.), Surveillance in Asian Cinema: Under Eastern Eyes. Abingdon; New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 13-32.
Lu, Xiaoning (2017) 'Chinese Film Satire and Its Foreign Connections in the People’s Republic of China (1950-1957): Laughter without Borders?' In: Wesoky, Sharon and Tam, King-fai, (eds.), Not Just a Laughing Matter: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Political Humor in China. New York: Springer Nature, pp. 57-74. (The Humanities in Asia)
Lu, Xiaoning (2015) 'Review of: Culture and Social Transformations: Theoretical Framework and Chinese Context edited by Cao Tianyu, Zhong Xueping, Liao Kebin and Ban Wang, Leiden: Brill, 2014.' MCLC Resource Center .
Lu, Xiaoning (2015) 'Villain Stardom in Socialist China: Chen Qiang and the Cultural Politics of Affect.' Journal of Chinese Cinemas, 9 (3). pp. 223-238.
Lu, Xiaoning (2014) 'The Politics of Recognition and Constructing Socialist Subjectivity: Reexamining the National Minority Film (1949-1966).' Journal of Contemporary China, 23 (86). pp. 372-386.
Lu, Xiaoning (2013) 'Peripheral Perspective and Transnational Life Writing: Two English Accounts of Lao She’s British Sojourn.' Xiandai zhuanji yanjiu现代传记研究(Journal of Modern Life Writing Studies), 1 (1). pp. 177-208.
Lu, Xiaoning (2011) '张瑞芳:塑造社会主义的红色影星.' 文艺研究 Wenyi yanjiu (Research of Literature and Arts) (1). pp. 78-85.
Lu, Xiaoning (2011) 'Promote Physical Culture and Sports, Improve the People’s Constitution.' In: Wang, Ban, (ed.), Words and Their Stories: Essays on Chinese Revolutionary Discourse. Leiden: Brill, pp. 171-184. (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 4 China, 27)
Lu, Xiaoning (2010) 'Zhang Ruifang: Modelling the Socialist Red Star.' In: Zhang, Yingjin and Farquar, Mary, (eds.), Chinese Film Stars. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 97-107. (Routledge contemporary China series, 51)
Lu, Xiaoning (2008) Biopolitics and Cinema: Practices, Representations, and the Moulding of the Socialist Subject in China, 1949-1966. PhD thesis. State University of New York at Stony Brook.
Lu, Xiaoning (2008) 'Zhang Ruifang: Modelling the Socialist Red Star.' Journal of Chinese Cinemas, 2 (2). pp. 113-122.
Lu, Xiaoning, trans. (2005) 红色娘子军:电影与记忆机制 (The Red Detachment of Women: Film and Memory-Work by Robert Chi). 当代电影 Contemporary Cinema (6). pp. 83-86.
Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '追求人生与游戏消遣 – 五四新文学观与鸳鸯蝴喋派文学观之争 [Art for Life’s Sake and Art for Entertainment: May Fourth New Literature versus Mandarin Ducks and Butterflies on Literature].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 131-142.
Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '反对文学革命的尾声- 学衡派与新青年派之争 [The Epilogue of Anti-Literature Revolution: Critical Review versus New Youth].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 95-112.
Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '怎样对待“纲常名教” – 陈独秀与杜亚泉关于东西方文化之争 [How to Treat ‘the Three Cardinal Guides and the Five Constant Virtues’: Chen Duxiu versus Da Yaquan on Eastern and Western Cultures].' In: Chang, Wu li, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 62-74.
Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '老章又反叛了 – 甲寅派与革新派之争 [Lao Zhang’s Second Rebellion: the Jia Yin School versus the Reformists].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 113-130.
Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '文学现代转型之先兆 – 晚清文学变革中白话文言之争 [A Precursor to Modernization of Modern Chinese Literature: Classical Language versus Vernacular Language in Late Qing Literary Reform].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 35-51.
Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '开启文学有无功利的重要话题 – 梁启超与王国维之争[Purposiveness of Literature?: Liang Qichao versus Wang Guowei].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 52-61.
Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '搬开文学革命的绊脚石 – 革新派与复古派之争 [Removing Stumbling Blocks to Literary Revolution: Reformists versus Traditionalists].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 75-94.
Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '三十年代复古思潮的回流 – 针对“文言复兴”的大众语论争 [The Return of Traditionalists in the 1930s: Debate over Popular Language as a Response to the ‘Revival of Classical Language’].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 143-153.
Lu, Xiaoning, trans. (2003) “构想的不定性” – 顽强的现代主义与法西斯主义在现代日本 ("Constitutive Ambiguities": The Persistence of Modernism and Fascism in Japan’s Modern History by Harry Haroontunian). 视界 Horizon (12). pp. 56-77.
Lu, Xiaoning and Liu, Zhiyi (2000) '《呼啸山庄》与《金锁记》情感世界之比较 [A Comparative Reading of the Emotional World in Wuthering Heights and The Golden Cangue].' 外国文学研究 (Waiguo wenxue yanjiu) = Foreign Literature Studies (1). pp. 59-64.
Lu, Xiaoning (2000) '迷途中的文化探索 – 论《新青年》与《东方杂志》的东西文化论争 [Cultural Exploration at Crossroads: the New Youth versus the Eastern Miscellany on Eastern and Western Cultures].' 中州学刊 = Academic Journal of Zhongzhou (3). pp. 127-131.
Lu, Xiaoning and Zhang, Fuming (1999) 'Zhongguo xiandai nvxing xiezuo de yuyan zhuanxiang 中国现代女性写作的语言转向 (Linguistic Turn in Modern Chinese Female Literature).' Zhonghua Nuzi Xueyuan Shandong Fenyuan Xuebao = 中华女子学院山东分院学报 (4). pp. 34-37.
Lu, Xiaoning (1998) '洛文塔尔的通俗文化观 [Lowenthal’s View of Popular Culture].' 國外社會科學 = Social Sciences Abroad. pp. 76-79.
Lu, Xiaoning, trans. (1997) 洛文塔尔的通俗文化观 (Excerpts from Literature, Popular Culture and Society by Leo Lowenthal). 文艺研究 Studies of Literature and Arts (4). pp. 57-59.