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Vom Bruck, Gabriele (2019) Mirrored Loss: A Yemeni Woman's Life Story. London: Hurst and Co..
Vom Bruck, Gabriele (2005) Islam, Memory, and Morality in Yemen. Ruling Families in Transition. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Tripp, Charles and Vom Bruck, Gabriele, eds. (2017) Precarious Belongings: Being Shiʿi in Non-Shiʿi Worlds. London, UK: Centre for Academic Shiʿa Studies (CASS).
Vom Bruck, Gabriele (2017) 'How the past casts its shadows: Struggles for ascendancy in northern Yemen in the post-Salih era.' In: Vom Bruck, Gabriele and Tripp, Charles, (eds.), Precarious belonging: Being Shi’i in non-Shi’i worlds. London: Centre for Academic Shiʿa Studies (CASS).
Masoudi Nejad, Reza (2017) 'The Ritual and Built Initiatives of the Iranians in Bombay.' In: Vom Bruck, Gabriele and Tripp, Charles, (eds.), Precarious Belonging: Being Shi’i in Non-Shi’i Worlds. London: CASS, pp. 61-126.
Vom Bruck, Gabriele and Tripp, Charles (2017) 'Introduction.' In: Vom Bruck, Gabriele and Tripp, Charles, (eds.), Precarious belonging: Being Shi’i in non-Shi`i worlds. London: Centre for Academic Shiʿa Studies (CASS), pp. 1-26.
Vom Bruck, Gabriele, Alwazir, Atiaf and Wiacek, Benjamin (2014) 'Yemen: revolution suspended?' In: Gerges, Fawaz A., (ed.), The New Middle East Protest and Revolution in the Arab World. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 285-308.
Vom Bruck, Gabriele (2006) 'Names as Bodily Signs.' In: Vom Bruck, Gabriele and Bodenhorn, Barbara, (eds.), The Anthropology of Names and Naming. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 226-250.
Vom Bruck, Gabriele (2004) 'Evacuating Memory in Postrevolutionary Yemen.' In: Al-Rasheed, Madawi and Vitalis, R., (eds.), Counter-Narratives. History, Contemporary Society, and Politics in Saudi Arabia and Yemen. London: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 229-245.
Vom Bruck, Gabriele (2018) 'Submerged History: Fragments for a Biographic Narrative of 1948.' Journal of Arabian Studies, 8 (1). pp. 66-86.
Vom Bruck, Gabriele (2008) 'Naturalising, Neutralising Women's Bodies: The "Headscarf Affair" and the Politics of Representation.' Identities, 15 (1). pp. 51-79.
Vom Bruck, Gabriele (2005) 'The Imagined 'Consumer Democracy' and Elite (Re)production in Yemen.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 11 (2). pp. 255-75.
Vom Bruck, Gabriele (2018) 'Review of: Of Sand and Soil: Genealogy and Tribal Belonging in Saudi Arabia by Nadav Samin. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2015.' Die Welt des Islams, 58 (2). pp. 249-253.
Vom Bruck, Gabriele (2011) 'When will Yemen’s night really end?' Le Monde Diplomatique.