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Ali, Daud (2006) 'War, servitude and the Imperial Household: A study of Palace Women in the Chola Empire.' In: Chatterjee, Indrani and Eaton, Richard M., (eds.), Slavery and South Asian History. Bloomington Indiana: Indiana University Press, pp. 44-62.

Amir, Alia (2024) What if I lose my language? What if I have lost my language? Language On The Move [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Ash, Robert (2007) 'Managing China’s Arable Land Resources in an Era of Sustainability.' In: Song, Yan and Ding, C., (eds.), Urbanization in China. Critical Issues in an Era of Rapid Growth. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, pp. 117-141.


Babb, Lawrence A. and Cort, John E. (2025) 'The Anthropological Study of the Jains: Two Essays.' International Journal of Jaina Studies, 21 (1). pp. 1-20.

Bhandar, Brenna and Bhandar, Davina (2016) 'Cultures of Dispossession: Critical Reflections on Rights, Status and Identities.' darkmatter Journal, 14.

Bhatt, Juhi (2012) Cash transfer film. YouTube. Available from

Bosc, Igor, Lerche, Jens, Shah, Alpa, Fajerman, Miranda and Wadhawan, Neha (2022) Understanding patterns of structural discrimination of migrant and other workers in some countries of South and West Asia. Geneva: ILO Background Paper.

Bruce-Jones, Eddie (2020) Black Lives and German Exceptionalism. Verfassungsblog [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Bruce-Jones, Eddie (2020) 'Death Zones and Comfort Zones: Queering the Refugee Question.' In: Senthorun, Raj and Dunne, Peter, (eds.), The Queer Outside in Law: Recognising LGBTIQ People in the United Kingdom. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 49-78. (Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies)

Bruce-Jones, Eddie (2017) Police Brutality and Racism in Germany. Black Perspectives, African American Intellectual History Society [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Bruce-Jones, Eddie (2019) 'Review: Karla Holloway, Legal Fictions: Constituting Race, Composing Literature (Duke University Press).' Law and Literature, 31 (1). pp. 155-157.

Bruce-Jones, Eddie (2023) Writing Indenture—The Petrichor of Diaspora. Frontiers of Socio-Legal Studies [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]


Dey, Adrija (2018) Nirbhaya, New Media and Digital Gender Activism. London: Emerald. (Digital Activism and Society: Politics, Economy and Culture in Network Communication)

Dey, Adrija and Orton, Bev (2016) 'Gender and Caste Intersectionality in India: An Analysis of the Nirbhaya Case, 16 December 2012.' In: Takhar, Shaminder, (ed.), Gender and Race Matter: Global Perspectives on Being a Woman. London: Emerald Group Publishing, pp. 87-105. (Advances in Gender Research)

Dhital, Pragya (2019) 'From ‘Imam ul-Hind’ to Azizul Hind: The ‘One Man Media House’ in Modern India.' South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 42 (3). pp. 452-468.


Ercanbrack, Jonathan and Bahra, Narita (2019) Hawala Money Transfer Systems: Debunking the Presumption of Illegitimacy. Business Crime and Financial Services [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]


Flügel, Peter (2023) 'Jaina Non-Tīrthas in Madhyadeśa II.2: Heritage without History.' Berliner Indologische Studien, 26.

Flügel, Peter (2024) 'Pure Soul and the Jaina Traditions, Syntax and Experience.' Jaina Studies: Newsletter of the Centre of Jaina Studies, 19. pp. 16-22.

Flügel, Peter and Krümpelmann, Kornelius (2023) Index to the Jaina-Onomasticon of Johannes Klatt. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. (Jaina Studies 2)


Geer, Benjamin (2009) 'Prophets and Priests of the Nation: Naguib Mahfouz’s Karnak Café and the 1967 Crisis in Egypt.' International Journal of Middle East Studies, 41 (4). pp. 653-669.

