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Causevic, Senija and Neal, Mark (2019) 'The Exotic Veil: Managing tourist perceptions of national history and statehood in Oman.' Tourism Management, 71. pp. 504-517.
Neal, Mark (2018) 'Dirty customers: Stigma and identity among sex tourists.' Journal of Consumer Culture, 18 (1). pp. 131-148.
Neal, Mark (2016) 'Learning from Poverty: Why Business Schools Should Address Poverty, and How They Can Go About It.' Academy of Management Learning and Education, 16 (1). pp. 54-69.
Igel, Barbara, Neal, Mark and Prince, Sheikh (2014) 'Integrating Sustainability in Asian Business Schools.' In: Tanaka, Aurea Christine and Tabucanon, Mario, (eds.), ProSPER.Net: Transforming Higher Education and Creating Sustainable Societies. Tokyo: UNU - United Nations University, pp. 40-56.
Almoharby, Darwish and Neal, Mark (2013) 'Clarifying Islamic perspectives on leadership.' Education Business and Society Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues, 6 (3/4). pp. 148-161.
Yahanpath, Noel, Neal, Mark and McCormack, Shane (2013) 'Valuing flexibility in career training decisions.' Education and Training, 55 (3). pp. 291-305.
Cohen, Erik and Neal, Mark (2012) 'A Middle Eastern Muslim tourist enclave in Bangkok: Emergence, dynamics and present structure.' Tourism Geographies, 14 (4). pp. 570-598.
Naeem, M. and Neal, Mark (2012) 'Sustainability in business education in the Asia Pacific region: A snapshot of the situation.' International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 13 (1). pp. 60-71.
Neal, Mark (2010) Business education and poverty alleviation. In: Managing in the new world order: Strategies for Sustainable Business Development, 21-22 February 2010, Sur, Oman. (Unpublished)
Cohen, Erik and Neal, Mark (2010) 'Coinciding crises in tourism in contemporary Thailand.' Current Issues in Tourism, 13 (5). pp. 455-475.
Neal, Mark and Jones, C. J., eds. (2010) Proceedings of the 3rd International Colloquium on Business and Management (ICBM) / 2nd International Conference on Business and Management Education (ICBME). Singapore: International Colloquium on Business and Management.
Neal, Mark and Jones, C. J., eds. (2010) Proceedings of the 4th International Colloquium on Tourism and Leisure (ICTL) 2010. Bingley: Emerald.
Naeem, M. and Neal, Mark (2010) Sustainability-integration in business school curricula in the Asia-Pacific Region: An exploratory study. In: 2nd International Conference of AGBA South Asia Chapter, 21-23 July 2010, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan. (Unpublished)
Neal, Mark (2010) 'When Arab-expatriate relations work well: Diversity and discourse in the Gulf Arab workplace.' Team Performance Management, 16 (5/6). pp. 242-266.
Neal, Mark and Tansey, R. (2010) 'The dynamics of effective corrupt leadership: Lessons from Rafik Hariri's political career in Lebanon.' Leadership Quarterly, 21 (1). pp. 33-49.
Neal, Mark and Jones, C. J., eds. (2009) Proceedings of the 3rd International Colloquium on Tourism and Leisure (ICTL) 2009. Bingley: International Colloquium on Tourism and Leisure.
Neal, Mark and Cohen, Erik (2009) Social transformations in Arab tourism in Thailand. In: New Zealand Sociological Association Annual Conference, 22-24 November 2009, Massey University, New Zealand. (Unpublished)
Neal, Mark (2009) 'Supervenience in socio-economic systems.' Humanomics: The International Journal of Systems and Ethics, 25 (3). pp. 197-203.
Neal, Mark and Finlay, Jim L. (2008) 'American hegemony and business education in the Arab world.' Journal of Management Education, 32 (2). pp. 38-83.
Finlay, Jim L. and Neal, Mark (2008) Can business education alter cultural norms? In: International Conference on Economics, Law and Management, 4-7 June 2008, University Petru Maior, Romania. (Unpublished)
Neal, Mark and Jones, C. J., eds. (2008) Proceedings of the 2nd International Colloquium on Business and Management (ICBM) / International Conference on Business and Management Education (ICBME). Bankok: International Colloquium on Business and Management.
