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Mosse, David (2024) 'Reflections on Open Dialogue in mental health clinical and ethnographic practice.' In: Gilberthorpe, Emma, (ed.), Anthropological Perspectives on Global Challenges. London: Routledge, pp. 1-28. (ASA Monographs)
Mosse, David, Baker, Darren, Carroll, Molly, Chase, Liana E., Kloocke, Ruth, Wickremasinghe, Kiara, Cramer, Bethan, Pratt-Boyden, Keira and Wuerth, Milena (2023) 'The Contribution of Anthropology to the Study of Open Dialogue: Ethnographic Research Methods and Opportunities.' Frontiers in Psychology, 14. p. 1111588.
Jadhav, Sushrut, Pathania, Gaurav J., Thorat, Amit, Mosse, David and Jain, Sumeet (2023) 'Caste Identities and Structures of Threats: Stigma, Prejudice and Social Representation in Indian universities.' Caste: A Global Journal on Social Exclusion, 4 (1). 03-23.
Mosse, David, Pocobello, Raffaella, Saunders, Rob, Seikkula, Jaakko and von Peter, Sebastian (2023) 'Introduction: Open Dialogue around the world – implementation, outcomes, experiences and perspectives.' Frontiers in Cultural Psychology, 13. p. 1093351.
Cassidy, Sarah, Au-Yeung, Sheena, Robertson, Ashley, Cogger-Ward, Heather, Richards, Gareth, Allison, Carrie, Bradley, Louise, Kenny, Rebecca, O'Connor, Rory, Mosse, David, Rodgers, Jacqui and Baron-Cohen, Simon (2022) 'Autism and autistic traits in those who died by suicide in England.' The British Journal of Psychiatry, 221 (5). pp. 683-691.
Mosse, David (2021) Critical Scholarship in Perilous Times: a Conversation with David Mosse, Winner of the 2021 Jack Goody Award. Comparative Studies in Society and History [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Marsh, Ian, Marzano, Lisa, Mosse, David and Mackenzie, Jay-Marie (2021) 'First-person accounts of the processes and planning involved in a suicide attempt on the railway.' BJPsych Open, 7 (e39). pp. 1-7.
Mosse, David and Nagappan, Sundara Babu (2020) 'NGOs as Social Movements: Policy Narratives, Networks and the Performance of Dalit Rights in South India.' Development and Change, 52 (1). pp. 134-167.
Mosse, David (2020) 'The Modernity of Caste and the Market Economy.' Modern Asian Studies, 54 (4). pp. 1225-1271.
Mosse, David and Kravel-Tovi, Michal (2020) Anti-Caste Activism and Dwindling Numbers: David Mosse and Michal Kravel-Tovi discuss Diasporic Anxieties among British South Asians and American Jews. Comparative Studies in Society and History [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Mosse, David (2020) 'Outside Caste? The Enclosure of Caste and Claims to Castelessness in India and the United Kingdom.' Comparative Studies in Society and History, 62 (1). pp. 4-34.
Mosse, David (2019) 'Can the Experience of Participatory Development Help Think Critically about ‘Patient and Public Involvement’ in UK Healthcare?' Sociological Research Online, 24 (3). pp. 444-461.
Richards, G., Kenny, Rebecca, Griffiths, S., Allison, Carrie, Mosse, David, Holt, R., O'Connor, R.C., Cassidy, Sarah and Baron-Cohen, Simon (2019) 'Autistic traits in adults who have attempted suicide.' Molecular Autism, 10 (26).
Mosse, David (2018) 'Caste and development: Contemporary perspectives on a structure of discrimination and advantage.' World Development, 110. pp. 422-436.
Mosse, David (2018) 'Caste, Religion and Nation: The relationship between Christianity and caste society in India and its misconstrual.' In: Jodhka, Surinder and Manor, James, (eds.), Contested hierarchies, persisting influence: Caste and power in twenty-first-century India. Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan, pp. 261-290.
