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Mahlouly, Dounia (2023) Digital Political Cultures in the Middle East since the Arab Uprisings: Online Activism in Egypt, Tunisia and Lebanon. London: Bloomsbury. (Political Communication and Media Practices in the Middle East and North Africa)
Mahlouly, Dounia (2019) Reconciling Impact and Ethics: An Ethnography of Research in Violent Online Political Extremism. Dublin: VOX-Pol Network of Excellence.
Mahlouly, Dounia and Winter, Charlie (2018) A Tale of Two Caliphates: Comparing the Islamic State’s Internal and External Messaging Priorities. Dublin, Ireland: VOX-Pol Network of Excellence.
Mahlouly, Dounia (2025) 'Journalism and State Feminism in Morocco.' In: Matar, Dina, (ed.), Reframing Political Communication and Media Practices in the Middle East and North Africa. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 93-105. (Political Communication and Media Practices in the Middle East and North Africa) (Forthcoming)
Mahlouly, Dounia and Erhaim, Zaina (2023) 'Pro-Palestinian activism: Resisting the digital occupation.' In: Miladi, Noureddine, (ed.), Global Media Coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: Reporting the Sheikh Jarrah Evictions. London: I.B. Tauris, pp. 237-250. (SOAS Palestine Studies)
Mahlouly, Dounia and Al Saud, Abdullah (2018) 'Trump’s Foreign Policy in the Middle East: Conspiratorialism in the Arab Media Sphere.' In: Happer, Catherine, Hoskins, Andrew and Merrin, William, (eds.), Trump's Media War. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 241-256.
Mahlouly, Dounia (2016) 'Shura or Democracy: debating online over the 2012 constitutional debate in post-revolutionary Egypt.' In: Bratosin, Stefan and Tudor, Mihaela Alexandra, (eds.), Religion, laïcité et sociétés au tournant des humanités numériques: actes du 3e Colloque international Comsymbol. Les Arcs, France: IARSIC (Institute for Advanced Religious Studies and Internetworking Communication, pp. 428-452.
Mahlouly, Dounia (2025) 'The Myth of the Vulnerable Audience: Exploring Counter-Intuitive Approaches to Post-Truth Populism in the New Mass Media.' Journal of Dialogue Studies, 12. pp. 193-214.
Trevisan, Filippo, Hoskins, Andrew, Oates, Sarah and Mahlouly, Dounia (2018) 'The Google voter: search engines and electoral information flows in the new media ecology.' Information, Communication and Society, 21 (1). pp. 111-128.
Mahlouly, Dounia (2014) 'Rational Criticism, Ideological Sustainability and Intellectual Leadership in the Digital Public Sphere.' International Journal of E-Politics, 5 (1). pp. 78-90.
Mahlouly, Dounia (2013) 'Rethinking the Public Sphere in a Digital Environment: Similarities between the Eighteenth and the Twenty-First Centuries.' ESharp, 20 (6).
Mahlouly, Dounia (2014) Campaigning with Twitter in Post-Revolutionary Egypt. In: European Consortium for Political Research 2014 General Conference, 3-6 September 2014, University of Glasgow.
Mahlouly, Dounia and Trevisan, Filippo (2014) Googling for Votes: Using Publicly Accessible Search Engine Data to Capture Information Flows in Elections. In: 12th Annual APSA Pre-Conference on Political Communication, 27 August 2014, Washington DC. (Unpublished)
Mahlouly, Dounia (2014) The New Voter Ecology: Search Engines and Comparative Electoral Information Flows. In: Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association annual conference, 7-9 January 2014, University of Bournemouth. (Unpublished)
Mahlouly, Dounia (2013) Google: The Role of Internet Search in Elections in Established and Challenged Democracies. In: Challenges to Campaigning Conference, University of Edinburgh. (Unpublished)