Neal, Mark and Jones, C. J., eds. (2008) Proceedings of the 2nd International Colloquium on Tourism and Leisure (ICTL) 2008. Bingley: International Colloquium on Tourism and Leisure.
Neal, Mark and Jones, C. J., eds. (2008) Proceedings of the International Conference on Asian Business (ICAB). Delhi: International Conference on Asian Business.
Faulkner, F., Jones, C. J., Neal, Mark and Walsh, J., eds. (2008) Tourism, Leisure and Development: Emerging Themes and Research. Bangkok: SIU Press.
Faulkner, F., Jones, C. J., Neal, Mark and Walsh, J., eds. (2007) Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Tourism and Leisure (ICTL). Bingley: International Colloquium on Tourism and Leisure.
Neal, Mark, Finlay, Jim L., Catana, A. and Catana, D. (2007) 'A comparison of leadership prototypes of Arab and European females.' International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 7 (3). pp. 291-316.
Ahmad, Rizal and Neal, Mark (2006) 'AirAsia: The sky's the limit?' Asian Journal of Management Cases, 3 (1). pp. 25-50.
Neal, Mark (2006) 'Anatta: Buddhist insights into the paradoxical nature of organizational "cultural problems".' Journal of Organizational Change Management, 19 (4). pp. 518-528.
Finlay, Jim L., Neal, Mark, Catana, D. and Catana, Gh. A. (2006) 'Did Communism lead to rational-legal leadership expectations? Some evidence to the contrary from prospective women managers in Romania.' Schriften zur Organisationswissenschaft, 10 (1). pp. 45-66.
Neal, Mark and Younis, T. (2006) 'Fueling the fire: Professional values and departmental boundaries in the management of the B.S.E. crisis in the U.K.' Disaster Prevention and Management, 15 (2). pp. 299-312.
Catana, Gh. A., Catana, D., Finlay, Jim L. and Neal, Mark (2006) 'Leadership authority and CEO motivations in Romania: Max Weber revisited.' Schriften zur Organisationswissenschaft, 10 (1). pp. 1-24.
Finlay, Jim L., Neal, Mark, Catana, A. and Catana, D. (2005) Did communism lead to rational-legal leadership expectations? Some evidence to the contrary from prospective women managers in Romania. In: Eastern European Management, 17-20 March 2005, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany. (Unpublished)
Neal, Mark (2005) '“Get rich, or die trying”: Lessons from Rambus' predatory litigation in the semiconductors industry.' Industry and Innovation, 11 (1). pp. 93-115.
Neal, Mark (2005) ''I lose, but that's not the point': Situated economic and social rationalities in horserace gambling.' Leisure Studies, 24 (3). pp. 291-310.
Finlay, Jim L., Neal, Mark, Catana, A. and Catana, D. (2005) Leadership authority and CEO motivations in Romania: Max Weber revisited. In: Eastern European Management, 17-20 March 2005, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany. (Unpublished)
Neal, Mark (2005) Management Paradoxes: A preliminary look at some baffling organizational conundrums. In: Faculty Research Forum, College of Commerce and Economics, 4 May 2005, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman. (Unpublished)
Neal, Mark, Finlay, Jim L. and Tansey, R. (2005) '“My father knows the Minister”: A comparative study of Arab women's attitudes towards leadership authority.' Women In Management Review, 20 (7). pp. 354-375.
Neal, Mark and Finlay, Jim L. (2005) Women, wasta and work: A comparison of authority values among Arab and European women. In: World Business Institute, 2nd International Business Research Conference, 5-8 December 2005, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. (Unpublished)
Finlay, Jim L., Neal, Mark, Catana, A. and Catana, D. (2005) 'The influence of cultural backgrounds on perceptions of manager and subordinate relationships in Romania, Lebanon and Oman: A preliminary cross-cultural investigation.' In: von Lang, R., (ed.), The End of Transformation. Munich: Munchen und Mering Publishers, pp. 181-210.
Neal, Mark and Tansey, R. (2004) 'Diagnosis: A study of ABC Limited's current strategies in the Indian pump industries.' Vikalpa: The Journal of Decision-Makers (Official Journal of the Indian Institute of Management), 29 (2). pp. 119-122.
