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Number of items: 133.

Cleaver, Frances and Lomas, I (1996) 'The '5% ‘Rule': Fact or Fiction?' Development Policy Review, 14 (2). pp. 173-183.

Cleaver, Frances and Jobes, K. (1996) 'Donor Policies and Gender in the Water and Sanitation Sector.' Natural Resources Forum, 20 (2). pp. 111-116.

Scobbie, Iain and Drew, Catriona (1996) 'Self-Determination Undetermined: The Case of East Timor.' Leiden Journal of International Law, 9 (1). pp. 185-211.

Johnston, Deborah (1996) 'The state and development in Lesotho: an analysis of agricultural policy.' Journal of Southern African Studies, 22 (1). pp. 119-137.

Fine, Ben and Stoneman, Colin (1996) 'Introduction: State and Development.' Journal of Southern African Studies, 22 (1). pp. 5-26.

Weeks, John (1996) 'Regional cooperation and Southern African development.' Journal of Southern African Studies, 22 (1). pp. 99-117.

Cleaver, Frances (1996) 'Cost Recovery in the Water Sector.' Development Research Insights.

Johnston, Deborah and Sender, John (1996) 'Some poor and invisible women: farm labourers in South Africa.' Development Southern Africa, 13 (1). pp. 3-16.

Hutt, Michael (1996) 'Bhutan in 1995: Weathering the Storm.' Asian Survey, 36 (2). pp. 204-208.

Black, Richard (1996) 'Immigration and social justice: towards a progressive European immigration policy?' Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 21 (1). pp. 64-75.

Menski, Werner F and Fournier, Toby (1996) 'Author and subject index to Immigration and Nationality Law and Practice Vol. 9 (1995).' Immigration and Nationality Law and Practice, 10 (1). pp. 38-44.

Hughes, Stephen (1996) 'The Pre-Phalke era in South India: Reflections on the formation of film audiences in Madras.' South Indian Studies, 2. pp. 161-204.

Hughes, Stephen (1996) 'Madras Cinema Audiences in the 1920s: a sociological approach.' Kalaccuvatu, 16. pp. 19-25.

Mosse, David (1996) 'South Indian Christians, purity/impurity and the caste system: death ritual in a Tamil Roman Catholic community.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 2 (3). pp. 461-483.

Osella, Caroline and Osella, Filippo (1996) 'Articulation of Physical and social bodies in Kerala.' Contributions to Indian Sociology, 30 (1). pp. 37-68.

Pottier, Johan (1996) 'Relief and Repatriation: Views by Rwandan refugees; lessons for humanitarian aid workers.' African Affairs, 95 (380). pp. 403-429.

West, Harry G. and Myers, Gregory W. (1996) 'A Piece of Land in a Land of Peace? State Farm Divestiture in Mozambique.' Journal of Modern African Studies, 34 (1). pp. 27-51.

Finneran, Niall (1996) 'Survey.' Azania, 31. pp. 143-146.

Tribe, Tania (1996) 'The Mulatto as Artist and Image in Colonial Brazil.' Oxford Art Journal, 19 (1). pp. 67-79.

Wang, Tao (1996) 'Colour Terms in Shang oracle-bone inscriptions.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 59 (1). pp. 63-101.

Basu, Subho (1996) 'Emergence of the Mill Towns in Bengal 1880-1920: Migration Pattern and Survival Strategies of Industrial Workers.' Calcutta Historical Journal, 18 (1). pp. 97-133.

Laamann, Lars (1996) 'The Current State of the Beitang Collections.' Bulletin of the European Association of Sinological Librarians, 6.

Tiedemann, Rolf (1996) 'Christianity and Chinese ''Heterodox Sects'': Mass Conversion and Syncretism in Shandong Province in the Early 18th Century.' Monumenta Serica. Journal of Oriental Studies, 44. pp. 339-382.

Jones, Stephen (1996) 'Source and stream: Early music and living traditions in China.' Early Music, 24 (Source and). pp. 375-388.

Wright, Owen (1996) 'Middle Eastern song-text collections.' Early Music, 24 (3). pp. 454-469.

Barrett, T. H. (1996) 'The Fate of Buddhist Political Thought in China: The Rajah Dons a Disguise.' The Buddhist Forum, 4. pp. 1-7.

Dolce, Lucia (1996) 'Esoteric patterns in Nichiren's thought.' Studies in Central and East Asian Religions, 9. pp. 89-95.

Flügel, Peter (1996) 'Jain Revival at the V and A Museum.' Anthropology Today, 12 (1). pp. 16-18.

Hunter, Erica C D (1996) 'The Church of the East in Central Asia.' Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 78. pp. 129-142.

