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Number of items: 244.


Ali, Daud (2000) 'Violence, Gastronomy and the meaning of war in Medieval South India.' The Medieval History Journal, 3 (2). pp. 261-89.

Arnold, David (2000) '"Illusory Riches": Representations of the Tropical World, 1840-1950.' Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 21 (1). pp. 6-18.

Akiner, Shirin (2000) 'Islam in the Newly Independent Central Asian States in the 1990s.' Harvard International Review, 10. pp. 62-65.

Akiner, Shirin (2000) 'Central Asian Republics 1999.' Annual Register: A Record of World Events, 1999. pp. 308-14.

Al-Ali, Nadje (2000) 'Women and Sanctions in Iraq.' Economic Sanctions on Iraq.

Achcar, Gilbert (2000) 'Le “pessimisme historique” de Perry Anderson.' Actuel Marx (28). pp. 196-202.


Bajpai, Rochana (2000) 'Constituent Assembly Debates and Minority Rights.' Economic and Political Weekly, 35 (21-22). pp. 1837-1845.

Bramall, Chris (2000) 'Inequality, Land Reform and Agricultural Growth in China, 1952-55: A Preliminary Treatment.' Journal of Peasant Studies, 27 (3). pp. 30-54.

Brenner, Louis (2000) 'Histories of Religion in Africa.' Journal of Religion in Africa, 30 (2). pp. 143-167.

Booth, Anne (2000) 'The Indonesian Crisis of 1997/99 and the Way Out: What are the Lessons of History.' Economic Papers (Economic Society of Australia), 19 (2). pp. 21-43.

Booth, Anne (2000) 'Poverty and Inequality in the Soeharto Era: An Assessment.' Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 36 (1). pp. 73-104.

Branfoot, Crispin (2000) 'Royal Portrait Sculpture in the South Indian Temple.' South Asian Studies, 16. pp. 11-36.

Branfoot, Crispin (2000) 'Approaching the Temple in Nayaka-period Madurai: the Kutal Alakar temple.' Artibus Asiae, 60 (2). pp. 197-221.

Baderin, Mashood (2000) 'The Evolution of Islamic Law of Nations and the Modern International Order: Universal Peace through Mutuality and Co-operation.' The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 17 (2). pp. 57-80.

Bano, Samia (2000) 'Legal Pluralism and Muslim Family Law in Britain.' Journal of South Pacific law, 4 (6). pp. 1-32.


Cleaver, Frances (2000) 'Do Men Matter? New Horizons in Gender and Development.' Id21 Insights (35).

Cleaver, Frances (2000) 'Moral Ecological Rationality: institutions and the management of common property resources.' Development and Change, 31 (2). pp. 361-383.

Cornwall, Andrea (2000) 'Missing men? Reflections on men masculinities and gender in GAD.' IDS Bulletin, 31 (2). pp. 18-27.

Charney, Michael W. (2000) 'A Reinvestigation of Konbaung-era Burman Historiography on the Beginnings of the Relationship Between Arakan an Ava (Upper Burma).' Journal of Asian History, 34 (1). pp. 53-68.

Crosby, Kate (2000) 'uddis and åcikh. The inclusion of the sikkhåpada in the pabbajjå liturgy according to the Samantapåsådika.' Journal of Indian Philosophy, 28. pp. 461-477.

Crosby, Kate (2000) 'Tantric Theravada: A bibliographic essay on the writings of François Bizot and other literature on the Yogavacara Tradition.' Contemporary Buddhism, 1 (2). pp. 141-198.

Chao, Wynn and Mui, Evelynne (2000) 'Clausal adverbs and clausal structures in Cantonese.' Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, 29 (1). pp. 3-39.

Charette, Monik (2000) 'When p-licensing fails: the final high vowels of Turkish.' SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics, 10. pp. 3-18.

Cramer, Christopher (2000) 'Privatisation and Adjustment in Mozambique: a ''Hospital Pass''?' SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series, 111.

Cramer, Christopher (2000) 'Inequality, Development and Economic Correctness.' SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series, 105.

Coldham, Simon (2000) 'Criminal Justice Policies in Commonwealth Africa.' Journal of African Law, 44 (2). pp. 218-238.

Coldham, Simon (2000) 'Land Reform and Customary Rights: The Case of Uganda.' Journal of African Law, 44 (1). pp. 65-77.

Cui, Yan (2000) 'Hanyu Jiaoxuezhongde Zhenshixing yu Shiyongxing – Tan Chuji Hanyu Kouyuke Duichuxuezhe Shiyong Yuyan Nenglide Xulian Wenti [Practical Teaching Method – Training Learners’ Ability to Use the Target Language at Elementary Level].' Haiwai Huawen Jiaoyu (Overseas Chinese Education), 2. pp. 7-22.

