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Group by: Creators Name | Item Type
Number of items at this level: 64.

Authored Books

Hammond, Laura (2004) This Place Will Become Home. Refugee Repatriation to Ethiopia. New York, NY: Cornell University Press.

Harrigan, Jane and El-Said, Hamed (2009) Economic Liberalisation, Social Capital and Islamic Welfare Provision. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Hutt, Michael (2003) Unbecoming Citizens: Culture, Nationhood, and the Flight of Refugees from Bhutan. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kennedy, David (2004) The Dark Sides or Virtue: Reassessing International Humanitarianism. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Standing, Guy (2015) Basic income: A transformative policy for India. London and New Delhi: Bloomsbury.

Standing, Guy (2009) Work after globalization: Building occupational citizenship. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar.

Standing, Guy (2011) The precariat: The new dangerous class. London, UK and New York, USA: Bloomsbury.

Standing, Guy, Unni, Jeemol, Jhabvala, Renana and Rani, Uma (2010) Social income and insecurity: A study in Gujarat. New Delhi: Routledge.

Edited Book or Journal Volume

Barrow, Ondine and Jennings, Michael, eds. (2001) The Charitable Impulse: NGOs and Development in East and North-East Africa. Oxford: James Currey.

Book Chapters

Hammond, Laura (2008) 'The Power of Holding Humanitarianism Hostage and the Myth of Protective Principles.' In: Barnett, Michael N. and Weiss, Thomas G., (eds.), Humanitarianism in question : politics, power, ethics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 172-195.

Hopgood, Stephen (2008) 'Saying "No" to Wal-Mart? Money and Morality in Professional Humanitarianism.' In: Barnett, Michael N. and Weiss, Thomas G., (eds.), Humanitarianism in question : politics, power, ethics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 98-123.

Hopgood, Stephen (2005) 'Tamil Tigers, 1987-2002.' In: Gambetta, D., (ed.), Making Sense of Suicide Missions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 43-76.

Kaiser, Tania (2007) '‘Moving up and down looking for money’: Making a living in a Ugandan Refugee Camp.' In: Staples, James, (ed.), Livelihoods at the Margins: Surviving the City. Walnut Creek, CA: West Coast Press.

Robb, Peter (1991) 'The Ordering of Rural India. British Control in 19th-Century Bengal and Bihar.' In: Anderson, David M. and Killingray, David, (eds.), Policing the Empire. Government, Authority and Control, 1830-1940. Manchester; New York: Manchester University Press, pp. 126-150.

Standing, Guy (2015) 'From denizens to citizens: forging a precariat charter.' In: Schierup, Carl-Ulrik, Munck, Ronaldo, Likic-Brboric, Branka and Neergaard, Anders, (eds.), Migration, precarity, and global governance: challenges and opportunties for labour. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 83-100.

Standing, Guy (2011) 'How cash transfers promote work and economic security.' In: Jomo, Kwame Sundaram and Chowdhury, Anis, (eds.), Poor Poverty: The Impoverishment of Analysis, Measurement and Policies. London, UK and New York, USA: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 197-221.

Standing, Guy (2010) 'Social protection.' In: Cornwall, Andrea and Eade, Deborah, (eds.), Deconstructing development discourse: Buzzwords and fuzzwords. Rugby, UK: Practical Action Publishing, pp. 53-67.

Standing, Guy (2012) 'An anniversary note: BIEN's twenty-fifth.' In: Caputo, Richard K., (ed.), Basic Income Guarantee and Politics: International Experiences and Perspectives on the Viability of Income Guarantee. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 55-60.

Welchman, Lynn and Hossain, Sara (2005) 'Introduction: 'Honour', Rights and Wrongs.' In: Welchman, Lynn and Hossain, Sara, (eds.), 'Honour': Crimes, Paradigms, and Violence against Women. London: Zed Books, pp. 1-21.

Journal Article

Canelas, Carla and Niño-Zarazúa, Miguel (2022) 'Informality and Pension Reforms in Bolivia: The Case of Renta Dignidad.' Journal of Development Studies, 58 (7). pp. 1436-1458.

Jordá, Vanesa, Niño-Zarazúa, Miguel and Tejería-Martínez, Mercedes (2024) 'The Lifespan Disparity Dataset: An open repository on inequality and polarization in length of life (1950–2021).' Scientific Data, 11 (650).

Joxhe, Majlinda, Scaramozzino, Pasquale and Zanaj, Skerdilajda (2024) 'The Public Finance Position of Immigrants in Europe: A Quantile Regression Approach.' Public Finance Review, 52 (2). pp. 182-221.

Standing, Guy (2015) 'Basic Income Pilots: A Better Option Than QE.' Social Europe.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Basic income paid to the poor can transform lives.' Guardian Economics Blog.

Standing, Guy (2011) 'Behavioural conditionality: Why the nudges must be stopped - an opinion piece.' Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 19 (1). pp. 27-38.

