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Number of items: 40.

Murphy, Stephen A (2024) Buddhist Landscapes: Art and Archaeology of the Khorat Plateau, 7th to 11th Centuries. Singapore: NUS Press. (Art and Archaeology of Southeast Asia: Hindu-Buddhist Traditions)

Murphy, Stephen A (2022) 'Rituals set in Stone: Tracing the Archaeological Evidence for the Development of the Sīmā Stone tradition in Southeast Asia.' In: Carbine, Jason and Davis, Erik, (eds.), Sīmās: Foundations of Buddhist Religion. Hawaii: University Of Hawai'i Press, pp. 43-65.

Murphy, Stephen A (2021) 'Jimmy Ong and Sir Stamford Raffles: Interlopers in the History of Java and Singapore.' In: Murphy, Stephen A, (ed.), Raffles Revisited: Essays on Collecting and Colonialism in Java, Singapore and Sumatra. Singapore: Asian Civilisations Museum, pp. 100-127.

Murphy, Stephen A (2021) 'Revisiting Raffles: Knowledge, power, and decolonial possibilities.' In: Murphy, Stephen A, (ed.), Raffles Revisited: Essays on Collecting and Colonialism in Java, Singapore and Sumatra. Singapore: Asian Civilisations Museum, pp. 6-31.

Murphy, Stephen A, ed. (2021) Raffles Revisited: Essays on Collecting and Colonialism in Java, Singapore and Sumatra. Singapore: Asian Civilisations Museum.

Murphy, Stephen A (2021) 'Defining Dvāravatī: Edited by Anna Bennett and Hunter Watson. Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books, 2020.' SOJOURN, 36 (1). pp. 197-200.

Murphy, Stephen A (2020) 'The Tang Shipwreck and Maritime Trade in Asia in the 9th century/“黑石号”沉船与9 世纪的亚洲海上贸易.' In: 宝历风物 : "黑石号"沉船出水珍品 / The Baoli era : treasures from the Tang Shipwreck Collection. Shanghai: 上海书画出版社, Shanghai : Shanghai shu hua chu ban she, pp. 30-76.

Murphy, Stephen A (2019) 'Cultural Connections and Shared Origins between Cham and Dvāravatī: A comparison of common artistic and architectural motifs, ca. 7th – 10th centuries CE.' In: Griffiths, Arlo, Hardy, Andrew and Wade, Geoff, (eds.), Champa: Territories and Networks of a Southeast Asian Kingdom. Paris: École française d'Extrême-Orient, pp. 303-321. (Études thématiques no. 31)

Murphy, Stephen A (2019) 'Tang.' In: Gaillard, Karin and van den Berg, Eline, (eds.), Gezonken schatten : vondsten uit scheepswrakken van de maritieme zijderoute 800-1900 = Sunken treasures : discoveries in shipwrecks from the maritime silk road 800-1900. Zwolle: Waanders und De Kunst, pp. 18-41.

McCullough, Theresa, Murphy, Stephen A, Onn, Clement and Zulkifli, Noorashikin (2019) 'Faith and Belief: The Level Two Galleries at Asian Civilisations Museum.' Orientations, 50 (4). pp. 32-43.

Murphy, Stephen A and Onn, Clement (2019) 'Trade and the Maritime Silk Routes: The Level One Galleries at Asian Civilisations Museum.' Orientations, 50 (4). pp. 2-11.

Murphy, Stephen A (2019) 'The Constant Orientalist: Raffles and the Religions of Java.' In: Murphy, Stephen A, Wang, Naomi and Green, Alexandra, (eds.), Raffles in Southeast Asia: Revisiting the scholar and the statesman. Singapore: Asian Civilisations Museum, pp. 202-213.

Murphy, Stephen A, Wang, Naomi and Green, Alexandra, eds. (2019) Raffles in Southeast Asia: Revisiting the scholar and the statesman. Singapore: Asian Civilisations Museum.

McCullough, Theresa, Murphy, Stephen A, Baptiste, Pierre and Zéphir, Thierry, eds. (2018) Angkor: Exploring Cambodia’s Sacred City. Singapore: Asian Civilisations Museum.

Murphy, Stephen A (2018) 'Introducing Angkor: Presenting Khmer civilisation to the world.' In: McCullough, Theresa, Murphy, Stephen A, Baptiste, Pierre and Zéphir, Thierry, (eds.), Angkor: Exploring Cambodia’s Sacred City. Singapore: Asian Civilisations Museum, pp. 14-33.

Murphy, Stephen A (2018) 'Revisiting the Bujang Valley: A Southeast Asian entrepôt complex on the maritime trade route.' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 28 (2). pp. 355-389.

Lloyd-Smith, Lindsay, Gani, Nicholas, Mohammad, Sherman Sauffi William, Appleby, Jo, Litah, Stephen, Murphy, Stephen A, Nyiri, Borabala, Paran, Walter and White, Nancy (2017) 'Early Central Borneo Project: Archaeological Investigations In Pa' Lungan, Kelabit Highlands (2013-2015).' Sarawak Museum Journal, 99. pp. 57-117.

Latinis, D. Kyle and Murphy, Stephen A (2017) Sema Stones and Mountain Palaces from the Dawn of Angkor. NSC Highlights [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Murphy, Stephen A and Lefferts, H. Leedom (2017) 'Globalizing Indian Religions and Southeast Asian Localisms: Incentives for the adoption of Buddhism and Brahmanism in 1st Millennium CE Southeast Asia.' In: Hodos, Tamar, (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 768-788.