Appleyard, David (1996) 'Ethiopian Semitic and South Arabian: towards a re-examination of a relationship.' Israel Oriental Studies (Studies in Modern Semitic Languages), 16. pp. 203-228.

Oyètádé, B. Akíntúndé (1996) 'Strategies for retaining Yoruba identities in the diaspora.' Research in Yoruba Language and Literature, 5. pp. 43-54.

Wang, Tzi-Cheng (1996) 'The Moon Spring Chanting Society and its Poetry.' Hanxue yanjiu (Chinese Studies) = 漢學研究, 14 (1). pp. 213-248.

Wang, Tzi-Cheng (1996) 'Nan Song yimin shiren Lian Wenfeng ji qi shi xilun (The Life and Poetry of the Southern Song Loyalist Poet Lian Wenfeng).' Dongwu zhongwen xuebao (Soochow Journal of Chinese Studies), 2. pp. 189-210.

Dodd, Stephen (1996) 'Japan's Private Parts: Place as Metaphor in Nakagami Kenji's Works.' Japan Forum, 8 (1). pp. 3-11.

Gerstle, Andrew (1996) 'Hero as Murderer in Chikamatsu.' Monumenta nipponica, 51 (3). pp. 317-356.

Karlsson, Anders (1996) 'Minjung: Folket, historieforskning och frågan om Koreas modernisering (Minjung: The People, Historical Research and the Question of the Modernization of Korea).' Orientaliska Studier, 88. pp. 48-57.

Karlsson, Anders (1996) 'Theory and Practice: Discrepancies in Supply and Demand in Korean Language Education in Sweden.' Korean Language Education, 7. pp. 269-274.

Akiner, Shirin (1996) 'Islam, the state and ethnicity in Central Asia in Historical Perspective.' Religion, State and Society, 24 (2/3). pp. 91-132.

George, Andrew and Al-Rawi, F N H (1996) 'Tablets from the Sippar Library, VI. Atra-hasis.' Iraq, 58. pp. 147-190.

Mina, Nima (1996) 'Der moderne mystische Dichter Sohrab Sepehri-ein Portrait mit Anmerkungen zum Problem der Übersetzung seiner Lyrik.' Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik, vol. 2. pp. 28-82.

Sims-Williams, Nicholas (1996) 'On the historic present and injunctive in Sogdian and Choresmian.' Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft, 56. pp. 173-189.

Sims-Williams, Nicholas and Cribb, J (1996) 'A new Bactrian inscription of Kanishka the Great.' Silk Road Art and Archaeology, 4. pp. 75-142.

Hutt, Michael (1996) 'Ethnic Nationalism, refugees and Bhutan.' Journal of Refugee Studies, 9 (4). pp. 397-420.

Harris, Laurence (1996) 'Keynesian Policy in Disarticulated Economies.' International Review of Applied Economics, 10 (1). pp. 157-161.

Howe, Christopher (1996) 'The Taiwan Economy: The Transition to maturity and the political economy of its changing international status.' The China Quarterly, 148. pp. 1171-1195.

Bernstein, Henry (1996) 'Agrarian Questions Then and Now.' Journal of Peasant Studies, 24 (1/2). pp. 22-59.

Bernstein, Henry (1996) 'How White Agriculture (Re)Positioned Itself for a "New South Africa".' Critical Sociology, 23 (3). pp. 3-36.

Kandiyoti, Deniz (1996) 'Modernization without the Market? The case of the Soviet East.' Economy and Society, 25 (4). pp. 529-542.

Dyer, Graham (1996) 'Output Per Acre and Size of Holding; The Logic of Peasant Agriculture under Semi-Feudalism.' Journal of Peasant Studies, 24 (1/2). pp. 103-131.

Karshenas, Massoud (1996) 'Dynamic Economies and the Critique of Urban Bias.' Journal of Peasant Studies, 24 (1/2). pp. 60-102.

Khan, Mushtaq (1996) 'The Efficiency Implications of Corruption.' Journal of International Development, 8 (5). pp. 683-696.

Lapavitsas, Costas (1996) 'The Classical Adjustment Mechanism of International Balances: Marx''s Critique.' Contibutions to Political Economy (Annual Supplement to the Cambridge Journal of Economics), 15 (1). pp. 63-79.

Pincus, Jonathan (1996) 'Introduction: Reinventing the World Bank.' SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series, 108. pp. 1-41.

Craven, Matthew (1996) 'The European Community Arbitration Commission on Yugoslavia.' British Yearbook of International Law, 66. pp. 333-413.

