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Zhu, Sanzhu (2015) 'Socialist Rule of Law in the 21th Century China.' Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 7 (1). pp. 75-81.
Zhu, Sanzhu (2011) 'The Role of Law and Governance in Financial Markets: The Case of the Emerging Chinese Securities Market.' In: Alexander, Kern and Moloney, Niamh, (eds.), Law Reform and Financial Markets. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, US: Edward Elgar, pp. 145-194.
Zhu, Sanzhu, ed. (2011) Law and Institutions of Modern China. London; New York: Routledge. (Critical Concepts in Law series, Routledge Major Works, 4 Volume Set)
Zhu, Sanzhu (2011) 'Modern Chinese Law and Institutions Sixty Years On [Editor's introduction].' In: Zhu, Sanzhu, (ed.), Law and Institutions of Modern China. London; New York: Routledge. (Critical Concepts in Law series, Roultlege Major Works, 4 Volume Set)
Zhu, Sanzhu (2011) 'Case Study: Post-WTO Financial Market Development.' In: Yueh, Linda, (ed.), Enterprising China: Business, Economic, and Legal Developments since 1979. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 311-322.
Zhu, Sanzhu (2011) 'Modernizing Chinese Law: The Protection of Private Property in China.' ProtoSociology. China’s Modernization I, 28. pp. 73-86.
Zhu, Sanzhu, Berry, F. C. Hsu and Lifen, Pu (2010) 'Derivative Markets in China: Guest Editors' Introduction.' Chinese Law and Government, 43 (4). pp. 3-11.
Zhu, Sanzhu (2009) 'Legal Aspects of Commodity and Financial Futures Market in China.' The Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial and Commercial Law, 3 (2). pp. 377-430.
Zhu, Sanzhu (2009) The Protection of Private Property in China: Towards Establishing a Due Process. In: Symposium on the Convergence of Property Rights among Mainland, Taiwan, Macau, and Hong Kong 大陆 台湾 澳门 香港 产权制度趋同性研讨会, 1-3 August 2009, The University of Hong Kong.
Zhu, Sanzhu (2009) The Role of Law and Governance in Financial Market: The Case of Emerging Chinese Securities Market. In: The WG Hart Legal Workshop 2009: Law Reform and Financial Markets, 23-25 June 2009, IALS Russel Square London.
Zhu, Sanzhu (2008) 'Ley de Sociedades en China - Impulso a la protección de los accionistas.' El Exportador, April. p. 47.
Zhu, Sanzhu (2007) Securities Dispute Resolution in China. Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
Zhu, Sanzhu (2006) 'Implementing China's WTO Commitments in Chinese Financial Services Law.' The China Review, 6 (2). pp. 3-33.
Zhu, Sanzhu (2005) 'Civil Litigation Arising from False Statements on China's Securities Market.' The North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation, 31 (2). pp. 377-429.
Zhu, Sanzhu (2004) 'Reforming State Institutions: Privatizing the Lawyers' System.' In: Howell, Jude, (ed.), Governance in China. Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, pp. 58-76.
Zhu, Sanzhu (2000) Securities Regulation in China. Ardsley, N.Y: Transnational Publishers.
Zhu, Sanzhu and Mei, Hong (1995) 'Review of 'Domestic Law Reforms in Post-Mao China' (Armonk, N.Y.; London: M.E.Sharpe, 1994).' Britain-China: Magazine of the Great Britain-China Centre (56 & 57). pp. 30-31.