Mosse, David (2017) '"Complexio oppositorum?" : religion, society, and power in the making of Catholicism in rural south India.' In: Napolitano, Valentina, Mayblin, Maya and Norget, Kristin, (eds.), The Anthropology of Catholicism: A Reader. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Mosse, David and Kruckenberg, Lena (2017) 'Beyond the Ivory Tower: Researching Development Practice.' In: Crawford, Gordon, Kruckenberg, Lena, Loubere, Nicholas and Morgan, Rosemary, (eds.), Understanding Global Development Research: Fieldwork Issues, Experiences and Reflections. London: Sage.
Mosse, David, Jadhav, Sushrut and Dostaler, Ned (2016) 'Minds of caste – Discrimination and its Affects.' Anthropology Today, 32 (1). pp. 1-2.
Mosse, David (2015) 'Class, Caste and the Reproduction of Privilege.' Anthropology of this Century, 14.
Mosse, David (2015) 'Caste and the conundrum of religion and development in India.' In: Tomalin, Emma, (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Religions and Global Development. Oxon; New York: Routledge, pp. 200-214. (Routledge International Handbooks)
Mosse, David (2015) 'Accommodation, reconciliation and rebellion in the history of Tamil Catholicism.' In: Malekandathil, Pius, Pachuau, Joy L.K. and Sarkar, Tanika, (eds.), Christianity in Indian History: Issues of Culture, Power and Knowledge. New Delhi: Primus Books, 185 -203.
Mosse, David (2015) 'Misunderstood, misrepresented, contested? Anthropological knowledge production in question.' Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology, 72. pp. 128-137.
Dhanda, M, Mosse, David, Waughray, A, Keane, D, Green, Roger, Iafrati, S and Mundy, Jessie Kate (2014) Caste in Britain: Experts' Seminar and Stakeholders' Workshop. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission Research Report no. 92.
Dhanda, M, Waughray, A, Keane, D, Green, Roger, Mosse, David and Whittle, S (2014) Caste in Britain: Socio-legal Review. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission Research Report no. 91.
Mosse, David (2014) 'Knowledge as Relational: Reflections on Knowledge in International Development.' Forum for Development Studies, 41 (3). pp. 513-523.
Mosse, David (2013) 'The Anthropology of International Development.' Annual Review of Anthropology, 42. pp. 227-246.
Mosse, David (2012) 'Caste and Christianity.' Seminar: The Monthly Symposium, 633. pp. 58-63.
Mosse, David (2012) The Saint in the Banyan tree: Christianity and Caste Society in India. Berkeley: University of California Press. (The Anthropology of Christianity. A Philip E. Lilienthal Book in Asian Studies)
Mosse, David, ed. (2011) Adventures in Aidland: The Anthropology of Professionals in International Development. New York; Oxford: Berghahn. (Volume 6, Studies in Public and Applied Anthropology)
Mosse, David (2011) 'Aid, adivasis and aspirations for development in western India.' In: Rycroft, Daniel and Dasgupta, Sangeeta, (eds.), The Politics of Belonging in India: Becoming Adivasi. London: Routledge, pp. 154-174. (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series)
Mosse, David (2011) 'Introduction: The Anthropology of Expertise and Professionals in International Development.' In: Mosse, David, (ed.), Adventures in Aidland: The Anthropology of Professionals in International Development. Oxford: Berghahn.
Mosse, David (2011) 'Politics and ethics: ethnographies of expert knowledge and professional identities.' In: Wright, Susan and Shore, Cris, (eds.), Policy Worlds: Anthropology and Analysis of Contemporary Power. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 50-67. (EASA Series)
Mosse, David (2011) 'Social analysis as corporate product: Non-Economists/anthropologists at work in the World Bank in Washington DC.' In: Mosse, David, (ed.), Adventures in Aidland: The anthropology of professionals in international development. Oxford: Berghahn.
Mosse, David (2010) 'The Catholic Church and Dalit Christian activism in contemporary Tamil Nadu.' In: Robinson, Rowena and Kujūra, Josepha Mariyānusa, (eds.), Margins of Faith. New Delhi: Sage.