Tansey, R., Neal, Mark and Carroll, R. (2004) 'Patent aggression: High risk intellectual property strategies in the semiconductors industry.' Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2 (4). pp. 224-249.
Neal, Mark, Finlay, Jim L. and Beyrouti, N. (2004) 'A comparison of Gulf Arab and Western women's attitudes towards leadership in the workplace.' Arab Journal of Administrative Sciences, 11 (3). pp. 12-27.
Tansey, R., Carroll, R., Neal, Mark and Jones, Colin (2004) 'A social representations model of environmental disclosures in emerging markets.' Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2 (3). pp. 121-133.
Finlay, Jim L., Neal, Mark, Catana, A. and Catana, D. (2003) 'Anticipated management styles: Viewpoint of potential women employees from selected evolving economies.' Economic and Business Review for Central and South-Eastern Europe, 5 (4). pp. 285-307.
Neal, Mark (2003) Consumer profiles in the U.K. horserace gambling industry. In: Seminar Series on Gambling Research, 26 November 2003, University of Macau, People's Republic of China. (Unpublished)
Finlay, Jim L., Neal, Mark, Catana, A. and Catana, D. (2003) Women's attitudes towards leadership: a three-nation study. In: Eastern European Management, 20-22 March 2003, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany. (Unpublished)
Neal, Mark and Finlay, Jim L. (2002) 'The dawning of the age of the regulator.' Fraser Forum, 21 (1). pp. 13-17.
Neal, Mark and Morgan, John (2000) 'The professionalization of everyone? A study of the development of the professions in Britain and Germany.' European Sociological Review, 16 (1). pp. 9-26.
Davies, Christie and Neal, Mark (2000) 'Durkheim's altruistic and fatalistic suicide.' In: Pickering, W. S. F. and Walford, G., (eds.), Durkheim’s Suicide: A Century of Research and Debate. London: Routledge, pp. 36-53. (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought)
Davies, Christie and Neal, Mark (2000) 'Ethics and the person: Risk, moral recognition and modernity.' In: Flanagan, K. and Jupp, P., (eds.), Virtue Ethics and Sociology: Issues of Modernity and Religion. London: Palgrave, pp. 68-90.
Neal, Mark (2000) 'Risk aversion: The rise of an ideology.' In: Jones, Laura, (ed.), Safe Enough: Managing Risk and Regulation. Vancouver, B.C: Fraser Institute, pp. 13-31.
Davies, Christie and Neal, Mark (2000) 'Teaching Durkheim's suicide: An unsurpassed exercise in the use of the sociological imagination.' In: Pickering, W. S. F. and Walford, G., (eds.), Durkheim’s Suicide: A Century of Research and Debate. London: Routledge, pp. 180-184. (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought)
Neal, Mark (2000) The rise of risk aversion. In: Safe enough? Public Policy on Risk, 2000, Fraser Institute, Ottawa, Canada. (Unpublished)
Neal, Mark (1999) 'The Frankenstein food scare that killed British Biotech.' National Post (Canada). pp. 18-19.
Neal, Mark (1999) Consumer profiles in the off-course industries: Lessons for industry strategy and state policy. In: Society for the Study of Gambling, 17 June 1999, University of London. (Unpublished)
Neal, Mark (1999) 'Gambling routines: Customer profiles and behaviour in U.K. betting shops.' Newsletter of the Society for the Study of Gambling (Official scholarly publication of the SSG), 33. pp. 8-20.
Neal, Mark (1999) Managing the reputation and appeal of Medium Density Fiber (MDF) Board: Towards an industry-wide strategy. Grantham: WPIF Publications.
Neal, Mark (1999) Qualitative customer profiling in the British gambling industry. In: Faculty of Law and Management, 13 March 1999, University of Mauritius, Mauritius. (Unpublished)
Neal, Mark and Hunt, S. (1999) Risk aversion and anti-industry activism. In: Alternative Futures and Popular Protest, British Sociological Association Protests and Social Movements Study Group, 13 November 1999, Manchester Metropolitan University. (Unpublished)
Neal, Mark (1999) Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms in Kazakhstan Information Analysis and Forecasts (former Ministry of Economy and Trade): Organization Review. TACIS Services DG IA: European Commission.