Cleaver, Frances (2000) 'Analysing Gender Roles in Community Based Natural Resource Management: negotiation, lifecourses and social inclusion.' IDS Bulletin, 31 (2). pp. 58-64.

Craven, Matthew (2000) 'Legal Differentiation and the Concept of the Human Rights Treaty in International Law.' European Journal of International Law, 11 (3). pp. 489-519.


Driver, Ciaran (2000) 'Capacity Utilisation and Excess Capacity: Theory, Evidence and Policy.' Review of Industrial Organization, 16 (1). pp. 69-87.

Dikötter, Frank (2000) 'Crime and punishment in early republican China: Beijing's first model prison, 1912-1922.' Late Imperial China, 21 (2). pp. 140-162.

Dwyer, Rachel (2000) 'The erotics of the wet sari in Hindi films.' South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 23 (2). pp. 143-159.

Dwyer, Rachel (2000) '"Indian values" and the diaspora: Yash Chopra's films of the 1990s.' West Coast Line, 32-34 (2, Autumn). pp. 6-27.

Deidda, Luca and Fattouh, Bassam (2000) 'Emergence and Evolution of Banking Centres.' CeFiMS Working paper series. pp. 1-23.

Deidda, Luca (2000) 'Interaction between Economic and Financial Development.' CeFIMS Working Paper Series. pp. 1-44.

Deraniyagala, Sonali (2000) 'The Impact of Technology Accumulation on Technical Efficiency; an Analysis of the Sri Lankan Clothing and Agricultural Machinery Industries.' SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series, 103.

Deraniyagala, Sonali (2000) 'Adaptive Technology Strategies and Technical Efficiency: Evidence from the Sri Lankan Agricultural Machinery Industry.' SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series, 104. pp. 1-13.

Dyer, Graham (2000) 'Output per acre and size of holding. A critique of Berry and Cline on the inverse relationship.' SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series, 101. pp. 1-38.

Dean, Kathryn (2000) 'Capitalism, psychic immiseration, and decentred subjectivity.' Journal for Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society, 5 (1). pp. 41-56.

Deans, Philip (2000) 'Contending Nationalisms and the Diaoyutai/Senkaku Disputes.' Security Dialogue, 31 (1). pp. 119-131.

Dickens, Mark (2000) 'The Church of the East: The Rest of the Story.' Fides et Historia: Journal of the Conference on Faith and History, 32 (2). pp. 107-125.

Dorfmann-Lazarev, Igor (2000) 'Icône, page blanche et le Carré noir: à propos des recherches sur l’iconographie de M.-J. Mondzain’ (discussion).' Istina, 65 (3). pp. 269-274.

De Blois, Francois (2000) 'Dualism in Iranian and Christian Traditions.' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 10 (1). pp. 1-19.

Duffy, Rosaleen and Bondi et al, Liz (2000) '(Un) Doing Academic Practice: Notes from a Feminist Geography Workshop.' Gender, Place and Culture, 7 (4). pp. 435-439.

Duffy, Rosaleen (2000) 'Shadow Players: Ecotourism Development, Corruption and State Politics in Belize.' Third World Quarterly, 21 (3). pp. 549-565.

Dolan, Catherine and Humphrey, John (2000) 'Governance and Trade in Fresh Vegetables: The Impact of UK Supermarkets on the African Horticulture Industry.' Journal of Development Studies, 37 (2). pp. 147-176.


Finneran, Niall, Boardman, Sheila and Cain, Chester (2000) 'Excavations at the Late Stone Age Site of Baahti Nebait, Aksum, Northern Ethiopia, 1997.' Azania, 35 (1). pp. 53-73.

Finneran, Niall (2000) 'A New Perspective on the Late Stone Age of the Northern Ethiopian Highlands: Excavations at Anqqer Baahti, Aksum, Ethiopia 1996.' Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa, 35 (1). pp. 21-51.

Fortna, Benjamin (2000) 'Remapping Ottoman Muslim Identity in the Hamidian Era: The Role of Cartographic Artifacts.' Yearbook of the Sociology of Islam, 3. pp. 45-56.

Fortna, Benjamin (2000) 'Islamic Morality in Late Ottoman “SECULAR” Schools.' International Journal of Middle East Studies, 32 (3). pp. 369-393.

Fuccaro, Nelida (2000) 'Understanding the Urban History of Bahrain.' Critique: Critical Middle Eastern Studies, 17 (2). pp. 49-81.

