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Phillips, Christina (2009) 'Abd al-Hakim Qasim.' In: Fitzpatrick, Coeli and Al-Mallah, Majd Yaser, (eds.), Dictionary of Literary Biography: Twentieth Century Arabic Writers. Detroit: Gale Cengage Learning. (Dictionary of literary biography)
Phillips, Christina and al-Shaykh, Hanan (2009) 'The Beauty Parlour for Swans. An English translation of al-Shaykh Hanan's 'Salun al-Tajmil li'l-Baja'.' London: The Royal Parks.
Phillips, Christina and Berrada, Mohamed (2009) 'Like A Summer Never To Be Repeated. An English translation of 'Mithla ṣayf lan yatakarrar' by Muḥammad Barādah.' Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press.
Phillips, Christina (2008) 'An Attempt to Apply Gérard Genette’s Model of Hypertextuality to Najib Mahfuz’s Malhamat al-Harafish.' Middle Eastern Literatures, 11 (3). pp. 283-300.
Phillips, Christina and Mahfouz, Naguib (2007) 'Morning and Evening Talk. An English translation of 'Hadith al-Sabah wa'l-Masa'' by Naguib Mahfouz.' Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press.
Phillips, Christina (2006) 'Bibliography of studies of Najib Mahfuz in English.' Fusul (69). pp. 403-416.
Phillips, Christina (2006) 'Fragmentation and Intertextuality: Strategies to Represent Reality in Najib Mahfuz’s Al-Maraya.' Fusul (69). pp. 209-229.
Shimon, Samuel, Kawar, Samira and Phillips, Christina (2005) 'An Iraqi in Paris. Translated from Samuel Shimon's 'ʻIrāqī fī Bārīs: riwāya' by Samira Kawar and Christina Phillips.' London: Banipal Books.