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Number of items: 66.

Thompson, Ashley (2023) 'Calling the Earth to Witness.' Post: Notes on Art in a Global Context.

Thompson, Ashley (2023) 'Mainland Southeast Asia after Angkor: On the Legacies of Jayavarman VII.' In: Hendrickson, Mitch, Stark, Miriam T and Evans, Damian, (eds.), The Angkorian World. London: Routledge.

Thompson, Ashley, ed. (2022) Early Theravadin Cambodia: Perspectives from the History of Art and Archaeology. Singapore: NUS Press.

Thompson, Ashley (2022) 'Early Theravadin Cambodia: Terms of Engagement.' In: Thompson, Ashley, (ed.), Early Theravadin Cambodia: Perspectives from the History of Art and Archaeology. Singapore: NUS Press, pp. 1-57.

Thompson, Ashley (2022) 'Icons: Standing out from the Narrative in Theravādin Art.' In: Berkwitz, Stephen C. and Thompson, Ashley, (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Theravada Buddhism. London: Routledge.

Berkwitz, Stephen C. and Thompson, Ashley, eds. (2022) Routledge Handbook of Theravāda Buddhism. London: Routledge.

Thompson, Ashley (2021) 'Revenons, Revenants: Mémoires d’Angkor.' In: Thach, J., Bourdonneau, E. and Mikaelian, G., (eds.), Temps et Temporalités khmères : de près, de loin, entre îles et péninsules. Bern: Peter Lang, 345 -375.

Thompson, Ashley and Murphy, Stephen (2021) Cambodia is turning the tide on looted statues, but some things cannot be returned. The Guardian [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Thompson, Ashley (2020) 'Anybody: Diasporic Subjectivities and the Figure of the “Historical” Buddha.' In: Flores, Patrick D. and Paracciani, L., (eds.), Interlaced Journeys: Diaspora and the Contemporary in Southeast Asian Art. Hong Kong: Osage Art Foundation, pp. 117-131.

Thompson, Ashley (2020) 'Figuring the Buddha.' In: Mikaelian, G., Thompson, Ashley and Sophearith, S., (eds.), Liber Amicorum: mélanges réunis en hommage à, in honor of, Ang Chouléan. Paris: Association Péninsule, Association des Amis de Yosothor, pp. 211-237.

Thompson, Ashley (2017) '21 Emergenc(i)es: History and the Auto-Ethnographic Impulse in Contemporary Cambodian Art.' In: Wee, Low Sze and Flores, Patrick D., (eds.), Charting Thoughts: Essays on Art in Southeast Asia. Singapore: National Gallery of Singapore, pp. 292-303.

Thompson, Ashley (2017) 'Hiding the female sex: a sustained cultural dialogue between India and Southeast Asia.' In: Dallapiccola, Anna L. and Verghese, Anila, (eds.), India and Southeast Asia : cultural discourses. Mumbai: K. R. Cama Oriental Institute.

Thompson, Ashley (2017) 'Portrait of the Artist as a Buddhist Man.' In: Collins, Steven and Scober, Juliane, (eds.), Theravada Encounters with Modernity. Abingdon; New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 118-136. (Routledge Critical Studies in Buddhism)

Thompson, Ashley (2016) 'Contemporary Cambodian Buddhist Traditions: Seen from the Past.' In: Jerryson, Michael, (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Buddhism. New York: Oxford University Press.

Thompson, Ashley (2016) Engendering the Buddhist State: Territory, Sovereignty and Sexual Difference in the Inventions of Angkor. Abingdon; New York, NY: Routledge. (Critical Studies in Buddhism)

Thompson, Ashley (2016) 'A Witness to Genocide: Vann Nath.' In: McDaniel, Justin Thomas, Rowe, Mark Michael and Samuels, Jeffrey, (eds.), Figures of Buddhist Modernity in Asia. Honolulu, Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press.

Thompson, Ashley and Corey, Pamela, eds. (2014) 'On Modern and Contemporary Cambodian Art and Aesthetics' special issue of Udaya, Journal of Khmer Studies. Norfolk, CT: Friends of Khmer Culture (FOKCI).

Thompson, Ashley (2013) 'Forgetting to Remember, Again: on Curatorial Practice and “Cambodian” Art in the Wake of Genocide.' Diacritics, 41 (2). pp. 82-109.

Thompson, Ashley (2013) 'The Person of Vann Nath.' In: Chalm, Yvon, (ed.), Vann Nath tribute = Vann Nath hommage = Kea ra veak pheakdei chom puos Vann Nath. Phnom Penh: Cercle des Amis de Vann Nath.

Thompson, Ashley, ed. (2012) Beyond the Mother Tongue. London: Taylor and Francis. (Special issue of Parallax - Volume 18, Number 3)

Thompson, Ashley (2012) 'Il n’y a pas de hors-texte’: à propos du Language of the Gods in the World of Men.' Péninsule: etudes interdisciplinaires sur l'Asie du Sud-Est péninsulaire, 65. pp. 245-258.