Murphy, Stephen A (2017) 'Ports of call in ninth-century Southeast Asia: The route of the Tang Shipwreck.' In: Chong, Alan and Murphy, Stephen A, (eds.), The Tang Shipwreck: art and exchange in the 9th century. Singapore: Asian Civilisations Museum, pp. 234-249.

Murphy, Stephen A (2017) 'Asia in the ninth century: the context of the Tang Shipwreck.' In: Chong, Alan and Murphy, Stephen A, (eds.), The Tang Shipwreck: art and exchange in the 9th century. Singapore: Asian Civilisations Museum, pp. 12-20.

Chong, Alan and Murphy, Stephen A, eds. (2017) The Tang Shipwreck: art and exchange in the 9th century. Singapore: Asian Civilisations Museum.

Murphy, Stephen A, ed. (2016) Cities and Kings: Treasures from Ancient Myanmar. Singapore: Asian Civilisations Museum.

Murphy, Stephen A (2016) 'Cities and Kings: A journey through the art and archaeology of Myanmar.' In: Murphy, Stephen A, (ed.), Cities and Kings: Treasures from Ancient Myanmar. Singapore: Asian Civilisations Museum, pp. 14-21.

Murphy, Stephen A and Kyaing, U Win (2016) 'The Pyu: an ancient civilization of upper Myanmar.' In: Murphy, Stephen A, (ed.), Cities and Kings: Treasures from Ancient Myanmar. Singapore: Asian Civilisations Museum, pp. 22-33.

Murphy, Stephen A and Stark, Miriam T, eds. (2016) The Archaeology Issue. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. Vol. 47, no. 3)

Murphy, Stephen A and Stark, Miriam T (2016) 'Introduction: Transitions from late prehistory to early historic periods in mainland Southeast Asia, c. early to mid-first millennium CE.' Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 47 (3). pp. 333-340.

Murphy, Stephen A (2016) 'The case for proto-Dvaravati: A review of the art historical and archaeological evidence.' Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 47 (3). pp. 366-392.

Murphy, Stephen A (2015) 'Review of: The Origins of the Civilization of Angkor, vols 1-6: Edited by Charles F.W. Higham et al.' The Antiquaries Journal, 95 . pp. 373-377.

Murphy, Stephen A (2015) 'How Many Monks? Quantitative And Demographic Archaeological Approaches To Buddhism In Northeast Thailand And Central Laos, 6th-11th Centuries Ce.' In: Lammerts, D. Christian, (ed.), Buddhist Dynamics in Premodern and Early Modern Southeast Asia. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, pp. 80-119. (Nalanda-Sriwijaya series ; v 24)

Murphy, Stephen A (2014) 'Buddhist Architecture and Ritual Space in Thailand, Seventh to Ninth Century.' In: Guy, John, (ed.), Lost Kingdoms: Hindu-Buddhist Sculpture of Early Southeast Asia. New York; New Haven: Metropolitan Museum of Art; Distributed by Yale University Press, pp. 194-195.

Murphy, Stephen A (2014) 'Sema Stones in Lower Myanmar and Northeast Thailand: A Comparison.' In: Revire, Nicolas and Murphy, Stephen A, (eds.), Before Siam: Essays in Art and Archaeology. Bangkok: River Books, pp. 353-371.

Murphy, Stephen A and Revire, Nicolas, eds. (2014) Before Siam: Essays in Art and Archaeology. Bangkok: River Books and the Siam Society.

Moore, Elizabeth and Win, San (2014) 'Sampanago: ‘city of serpents’ and the first Muttama (Martaban).' In: Revire, Nicolas and Murphy, Stephen A, (eds.), Before Siam : essays in art and archaeology. Bangkok: River Books, pp. 216-237.

Murphy, Stephen A (2013) 'Buddhism and its Relationship to Dvaravati Period Settlement Patterns and Material Culture in Northeast Thailand and Central Laos c. Sixth to eleventh centuries AD: A Historical Ecology Approach to the Landscape of the Khorat Plateau.' Asian Perspectives: Journal of Archaeology and the Pacific, 52 (2). pp. 300-323.

Murphy, Stephen A (2013) 'The Distribution of Sema Stones throughout the Khorat Plateau during the Dvaravati Period.' In: Klokke, Marijke J. and Degroot, Véronique, (eds.), Unearthing Southeast Asia's past : selected papers from the 12th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists. Volume 1. Singapore: NUS Press, pp. 215-233.

Pongkasetkan, Pimchanok and Murphy, Stephen A (2012) 'Transitions from Late Prehistoric to Dvaravati Period Funerary Practices: New Evidence from Dong Mae Nang Muang, Central Thailand.' In: Tjoa-Bonatz, Mai Lin, Reinecke, Andreas and Bonatz, Dominik, (eds.), Crossing Borders: Selected Papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Volume 1. Singapore: NUS Press, pp. 75-89.

Murphy, Stephen A (2010) 'Dvaravati Period Sema Stones: Shifting meanings and definitions in archaeology, epigraphy, texts and religious re-use.' Rian Thai: international journal of Thai studies, 3. pp. 259-282.

Murphy, Stephen A (2010) 'การแพร่กระจายของใบเสมาสมัยทวารวดีในที่ราบสูงโคราช [An Analysis of the Distribution of Dvaravati Period Sema stones in the Khorat Plateau].' Muang Boran, 36 (2). pp. 71-91.

Murphy, Stephen A and Pongkasetkan, Pimchanok (2010) 'Fifty Years of Archaeological Research at Dong Mae Nang Muang, an Ancient Gateway to the Upper Chao Phraya Basin.' Journal of the Siam Society, 98. pp. 49-74.

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