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Sriram, Chandra Lekha and Garcia-Godos, Jemima, eds. (2012) Transitional justice and peacebuilding on the ground. Abingdon: Routledge. (Law, Conflict and International Relations)
Sriram, Chandra Lekha, Martin-Ortega, Olga and Herman, Johanna, eds. (2011) Peacebuilding and rule of law in Africa: Just peace? London: Routledge.
Mills, Kurt and Sriram, Chandra Lekha, eds. (2010) Human Rights (Section Entries for International Studies Association compendium). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. (The International Studies Encyclopedia)
Sriram, Chandra Lekha (2011) 'Post-conflict justice and hybridity in peacebuilding: Resistance or cooptation?' In: Mitchell, Audra and Richmond, Oliver, (eds.), Hybrid forms of peace: From everyday agency to post-liberalism. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Ross, Amy and Sriram, Chandra Lekha (2012) 'Closing impunity gaps: Regional transitional justice processes?' Transitional Justice Review, 1 (1). pp. 3-30.
Sriram, Chandra Lekha and Brown, Stephen (2012) 'Kenya in the shadow of the ICC: Complementarity, gravity, and impact.' International Criminal Law Review, 12 (2). pp. 219-244.
Brown, Stephen and Sriram, Chandra Lekha (2012) 'The big fish won't fry themselves: Criminal accountability for post-election violence in Kenya.' African Affairs, 111 (443). pp. 244-260.
Sriram, Chandra Lekha, Martin-Ortega, Olga and Herman, Johanna (2011) 'Justice delayed? Internationalized criminal tribunals and peacebuilding in Lebanon, Bosnia and Cambodia.' Conflict, Security and Development, 11 (3). pp. 335-356.
Sriram, Chandra Lekha and Vandeginste, Stef (2011) 'Power-sharing and transitional justice: A clash of paradigms?' Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations, 17 (4). pp. 489-505.
Sriram, Chandra Lekha (2012) 'ICJ and Habre: A possible end to a long road to accountability.' The Jurist .
Sriram, Chandra Lekha (2012) 'The Special Tribunal for Lebanon.' In: Reconciliation, Reform and Resilience: Positive Peace for Lebanon. Accord, 24 . London: Conciliation Resources.
Sriram, Chandra Lekha (2010) 'Comment: Justice vs peace or restorative vs retributive justice: The cases of Kenya and Sudan.' Peace Forum for Peacebuilding Ethics .
Sriram, Chandra Lekha (2010) 'ICC Hypocrisy over war crimes.' The Guardian Comment is Free .
Sriram, Chandra Lekha (2010) 'The ICC review conference: The forgotten issues.' The Jurist .
Sriram, Chandra Lekha (2010) 'State aggression is finally a crime: But How is it Punished?' The Guardian Comment is Free .