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Tripp, Charles (2016) Al-Sultah wa-l-Sha`b - masarat al-muqawamah fi al-sharq al-awsat. Beirut: Al-Shabakah al-`Arabiyyah li-l-Abhath wa-l-Nashr.
Tripp, Charles (2013) The Power and the People: paths of resistance in the Middle East. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Tripp, Charles (2009) Historia Iraku. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza.
Tripp, Charles (2007) A History of Iraq (3rd edition). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Tripp, Charles (2006) Islam and the Moral Economy: the challenge of capitalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Tripp, Charles (2006) صفحات من تاريخ العراق المعاصر = Ṣafaḥāt min tārīkh al-ʻIrāq al-muʻāṣir. Beirut: Arab Scientific Publishers.
Tripp, Charles (2003) Historia de Iraq. Madrid: Cambridge University Press.
Tripp, Charles (2003) Historia do Iraque. Mem Martins, Sintra: Publicacoes Europa-America (Portugal).
Tripp, Charles (2003) Storia dell'Iraq. Milan: Bompiani (Italy).
Tripp, Charles (2002) A History of Iraq - Second Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Tripp, Charles (2002) Irak - Een Geschiedenis. Amsterdam: Bulaaq.
Tripp, Charles (2000) A History of Iraq. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Tripp, Charles and Chubin, S (1996) Iran-Saudi Arabia Relations and Regional Order. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Adelphi Paper, no. 304)
Collins, Paul and Tripp, Charles, eds. (2017) Gertrude Bell and Iraq - a Life and Legacy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Proceedings of the British Academy; 205)
Tripp, Charles and Vom Bruck, Gabriele, eds. (2017) Precarious Belongings: Being Shiʿi in Non-Shiʿi Worlds. London, UK: Centre for Academic Shiʿa Studies (CASS).
Vom Bruck, Gabriele (2017) 'How the past casts its shadows: Struggles for ascendancy in northern Yemen in the post-Salih era.' In: Vom Bruck, Gabriele and Tripp, Charles, (eds.), Precarious belonging: Being Shi’i in non-Shi’i worlds. London: Centre for Academic Shiʿa Studies (CASS).
Masoudi Nejad, Reza (2017) 'The Ritual and Built Initiatives of the Iranians in Bombay.' In: Vom Bruck, Gabriele and Tripp, Charles, (eds.), Precarious Belonging: Being Shi’i in Non-Shi’i Worlds. London: CASS, pp. 61-126.
Vom Bruck, Gabriele and Tripp, Charles (2017) 'Introduction.' In: Vom Bruck, Gabriele and Tripp, Charles, (eds.), Precarious belonging: Being Shi’i in non-Shi`i worlds. London: Centre for Academic Shiʿa Studies (CASS), pp. 1-26.
Tripp, Charles (2014) 'The Politics of Resistance and the Arab Uprisings.' In: Gerges, Fawaz A., (ed.), The New Middle East: protest and revolution in the Arab World. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 135-154.
Tripp, Charles (2012) 'Acting and acting out: Conceptions of political participation in the Middle East.' In: Freeden, Michael and Vincent, Andrew, (eds.), Comparative Political Thought: Theorizing Practices. London: Routledge. (Routledge Studies in Comparative Political Thought)
Tripp, Charles (2010) 'West Asia from the First World War.' In: Robinson, Francis, (ed.), The Islamic World in the Age of Western Dominance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 336-371. (The New Cambridge History of Islam; Volume 5)
Tripp, Charles (2008) 'The Security Council and the Iran-Iraq War.' In: Lowe, Vaughan, Roberts, Adam, Welsh, Jennifer and Zaum, Dominik, (eds.), The United Nations Security Council and War. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 368-383.
Tripp, Charles (2007) ''In the Name of the People'. The 'People's Court' and the Iraqi Revolution (1958-1960).' In: Strauss, Julia and Cruise O'Brien, Donal, (eds.), Staging Politics. Power and Performance in Asia and Africa. London: I.B. Tauris, pp. 31-48.
Tripp, Charles (2007) 'Islam and the Contingency of Politics.' In: Almquist, Kurt, (ed.), The Secular State and Islam in Europe. Stockholm, Sweden: Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation, pp. 81-96.
Tripp, Charles (2002) 'The Foreign Policy of Iraq.' In: Hinnebusch, Raymond A. and Ehteshami, Anoushiravan, (eds.), The Foreign Policies of Middle East States. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, pp. 167-192. (The Middle East in the international system)
Tripp, Charles (2002) 'L'Irak et la guerre de 1948: une image du désordre en Irak.' In: Logan, Eugene L. and Shlaim, Avi, (eds.), 1948, la guerre de Palestine: derrière le mythe. Paris: Editions Autrement, pp. 119-148. (Collection Mémoires, no 82.)
Tripp, Charles (2001) 'Iraq and the 1948 War: Mirror of Iraq's Disorder.' In: Rogan, Eugene L. and Shlaim, Avi, (eds.), The War for Palestine. Rewriting the History of 1948. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 125-150.
Tripp, Charles (2001) 'States, Elites and the 'Management of Change'.' In: Hakimian, Hassan and Moshaver, Ziba, (eds.), The State and Global Change. The Political Economy of Transition in the Middle East and North Africa. Richmond: Curzon, pp. 211-231.
Tripp, Charles (1997) 'Iraq.' In: Sayigh, Yezid and Shlaim, Avi, (eds.), The Cold War and the Middle East. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 186-215.
Tripp, Charles (1997) 'An ''Islamic Economics''? Problems in the imagined reappropriation of economic life.' In: Dean, Kathryn, (ed.), Politics and the Ends of Identity. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, pp. 155-176.
Tripp, Charles (2022) 'Sanctioned discourse and the power of hegemonic imaginings.' Water International, 47 (6). pp. 896-900.
Tripp, Charles (2022) 'Al-malik al-salih – Islam and the monarchy in 1930s Egypt.' Middle Eastern Studies, 58 (3). pp. 354-370.
Tripp, Charles (2016) 'Art, Power and Knowledge: Claiming Public Space in Tunisia.' Middle East Law and Governance, 9 (2-3). pp. 250-274.
Tripp, Charles (2013) 'Performing the Public: theatres of power in the Middle East.' Constellations, 20 (2). pp. 203-216.
Tripp, Charles (2013) 'Art of the Uprisings in the Middle East.' Brown Journal of World Affairs, 19 (2). pp. 185-199.
Tripp, Charles (2012) 'The Art of Resistance in the Middle East.' Asian Affairs, 43 (3). pp. 393-409.
Tripp, Charles (2009) 'All (Muslim) Politics is Local.' Foreign Affairs, 88 (5). pp. 124-129.
Tripp, Charles (2002) 'After Saddam.' Survival: Global Politics and Strategy, 44 (4). pp. 23-38.
Tripp, Charles (2001) 'Syria: the State and its Narratives [Review Article].' Middle Eastern Studies, 37 (2). pp. 199-206.
Tripp, Charles (2014) Battlefields of the Republic - the struggle for public space in Tunisia. London: LSE Middle East Centre.
Tripp, Charles (2023) 'Review of: Art and the Arab Spring: Aesthetics of Revolution and Resistance in Tunisia and Beyond. By Siobhán Shilton.' French Studies, 77 (1). p. 154.