Huxley, Andrew (1996) 'Shylock's Bad Karma: The Buddhist Approach to Law.' Law and Critique, 7. pp. 245-256.

Jenkins, Catherine (1996) 'An Appraisal of the Role and Work of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.' SOAS Working Paper.

Kong, Tat Yan (1996) 'Corruption and its Institutional Foundations: The Experience of South Korea.' IDS Bulletin, 27 (2). pp. 48-55.

George, Andrew (1996) 'Studies in cultic topography and ideology.' Bibliotheca Orientalis, 53. pp. 363-395.

Cullet, Philippe and Kameri-Mbote, Patricia (1996) 'Dolphin Bycatches in Tuna Fisheries: A Smokescreen Hiding the Real Issues.' Ocean Development and International Law, 27 (4). pp. 333-348.

Flügel, Peter (1996) 'The Ritual Circle of the Terāpanth Śvetāmbara Jains.' Bulletin D' Études Indiennes, 13. pp. 117-176.

Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (1996) 'The Mahmal Legend and the Pilgrimage of Ladies of the Mamluk Court.' Mamluk Studies Review, 1. pp. 87-96.

Hezser, Catherine (1996) 'Die Verwendung der Hellenistischen Gattung Chrie im frühen Christentum und Judentum.' Journal for the Study of Judaism, 27 (4). pp. 371-439.

George, Andrew (1996) 'The Akkadian word for “moustache”.' Nouvelles assyriologiques brèves et utilitaires, 1996 (2 no. 60). pp. 51-52.

Harrigan, Jane and Brownbridge, Martin (1996) 'Positive Terms of Trade Shocks and Structural Adjustment in Sub Saharan Africa.' Development Policy Review, 14 (4). pp. 409-427.

Harrigan, Jane (1996) 'The Bretton Woods Institutions in Developing Countries: Betes Noires or Toothless Tigers.' The World Economy, 19 (6). pp. 765-779.

Fardon, Richard (1996) '<< Destins croisés >> : histoires des identités ethniques et nationales en Afrique de l’Ouest.' Politique Africaine, 61. pp. 75-97.

Ismail, Salwa (1996) 'Politics of Space in Urban Cairo: Informal Communities and the State.' Arab Studies Journal, 4 (2). pp. 119-132.

Ismail, Salwa (1996) 'Les relations État-société en Égypte: Restructurer le politique.' Égypte: Monde Arabe, 26 (2). pp. 131-150.

Schwemer, Daniel (1996) 'Hethitisch mad- „widerstehen“ und hieroglyphen-luwisch marijaninzi „Rebellen“ in der Karatepe-Inschrift.' Welt des Orients, 27. pp. 30-35.

Hockx, Michel (1996) 'Born Poet and Born Lover: Wang Jingzhi’s Love Poetry within the May Fourth Context.' Modern Chinese Literature, 9 (2). pp. 261-295.

Hobart, Mark (1996) 'Ethnography as a practice, or the unimportance of penguins.' Europaea, 2 (1). pp. 3-36.

Marten, Lutz (1996) 'Swahili vowel harmony.' SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics and Phonetics, 6. pp. 61-75.

Marten, Lutz (1996) 'The history of English modals: syntax, semantics, grammaticalization.' SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics and Phonetics, 4. pp. 11-30.

Waghmar, Burzine (1996) 'Al-Majūs: The Zoroastrians of the Qu’rān.' FEZANA, 9 (4). p. 17.

Dorward, Andrew (1996) 'Modelling Diversity, Change and Uncertainty in Peasant Agriculture in Northern Malawi.' Agricultural Systems, 51 (4). pp. 469-486.

Poole, Nigel and Baron, L. (1996) 'Consumer awareness of citrus fruit attributes.' British Food Journal, 98 (1). pp. 23-28.

Poole, Nigel (1996) 'Consumer awareness of citrus attributes: a note.' British Food Journal, 98 (6). p. 8.

Poole, Nigel and Del Campo Gomis, F. J. (1996) 'Está poniéndose el sol para la hortofruticultura española.' Fruticultura Profesional, 82 (Nov/Dec). pp. 54-65.

Poole, Nigel (1996) 'El Mercado de Productos Frescos.' Valencia Fruits: Suplemento. `Reino Unido'. pp. 2-3.

Poole, Nigel (1996) 'Marketing fresh produce: product attributes and consumer preferences.' Farmers' Club Journal, 142. pp. 14-16.

Khushk, A.M. and Smith, Laurence (1996) 'A Preliminary Analysis of the Marketing of Mango in Sindh Province.' The Pakistan Development Review, 35 (3). pp. 241-256.