Mosse, David (2010) 'A Relational Approach to Durable Poverty, Inequality and Power.' Journal of Development Studies, 46 (7). pp. 1156-1178.
Mosse, David (2009) 'Christian Dalit activism in contemporary Tamil Nadu.' In: Gellner, David N., (ed.), Ethnic Activism and Civil Society in South Asia. New Delhi: Sage. (Governance, Conflict and Civic Action)
Mosse, David (2009) 'The rule of water: uncertainty and the cultural ecology of water in south India.' In: Tvedt, Terje and Oestigaard, Terje, (eds.), Ideas of Water: From Ancient Societies to the Modern World. London: I.B. Tauris. (A history of water, Ser. 2, Vol. 1.)
Mosse, David (2008) 'Epilogue: The cultural politics of water – a comparative perspective.' Journal of Southern African Studies, 34 (4). pp. 937-946.
Mosse, David (2008) 'International policy, development expertise, and anthropology.' Focaal, 52. pp. 119-126.
Mosse, David (2008) 'The anthropology of international institutions (Conference Report).' Anthropology Today, 24 (5). p. 24.
Mosse, David (2008) 'Collective action, common property and social capital in south India: an anthropological commentary.' In: Ray, Isha and Bardhan, Pranab, (eds.), The contested commons: conversations between economists and anthropologists. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 83-106.
Mosse, David (2007) Power and the durability of poverty: a critical exploration of the links between culture, marginality and chronic poverty. Chronic Poverty Research Centre (CPRC) Working Paper 107.
Mosse, David (2006) 'Anti-social anthropology? Objectivity, objection, and the ethnography of public policy and professional communities.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 12 (4). pp. 935-956.
Rossi, Benedetta (2006) 'Aid Policies and Recipient Strategies in Niger.' In: Lewis, David and Mosse, David, (eds.), Development brokers and translators: the ethnography of aid and agencies. Bloomfield: Kumarian, pp. 27-50.
Mosse, David (2006) 'Collective Action, Common Property, and Social Capital in South India: An Anthropological Commentary.' Economic Development and Cultural Change, 54 (3). pp. 695-724.
Mosse, David and Lewis, David, eds. (2006) Development Brokers and Translators. The Ethnography of Aid and Agencies. Bloomfield, CT: Kumarian Press.
Mosse, David and Lewis, David (2006) 'Encountering Order and Disjuncture: Contemporary Anthropological Perspectives on the Organisation of Development.' Oxford Development Studies, 34 (1).
Mosse, David (2006) 'Possession and Confession. Affliction and Sacred Power in Colonial and Contemporary Catholic South India.' In: Cannell, F., (ed.), The Anthropology of Christianity. Durham, N.C: Duke University Press, pp. 99-133.
Mosse, David (2006) 'Rule and representation: transformations in the governance of the water commons in British south India.' The Journal of Asian Studies, 65 (1). pp. 61-90.
Mosse, David (2005) 'On the margins in the city: adivasi seasonal labour migrants in western India.' Economic and Political Weekly, 40 (28). pp. 3025-3038.
Mosse, David and Lewis, David, eds. (2005) The Aid Effect: Giving and Governing in International Development. London: Pluto Press.
Mosse, David (2005) Cultivating Development: An Ethnography of Aid Policy and Practice. London; Ann Arbor, MI.: Pluto Press.
Mosse, David (2005) 'Global Governance and the Ethnography of International Aid.' In: Mosse, David and Lewis, David, (eds.), The Aid Effect. Giving and Governing in International Development. London: Pluto Press, pp. 1-36.
Mosse, David (2004) 'Is good policy unimplementable? Reflections on the ethnography of aid policy and practice.' Development and Change, 35 (4). pp. 639-671.
Mosse, David (2004) 'Power relations and poverty reduction.' In: Alsop, Ruth, (ed.), Power, rights and poverty: concepts and connections. Washington DC: The World Bank, pp. 51-67.