George, Nathaniel (2024) 'Abu Jubran and Jabal ʿAmil Between the Palestinian and Iranian Revolutions.' In: Elling, Rasmus C. and Haugbolle, Sune, (eds.), The Fate of Third Worldism in the Middle East: Iran, Palestine, and Beyond. London: Oneworld Academic, pp. 145-169. (Radical Histories of the Middle East)

George, Nathaniel (2022) '“Our 1789”: The Transitional Program of the Lebanese National Movement and the Abolition of Sectarianism, 1975–77.' Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 42 (2). pp. 470-488.

George, Nathaniel (2024) '"Survival in an Age of Revolution": Charles Malik, Imperial Sovereignty, and Global Counterrevolution.' American Historical Review. (Forthcoming)

Gerteis, Christopher and George, Timothy S., eds. (2012) Japan since 1945: from Postwar to Post-Bubble. London and New York: Bloomsbury.

Githiora, Chege (2008) Afro-Mexicans: Discourse of Race and Identity in the African Diaspora. Trenton, New Jersey, USA: Africa World Press.


Ha, Guangtian (2017) 'The Silent Hat: Islam, Female Labour, and the Political Economy of the "Headscarf Debate".' Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 42 (3). pp. 743-769.

HadžiMuhamedović, Safet (2021) 'Locating Pandemic Grief in Sarajevo: Georgic Notes Against Self-Isolating Regimes.' Forum Bosnae, 91-92. pp. 308-326.

Hamzić, Vanja (2014) A Cry for Madness: Governance Feminism and Neoliberal Unity in Pakistan. In: Governance Feminism Workshop, May 2014, The Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London, London, UK.

Hamzić, Vanja (2012) 'An Interstice of Justice?: Muslim Experiences of Sexual and Gender Diversity between Human Rights Law and Islamic Legal Tradition.' In: Holzhacker, R and Lahey, K, (eds.), Global Rights, Global Movements: International Law, Transnational Activism, and the Critical Role of Civil Society. New York: New York University Press, pp. 121-152.

Hamzić, Vanja (2014) The Khwajasara Movement and the Challenge of Translocality. In: 5th LAEMOS Conference, April 2014, Havana, Cuba.

Hamzić, Vanja (2013) On Muslim Sexual and Gender Diversity and Lifeworlds beyond Legal Form. In: Law, Religion and LGBT Rights, July 2013, Brunel Law School, Brunel University. (Unpublished)

Hamzić, Vanja (2012) 'The Resistance from an Alterspace: Pakistani and Indonesian Muslims beyond the Dominant Sexual and Gender Norms.' In: Kam-Tuck Yip, Andrew and Nynäs, Peter, (eds.), Religion, Gender and Sexuality in Everyday Life. Surrey: Ashgate, pp. 17-35.

Hamzić, Vanja (2014) 'Review of Corrine Lennox and Matthew Waites (eds), Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in The Commonwealth: Struggles for Decriminalisation and Change (Institute of Commonwealth Studies, London, 2013).' Human Rights Law Review, 14 (2). pp. 386-390.

Hamzić, Vanja (2017) 'Selfhood and Archipelago in Indonesia: A Case for Human Polyversality.' In: Sircar, O. and Jain, P., (eds.), New Intimacies / Old Desires: Law, Culture and Queer Politics in Neoliberal Times. New Delhi: Zubaan Books; Chicago University Press, pp. 235-252.

Hamzić, Vanja (2016) Sexual and Gender Diversity in the Muslim World: History, Law and Vernacular Knowledge. London: I.B. Tauris. (Islamic South Asia series)

Hamzić, Vanja (2011) (Sub)alternative Muslim Perceptions of Law and Justice: Beyond Politics of Fiqh and Inadequacy of Human Rights Discourse. In: Queer Perspectives on Law: Sharing Reflections, SOAS Spring Queer Legal Theory Workshop, May 2011, SOAS, University of London. (Unpublished)

Hamzić, Vanja (2015) 'The (Un)Conscious Pariah: Canine and Gender Outcasts of the British Raj.' Australian Feminist Law Journal, 40 (2). pp. 185-198.