Fuehrer, Bernhard and Ye 葉, Caiqing 采青 (transl.) (2000) 'Zhuisi Hanxuejia Ma Hanmao 追思漢學家馬漢茂.' Zhongguo wenzhe yanjiu tong¬xun 中國文哲研究通訊 [=Newsletter of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy], 10 (1). pp. 195-201.

Fine, Ben (2000) 'Whither the Welfare State: Public versus Private Consumption?' SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series (92). pp. 1-28.

Fine, Ben (2000) 'Bringing the Social Back Into Economics: Progress or Reductionism?' Department of Economics Research Paper (731). pp. 1-23.

Fine, Ben (2000) 'New and Improved: Economics' Contribution to Business History.' SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series (93). pp. 1-16.

Fine, Ben (2000) 'Endogenous Growth Theory: A Critical Assessment.' Cambridge Journal of Economics, 24 (2). pp. 245-265.

Fine, Ben and Lapavitsas, Costas (2000) 'Markets and Money in Social Theory: What Role for Economics?' Economy and Society, 29 (3). pp. 357-382.

Fine, Ben (2000) 'Economics Imperialism and Intellectual Progress: The Present as History of Economic Thought?' History of Economics Review, 32 (1). pp. 10-36.

Fine, Ben (2000) 'Consumption for Historians: An Economist's Gaze.' SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series (91). pp. 1-18.

Fine, Ben (2000) 'Dialectics and Crisis Theory: A Response to Tony Smith.' Historical Materialism, 6 (1). pp. 133-137.

Foster, Nicholas HD (2000) 'Company Law Theory in Comparative Perspective: England and France.' American Journal of Comparative Law, 48 (4). pp. 573-621.

Foster, Nicholas HD (2000) 'The Islamic law of Real Security.' Arab Law Quarterly, 15 (2). pp. 131-155.

Flügel, Peter (2000) 'Zum Ursprung der Terapanth Svetambara Jain Tradition.' HereNow4U. pp. 1-20.

Flügel, Peter (2000) 'Protestantische und Post-Protestantische Jaina-Reformbewegungen: Zur Geschichte und Organisation der Sthānakavāsī I.' Berliner Indologische Studien, 13/14. pp. 37-103.

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2000) 'Review of “Hsu, Pi-ching: ‘Feng Meng-lung’s Treasury of laughs [笑府]: Humorous Satire on Seventeenth-Century Chinese Culture and Satire’, in: JAS 57.4 (1998), pp. 1042-1067".' Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie, 18. pp. 378-379.


Green, Christopher J., Maggioni, Paolo and Murinde, Victor (2000) 'Regulatory lessons for emerging stock markets from a century of evidence on transactions costs and share price volatility in the London Stock Exchange.' Journal of Banking and Finance, 24 (4). pp. 577-601.

Gerstle, Andrew (2000) 'Performance Literature: Japanese Theatre as a Model.' Comparative Criticism, 22. pp. 39-62.

Gore, Charles (2000) 'A Record of War, Southern Nigeria.' Songlines, 8 (autumn/win). pp. 40-41.

Gross, Aeyal (2000) 'How Did "Free Competition" Become a Constitutional Right? - Changes in the Meaning of the Right to Freedom of Occupation [in Hebrew].' Tel Aviv University Law Review, 23. pp. 229-261.

Gross, Aeyal (2000) 'Democracy, Ethnicity, and Constitutionalism in Israel: Between the "Jewish State" and the "Democratic State" / דמוקרטיה, אתניות וחוקתיות בישראל: בין "המדינה היהודית" ו"המדינה הדמוקרטית".' Israeli Sociology / סוציולוגיה ישראלית, 2. pp. 647-673.

Gross, Aeyal (2000) 'Gross, Sexuality, Masculinity, Military, and Citizenship: The Service of Gays and Lesbians in the Israeli Army in Comparative Perspective [in Hebrew].' Plilim: Israel Journal of Criminal Justice, 9. pp. 95-183.


Howard, Keith (2000) 'These Chindo puppies might look like dogs to you, but in their own country they are officially listed as Natural Monument No 53.' Times Educational Supplement.

Howard, Keith (2000) 'The flight from the land.' Times Educational Supplement.

Howard, Keith (2000) 'Scramble for the 11th floor.' Times Educational Supplement.

Harris, Rachel (2000) 'From Shamanic Ritual to Karaoke: the (trans)migrations of a Chinese folksong.' CHIME: Journal of the European Foundation for Chinese Music Research, 14/15. pp. 48-60.

Howard, Keith (2000) 'Namdo tul norae: Chindo ui muhyong munhwajae [Namdo tul norae: An Intangible Cultural Property from Chindo].' Pigyo munhak yon'gu /Cross-Cultural Studies, 6 (2). pp. 269-280.

