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Banda, Fareda (2020) African Migration, Human Rights and Literature. Oxford, UK: Hart.
Behrouzan, Orkideh (2016) Prozak Diaries: Psychiatry and Generational Memory in Iran. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
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Howard, Keith, ed. (2020) Special Section: North Korean Popular Culture. Leeds: European Journal of Korean Studies. (European Journal of Korean Studies)
Adams, Kathleen and Bloch, Natalia (2023) 'Problematizing Siloed Mobilities: Tourism, Migration, Exile.' In: Adams, Kathleen and Bloch, Natalia, (eds.), Intersections of Tourism, Migration, and Exile. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-30.
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Allen, Lori (2019) 'Subaltern Critique and the History of Palestine.' In: Fassin, Didier and Harcourt, Bernard E., (eds.), A Time For Critique. New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 153-173. (New directions in critical theory)
Antón Crespo, Margarita and Huland, Gabriel (2018) 'El periodismo ciudadano y el uso de las nuevas tecnologías en la revolución siria: el caso del Aleppo Media Center.' In: María Ortega Pérez, Ana and García Prieto, Victoria, (eds.), Voces Alternativas: investigación multidisciplinar en comunicación y cultura. Seville, Spain: Ediciones Egregius, pp. 296-314. (Comunicación y Pensamiento)
Causevic, Senija (2021) 'Positioning Oneself While Researching Yugoslavia: The Context of Self-Reflection and Introspection.' In: Radeljic, Branislav and González-Villa, Carlos, (eds.), Researching Yugoslavia and its Aftermath: Sources, Prejudices and Alternative Solutions. London: Springer Nature, pp. 67-89. (Societies and Political Orders in Transition)
Causevic, Senija, Skokic, Vlatka and Simundic, Blanka (2022) 'Cultural Heritage Tourism in EU Policy Discourse: A Case Study of Croatia.' In: Andriotis, K, Stylidis, D and Janta, H, (eds.), Tourism Planning and Development in Eastern Europe. Wallingford: CABI, pp. 100-116.
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Eagleton-Pierce, Matthew (2018) 'EU Trade Policy and Civil Society.' In: Khorana, Sangeeta and Garcia, María, (eds.), Handbook on the EU and International Trade. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 135-151.
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Harrigan, Jane (2014) 'An Economic Analysis of National Food Sovereignty Policies in the Middle East: The Case of Lebanon and Jordan.' In: Babar, Zahra and Mirgani, S., (eds.), Food Security in the Middle East. Oxford: Hurst and Oxford University Press.
Krishnakumar, Jo (2022) 'Take a Look Inside: Exploring Closets as Fingerprints of the Queer Community.' In: Pain, Paromita, (ed.), LGBTQ Digital Cultures: A Global Perspective. New York: Routledge.
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Liu, Jieyu (2022) 'Childhood and rural to urban migration in China: A tale of three villages.' Children and Society. pp. 1-16. (Forthcoming)
Liu, Jieyu (2022) 'Childhood in Urban China: A Three-Generation Portrait.' Current Sociology, 70 (4). pp. 598-617.
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Oreglia, Elisa and Srinivasan, Janaki (2015) 'ICT, Intermediaries, and the Transformation of Gendered Power Structures.' MIS Quarterly, 40 (2). pp. 501-510.
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