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Number of items: 16.

McDougall, James (2010) 'État, société et culture chez les intellectuels de l’islāh maghrébin (Algérie et Tunisie, c.1890-1940), ou, la réforme comme apprentissage de l’arriération.' In: Moreau, Odile, (ed.), Réforme de l'Etat et réformismes au Maghreb (XIXe - XXe siècles). Paris: Maisonneuve et Larose, p. 281. (Socio-anthropologie des mondes méditerranéens)

McDougall, James (2010) 'Histories of heresy and salvation: Arabs/Berbers, community and the state.' In: Hoffman, Katherine E and Miller, Susan Gilson, (eds.), Berbers and Others: Beyond Tribe and Nation in the Maghrib. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.

McDougall, James (2008) 'La mosquée et le cimetière: Espaces du sacré et pouvoir symbolique à Constantine en 1936.' Insaniyat. Revue algérienne d’anthropologie et de sciences sociales, 39-40. pp. 79-96.

McDougall, James (2007) 'Sarkozy and Africa: Big white chief’s bad memory.' openDemocracy.

McDougall, James (2007) 'Islam(s) and politics: Post-traumatic states in Algeria.' openDemocracy.

McDougall, James (2007) 'After the war: Algeria’s transition to uncertainty.' Middle East Report (MERIP) (245). pp. 34-41.

McDougall, James (2007) 'The Fetishism of Identity: Empire, Nation and the Politics of Subjectivity in Algeria.' In: Chalcraft, J. and Noorani, Y., (eds.), Counterhegemony in the Colony and Postcolony. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 49-71.

McDougall, James (2006) History and the Culture of Nationalism in Algeria. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Cambridge Middle East studies, 23)

McDougall, James (2006) 'Martyrdom and destiny: the inscription and imagination of Algerian history.' In: Makdisi, Ussama and Silverstein, Paul, (eds.), Memory and violence in the Middle East and North Africa. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.

McDougall, James (2005) 'Savage Wars? Codes of violence in Algeria, 1830s – 1990s.' Third World Quarterly, 26 (1). pp. 117-131.

McDougall, James (2004) 'S’écrire un destin : l’Association des ‘ulama dans la révolution algérienne.' Bulletin de l’Institut d’histoire du temps présent, 83. pp. 38-52.

McDougall, James (2004) 'The Shabiba Islamiyya of Algiers: Education, Authority, and Colonial Control, 1921-57.' Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 24 (1). pp. 149-57.

McDougall, James (2003) 'Introduction. History/culture/politics of the nation.' Journal of North African Studies, 8 (1). pp. 1-13.

McDougall, James (2003) 'Myth and counter-myth: “The Berber” as national signifier in Algerian historiographies.' Radical History Review, 86. pp. 66-88.

McDougall, James, ed. (2003) Nation, society and culture in North Africa. London and Portland: Routledge/Frank Cass. (History and Society in the Islamic World)

McDougall, James (2002) '«Soi-même» comme un «Autre». Les histoires coloniales d'Ahmad Tawfiq al-Madani (1899-1983). ["Oneself" as "Another". The Colonial Stories of Ahmad Tawfiq al-Madani (1899-1983)].' Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée, 95-98. pp. 95-110.

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