Thompson, Ashley (2012) 'Mnemotechnical Politics: Rithy Panh’s Cinematic Archive and the Return of Cambodia’s Past.' In: Taylor, Nora A. and Ly, Boreth, (eds.), Modern and Contemporary Southeast Asian Art: An Anthology. Ithaca, NY: Southeast Asia Program Publications, Cornell University, pp. 225-240. (Southeast Asia Program Publications; 56)

Thompson, Ashley (2012) 'On Sheldon Pollock’s The Language of the Gods in the World of Men.' Bryn Mawr Review of Comparative Literature, 10 (1).

Thompson, Ashley (2012) 'Writing Tongues.' Parallax, 18 (3). pp. 1-8.

Thompson, Ashley (2011) Hélène Cixous’ The Terrible but Unfinished Story of Norodom Sihanouk, King of Cambodia Cambodia. [Historical and Linguistic Director of Khmer language co-production by Phare Ponleu Selpak (Battambang) and the Théâtre du Soleil, Paris]. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Thompson, Ashley (2011) 'In the Absence of the Buddha: “Aniconism” and the Contentions of Buddhist Art History.' In: Brown, Rebecca M. and Hutton, Deborah S., (eds.), A Companion to Asian Art and Architecture. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 398-420.

Thompson, Ashley (2011) 'Théories post-cosmopolitiques: différence sexuelle, vernacularisation et la fabrique de l’Asie du sud-est.' In: Berger, Anne and Varikas, Eleni, (eds.), Genre et postcolonialismes: Dialogues transcontinentaux. Paris: Éditions des Archives Contemporaines, pp. 169-183.

Thompson, Ashley (2010) 'Post-cosmopolitical Theories: Sexual Difference, Vernacularisation and Art After Angkor.' Transeuropéennes: International Journal of Critical Thought.

Thompson, Ashley (2010) 'Afterword.' In: Cambodge : mémoire contemporaine. Phnom Penh: Editions Sonleuk Thmey.

Thompson, Ashley (2010) Angkor Wat: from Temple to Text [Henry Moore Gallery, (Leeds)]. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Thompson, Ashley and Prenowitz, Eric (2010) 'Cambodia’s Trials: Theatre, Justice and History Unfinished.' In: Noszlopy, Laura and Cohen, Matthew, (eds.), Contemporary Southeast Asian Performance: Transnational Perspectives. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Thompson, Ashley (2010) 'Sparrow.' In: Clement, Bruno and Segarra, Marta, (eds.), Hélène Cixous: Croire Rêver. Paris: CampagnePremière, pp. 328-332.

Thompson, Ashley (2008) 'Performative Realities: Nobody’s Possession.' In: Hansen, Anne Ruth and Ledgerwood, Judy, (eds.), Songs on the Edge of the Forest: Narrative and Problems of Meaning in the Work of David Chandler. Ithaca, NY: Asian Studies Press, Cornell University, pp. 93-120.

Thompson, Ashley (2007) 'Angkor Revisited: the State of Statuary.' In: Mrazek, Jan and Morgan, Pitelka, (eds.), What's the Use of Art: Asian Visual and Material Culture in Context. Honolulu, Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press, pp. 179-213.

Thompson, Ashley (2007) 'Review of Cambodian Buddhism: History and Practice by Ian Harris, University of Hawaii Press, 2005.' Buddhist Studies Review, 24 (2). pp. 250-256.

Thompson, Ashley (2006) 'Buddhism in Modern Cambodia: Rupture and Continuity.' In: Berkwitz, Stephen C., (ed.), Buddhism in Contemporary Societies. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, pp. 129-167.

Thompson, Ashley (2006) 'D’une mémoire l’autre.' Labyrinthe, 23 (1). pp. 15-26.

Thompson, Ashley (2006) 'From the Linga to the Popil : an Art of Making Space.' In: Lobo, Wibke, (ed.), Angkor: Cambodia's Glory (In German). Bonn: Kunst und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.

Thompson, Ashley (2006) 'Introduction.' In: Looking at Angkor (Bi-lingual Khmer-English Edition). Phnom Penh: Reyum Institute of Arts and Culture.

Thompson, Ashley (2006) 'Paul Mus vu de l’Ouest : à propos des cultes indiens et indigènes en Asie du Sud-est.' In: Goscha, Christopher, (ed.), Paul Mus et l'Asie (1902-1969): L'espace d'un regard. Paris: Indes savantes.

Thompson, Ashley (2006) 'Review of Art and Architecture of Cambodia by Helen Ibbitson Jessup, Thames and Hudson (World of Art Series), London. 2004.' Orientations, 37 (3). p. 88.

Thompson, Ashley (2006) 'Terrible but Unfinished: Hélène Cixous’ Stories of History.' New Literary History, 37 (1). pp. 197-214.

Thompson, Ashley (2006) 'Voir à Lire.' In: Segarra, Marta, (ed.), L’événement comme écriture: Lire Cixous et Derrida se lire. Paris: CampagnePremière, pp. 327-341.

