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Number of items: 50.

George, Andrew (1991) 'The city wall of Babylon – a belt cord.' Nouvelles assyriologiques brèves et utilitaires, 1991/4 (101). pp. 70-71.

Hutt, Michael (1991) 'Drafting the Nepal Constitution, 1990.' Asian Survey, 31 (11). pp. 1020-1039.

Orwin, Martin (1991) 'Alliteration in Somali and English Poetry, a Comparison.' Journal of the Anglo-Somali Society = Warsidaha Ururka Ingiriiska iyo Soomaalida.. pp. 21-23.

Hutt, Michael (1991) 'Nepal: the Pale Dawn of Democracy.' Index on Censorship, 20 (7). pp. 18-26.

Menski, Werner F (1991) 'Recent changes in the citizenship law of India.' Immigration and Nationality Law and Practice, 5 (3). pp. 83-87.

Menski, Werner F (1991) 'South Asians in Britain and the law.' South Asia Forum, 1 (2). pp. 9-15.

Parfitt, Tudor (1991) 'Ethiopia: Home at last, but where are they from?' The Independent, May 26. p. 12.

Parfitt, Tudor (1991) 'Language and Nationalism: Ben Yehudah, L'udovit štúr and Claudius Labib.' Linguistics. pp. 24-27.

Cleaver, Frances (1991) 'Maintenance of Rural Water Supplies in Zimbabwe.' Waterlines, 9 (4). pp. 23-26.

George, Andrew (1991) 'Seven words.' Nouvelles assyriologiques brèves et utilitaires, 1991/1 (19). p. 16.

Qin, Duo (1991) 'Aggregate Consumption and Income in China: An Econometric Study.' Journal of Comparative Economics, 15 (1). pp. 132-141.

Orwin, Martin (1991) 'Phonological Aspects of Somali.' Journal of the Anglo-Somali Society = Warsidaha Ururka Ingiriiska iyo Soomaalida.. pp. 22-24.

Perrow, David (1991) 'Implementing CAIRS-LMS in a small academic library: experience at Templeton College, Oxford.' Program, 25 (3). pp. 207-221.

Furniss, Graham (1991) ''De la fantaisie a la realite dans la litterature haoussa en prose' suivi de 'Pourquoi etudier la poesie haoussa?'.' Travaux et Documents (CEAN - Bordeaux), 31. pp. 1-21.

Furniss, Graham and Jaggar, Philip J. (1991) 'Professor Jack Carnochan: a biographical note.' York Papers in Linguistics, 15. pp. 281-284.

Furniss, Graham (1991) 'Hausa poetry on the Nigerian civil war.' African Languages and Cultures, 4 (1). pp. 21-28.

Furniss, Graham (1991) 'An early twentieth-century Hausa song: 'Wakar kuyangin Sokoto'.' Harsunan Nijeriya, 16. pp. 47-60.

Orwin, Martin and Hayward, R. J. (1991) 'The prefix conjugation in Qafar-Saho: The survival and revival of a paradigm - Part 1.' African Languages and Cultures, 4 (2). pp. 157-76.

George, Andrew (1991) 'Babylonian texts from the folios of Sidney Smith, Part Two: prognostic and diagnostic omens.' Revue d'assyriologie, 85. pp. 137-167.

George, Andrew and Al-Rawi, F N H (1991) 'Enuma Anu Enlil XIV and other early astronomical tables.' Archiv für Orientforschung, 38-39. pp. 52-73.

Parfitt, Tudor (1991) 'Language Revival and Reform (in Hungarian).' Annual of Hungarian Academy of Ethnography.

Harrigan, Jane and Mosley, Paul (1991) 'Evaluating the Impact of World Bank Structural Adjustment Lending: 1980-87.' Journal of Development Studies, 27 (3). pp. 63-94.

Robb, Peter (1991) 'Muslim Identity and Separatism in British India: the Significance of M.A. Ansari.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 56 (1). pp. 104-125.

Hobart, Mark (1991) 'Criticizing genres: Bakhtin and Bali.' Bulletin of the John Rylands Library: Voice, genre, text: anthropological essays in Africa and beyond, 73 (3). pp. 195-216.

Abdel-Haleem, Muhammad (1991) 'Early Islamic Theological and Juristic Terminology: 'Kitāb al-Ḥudūdfi 'l-uṣūl', by Ibn Fūrak.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 54 (1). pp. 5-41.