Howard, Keith (2000) 'Korean Music and World Music: A Consideration of Korean Music Recordings in the International Market Place.' Han'guk umban hak / Korean Discology, 10. pp. 449-58.

Hughes, David W. (2000) 'No nonsense: the logic and power of acoustic-iconic mnemonic systems.' British Journal of Ethnomusicology, 9 (2). pp. 93-120.

Hockx, Michel (2000) 'Changing One's Style: Liu Bannong and Modern Chinese Prose Poetry.' Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese, 3 (2). pp. 83-117.

Hoshi, Hiroto (2000) 'Passives, Causatives, and Benefactives: A Case Study of Theta Marking and Excorporation.' Keio Studies in Theoretical Linguistics II. pp. 19-72.

Hafez, Sabry (2000) 'The Novel, Politics and Islam.' New Left Review, 5. pp. 117-141.

Hutt, Michael (2000) 'Unadmitted Histories: the lives of Dalchan and Garjaman Gurun.' European Bulletin of Himalayan research, 19. pp. 101-115.

Harrison, Rachel (2000) 'The disruption of female desire and the Thai literary tradition of eroticism, religion and aesthetics.' Tenggara, 41. pp. 88-125.

Harrison, Rachel (2000) 'Looking forward, Looking back: towards a comparative study of the interaction between the traditional and modern in contemporary SEA [and] Sita Writes Back: Reinventing the Ramayana.' Tenggara, 42.

Harris, Laurence (2000) 'Asia's Schumpeter Crisis: Fundamentals and Financial Market Interaction.' Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 11 (2). pp. 125-138.

Hopgood, Stephen (2000) 'Reading the Small Print in Global Civil Society: The Inexorable Hegemony of the Liberal Self.' Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 29 (1). pp. 1-25.

Harrigan, Jane and El-Said, Hamed (2000) 'Stabilisation and Structural Adjustment: The Case of Jordan and Malawi.' Journal of African Business, 1 (3). pp. 63-109.

Healy, Dana (2000) ''Homosapiens A' and 'homosapiens Z': love, resignation, and cultural disorientation in Phạm Thị Hoài’s novel Thiên sư.' South East Asia Research, 8 (2). pp. 185-203.

Hartung, Jan-Peter (2000) 'Gottesstaat versus Kemalismus: Eine islamische Reaktion auf Mušarrafs Putsch in Pakistan. [Kingdom of God versus Kemalism: An Islamic Reaction to Musharraf's coup d'etat in Pakistan].' Religion – Staat – Gesellschaft, 1 (1). pp. 75-94.

Hobart, Mark (2000) 'The end of the world news: television and a problem of articulation in Bali.' International journal of cultural studies, 3 (1). pp. 79-102.

Horlyck, Charlotte (2000) 'Combining the new with the old: collecting contemporary Korean art at the Victoria and Albert Museum.' Korean Journal of Museum Studies, 3. pp. 130-145.

Hammond, Marle (2000) 'Subsuming the Feminine Other: Gender and Narration in Idwār al-Kharrāṭ’s Yā Banāt Iskandariyya.' Journal of Arabic Literature, 31 (1). pp. 38-58.

Hunter, Erica C D (2000) 'Two incantation bowls from Babylon.' IRAQ, 62. pp. 139-147.


Ismail, Salwa (2000) 'The Popular Movement Dimensions of Contemporary Militant Islamism: Socio-spatial Determinants in the Cairo Urban Setting.' Comparative Studies in Society and History, 42 (2). pp. 263-293.

Inkster, Ian (2000) 'The trouble with technology: comments on the experience of Singapore under Entrepot capitalism.' Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 73 (1). pp. 107-115. (Unpublished)

Inkster, Ian (2000) 'Pursuing big books: technological change in global history.' History of Technology, 22. pp. 233-254.

Inkster, Ian (2000) 'Capitale umano e transferimento di tecnologia. Il caso giapponese in una prospettiva di lugo periodo.' Annali di Storia dell'impresa, 11. pp. 379-400.


Jenkins, Catherine (2000) 'After the Dry White Season: The Dilemmas of Reparation and Reconstruction in South Africa.' South African Journal on Human Rights, 15 (3). pp. 415-485.


Kaiser, Tania (2000) 'Promise and Practice: Participatory and beneficiary-based approaches in the evaluation of humanitarian assistance programmes.' Forced Migration Review (8). pp. 8-11.

Karlsson, Anders (2000) 'The Nobel Peace Prize: Nationalism and Big Business.' Harvard Asia Quarterly, 4.

