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Spencer, Paul, ed. (2013) 'The World of Masiani: Portrait of a Maasai Patriarch' by Masiani Lechieni and family. [s.l]: [s.n]. (Unpublished)
Spencer, Paul (2012) 'Map of the Maasai and Maa-Speaking Peoples in 1977.'
Spencer, Paul (2012) Nomads in Alliance: symbiosis and growth among the Rendille and Samburu of Kenya. London: Oxford University Press.
Spencer, Paul (2011) 'Foxes and Hedgehogs – and Lions: whose reality prevails?' In: Cornwall, Andrea and Scoones, Ian, (eds.), Revolutionizing Development: reflections on the work of Robert Chambers. London: Earthscan, pp. 45-51.
Spencer, Paul (2011) 'The Samburu Clan Census: genealogy and age among the Pardopa.'
Spencer, Paul (2011) 'The Transfiguration of Samburu Religion.'
Spencer, Paul (2010) 'The Samburu, Maasai, and Their Neighbours: a synopsis of six related volumes by Paul Spencer.'
Spencer, Paul (2006) 'The Natural Substructure of Age Systems and the Social Construction of Ageing.' In: Sauvain-Dagerdil, C., Leridon, H. and Mascie-Taylor, N., (eds.), Human Clocks: the bio-cultural meanings of age. Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 225-244. (Population, famille et société, v. 5)
Spencer, Paul (2005) 'Gauging Inequality among Pastoralists: a problem of comparison.' In: Campbell, John and Holl, J., (eds.), Researching Poverty. New York: Berghahn Journals, pp. 46-55. (Focaal, no. 45)
Spencer, Paul (2004) 'Keeping Tradition in Good Repair: the evolution of indigenous knowledge and the dilemma of development among pastoralists.' In: Bicker, Alan and Pottier, Johan, (eds.), Development and Local Knowledge. London: Routledge, pp. 202-217.
Spencer, Paul (2003) Time, space, and the unknown: Maasai configurations of power and providence. London: Routledge.
Spencer, Paul (2001) 'Age: Anthropological Aspects.' In: Smelser, Neil J. and Baltes, Paul B., (eds.), International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 263-267.
Spencer, Paul (2000) 'Pastoralism and the Growth of Civilization in the Sahel: Islam, Evolution, or the Tragedy of the Commons?' In: Sorensen, H. and Simonsen, J.B., (eds.), Natural Resources and the Muslim traditional Culture in the Sahel-Sudan Region. Copenhagen: Faculty of Social Sciences, pp. 17-29.
Spencer, Paul (1998) 'Age Systems and Modes of Predatory Expansion.' In: Kurimoto, Eisei and Simonse, Simon, (eds.), Conflict, age and power in North East Africa : age systems in transition. Oxford: James Currey, pp. 168-185.
Spencer, Paul (1998) 'The Samburu Dance.' In: Cohen, Selma Jeanne, (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York: Dance Perspectives Foundation.
Spencer, Paul (1998) The pastoral continuum: the marginalization of tradition in East Africa. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Spencer, Paul (1997) 'Age, Ageing, and Age Organization.' In: Middleton, John, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Africa South of the Sahara. New York: Simon and Schuster Macmillan, pp. 8-13.
Spencer, Paul (1996) 'Dance and the Cosmology of Confidence.' In: Parkin, David and Fisher, Humphrey, (eds.), The Politics of Cultural Performance. Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 181-197.
Spencer, Paul (1995) 'The Maasai.' In: Levinson, David, (ed.), Encyclopedia of World Cultures, vol. 9. New Haven: Human Relations Area Files, pp. 207-210.
Spencer, Paul (1994) 'Altenfursorge.' In: Muller, K.E., (ed.), Lexikon der Ethnologie. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag.
Spencer, Paul (1992) 'Automythologies and the Reconstruction of Ageing.' In: Okely, Judith and Callaway, Helen, (eds.), Anthropology and Autobiography. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 50-63. (ASA Monographs, 29)
Spencer, Paul (1992) 'Becoming Maasai, Being in Time.' In: Spear, T. and Waller, R., (eds.), Being Maasai. London: James Currey, pp. 140-156.
Spencer, Paul (1992) 'Danza.' In: Bedeschi, G., (ed.), Enciclopedia delle Scienze Social. Rome: Institute della Enciclopedia Italiana, pp. 669-674.
Spencer, Paul (1992) 'The Pacification of the Maasai and the Transformation of the Prophet's Tribute.' Anthropozoologica, 16. pp. 65-72.
Spencer, Paul and Chieni, Telelia (1992) 'The World of Telelia: the life of a Maasai woman in Matapato.' In: Spear, T. and Waller, R., (eds.), Being Maasai: ethnicity and identity in East Africa. London: James Currey, pp. 157-173.
Spencer, Paul (1991) 'The Loonkidongi Prophets and the Maasai: Protection Racket or Incipient State?' Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, 61 (3). pp. 334-342.
Spencer, Paul, ed. (1990) Anthropology and the riddle of the Sphinx: paradoxes of change in the life course. London: Routledge.
Spencer, Paul (1990) 'Pastoralism and the Dynamics of Family Enterprise.' In: Salzman, C. and Galaty, J.G., (eds.), Nomads in a Changing World. Naples: Istituto Universitario Orientale, pp. 211-231.
