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Number of items: 45.

Okech, Awino (2024) 'Gender Contestations and the Implications for Inclusive Societies.' African Journal for Sustainable Development, 14 (1). pp. 47-59.

Okech, Awino (2024) 'Feminist Protest Action in Kenya: Lessons and Directions.' Politics and Gender, 20 (2). pp. 485-489.

Okech, Awino (2024) 'Adaptive Shadow Research for Collaborative Field Work.' In: SAGE Research Methods Cases: Diversifying and Decolonizing Research. London: Sage, pp. 1-16.

Okech, Awino and Essof, Shereen (2023) 'Global movement for Black lives: A conversation between Awino Okech and Shereen Essof.' European Journal of Women's Studies, 30 (1 supplt). 34S-42S.

Okech, Awino (2023) 'The Feminist Classroom in a Neoliberal University.' In: Ryan-Flood, Róisín, Crowhurst, Isabel and James-Hawkins, Laurie, (eds.), Difficult Conversations: A Feminist Dialogue. London: Routledge. (Transformations)

Okech, Awino (2022) We need a feminist economic alternative to Sunak and Hunt’s plans. openDemocracy [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Okech, Awino (2022) 'Chinese Funded Projects and Open Governance in Kenya.' Leadership and Developing Societies, 6 (1). pp. 1-5.

Okech, Awino (2022) Would Kenyan women’s rights be safe under William Ruto? Why they might not be. The Conversation [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Okech, Awino (2022) 'Queer Movements and Disciplinary Laws in Africa.' In: Hotz, Sandra, Kapferer, Nils and Cottier, Michelle, (eds.), Law on the Move: Technical, political, and social developments and theoretical challenges for legal gender studies. Zurich: DIKE, pp. 85-98.

Okech, Awino, Essof, Shereen and Carlsen, Laura (2022) 'Movement Building Responses to COVID-19: Lessons from the JASS Mobilisation Fund.' Economia Politica, 39 (1). pp. 249-269.

Nazneen, Sohela and Okech, Awino (2021) 'Introduction: Feminist Protests and Politics in a World in Crisis.' Gender and Development, 29 (2/3). pp. 231-252.

Okech, Awino (2021) 'Governing Gender: Violent Extremism in Northern Nigeria.' Africa Development, 46 (3). pp. 1-19.

Okech, Awino (2021) 'Rite of Being: Gender and Bodily Autonomy in Manenberg.' In: Halligey, Alex and Matchett, Sara, (eds.), Collaborative Conversations: Celebrating Twenty-One Years of The Mothertongue Project. Cape Town: Modjaji Books.

Okech, Awino (2021) 'Feminist Digital Counterpublics: Challenging Femicide in Kenya and South Africa.' Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 46 (4). pp. 1013-1033.

Okech, Awino, Mwambari, David and Olonisakin, 'Funmi (2021) 'COVID-19 responses and human rights in selected African countries.' Australian Journal of Human Rights, 26 (3). pp. 549-555.

Olonisakin, 'Funmi and Okech, Awino (2020) Twenty Years of UNSC Resolution 1325 call for a Frank Forward Look. Accord [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Okech, Awino (2020) Why #EndSARS Matters in an Era of Increasing Militarisation and Repression. The Elephant [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Okech, Awino (2020) 'African Feminist Epistemic Communities and Decoloniality.' Critical African Studies, 12 (3). pp. 313-329.

Okech, Awino, ed. (2020) Gender, Protests and Political Change in Africa. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. (Gender, Development and Social Change)

Okech, Awino (2020) Humour in a Time of Coronavirus. EIephant [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Okech, Awino and Musindarwezo, Dinah (2019) 'Building Transnational Feminist Alliances: reflections on the post 2015 development agenda.' Contexto Internacional, 41 (2). pp. 255-272.

Okech, Awino (2019) 'Gender and state-building conversations: the discursive production of gender identity in Kenya and Rwanda.' Journal Conflict, Security and Development, 21 (4). pp. 501-515.

Okech, Awino (2019) Widow inheritance and Contested Citizenship in Kenya. London: Routledge. (Routledge Studies on Gender and Sexuality in Africa)

Okech, Awino (2018) 'Boundary anxieties and infrastructures of violence: Somali identity in post-Westgate Kenya.' Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal, 3 (2). pp. 293-309.

