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Welchman, Lynn (2021) Al-Haq: A Global History of the First Palestinian Human Rights Organization. Oakland, California: University of California Press. (New Directions in Palestinian Studies)
Welchman, Lynn (2007) Women and Muslim Family Laws in Arab States. A Comparative Overview of Textual Development and Advocacy. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. (ISIM Series on Contemporary Muslim Societies)
Welchman, Lynn (2000) Beyond the Code: Muslim Family Law and the Shari'a Judiciary in the Palestinian West Bank. The Hague: Kluwer Law International.
Welchman, Lynn (1999) Islamic Family Law: Text and Practice in Palestine. Jerusalem: Women's Centre for Legal Aid.
Hossain, Sara and Welchman, Lynn, eds. (2014) Remedies for Forced Marriage: A Handbook for Lawyers. (Online). London: Interights.
Baderin, Mashood, Monshipouri, Mahmood, Mokhtari, Shadi and Welchman, Lynn, eds. (2006) Islam and Human Rights: Advocacy for Social Change in Local Contexts. New Delhi: Global Media Publications.
Welchman, Lynn and Hossain, Sara, eds. (2005) Honour: Crimes, Paradigms and Violence against Women. London: Zed Books.
Welchman, Lynn, ed. (2004) Women's Rights and Islamic Family Law: perspectives on reform. London: Zed Books.
Welchman, Lynn, Jouirou, Zahia and Sharafeldin, Marwa (2022) 'Muslim Family Law: Trajectories of Reform.' In: Mir-Hosseini, Ziba, Al-Sharmani, Mulki, Rumminger, Jana and Marsso, Sarah, (eds.), Justice and Beauty in Muslim Marriage. Towards Egalitarian Ethics and Law. London: Oneworld, pp. 337-378.
Welchman, Lynn (2018) 'A Historiography of Islamic Family Law.' In: Emon, Anver M. and Ahmed, Rumee, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 885-932.
Welchman, Lynn (2018) 'The International Human Rights Clinic at SOAS.' In: Alemanno, Alberto and Khadar, Lamin, (eds.), Reinventing Legal Education: How Clinical Education is Reforming the Teaching and Practice of Law in Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 247-271.
Welchman, Lynn (2016) 'Human rights, law and politics: a reflection on human rights work in the Middle East and North Africa.' In: Chase, Anthony Tirado, (ed.), Routledge Handbook on Human Rights and the Middle East and North Africa. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, pp. 502-511.
Welchman, Lynn (2015) 'Qiwamah and Wilayah as Legal Postulates in Muslim Family Laws.' In: Mir-Hosseini, Ziba, Al-Sharmani, Mulki and Rumminger, Jana, (eds.), Men in Charge? Rethinking Authority in Muslim Legal Tradition. London: Oneworld, pp. 132-162.
Welchman, Lynn (2014) 'Foreword.' In: Gill, Aisha, Strange, Carolyn and Roberts, Karl, (eds.), 'Honour' Killing and Violence: Theory, Policy and Practice. Houndsmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, ix-xv.
Welchman, Lynn (2012) 'Gulf Women and the Codification of Muslim Family Law.' In: El-Azhary Sonbol, Amira, (ed.), Gulf Women. London: Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation, pp. 367-406.
Welchman, Lynn (2012) 'Rocks, hard places and human rights: anti-terrorism law and policy in Arab states.' In: Ramraj, Victor V., Hor, Michael, Roach, Kent and Williams, George, (eds.), Global Anti-Terrorism Law and Policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 621-654.
Welchman, Lynn (2010) 'Bahrain, Qatar, UAE: First time Family Law Codifications in Three Gulf States.' In: Atkin, Bill, (ed.), International Survey of Family Law 2010 edition. Bristol: Jordan, pp. 163-178.
Welchman, Lynn (2010) 'Women, Family and the Law. The Muslim personal status law debate in Arab states.' In: Hefner, Robert W., (ed.), New Cambridge History of Islam, Vol.6. Cambridge: CUP, pp. 411-437.
Welchman, Lynn (2009) 'Family, Gender and Law in Jordan and Palestine.' In: Cuno, Kenneth M. and Desai, Manisha, (eds.), Family, Gender, and Law in a Globalizing Middle East and South Asia. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University press, pp. 126-144.
Welchman, Lynn (2005) 'Criminal Law: Overview.' In: Joseph, Suad, (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Women and Islamic Cultures Vol. II: Family, law and politics. Leiden: Brill, pp. 388-402.
Welchman, Lynn (2005) 'Developments on 'crimes of honour' in Jordan.' In: Welchman, Lynn and Hossain, Sara, (eds.), 'Honour': Crimes, Paradigms and Violence against Women. London: Zed Books, pp. 199-208.