Ang Chouléan, Eric-Prenowitz and Thompson, Ashley (2005) Calling the Souls [Reyum Gallery (Phnom Penh). [Shows/Exhibitions]

Thompson, Ashley (2005) Calling the Souls: A Khmer Ritual Text. Phnom Penh: Reyum Institute of Arts and Culture.

Thompson, Ashley (2005) 'Translation of 'Le principe de l'hospitalité.' Jaques Derrida interviewed by Dominique Dhombres for Le Monde, December 2, 1997.' Parallax, 11 (1). pp. 6-9.

Thompson, Ashley (2004) 'Pilgrims to Angkor: A Buddhist ‘Cosmopolis’ in Southeast Asia?' Bulletin of Students of the Department of Archaeology, Royal University of Fine Arts, Phnom Penh (3). pp. 88-119.

Thompson, Ashley (2004) 'The Future of Cambodia’s Past: A Messianic Middle-Cambodian Royal Cult.' In: Marston, John and Guthrie, Elizabeth, (eds.), History, Buddhism and New Religious Movements in Cambodia. Honolulu, Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press, pp. 13-39.

Thompson, Ashley (2004) '"The Suffering of Kings": Substitute Bodies, Healing and Justice in Cambodia.' In: Marston, John and Guthrie, Elizabeth, (eds.), History, Buddhism and New Religious Movements in Cambodia. Honolulu, Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press, pp. 91-112.

Thompson, Ashley (2003) 'Par-delà les frontières : histoires de Kampuchea Krom.' Bulletin de l’Association d’Amitié Franco-Vietnamienne (46).

Thompson, Ashley (2003) 'Drawing Cambodia's Borders: Notes on modern Buddhist Temple Murals in Kampuchea Krom (Vietnam).' Udaya, Journal of Khmer Studies, 4.

Thompson, Ashley (2003) 'Preface to Molyvann, Vann. 'Khmer Cities of the Modern Period'.' Phnom Penh: APSARA.

Thompson, Ashley (2003) 'Review of The Journey of One Buddhist Nun by Sid Brown, Albany: State University of New York Press, 2001.' Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 34 (1). pp. 185-189.

Thompson, Ashley (2002) 'Dancing on Death.' In: Qanāgat bibărṇ̊ : snāṭai silpa = Visions of the future : an exhibition of contemporary Cambodian art. Phnom Penh: Reyum Institute of Arts and Culture.

Thompson, Ashley (2001) An Oblique View of the Bayon. In: Fifth International Symposium on the Preservation of Bayon, 2000, Phnom Penh.

Thompson, Ashley (2000) 'Entrer dans sa chambre à elle: Le Gars de Marina Tsvetaieva.' In: Setti, Nadia, (ed.), Marina Tsvetaeva, de poète à poètes. Actes du colloque Marina Tsvetaieva au Collège International de Philosophie, Travaux et documents, Université de Paris VIII, 2000. Paris: Université de Paris.

Thompson, Ashley (2000) 'Introductory Remarks Between the Lines: Writing Histories of Middle Cambodia.' In: Watson Andaya, Barbara, (ed.), Other Pasts: Women, Gender and History in Early Modern Southeast Asia. Honolulu, Hawaii: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Hawaii, pp. 47-68.

Thompson, Ashley (2000) Lost and Found: the stupa, the four-faced Buddha and the seat of royal power in Middle Cambodia. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, 1998, Berlin.

Thompson, Ashley and Shapiro-Phim, Toni (1999) Dance in Cambodia. Kuala Lumpur; Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Thompson, Ashley (1998) 'The Ancestral Cult in Transition: Reflections on Spatial Organization of Cambodia’s early Theravada Complex.' In: Klokke, Marijke J. and de Bruijn, Thomas, (eds.), Southeast Asian Archaeology: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, 2-6 September, Leiden. Hull: Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Hull.

Thompson, Ashley and Choulean, Ang (1998) 'Help Save Cambodia's Past! Help Save Cambodia's Future! Preserve Angkorian Pottery and Kiln Sites.' APSARA/UNESCO.

Thompson, Ashley (1997) 'Le Cambodge après Angkor.' In: Jessup, Helen L. and Zéphir, Thierry, (eds.), Angkor et dix siècles d’art khmer. Paris: Réunion des musées nationaux.

Thompson, Ashley, Choulean, Ang and Eng, Sun Kerya (1997) 'New Clues to Angkor's Secrets.' Angkor Flight Magazine . Phnom Penh:

Thompson, Ashley (1996) 'The Calling of the Souls: a study of the Hau Bralin.' Centre of Southeast Asian Studies Working Paper No. 98 . Melbourne: Monash University.

Choulean, Ang, Thompson, Ashley and Prenowitz, Eric (1995) Angkor, a Manual for the Past, Present, and the Future. Phnom Penh: ASPARA.

Thompson, Ashley (1993) 'Oh Cambodia! Poems from the Border.' New Literary History, 24 (3). 519 -544.

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