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Reid, Richard (2017) 'Mourning and Glory: Toward Affective Histories of Violence in Africa over La longue durée.' Emotions: History, Culture, Society, 1 (1). pp. 113-136.
Reid, Richard (2017) A History of Modern Uganda. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Reid, Richard (2015) 'States of Anxiety: history and nation in modern Africa.' Past and Present, 229 (1). pp. 239-269.
Reid, Richard (2014) 'Writing Eritrea: history and representation in a bad neighbourhood.' History in Africa, 41. pp. 83-115.
Reid, Richard (2014) 'Ghosts in the Academy: historians and historical consciousness in the making of modern Uganda.' Comparative Studies in Society and History, 56 (2). pp. 351-380.
Reid, Richard (2014) 'The Fragile Revolution: rethinking war and development in Africa's violent nineteenth century.' In: Akyeampong, Emmanuel K., Bates, Robert H., Nunn, Nathan and Robinson, James, (eds.), Africa's Development in Historical Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 393-423.
Reid, Richard (2014) 'Horror, Hubris and Humanity: the international engagement with Africa, 1914-2014.' International Affairs, 90 (1). pp. 143-165.
Reid, Richard and Parker, John (2013) 'Introduction. African Histories: past, present and future.' In: Parker, John and Reid, Richard, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Modern African History. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Oxford Handbooks in History)
Reid, Richard and Parker, John, eds. (2013) The Oxford Handbook of Modern African History. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Reid, Richard (2013) 'Warfare and the Military.' In: Parker, John and Reid, Richard, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Modern African History. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Reid, Richard (2012) 'Violent Development: toward an economic history of African warfare and military organisation.' Economic Research Southern Africa Working Papers (310).
Reid, Richard (2012) 'The End of the Beginning: new syntheses on modern war in Africa.' H-Net Reviews .
Reid, Richard (2012) A History of Modern Africa: 1800 to the present. Revised 2nd edition. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Reid, Richard (2012) Warfare in African History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (New Approaches to African History)
Reid, Richard (2011) Frontiers of Violence in North-East Africa: genealogies of conflict since 1800. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Reid, Richard (2011) 'Past and Presentism: the "pre-colonial" and the foreshortening of African history.' Journal of African History, 52 (2). pp. 135-155.
Reid, Richard (2011) 'Violence and its Sources: European witnesses to the Military Revolution in Nineteenth-Century Eastern Africa.' In: Landau, P, (ed.), The Power of Doubt: essays in honor of David Henige. Madison: Parallel Press / University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries, pp. 41-59.
Reid, Richard (2011) 'Warfare in pre-colonial Africa.' In: Martel, Gordon, (ed.), The Encyclopaedia of War. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
Reid, Richard (2010) 'Eritrea: the siege state.' International Crisis Group Africa Report (163).
Reid, Richard (2010) 'Arms and Adolescence: youth, warfare and statehood in nineteenth-century eastern Africa.' In: Burton, Andrew and Charton, Helene, (eds.), Generations Past: Youth in East African History. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press.
Reid, Richard, ed. (2009) Eritrea's External Relations: understanding its regional role and foreign policy. London: Chatham House.
Reid, Richard (2009) 'The Politics of Silence: interpreting apparent stasis in contemporary Eritrea.' Review of African Political Economy, 36 (120). pp. 209-221.
Reid, Richard (2008) A History of Modern Africa: 1800 to the present. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. (Blackwell Concise History of the Modern World)
Reid, Richard (2007) 'Defining Frontiers: violence and identity in nineteenth-century Eritrea.' Eritrean Studies Review, 5 (1). pp. 1-31.
Reid, Richard (2007) 'Human Booty: some observations on the seizure of people in war, Buganda c.1700-1890.' In: Médard, Henri and Doyle, Shane, (eds.), Slavery in the Great Lakes Region of East Africa. Oxford: James Currey, pp. 145-160.
Reid, Richard (2007) 'Revisiting Primitive War: perceptions of violence and race in history.' War and Society, 26 (2). pp. 1-25.
Reid, Richard (2007) 'The Trans-Mereb Experience: perceptions of the historical relationship between Eritrea and Ethiopia.' Journal of Eastern African Studies, 1 (2). pp. 238-255.
Reid, Richard (2007) War in Pre-Colonial Eastern Africa. The Patterns and Meanings of State-Level Conflict in the Nineteenth Century. London: The British Institute in Eastern Africa and James Currey.
Reid, Richard (2007) 'Warfare and Militarism in Pre-Colonial Buganda.' In: Lamphear, John, (ed.), African Military History. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 425-440.
Reid, Richard (2006) 'War and Remembrance: orality, literacy and conflict in the Horn of Africa.' Journal of African Cultural Studies, 18 (1). pp. 89-103.
Reid, Richard (2005) 'Caught in the Headlights of History: Eritrea, the EPLF and the Post-War Nation-State.' The Journal of Modern African Studies, 43 (3). pp. 467-88.
Reid, Richard (2005) '"Ethiopians believe in God, Sha'abiya believe in mountains": the EPLF ands the 1998-2000 war in historical perspective.' In: Jacquin-Berdal, Dominique and Plaut, Martin, (eds.), Unfinished Business: Ethiopia and Eritrea at war. Lawrenceville, NJ: Red Sea Press.
Reid, Richard (2003) 'Old Problems in New Conflicts: Some Observations on Eritrea and its Relations with Tigray, from Liberation Struggle to Inter-State War.' Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, 73 (3). pp. 369-401.
Reid, Richard (2002) Political Power in Pre-Colonial Buganda. Economy, Society and Warfare in the Nineteenth Century. Oxford: James Currey/Fountain Publishers/Ohio University Press.
Reid, Richard (2002) 'Warfare and Urbanisation: the relationship between town and conflict in pre-colonial eastern Africa.' In: Burton, Andrew, (ed.), The Urban Experience in Eastern Africa, c.1750-2000. Nairobi, Kenya: British Institute in Eastern Africa.