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Number of items: 26.

Authored Books

Mucciarelli, Federico, Gerner-Beuerle, Carsten, Mathias, Siems and Edmund-Philipp, Schuster (2016) Study on the law applicable to companies. Brussels: European Commission.

Mucciarelli, Federico (2014) Le offerte pubbliche di acquisto e di scambio. Torino: Giappichelli. (Trattato di Diritto Commerciale)

Mucciarelli, Federico (2010) Società di capitali, trasferimento all'estero della sede sociale e arbitraggi normativi [Transfer abroad of corporations' registered office and regulatory arbitrages]. Milano: Giuffrè.

Mucciarelli, Federico (2004) Società per azioni e offerta pubblica d’acquisto. Le difese successive contro offerte pubbliche d’acquisto di azioni quotate [Public companies and take-over bids: Defensive measures against hostile takeovers]. Milano: Giuffrè. (Quaderni di Giurisprudenza Commerciale)

Edited Book or Journal Volume

Gerner-Beuerle, Carsten, Mucciarelli, Federico, Schuster, Edmund and Siems, Mathias, eds. (2019) The Private International Law of Companies in Europe. Oxford, UK: Beck C.H.; Hart; Nomos.

Book Chapters

Mucciarelli, Federico, Morris, H. P., Moss, G. and Paulus, C. G. (2018) 'Cross-border Insolvencies after Brexit: Views from the United Kingdom and Continental Europe.' In: Fitzgerald, Oonagh E. and Lein, Eva, (eds.), Complexity’s Embrace – The International Law Implications of Brexit. Waterloo, Ontario: Centre for International Governance and Innovation Press.

Mucciarelli, Federico (2017) 'Capitolo Dicianovesimo: Il Regolamento Sulle Insolvenze Transfrontaliere.' In: Benedettelli, Massimo and Lamandini, Marco, (eds.), Diritto societario europeo e internazionale. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer, pp. 711-740.

Journal Article

Mucciarelli, Federico and Lombardo, Stefano (2019) 'Market soundings: the interaction between securities regulation and company law in the United Kingdom and Italy.' European Company and Financial Law Review, 16 (3). pp. 310-348.

Gerner-Beuerle, Carsten, Mucciarelli, Federico, Schuster, Edmund and Siems, Mathias (2018) 'Why do businesses incorporate in other EU Member States? An empirical analysis of the role of conflict of laws rules.' International Review of Law and Economics, 56. pp. 14-27.

Gerner-Beuerle, Carsten, Mucciarelli, Federico, Schuster, Edmund and Siems, Mathias (2018) 'Cross-border reincorporations in the European Union: the case for comprehensive harmonisation.' Journal of Corporate Law Studies, 18 (1). pp. 1-42.

Mucciarelli, Federico (2018) 'Il Regolamento sulle insolvenze transfrontaliere e la delega italiana sulla crisi d’impresa: riflessioni sul rapporto tra la riforma italiana dell’insolvenza e il diritto dell’Unione Europea.' Rivista delle Società, 63 (4). pp. 891-918.

Mucciarelli, Federico (2017) 'Employee insolvency priorities and employment protection in France, Germany and the United Kingdom.' Journal of Law and Society, 44 (2). pp. 255-282.

Mucciarelli, Federico (2016) 'Private International Law Rules in the Insolvency Regulation Recast: A Reform or a Restatement of the Status Quo?' European Company Financial Law Review, 13 (1). pp. 1-30.

Mucciarelli, Federico (2014) 'I compensi agli amministratori esecutivi nelle società quotate: uno sguardo comparatistico a Regno Unito, Germania e Stati Uniti d’America.' Analisi Giuridica dell'Economia, 13 (2). pp. 295-310.

Mucciarelli, Federico (2013) 'Not Just Efficiency: Insolvency Law in the EU and Its Political Dimension.' European Business Organization Law Review, 14. pp. 175-200.

Mucciarelli, Federico (2012) 'The Function of Corporate Law and the effects of Reincorporations in the U.S. and the E.U.' Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law, 20 (2). pp. 421-468.

Mucciarelli, Federico (2012) 'The Hidden Voyage of a Dying Italian Company, from the Mediterranean Sea to Albion.' European Company Financial Review, 9 (4). pp. 571-579.

Mucciarelli, Federico (2010) 'Equal treatment of shareholders and European Union law - Case note on the Decision ‘Audiolux’ of the European Court of Justice.' European Company and Financial Law Review, 7 (1). pp. 158-167.

Mucciarelli, Federico (2009) 'Cross-border Tender Offers, the Exclusion of Certain Shareholders and the Principle of Equal Treatment.' Uniform Law Review, 14 (1/2). pp. 165-180.

Mucciarelli, Federico (2009) 'La sentenza “Volkswagen” e il pericolo di una “convergenza” forzata tra gli ordinamenti societari [ECJ’s “Volkswagen decision” and the risk of a coercive covergence of European company laws].' Giurisprudenza Commerciale (II). pp. 273-282.

Mucciarelli, Federico (2009) 'Problemi aperti in tema di offerte pubbliche d’acquisto transfrontaliere [Issues related to cross-border tender offers].' Banca Borsa e Titoli di Credito, 72 (4). pp. 382-402.

Mucciarelli, Federico (2008) 'Company ‘Emigration’ and EC Freedom of Establishment: Daily Mail Revisited.' European Business Organization Law Review, 9. pp. 267-303.

Mucciarelli, Federico (2006) 'White knights and black knights. Does the search for competitive bids always benefit the shareholders of “target” companies?' European Company and Financial Law Review, 3 (4). pp. 408-425.

Mucciarelli, Federico (2005) 'Il principio di reciprocità nella direttiva comunitaria sull’opa [The reciprocity principle in the European Directive on takeover bids].' Giurisprudenza Commerciale, 32. pp. 830-843.

Mucciarelli, Federico (2005) 'The Transfer of the Registered Office and Forum-Shopping in International Insolvency Cases: an Important Decision from Italy.' European Company and Financial Law Review, 2 (4). pp. 512-533.

Book Reviews

Mucciarelli, Federico (2014) 'Review of: The Spirit of Corporate Law – Core Princi- ples of Corporate Law in Continental Europe by Günther H. Roth and Peter Kindler. Beck – Hart – Nomos, 2013.' European Business Organization Law Review, 15 (3). pp. 443-445.

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