Curatolo, Michele, Scaramozzino, Pasquale, Venuti, Francesco S., Orlando, Armando and Zbinden, A.M. (1996) 'Factors Associated with Hypotension and Bradycardia after Extradural Block.' Anesthesia and Analgesia, 83 (5). pp. 1033-1040.

Scaramozzino, Pasquale and Marini, Giancarlo (1996) 'Public Debt and Redistribution.' The Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies, 64 (3). pp. 269-280.

Scaramozzino, Pasquale, Marini, Giancarlo, Orlando, Armando, Zbinden, A.M. and Venuti, Francesco S. (1996) 'A Multifactorial Approach to Explain Inadequate Surgical Analgesia Following Extradural Blockade [extended Abstract].' Analgesic Digest, 3.

Jurriëns, Rien and Mollinga, Peter (1996) 'Scarcity by design: protective irrigation in India and Pakistan.' ICID Bulletin, 45 (2). pp. 31-53.

Gross, Aeyal (1996) 'Rights and Normalization: A Critical Study of European Human Rights Case Law on the Choice and Change of Names.' Harvard Human Rights Journal, 9. pp. 269-284.

Gross, Aeyal (1996) 'Reinforcing the New Democracies: The European Convention on Human Rights and the Former Communist Countries - A Study of the Case Law.' European Journal of International Law, 7 (1). pp. 89-102.

Khan, Mushtaq (1996) 'A Typology of Corrupt Transactions in Developing Countries.' IDS Bulletin, 27 (2). pp. 12-21.

Pauwels, Anne (1996) 'Language, gender and social change. Selecting and evaluating strategies for linguistic equality in Dutch and German.' Language, gender and sexism, 7 (1). pp. 97-122.

Pauwels, Anne (1996) 'Language policy and linguistic minorities in multicultural Australia.' Antwerp Papers in Linguistics, 87. pp. 40-51.

Fine, Ben (1996) 'Policy Formulation: Commenting on Price.' Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa, 29. pp. 53-54.

Fine, Ben (1996) 'A Formal Note on New Theories of International Trade and Development.' Journal of International Development, 8 (6). pp. 805-811.

Fine, Ben (1996) 'Reconciling Interpersonal Comparability and the Intensity of Preference for the Utility Sum Rule.' Social Choice and Welfare, 13 (3). pp. 319-325.

Qin, Duo (1996) 'Bayesian Econometrics: the first twenty years.' Econometric Theory, 12 (3). pp. 500-516.

Qin, Duo and Vanags, Alf (1996) 'Modelling the inflation process in transition economies: Empirical comparison of Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic.' Economics of Planning, 29 (3). pp. 147-168.

Coetzee, Carli (1996) 'Susanna Reyniers: Early Afrikaans Theatre and the Erasure of the Black Face.' Tijdschrift voor Afrikaans en Nederlands, 3 (2). pp. 146-157.

De Blois, Francois (1996) 'The Persian Calendar.' Iran: The Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies, 34. pp. 39-54.

De Blois, Francois (1996) 'Shuhayd Al-Balkhī, A Poet and Philosopher of the Time of Rāzī.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 59 (2). pp. 333-337.

De Blois, Francois (1996) 'Gah (ja) wa gah (taxt) dar zaban i farsi [Persian translation of the preceding, by H.R. Bagh-Bidi].' Namah i Farhangistan, 2 (1). pp. 71-83.

Denwood, Philip (1996) 'The artist’s treatise of sMan-bla Don-grub.' The Tibet Journal, XXI (2). pp. 24-30.

Denwood, Philip (1996) 'Tibetan sl- and zl-.' The Tibet Journal, XXI (4). pp. 23-29.

Hunter, Erica C D (1996) 'Syriac Inscriptions from al Hira.' Oriens Christianus, 80. pp. 66-81.

Sprigg, R. K. (1996) 'My Balti-Tibetan and English dictionary, and its predecessors.' The Tibet Journal, 21 (4). pp. 3-22.

Inkster, Ian (1996) 'Discoveries, inventions and industrial revolutions: on the varying contributions of technologies and institutions from an international historical perspective.' History of Technology, 18. pp. 39-58.

Luczanits, Christian (1996) 'A Note on Tholing Monastery.' Orientations, 27 (6). pp. 76-77.

Luczanits, Christian (1996) 'Early Buddhist Wood Carvings from Himachal Pradesh.' Orientations, 27 (6). pp. 67-75.

Hunter, Erica C D (1996) 'Incantation Bowls: A Mesopotamian Phenomenon.' Orientalia Nova Series, 65 (3). pp. 25-39.