Zebiri, Kate (1991) 'The fatwas of Mahmud Shaltut (1893-1963).' Maghreb review: A bi-monthly journal on north Africa, 16. pp. 109-124.

Zebiri, Kate (1991) 'Shaykh Mahmud Shaltut: Between Tradition and Modernity.' Journal of Islamic Studies, 2 (2). pp. 210-224.

Spencer, Paul (1991) 'The Loonkidongi Prophets and the Maasai: Protection Racket or Incipient State?' Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, 61 (3). pp. 334-342.

Smith, I.O. (1991) 'The Status of Customary Landlord and Tenant under the Land Use Act.' The Gravitas Review of Business and Property Law, 4 (17). pp. 61-66.

Smith, I.O. (1991) 'Recent judicial pronouncements on the Illiterates protection Law in Nigeria.' The LASU Law Journal, 2 (1). pp. 95-99.

Dorward, Andrew (1991) 'Integrated Decision Rules as Farm Management Tools in Smallholder Agriculture in Malawi.' Journal of Agricultural Economics, 42 (2). pp. 146-160.

Scaramozzino, Pasquale (1991) 'Bargaining with Outside Options: Wages and Employment in UK Manufacturing 1974-1982.' The Economic Journal, 101 (405). pp. 331-342.

Hanappi, Gerhard (1991) 'The Transformation of Eastern European Economies [Die Transformation der osteuropäischen Wirtschaften].' Gemeinwirtschaft, 6.

Hanappi, Gerhard (1991) 'Social Intelligence Support - a Project.' Systemica. Special issue on mutual uses of cybernetics and systems, 8.

Denwood, Philip (1991) 'Some formative influences on Mahayana Buddhist art.' The Buddhist Forum, 2.

Hunter, Erica C D (1991) 'An Inscribed Reliquary from the Middle Euphrates.' Oriens Christianus, 75. pp. 112-123.

Sprigg, R. K. (1991) 'The spelling style pronunciation of Written Tibetan and and the hazards of using citation forms in the phonological analysis of spoken Tibetan.' Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 14 (2). pp. 93-131.

Moore, Elizabeth and Myint, Aung (1991) 'Finger-marked designs on ancient bricks in Myanmar.' Journal of the Siam Society, 79 (2). pp. 81-102.

Inkster, Ian (1991) 'Techno Japan: technology, economic change and the social system in contemporary Japan.' Journal of Contemporary Asia, 20. pp. 174-179.

Inkster, Ian (1991) 'Science, technology and economic development: Japanese historical experience in context.' Annals of Science, 48 (6). pp. 545-563.

Inkster, Ian (1991) 'Made in America but lost to Japan: science, technology and economic performance in the two capitalist superpowers.' Social Studies of Science, 21 (1). pp. 157-178.

Tythacott, Louise (1991) 'The Ernest Box Collection of Chinese Deities in Brighton Museum and Art Gallery.' The Royal Pavilion Review (2). pp. 8-10.

Campbell, John (1991) 'Land or Peasants? The Dilemma Confronting Ethiopian Resource Conservation.' African Affairs, 90 (358). pp. 5-21.

Redford, Scott (1991) 'The Alaeddin Mosque in Konya Reconsidered.' Artibus Asiae, 51 (1/2). pp. 54-74.

Driver, Ciaran and Moreton, David (1991) 'The Influence of Uncertainty on UK Manufacturing Investment.' The Economic Journal, 101 (409). pp. 1452-1459.

Orwin, Martin (1991) 'Arabic Loanwords in the Somali Language.' Journal of the Anglo-Somali Society = Warsidaha Ururka Ingiriiska iyo Soomaalida.. pp. 27-29.

Singh, Gurharpal (1991) 'The Punjab problem in the 1990s: A post‐1984 assessment.' The Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, 29 (2). pp. 175-191.

Heller, Kevin (1991) 'Rereading Theodor Adorno’s Philosophy of History.' Praxis International, 11. pp. 354-376.

Ash, Robert (1991) 'The Peasant and the State.' The China Quarterly, 127. pp. 493-526.

Menski, Werner F (1991) 'Crocodile tears and Muslim polygamy in India.' Kerala Law Times: Journal section, 1991 (2). pp. 20-24.

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