Spencer, Paul (1990) 'The Riddled Course: theories of age and its transformations.' In: Spencer, Paul, (ed.), Anthropology and the riddle of the Sphinx: paradoxes of change in the life course. London: Routledge, pp. 1-34. (ASA Monographs, 28)
Spencer, Paul (1990) 'Time and the Boundaries of the Economy in Maasai.' In: Baxter, P.T.W. and Hogg, R., (eds.), Property, Poverty and People: Changing rights in property and problems of pastoral development. Manchester: Department of Anthropology and International Development Centre, University of Manchester, pp. 121-128.
Spencer, Paul (1989) 'The Diffusion of Form and the Infusion of Meaning in Dance.' Folk dance today. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Dance Research, Athens.
Spencer, Paul (1989) 'The Maasai Double Helix and the Theory of Dilemmas.' In: Maybury-Lewis, D. and Almagor, U., (eds.), The attraction of opposites : thought and society in the dualistic mode. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press, pp. 297-320.
Spencer, Paul (1988) The Maasai of Matapato: a study of rituals of rebellion. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Reprinted with a new preface, 2004, London: Routledge.
Spencer, Paul (1985) 'Age Organization.' In: Kuper, Adam and Kuper, Jessica, (eds.), The Social Science Encyclopedia. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 11-12.
Spencer, Paul (1985) 'Dance as Antithesis in the Samburu Discourse.' In: Spencer, Paul, (ed.), Society and the Dance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 140-164.
Spencer, Paul (1985) 'Homo Ascendens et Homo Hierarchicus.' In: Abéles, M. and Collard, C., (eds.), Age, Pouvoir et Société en Afrique Noire. Paris: Karthala, pp. 171-195.
Spencer, Paul (1985) 'Homo Ascendens et Homo Hierarchicus [English translation of Chapter 8 in M. Abélès and C. Collard (eds), 1985, Age, Pouvoir et Société en Afrique Noire.].'
Spencer, Paul (1985) 'Introduction: interpretations of the dance in anthropology.' In: Spencer, Paul, (ed.), Society and the Dance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-46.
Spencer, Paul, ed. (1985) Society and the dance: the social anthropology of process and performance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Spencer, Paul (1984) 'Pastoralists and the Ghost of Capitalism.' Production Pastorale et Société Paris, 15. pp. 61-76.
Spencer, Paul (1980) 'Polygyny as a Measure of Social Differentiation in Africa.' In: Mitchell, J. Clyde, (ed.), Numerical Techniques in Social Anthropology. Philadelphia: I.S.H.I., pp. 117-160. (ASA essays in social anthropology)
Spencer, Paul (1979) 'Three Types of Ethnic Interaction among Maasai-speaking People in East Africa.' In: Burnham, B.C. and Kingsbury, J., (eds.), Space, Hierarchy and Society. Oxford: B.A.R., pp. 195-204. (BAR International Series, 59)
Spencer, Paul (1978) 'The Jie Generation Paradox.' In: Baxter, P.T.W. and Almagor, U., (eds.), Age, Generation and Time: some features of East African Age Organisations. London: Hurst, pp. 133-149.
Spencer, Paul (1976) 'Opposing Streams and the Gerontocratic Ladder: Two Models of Age Organisation in East Africa.' Man, 11 (2). pp. 153-175.
Spencer, Paul (1976) 'Samburu.' In: Family of man: peoples of the world, how and where they live. London: Marshall Cavendish Encyclopedia, pp. 2308-2310.
Spencer, Paul (1975) 'Scarcity and Growth in Two African Societies.' In: Moss, R.P. and Rathbone, Richard, (eds.), The Population Factor in African Studies: the Proceedings of a Conference Organised by the African Studies Association of the United Kingdom, September 1972. London: Athlone Press, pp. 57-70.
Spencer, Paul (1974) 'Drought and the Commitment to Growth.' African Affairs, 73 (293). pp. 419-427.
Spencer, Paul (1971) General Practice and Models of the Referral process. London: Institute for Operational Research, Health Report No.6.
Spencer, Paul (1971) 'Party Politics and the Processes of Local Democracy in an English Town.' In: Richards, A.I. and Kuper, Adam, (eds.), Councils in Action. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 171-201. (Cambridge University Monographs in Social Anthropology, no.6)
Spencer, Paul (1971) 'Towards a Measure of Social Investment in Communities.' Architectural Research and Teaching, 1 (3). pp. 32-38.
Spencer, Paul (1970) 'The Function of Ritual in the Socialisation of the Samburu Moran.' In: Mayer, Philip, (ed.), Socialisation: the approach from social anthropology. London: Tavistock, pp. 127-156.
Spencer, Paul (1969) 'Appendix 6: Alternative Projections of Local Authority Expenditure; Appendix 7: Representation and Community: an appraisal of three surveys.' In: Report of the Royal Commission on Local Government in England 1966-69. Vol. III. London: HMSO, pp. 95-164.
Spencer, Paul (1965) The Samburu: a study of gerontocracy in a Nomadic tribe. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Reprinted with a new preface, 2004, London: Routledge.
Spencer, Paul and Sofer, C. (1964) 'Organisational Change and its Management.' Journal of Management Studies, 1 (1). pp. 26-47.
Spencer, Paul (1959) 'The Dynamics of Samburu Religion.' Conference paper July 1959.
Spencer, Paul (1959) 'The Relocation of the Leuaso Dorobo of Kenya: Report and Correspondence.' 1959-60.
Spencer, Paul (1959) 'Samburu Notions of Health and Disease, and their Relationship to Inner Cleanliness.' Symposium paper on ‘African Conceptions of Health and Disease'.