Mosse, David (2004) 'Social analysis as product development: anthropologists at work in the World Bank.' In: Giri, Ananta Kumar, van Harskamp, Avan and Salemink, Oscar, (eds.), The development of religion / the religion of development. Amsterdam: Eburon B V, pp. 77-87.
Quarles van Ufford, Philip, Giri, Ananta Kumar and Mosse, David (2003) 'Interventions in development: towards a new moral understanding of our experiences and an agenda for the future.' In: Quarles van Ufford, Philip and Giri, Ananta Kumar, (eds.), A Moral Critique of Development: In Search of Global Responsibilities. London: Routledge, pp. 3-43.
Mosse, David (2003) The Rule of Water. Statecraft, Ecology and Collective Action in South India. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Mosse, David (2003) 'The making and marketing of participatory development.' In: Quarles van Ufford, Philip and Giri, Ananta Kumar, (eds.), A Moral Critique of Development: In Search of Global Responsibilities. London: Routledge, pp. 43-75.
Mosse, David, Gupta, Sanjeev, Mehta, M, Shah, V and Rees, J (2002) 'Brokered livelihoods: debt, labour migration and development in tribal western India.' Journal of Development Studies, 38 (5). pp. 59-88.
Mosse, David (2001) 'Irrigation and statecraft in Zamindari south India.' In: Fuller, C. J. and Bénéï, Véronique, (eds.), The everyday state and society in modern India. London: Hurst, pp. 163-193.
Mosse, David (2001) ''People's knowledge', participation and patronage: operations and representations in rural development.' In: Cook, Bill and Kothari, Uma, (eds.), Participation : the new tyranny? London: Zed Press, pp. 16-35.
Mosse, David (2001) 'Social Research in rural development projects.' In: Gellner, David N. and Hirsch, Eric, (eds.), Inside organizations: anthropologists at work. Oxford: Berg, pp. 1577-182.
Mosse, David (1999) 'Colonial and contemporary ideologies of community management: the case of tank irrigation development in South India.' Modern Asian Studies, 33 (2). pp. 303-338.
Mosse, David (1999) 'Responding to subordination: identity and change among south Indian Untouchable castes.' In: Campbell, John and Rew, Alan, (eds.), Identity and affect: experiences of identity in a globalising world. London: Pluto Press.
Mosse, David, Farrington, John and Rew, Alan, eds. (1998) Development as Process: Concepts and Methods for Working With Complexity. London: Routledge.
Mosse, David (1998) 'Process documentation and process monitoring: cases and issues.' In: Mosse, David, Farrington, John and Rew, Alan, (eds.), Development as Process: Concepts and Methods for Working with Complexity. London: Routledge, pp. 31-53.
Mosse, David (1998) 'Process-oriented approaches to development practice and social research: an introduction.' In: Mosse, David, Farrington, John and Rew, Alan, (eds.), Development as Process: Concepts and Methods for Working with Complexity. London: Routledge, pp. 1-30. (Routledge Research/ODI Development Policy Studies)
Mosse, David (1997) 'Honour, Caste and Conflict: The Ethnohistory of a Catholic Festival in Rural Tamil Nadu (1730-1990).' In: Assayag, Jackie and Tarabout, Gilles, (eds.), Altérité et identité. Islam et christianisme en Inde. Paris: Editions de l'Ecole de Hautes Etudes en Science, pp. 71-120. (Collection Purushartha)
Mosse, David (1997) 'The symbolic making of a common property resource: history, ecology and locality in a tank irrigated landscape in South India.' Development and Change, 28 (3). pp. 467-504.
Mosse, David (1996) 'The Ideology and Politics of community participation tank-irrigation development in colonial and contemporary Tamil Nadu.' In: Grillo, R. D. and Stirrat, R. L., (eds.), Discourse of Development: anthropological perspectives. Oxford: Berg, pp. 255-291.
Mosse, David (1996) 'South Indian Christians, purity/impurity and the caste system: death ritual in a Tamil Roman Catholic community.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 2 (3). pp. 461-483.