Olonisakin, 'Funmi, Hendricks, Cheryl and Okech, Awino (2015) 'The convergence and divergence of three pillars of influence in gender and security.' African Security Review, 24 (4). pp. 376-389.

Okech, Awino (2015) 'Asymmetrical conflict and human security: Reflections from Kenya.' Strategic Review for Southern Africa, 37 (1). pp. 53-74.

Okech, Awino (2015) Stabilisation as Peacebuilding: Asymmetrical Conflict and The Politics of Local Ownership. In: Wilton Park Conference on Peacebuilding in Africa: Evolving Challenges, Responses and new African Thinking, 23rd - 25th February 2015. (Unpublished)

Matchett, Sara and Okech, Awino (2015) 'Uhambo: pieces of a dream - Waiting in the Ambiguity of Liminality.' In: Reinelt, Janelle and Singleton, Brian, (eds.), Performing Migrancy and Mobility in Africa. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 110-124.

Okech, Awino (2014) Security Sector Governance in Kenya: Tensions, Reversals and Opportunities. In: Africa Forum on Security Sector Reform, 24th - 26th November 2014, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. (Unpublished)

Okech, Awino (2014) Streets, squares and quartiers: on the youth bulge and insecurity in Africa. In: Security and Society Conference, June 24th – 26th, 2014, Nairobi, Kenya. (Unpublished)

Okech, Awino (2014) 'On coming out, closets and state surveillance.' Pambazuka News.

Okech, Awino (2013) The Westgate Mall Siege: Re-Assessing Kenya’s Security Architecture.

Olonisakin, 'Funmi, Hendricks, Cheryl and Okech, Awino, eds. (2013) Africa peace and conflict journal - Vo.6 No. 1. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: University for Peace Africa Programme.

Okech, Awino (2013) 'Gendered security: Between ethno-nationalism and constitution making in Kenya.' Africa Peace and Conflict Journal, 6 (1). pp. 29-42.

Okech, Awino (2013) ''In sisterhood and solidarity': queering African feminist spaces.' In: Ekine, Sokari and Abbas, Hakima, (eds.), Queer African Reader. Dakar: Pambazuka Press.

Okech, Awino (2013) 'Researching discourses on widow inheritance: feminist questions about 'talk' as methodology.' In: Bennett, Jane and Pereira, Charmaine, (eds.), Jacketed Women: Qualitative Research Methodologies on Sexualities and Gender in Africa. Cape Town, South Africa: University of Cape Town Press.

Okech, Awino (2012) A huge step for Women? Dlamini-Zuma and the African Union Commission. Comments on Africa; 14. London: King's College London [Conflict, Security and Development Group (CSDG)].

Okech, Awino (2012) 'African unity: revisiting the popular uprisings of the North.' Pambazuka News.

Okech, Awino (2012) Introduction to Gender and Peace Building in Africa: Occasional Paper Series. Cape Town; Dakar; Nairobi; Oxford: Pambazuka Press: Occasional Papers on Gender and Peacebuilding in Africa, no.1.

Okech, Awino (2011) 'Burying SM: Simply Complex.' Pambazuka News.

Okech, Awino (2011) 'Alternative discourses; a feminist approach to rethinking security.' In: Olonisakin, 'Funmi and Okech, Awino, (eds.), Women and Security Governance in Africa. Capetown; Dakar; Nairobi; Oxford: Fahamu; Pambazuka Press, pp. 49-66.

Olonisakin, 'Funmi and Okech, Awino, eds. (2011) Women and Security Governance in Africa. Cape Town; Dakar; Nairobi; Oxford: Fahamu; Pambazuka Press.

Okech, Awino (2011) 'Transitioning from Conflict?' Women’s Agency in Conflict . Urgent Action Fund – Africa.

Okech, Awino (2009) 'Building a Grassroots Based Movement: GROOTS Kenya.' Development, 52 (2). pp. 224-229.

Okech, Awino (2007) A Case Study of GROOTS Kenya. In: Changing their World: Concepts and practices of women’s movement. Toronto: AWID [Association for Women's Rights in Development].

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