Standing, Guy (2012) 'Book review response: Guy Standing, The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class.' Work, Employment and Society, 26 (4). pp. 690-692.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Cash benefits or basic income - the next phase.' Financial Express.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Cash transfers can work better than subsidies.' The Hindu.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Cheer up - a renewed left is coming.' The Guardian.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Conditionality and human rights.' United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.

Standing, Guy (2008) 'Economic insecurity and global casualisation: Threat or promise?' Social Indicators Research, 88 (1). pp. 15-30.

Standing, Guy (2011) 'End of a Faustian pact: Workfare and riots.' Poverty (140). pp. 11-14.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'From cash transfers to basic income: An unfolding Indian Agenda.' Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 57 (1). pp. 111-137.

Standing, Guy (2013) 'Guest post: The precariat needs a basic income.' FT Alphaville.

Standing, Guy (2008) 'How cash transfers promote the case for basic income.' Basic Income Studies, 3 (1). pp. 1-30.

Standing, Guy (2013) 'India's experiment in basic income grants.' Global Dialogue: Magazine of the International Sociological Association, 3 (5). pp. 24-26.

Standing, Guy (2013) 'Job security is a thing of the past - so millions need a better welfare system.' The Guardian.

Standing, Guy (2011) 'Labour market policies, poverty and insecurity.' International Journal of Social Welfare, 20 (3). pp. 260-269.

Standing, Guy (2015) 'Magna Carta: what prospects for a Precariat Charter?' openDemocracy: Our Kingdom.

Standing, Guy (2011) 'Responding to the crisis: Economic stabilisation grants.' Policy and Politics, 39 (1). pp. 9-25.

Standing, Guy (2008) 'Reviving egalitarianism in the Global Transformation: Building occupational security.' Indian Journal of Human Development, 2 (1). pp. 39-62.

Standing, Guy (2015) 'Taskers: The Precariat in the On-Demand Economy - Part I.' Working-Class Perspectives.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Where's Howard? Book review symposium: The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class, by Guy Standing.' Global Discourse, 3 (3/4). pp. 536-538.

Standing, Guy (2013) 'Why a basic income is necessary for a right to work.' Basic Income Studies, 7 (2). pp. 19-40.

Standing, Guy (2014) 'Why the precariat is not a "bogus concept".' openDemocracy.

Standing, Guy (2011) 'Workfare and the precariat.' Soundings (47). pp. 35-43.

Standing, Guy (2013) 'The poor are responsible too.' Financial Express.

Standing, Guy (2011) 'The precariat: The new dangerous class.' Policy Network.

Standing, Guy (2012) 'The precariat: from denizens to citizens?' Polity, 44 (4). pp. 588-608.

Standing, Guy and Jhabvala, Renana (2010) 'Targeting to the "poor": Clogged pipes and bureaucratic blinkers.' Economic and Political Weekly, XLV (26-27). pp. 239-246.

van Wees, Sibylle Herzig and Jennings, Michael (2021) 'The challenges of donor engagement with faith-based organizations in Cameroon’s health sector: a qualitative study.' Health Policy and Planning, 36 (4). pp. 464-472.

van Wees, Sibylle Herzig, Sop, Maturin Desire Sop, Betsi, Emmanuel, Olongo, Silvere Antoine and Jennings, Michael (2021) 'The role of faith-based health professions schools in Cameroon’s health system.' Global Public Health, 16 (6). pp. 895-910.

Monographs and Working Papers

Becchetti, Leonardo, Salustri, Francesco and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2017) Making Information on CSR Scores Salient: A Randomized Field Experiment. London: Centre for Financial and Management Studies.

Buendia, Rizal and Osteria, Trinidad (2004) Social Assessment of the Women’s Health and Safe Motherhood Programme Package. Manila: World Bank - Philippines. (Unpublished)

Niño-Zarazúa, Miguel, Lopez-Noval, Borja, Roope, Laurence and Tarp, Finn (2024) From the bottom 40 to inequality lines: Sharing prosperity globally and domestically. Helsinki: UNU-WIDER Working Papers 2024/77.

Standing, Guy (2012) Cash transfers: A review of the issues in India. New Delhi, India: UNICEF.

Standing, Guy (2008) Labour market policies, poverty and insecurity. Geneva, Switzerland: UNRISD.

Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs

Nino Zarazua, Miguel (2024) Unveiling a hidden crisis: The global scale of social exclusion. SOAS Economics Blog [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Niño-Zarazúa, Miguel (2023) Social welfare services are being cut across the world, but providing them is about more than just money. The Conversation [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]


Bhatt, Juhi (2012) Cash transfer film. YouTube. Available from


Standing, Guy (2012) 'The Precariat: Why it needs deliberative democracy.' Open Democracy . Open Democracy.

Standing, Guy (2011) 'Who will be a voice for the emerging precariat?' The Guardian . Guardian Newspapers.

Standing, Guy (2011) 'Workfare: Ed Miliband's defining challenge?' New Left Project .

Standing, Guy and Jhabvala, Renana (2015) 'Empowering women through cash transfers.' Financial Express (India) . Express Group.

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