Lane, Christel and Bachmann, Reinhard (1996) 'The Social Constitution of Trust: Supplier Relations in Britain and Germany.' Organization Studies, 17 (3). pp. 365-395.

Driver, Ciaran, Abubacker, Sonia and Argitis, Georgios (1996) 'Capacity Choice under Monopoly, Flexible Price and Demand Uncertainty.' Southern Economic Journal, 63 (2). p. 526.

Driver, Ciaran (1996) 'Stagnation as a Problem of Transition: Arguments and Proposals.' Cambridge Journal of Economics, 20 (5). pp. 553-564.

Driver, Ciaran and Saw, Chit-Wei (1996) 'Performance of Structural Change Indices: Analysis Using Real and Simulated Data.' Applied Economics Letters, 3 (3). pp. 187-188.

Driver, Ciaran, Yip, Paul and Dakhil, Nazera (1996) 'Large Company Capital Formation and Effects of Market Share Turbulence : Micro-data Evidence from the PIMS Database.' Applied Economics, 28 (6). pp. 641-651.

Tidd, Joe, Driver, Ciaran and Saunders, Peter (1996) 'Linking Technological, Market and Financial Indicators Of Innovation.' Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 4 (3). pp. 155-172.

Beck, Gunnar (1996) 'From Kant to Hegel—Johann Gottlieb Fichte's theory of self-consciousness.' History of European Ideas, 22 (4). pp. 275-294.

Singh, Gurharpal (1996) 'Punjab since 1984: Disorder, Order, and Legitimacy.' Asian Survey, 36 (4). pp. 410-421.

Singh, Gurharpal (1996) 'What is Happening to the Political Science of Ethnic Conflict?' International Journal of Punjab Studies, 3 (2). pp. 229-241.

Heller, Kevin (1996) 'Whatever Happened to Proof beyond a Reasonable Doubt? Of Drug Conspiracies, Overt Acts, and United States v. Shabani.' Stanford Law Review, 49 (1). pp. 111-142.

Heller, Kevin (1996) 'Power, Subjectification, and Resistance in Foucault.' SubStance, 79. pp. 78-110.

Eren, A. and Murinde, Victor (1996) 'Monetary and Corporate Sector Aspects of Inflation in Turkey 1972:1q -1990:4q.' International Journal of Development Banking, 14 (1). pp. 63-74.

Murinde, Victor, Hermes, Niels and Lensink, Robert (1996) 'Comparative aspects of the magnitude and determinants of capital flight in six Sub-Saharan African economies.' Savings and Development, 20 (1). pp. 61-78.

Murinde, Victor and Rarawa, Denton H. (1996) 'Modelling the potency of stabilization policy for the Solomon Islands 1978:1Q-1992:4Q.' Applied Economics, 28 (3). pp. 309-319.

Kariisa-Kasa, Joram and Murinde, Victor (1996) 'Towards evaluating the financial performance of development banks: the East African Development Bank.' International Journal of Development Banking, 13 (2). pp. 13-28.

Tsang, Steve (1996) 'Maximum Flexibility, Rigid Framework: China's Policy towards Hong Kong and its implications.' Journal of International Affairs, 49 (2). pp. 413-433.

Edge, Ian (1996) 'Investment Opportunities in the Euro-Med area.' Middle East Commercial Law Review, 2. pp. 3-6.

Edge, Ian (1996) 'Islamic banking: the way forward.' Middle East Commercial Law Review, 2. pp. 39-40.

Edge, Ian (1996) 'The outlook for business in Turkey.' Middle East Commercial Law Review, 2. pp. 67-69.

Edge, Ian (1996) 'Saudi Arabia: prospects and pitfalls.' Middle East Commercial Law Review, 2. pp. 103-105.

Dore, Elizabeth and Weeks, John (1996) 'The Changing Faces of Imperialism.' NACLA Report on the Americas, 30 (2). pp. 10-15.

Menski, Werner F (1996) 'Jagdish Chandra Jain (1909-1994).' Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, 146 (2). pp. 269-277.

Srivastava, Sanjay (1996) 'Editor's Introduction: Special Issue: 'The National Artifice'.' The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 7 (2). pp. 91-103.

Srivastava, Sanjay (1996) 'Post-Coloniality, National Identity, Globalisation and the Simulacra of the Real.' The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 7 (2). pp. 166-191.

Srivastava, Sanjay (1996) 'Modernity and Post-Coloniality: The Metropolis as Metaphor.' Economic and Political Weekly, 31 (7). pp. 403-412.

Srivastava, Sanjay (1996) 'The Garden of Rational Delights: The Nation as Experiment, Science, as Masculinity.' Social Analysis, 39. pp. 119-148.

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