Neal, Mark and Davies, Christie (1999) 'Why are opponents of different targets the same people?' In: Mosbacher, M. and Anderson, Digby C., (eds.), Another Country. London: Social Affairs Unit, pp. 13-24.
Neal, Mark (1999) 'The ongoing effects of deregulation on betting shop customer profile and behaviour.' Managing Leisure, 4 (3). pp. 156-168.
Neal, Mark (1999) The rise of risk-aversion and its implications for competitiveness. In: Centre for International Business and Economics Research (CIBER) Conference, 22 September 1999, Homerton College, University of Cambridge. (Unpublished)
Neal, Mark and Wright, Howard (1998) 'What makes punters tick?' Racing Post, 3878. pp. 6-7.
Neal, Mark and Clarke, D. (1998) 'Coping under pressure: An insider view of the casualization process.' Management Research News, 21 (2/3). p. 19.
Neal, Mark (1998) Ethnic clustering in multicultural organizations. In: Seminar Series in International Business, 8 January 1998, Ashcroft International Business School, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. (Unpublished)
Neal, Mark and Davies, Christie (1998) Evaluating Durkheim's categories of suicide in the light of recent empirical research. In: British Centre for Durkheimian Studies, 1998, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford. (Unpublished)
Neal, Mark and Davies, Christie (1998) Patterns of risk and blame in the Non-Risk Society. In: Environment, Risk and Society, July 1998, University of Wales, Cardiff. (Unpublished)
Neal, Mark (1998) Scaring the public: Patterns in campaigns against industrial processes and products. In: Proceedings of the Second European Panel Products Symposium, 21-22 October 1998, Biocomposites Centre, University of Wales, Bangor. (Unpublished)
Neal, Mark (1998) 'Teach yourself corporate self-defense.' Wall Street Journal, 16 (87). p. 10.
Neal, Mark (1998) '“You lucky punters!” A study of gambling in the U.K.' Sociology, 32 (3). pp. 581-600.
Neal, Mark and Davies, Christie (1998) The corporation under siege: Exposing the devices used by activists and regulators in the non-risk society. London: Social Affairs Unit.
Neal, Mark (1998) The culture factor: Cross-national management and the foreign venture. London: Macmillan Business.
Neal, Mark and Clarke, D. (1997) Coping under pressure: An insider view of the casualisation process. In: The Insecure Workforce: Proceedings of the 1997 Employment Research Unit Annual Conference, 1997, University of Wales, Cardiff. (Unpublished)
Davies, Christie and Neal, Mark (1997) Patterns of blame in contemporary risk controversies. In: Religion, Modernity and Ethics: Annual conference of the Sociology of Religion Study Group, 1997, University of Bristol. (Unpublished)
Neal, Mark (1995) Keeping cures from patients: The perverse effects of pharmaceutical regulations. London: Social Affairs Unit. (Risk Controversies)
Neal, Mark (1994) 'Rejoinder to John Bennett's “Comment: 'Peace through development: The role of multinational companies in developing countries'”.' International Journal on World Peace, 11 (2). pp. 35-40.
Neal, Mark (1994) 'The benefits of foreign direct investment in developing countries.' International Journal on World Peace, 11 (2). pp. 15-34.
Neal, Mark (1993) 'Making sense of the drug testing debate.' Contemporary Review, 262. pp. 206-209.
Neal, Mark (1993) 'Protecting the consumer: Are drug testing requirements too strict?' Social Biology and Human Affairs, 58 (1). pp. 29-34.
Neal, Mark (1993) 'The tragedy of Marxist Zambia: Commentary on John T. Milimo's "Multi-party democracy in Africa: Lessons from Zambia".' International Journal on World Peace, 10 (2). pp. 3-6.
Neal, Mark (1992) Culture free? A Wittgensteinian analysis of action in culture. In: British Sociological Association Annual Conference, 6-9 April 1992, University of Kent at Canterbury. (Unpublished)
Neal, Mark (1991) Ideas as epistemic resources. In: Current work in Ethnomethodology and Conversational Analysis, 12-16 July 1991, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands. (Unpublished)
Neal, Mark (1990) Ethnomethodological approaches to management training. In: UKTP Management Teacher Training Conference, 2-3 August 1990, University of Glasgow. (Unpublished)