Hamzić, Vanja (2012) 'Unlearning Human Rights and False Grand Dichotomies: Indonesian Archipelagic Selves beyond Sexual/Gender Universality.' Jindal Global Law Review, 4 (1). pp. 71-85.


Kashyap, Megha (2021) Living Between Two Worlds. Convivial Thinking [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Keenan, Sarah (2013) 'Property as Governance: Time, Space and Belonging in Australia’s Northern Territory Intervention.' Modern Law Review, 76 (3). pp. 464-493.

Khan, Abeera (2021) 'In Defence of an Unalienated Politic: A Critical Appraisal of the Birmingham LGBT Lessons Protests.' Feminist Review, 128 (1). pp. 132-147.

Khan, Abeera (2022) 'States of Precarity and Pains of Utopic Pedagogy: Methodologies of Hope in Times of Crises.' Feminist Formations, 34 (1). pp. 318-338.

Flügel, Peter and Krümpelmann, Kornelius, eds. (2016) Jaina-Onomasticon by Johannes Klatt. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. (Jaina Studies)

Krishnakumar, Jo and Menon, Annapurna (2022) 'Moving toward Radical Love in Organizing Spaces.' Transgender Studies Quarterly, 9 (3). pp. 488-500.


Lerche, Jens (2021) 'The Farm Laws Struggle 2020-2021: class-caste alliances and bypassed agrarian transition in neoliberal India.' Journal of Peasant Studies, 48 (7). pp. 1380-1396.

Lerche, Jens (2022) 'Grounding Labour Regimes Analysis in Agrarian Political Economy.' In: Baglioni, Elena, Campling, Liam, Coe, Neil M. and Smith, Adrian, (eds.), Labour Regimes and Global Production. Newcastle: Agenda Publishing. (Economic Transformations)

Lerche, Jens and Shah, Alpa (2021) 'Capitalism and Conjugated Oppression: Race, Caste, Tribe, Gender and Class in India.' Anveshi Broadsheet (15). pp. 13-15.

Lerche, Jens and Shah, Alpa (2023) 'Social Oppression and Exploitation of Adivasis and Dalits in Contemporary India.' In: Roy, Indrajit, (ed.), Passionate politics. Development, politics and India’s general election 2019. Manchester: Manchester University Press.


McCaskie, Tom (2009) 'African American Psychologists, the Atlantic Slave Trade and Ghana: a history of the present.' In: Rossi, Benedetta, (ed.), Reconfiguring Slavery: West African Trajectories. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 45-62.


Nino Zarazua, Miguel (2024) Unveiling a hidden crisis: The global scale of social exclusion. SOAS Economics Blog [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]


Shah, Alpa and Lerche, Jens (2021) 'Black Lives Matter, Capital and Ideology: Spiralling out from India.' British Journal of Sociology, 72 (1). pp. 93-105.

Shah, Alpa and Lerche, Jens (2020) Five issues hidden behind the exodus of India’s migrant labour under the Covid-19 lockdown. Geography Directions [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Shah, Alpa and Lerche, Jens (2020) 'Migration and the Invisible Economies of Care: Production, social reproduction and seasonal migrant labour in India.' Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 45 (4). pp. 719-734.

Shah, Alpa and Lerche, Jens (2020) The five truths about the migrant workers’ crisis: Opinion. Hindustan Times [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Standing, Guy (2015) 'Andrew J. Cherlin, Labor's Love Lost: The Rise and Fall of the Working Class Family in America.' Population and Development Review, 41 (3). pp. 544-547.

Standing, Guy (2015) 'Basic Income Pilots: A Better Option Than QE.' Social Europe.

Standing, Guy (2012) 'Book review response: Guy Standing, The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class.' Work, Employment and Society, 26 (4). pp. 690-692.

Standing, Guy (2012) Cash transfers: A review of the issues in India. New Delhi, India: UNICEF.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Cheer up - a renewed left is coming.' The Guardian.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Conditionality and human rights.' United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.

Standing, Guy (2013) 'Defining the precariat: A class in the making.' Eurozine.

Standing, Guy (2011) 'End of a Faustian pact: Workfare and riots.' Poverty (140). pp. 11-14.