Welchman, Lynn (2005) 'Human Rights: Overview.' In: Joseph, Suad, (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Women and Islamic Cultures Vol. II: Family, law and politics. Leiden: Brill, pp. 265-268.
Welchman, Lynn and Hossain, Sara (2005) 'Introduction: 'Honour', Rights and Wrongs.' In: Welchman, Lynn and Hossain, Sara, (eds.), 'Honour': Crimes, Paradigms, and Violence against Women. London: Zed Books, pp. 1-21.
Welchman, Lynn (2005) 'Rocks, Hard Places and Human Rights: Anti-Terrorism Law and Policy in Arab States.' In: Ramraj, Victor V., Hor, Michael and Roach, Kent, (eds.), Global Anti-Terrorism Law and Policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 581-608.
Welchman, Lynn (2002) 'Islamic Law: Stuck with the State?' In: Huxley, Andrew, (ed.), Religion, Law and Tradition. London: Routledge, pp. 61-83.
Welchman, Lynn (2000) 'The Middle East Peace Process and the Rule of Law: Irreconcilable Objectives?' In: Cotran, Eugene and Yamani, Mai, (eds.), The Rule of Law in the Middle East and the Islamic World. London: IB Tauris, 51-65,.
Salih, Ruba, Zambelli, Elena and Welchman, Lynn (2021) '‘From Standing Rock to Palestine We are United’: diaspora politics, decolonisation and the intersectionality of struggles.' Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44 (7). pp. 1135-1153.
Welchman, Lynn, Zambelli, Elena and Salih, Ruba (2021) 'Rethinking justice beyond human rights. Anti-colonialism and intersectionality in the politics of the Palestinian Youth Movement.' Mediterranean Politics, 26 (3). pp. 349-369.
Hammoudeh, Doaa, Hamayel, Layaly and Welchman, Lynn (2016) 'Beyond the Physicality of Space: East Jerusalem, Kufr ‘Aqab, and the Politics of Everyday Suffering.' The Jerusalem Quarterly, 65. pp. 35-60.
Welchman, Lynn (2011) 'Muslim Family Laws and Women's Consent to Marriarge: does the law mean what it says.' Social Difference Online. Journal of the Center for the Critical Analysis of Social Difference at Columbia University, 1. pp. 63-79.
Welchman, Lynn (2011) 'A Husband's Authority: Emerging Formulations in Muslim Family Laws.' International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 25 (1). pp. 1-23.
Welchman, Lynn (2009) 'The Bedouin Judge, the Mufti, and the Chief Islamic Justice: Competing Legal Regimes in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.' Journal of Palestine Studies, 38 (2). pp. 6-23.
Welchman, Lynn (2007) 'Honour and Violence Against Women in a Modern Shar`i Discourse.' Hawwa Journal of Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World, 5 (2-3). pp. 139-165.
Welchman, Lynn (2004) 'Egypt: new deal on divorce.' International Survey of Family Law. pp. 123-142.
Welchman, Lynn (2004) 'Muslim World Journal of Human Rights.' Muslim World Journal of Human Rights, 1 (1).
Welchman, Lynn (2004) 'The Role of International Law and Human Rights in Peacemaking and Crafting Durable Solutions for Refugees: Comparative Comment.' Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law, 9 (2002-2003). pp. 88-109.
Welchman, Lynn (2003) 'In the Interim: Civil Society, the shar'i Judiciary and Palestinian Personal Status Law in the Transitional Period.' Islamic Law and Society, 10 (1). pp. 34-69.
Welchman, Lynn (2001) 'Jordan: Capacity, Consent and Under-age Marriage in Muslim Family Law.' International Survey of Family Law, 2001. pp. 243-265.
Welchman, Lynn (2001) 'Summary Report: CIMEL/INTERIGHTS Roundtable on Crimes of Honour.' Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law, 6. pp. 439-461.
Welchman, Lynn (2000) 'Palestine: Pre-State Positioning on Family Law.' International Survey of Family Law. pp. 289-307.
Welchman, Lynn (2005) How does change happen? In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Welchman, Lynn (2005) Reframing Islam: Politics into Law. In: Reframing Islam: Politics into Law Conference, Galway. (Unpublished)
Welchman, Lynn, Jouirou, Zahia and Sharafeldin, Marwa (2023) Muslim Family Laws: Trajectories of Reform. London: Working Paper Series: School of Law, Gender and Media.
Salih, Ruba, Welchman, Lynn and Zambelli, Elena (2017) The Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM): transnational politics, inter/national frameworks and intersectional alliances. Rome: IAI Power2Youth Papers.