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Michalko, Ján (2021) '"This Lady, She’s A-List!": The Empowerment Impact of Womxn Political Elites for Womxn in South African Higher Education.' Social Politics, 28 (4). pp. 1095-1114.
Michalko, Ján (2019) 'Norms and Discourses of Class: Disciplining Young Educated Womxn’s Political Engagements in South Africa.' South African Journal of Political Studies, 47 (3). pp. 269-286.
Michalko, Ján (2019) Female political elites as an empowerment resource : an exploration of the 'role model effect' in South Africa. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00030982
Michalko, Ján (2018) 'Review of: The new black middle class in South Africa , by Roger Southall. Woodbridge, UK: James Currey, 2016. xix + 296 pp. $25.00 (hardback). ISBN 978 1 84701 143 5. Johannesburg, South Africa: Jacana Media, 2016. xix + 296pp. $ 22.30 (paperback). ISBN 978 1 4314 2316 3.' African Affairs, 117 (469).
Michalko, Ján (2017) 'On Their Own: Women, Urbanization, and the Right to the City in South Africa by Allison Goebel Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2015.' Journal of Modern African Studies, 55 (4). pp. 720-722.
Michalko, Ján (2017) 'Women’s Activism in Africa: Struggles for Rights and Representation, edited by Balghis Badri and Aili Mari Tripp. London: Zed Books, 2017.' International Feminist Journal of Politics, 20 (1). pp. 100-101.
Michalko, Ján (2017) 'Drawing inspiration for feminist research in Girlhood and the Politics of Place.' Agenda, 31 (2). pp. 120-125.