Standing, Guy (2015) 'From denizens to citizens: forging a precariat charter.' In: Schierup, Carl-Ulrik, Munck, Ronaldo, Likic-Brboric, Branka and Neergaard, Anders, (eds.), Migration, precarity, and global governance: challenges and opportunties for labour. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 83-100.

Standing, Guy (2015) 'The Growing Precariat: Why We Need a Universal Basic Income.' SingularityHUB.

Standing, Guy (2015) 'Magna Carta: 800 years on, we need a new people's charter.' The Guardian.

Standing, Guy (2015) 'Magna Carta: what prospects for a Precariat Charter?' openDemocracy: Our Kingdom.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'O precariado e a luta de classes.' Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais (103). pp. 9-24.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Por qué el precariado no es un "concepto espurio".' Sociología del Trabajo (82). pp. 7-15.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'The Precariat.' Contexts, 13 (10). pp. 10-12.

Standing, Guy (2016) The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class. London: Bloomsbury. (Revelations)

Standing, Guy (2012) 'The Precariat: Why it needs deliberative democracy.' Open Democracy . Open Democracy.

Standing, Guy (2008) 'Reviving egalitarianism in the Global Transformation: Building occupational security.' Indian Journal of Human Development, 2 (1). pp. 39-62.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Stockholm syndrome: What happened to the European left?' Al Jazeera America.

Standing, Guy (2015) 'Taskers: The Precariat in the On-Demand Economy - Part I.' Working-Class Perspectives.

Standing, Guy (2013) 'Tertiary time: The precariat's dilemma.' Public Culture, 25 (1 69). pp. 5-23.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Understanding the precariat through labour and work.' Development and Change, 45 (5). pp. 963-980.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Where's Howard? Book review symposium: The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class, by Guy Standing.' Global Discourse, 3 (3/4). pp. 536-538.

Standing, Guy (2011) 'Who will be a voice for the emerging precariat?' The Guardian . Guardian Newspapers.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Why the precariat is not a "bogus concept".' openDemocracy.

Standing, Guy (2013) 'Why zero-hours contracts remind me of the horrors of 1990s Russia.' The Guardian.

Standing, Guy (2009) Work after globalization: Building occupational citizenship. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar.

Standing, Guy (2009) 'Work and occupation in a tertiary society.' Labour and Industry, 19 (3). pp. 49-72.

Standing, Guy (2011) 'Workfare and the precariat.' Soundings (47). pp. 35-43.

Standing, Guy (2015) 'The precariat and class struggle.' RCCS Annual Review, 7. pp. 3-16.

Standing, Guy (2016) 'The precariat, class and progressive politics: A response.' Global Labour Journal, 7 (2). pp. 189-200.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'The precariat: The new dangerous class.' Working-Class Perspectives.

Standing, Guy (2011) The precariat: The new dangerous class. London, UK and New York, USA: Bloomsbury.

Standing, Guy (2011) 'The precariat: The new dangerous class.' Policy Network.

Standing, Guy (2012) 'The precariat: from denizens to citizens?' Polity, 44 (4). pp. 588-608.

Standing, Guy and Jandric, Petar (2015) 'Precariat, education and technologies: towards a global class identity.' Policy Futures in Education, 13 (8). pp. 990-994.

Standing, Guy, Unni, Jeemol, Jhabvala, Renana and Rani, Uma (2010) Social income and insecurity: A study in Gujarat. New Delhi: Routledge.


Tan, Carol G.S. (1999) 'Chinese Wills Under the Laws of Hong Kong.' Hong Kong Law Journal, 29 (1). pp. 93-122.

Tan, Heidi (2003) '‘Peranakan Legacy’ at the Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore.' Newsletter of the International Institute for Asian Studies (31). p. 50.


Zlazli, Miho (2021) '新しい話者の視座から見た琉球諸語の開花の取り組み (Efflorescence of Ryukyuan Languages from Perspectives of New Speakers).' 島嶼地域科学 (Journal of Regional Science for Islands), 2. pp. 163-181.

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