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Crosby, Kate, Skilton, Andrew and Gunasena, Amal (2012) 'The Sutta on Understanding Death in the Transmission of borān Meditation from Siam to the Kandyan Court.' Journal of Indian Philosophy, 40 (2). pp. 177-198.
Crosby, Kate, Dhammasami, Khammai, Khur-Yearn, Jotika and Skilton, Andrew, eds. (2009) Contemporary Buddhism, Volume 10 Issue 1. Special Issue: Shan Buddhism. Abingdon: Taylor and Francis.
Crosby, Kate, Dhammasami, Khammai, Khur-Yearn, Jotika and Skilton, Andrew (2009) 'Streams of the Salween: current and crosscurrents in the study of Shan Buddhism.' Contemporary Buddhism, 10 (1). pp. 1-15.
Crosby, Kate, Pattison, S and Skilton, Andrew (2002) 'Supporting questioning in the academic study of religions.' The PRS-LTSN journal = Journal of the Philosophical and Religious Studies Learning and Teaching Support Network, Leeds, 2 (1). pp. 58-89.
Crosby, Kate and Skilton, Andrew (2001) 'A note on the identity of Mahåkassapa, author of the Mohavicchedani.' Bulletin d’Études Indiennes. pp. 173-179.
Crosby, Kate and Skilton, Andrew (1998) Bodhicaryavatara. Una guida al sentiero buddhista del risveglio. Italian translation. Rome, Italy: Ubaldini editore.
Crosby, Kate and Skilton, Andrew (1998) Santideva's Bodhicaryavatara: Buddhist Path To Awakening. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. (World's Classics Series)