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Wright, Owen (2019) Music theory in the Safavid age: The taqsīm al-naġamāt. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (SOAS Musicology Series)
Wright, Owen (2010) Epistles of the Brethren of Purity. On music. An Arabic critical edition and English translation of EPISTLE 5, ed. and tr. by Owen Wright. Oxford: Oxford University Press in association with The Institute of Ismaili Studies.
Wright, Owen (2009) Touraj Kiaras and Persian classical music: an analytical perspective. Farnham: Ashgate. (SOAS Musicology Series)
Wright, Owen (2001) Demetrius Cantemir: The Collection of Notations. Volume 2: Commentary. Farnham: Ashgate.
Wright, Owen (1992) Demetrius Cantemir: The Collection of Notations. Volume 1: Text. London: School of Oriental and African Studies. (SOAS musicology series, v. 1)
Wright, Owen (1992) Words Without Songs. A Musicological Study of an Early Ottoman Anthology and its Precursors. London: SOAS University of London. (SOAS musicology series, v. 3)
Wright, Owen (1978) The Modal System of Arab and Persian Music A.D. 1250-1300. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Wright, Owen (2017) 'Amīr Ḫān Gurjī and Safavid-Ottoman usul parallels.' In: Helvacı, Zeynep, Olley, Jacob and Jäger, Ralf Martin, (eds.), Rhythmic Cycles and Structures in the Art Music of the Middle East. Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, pp. 49-68. (Orient-Institut Istanbul: Istanbuler Texte und Studien 36)
Wright, Owen (2017) 'The Ottoman usul system and its precursors.' In: Helvacı, Zeynep, Olley, Jacob and Jäger, Ralf Martin, (eds.), Rhythmic Cycles and Structures in the Art Music of the Middle East. Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, pp. 31-48. (Orient-Institut Istanbul: Istanbuler Texte und Studien 36)
Wright, Owen (2013) 'Turning a deaf ear.' In: Contadini, Anna and Norton, Claire, (eds.), The Renaissance and the Ottoman world. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 143-165.
Wright, Owen (2008) 'Music and musicology in the Rasa'il Ikhwan al-Safa'.' In: El-Bizri, Nader, (ed.), Epistles of the Brethren of Purity: Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’ and their Rasāʾil: an introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press in association with The Institute of Ismaili Studies, pp. 216-249.
Wright, Owen (2004) 'The Sight of Sound.' In: Necipoğlu, Gülru, Behrens-Abouseif, Doris and Contadini, Anna, (eds.), Muqarnas Volume 21. An Annual on the Visual Culture of the Islamic World. Essays in Honor of J.M. Rogers. Leiden: Brill, pp. 359-371.
Wright, Owen (2001) 'Ab? l-Salt Umayya [and] Al? Ufk? [and ] al-Amul? [and] abd al-Qadir [and] as-F?r?b? [and] as-Hasan b. Ahmad al-K?tib [and] Ibn 'Abd Rabbih [and] Ibn al-Tahh?n, al-Kind? [and] al-L?dhiq? [and] al-Munajjim [and] Ibn S?n? [and] Ibn Zayla [and] Ikhwan al-Saf?' In: Sadie, Stanley and Tyrrell, John, (eds.), The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians Second Edition. London: MacMillam, 797a-812a,817a.
Wright, Owen (2000) 'Under the Influence? Preliminary reflections on Arab music during the Ottoman period.' In: Balım-Harding, Çiğdem and Imber, Colin, (eds.), The balance of truth: essays in honour of Professor Geoffrey Lewis. Istanbul: The Isis Press, pp. 407-429.
Wright, Owen (1999) '‘Music at the Fatimid court: the evidence of the Ibn al-Ṭaḥḥān manuscript’.' In: Barrucand, M., (ed.), L’Égypte fatimide: son art et son histoire (Actes du Colloque organisé à Paris les 28, 29 et 30 mai 1998). Paris: Presses de l’Université de Paris-Sorbonne, pp. 537-545.
Wright, Owen (2011) 'How French is frenkçin?' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Series 3, 21 (3). pp. 261-281.
Wright, Owen (2008) '‘Mais qui était ‘Le compositeur du Péchrev dans le makam Nihavend’?’.' Studii şi Cercetări de Istoria Artei: Teatru, Muzică, Cinematografie, serie (45). pp. 3-45.
Wright, Owen (2006) 'Al-Kindi's Braid.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 69 (1). pp. 1-32.
Wright, Owen (2005) 'Die melodischen Modi bei Ibn Sina und die Entwicklung der Modalpraxis von Ibn al-Munaggim bis zu Safi al-Din al-Urmawi. [The Melodic Modes According to Ibn Sina and the Evolution of Modal Practice from Ibn al-Munaggim to Safi al-Din al-Urmawi].' Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, 16 (2004-2005). pp. 224-308.
Wright, Owen (1997) 'On the concept of a "Timurid music".' Oriente Moderno, 15 (76). pp. 665-81.
Wright, Owen (1996) 'Middle Eastern song-text collections.' Early Music, 24 (3). pp. 454-469.
Wright, Owen (1995) 'Adb al-Qadir al Maraghi and Ali b. Muhammad Bina'i - two fifteenth century examples of notation.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 58 (1). pp. 17-39.
Wright, Owen (1995) 'A preliminary version of the kitāb al-Adwār.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 58 (3). pp. 455-78.
Wright, Owen (1969) The modal system of Arabian and Persian music, 1250-1300: An interpretation of contemporary texts. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00029733