Kratz, E. Ulrich (2000) 'Yang tersurat dan yang tersirat. Historicity and historical truth.' Archipel, 60. pp. 25-44.

Kandiyoti, Deniz (2000) 'The awkward relationship: gender and nationalism.' Nations and Nationalism, 6 (4). pp. 491-495.

Karshenas, Massoud (2000) 'Relative Prices and the International Comparison of Real Agricultural Output and Productivity.' Journal of Peasant Studies, 27 (4). pp. 112-138.

Karshenas, Massoud (2000) 'Oil and Economic Development in Iran since the Revolution.' The Dynamics of Iranian National Economy = Iran Kokumin keizai no Dinamizumu. pp. 41-92.

Karshenas, Massoud (2000) 'Domestic Resource Mobilization, External Finance and Vulnerability.' The Least Developed Countries 2000 Report: The Challenge of Financing Development in the LDCs. pp. 25-52.

Karshenas, Massoud (2000) 'Labour Market Flexibility and Economic Adjustment: A Cross-Regional and Cross-Country Analysis 9938.' The Economic Research Forum for Aran Countries, Iran and Turkey (ERF) Working paper. pp. 1-56.

Kaviraj, Sudipta (2000) 'Modernity and Politics in India.' Daedalus, 129 (1). pp. 137-162.

Kong, Tat Yan (2000) 'Power Alternation in South Korea.' Government and Opposition, 35 (3). pp. 370-391.

Kizu, Mika (2000) 'A Note on Sluicing in WH-in-situ Languages.' MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, 36. pp. 143-159.

Kizu, Mika (2000) 'Highest Clause Sensitivity in Japanese Sentential Nominal Constructions.' Nanzan Studies in Japanese Language Education, 7. pp. 48-75.

Kaiser, Tania (2000) 'Experience and Consequences of Insecurity in a Refugee Populated Area in Northern Uganda.' Refugee Survey Quarterly, 19 (1). pp. 38-53.

Kabeer, Naila (2000) 'Intergenerational Contracts, Demographic Transitions and the 'Quantity-Quality' Trade-Off: Children, Parents and Investing in the Future.' Journal of International Development, 12 (4). pp. 463-482.

Kabeer, Naila (2000) 'Social Exclusion, Poverty and Discrimination: Towards an Analytical Framework.' IDS Bulletin, 31 (4). pp. 83-97.


Latham, Kevin (2000) 'Nothing but the Truth: News Media, Power and Hegemony in South China.' The China Quarterly, 163. pp. 633-654.

Latham, Kevin (2000) 'Consuming Fantasies: Mediated Stardom in Hong Kong Cantonese Opera and Cinema.' Modern China, 26 (3). pp. 309-347.

Lo, Andrew (2000) 'The Game of Leaves: An Inquiry into the Origin of Chinese Playing Cards.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 63 (3). pp. 389-406.

Lo, Andrew (2000) 'The Late Ming Game of Ma Diao.' The Playing Card: Journal of the International Playing-Card Society, 29 (3). pp. 115-136.

Lo, Andrew (2000) 'Su Shi dui mo wenhua de gongxian (Su Shi's Contribution to the Culture of Ink).' Songdai wenxue yanjiu congkan, 2000. pp. 409-429.

Lerche, Jens (2000) 'Stating the Difference: State, Discourse and Class Reproduction in Uttar Pradesh, India.' Development and Change, 31 (4). pp. 857-87.

Lapavitsas, Costas (2000) 'On Marx's Analysis of Money Hoarding in the Turnover of Capital.' Review of Political Economy, 12 (2). pp. 219-235.

Lapavitsas, Costas (2000) 'Money and the Analysis of Capitalism: The Significance of Commodity Money.' Review of Radical Political Economics, 32 (4). pp. 631-656.

Lo, Dic and Smyth, Russell (2000) 'Theories of the Firm and the Relationship between Different Perspectives on the Division of Labour.' Review of Political Economy, 12 (3). pp. 333-349.

Lo, Dic and Cheng, Yuk-Shing (2000) 'Explaining the financial performance of Chinese industrial enterprises.' 經濟硏究 = Jingji Yanjiu (Economic Research Journal), 7. pp. 39-47.

Laffey, Mark (2000) 'Locating Identity: Performativity, Foreign Policy and State Action.' Review of International Studies, 26 (3). pp. 429-444.

Li, Defeng (2000) 'Tailoring Translation Programs to Social Needs: A Survey of Professional Translators.' Target: International Journal of Translation Studies, 12 (1). pp. 127-149.

Li, Defeng and Chan, Lilin (2000) 'Translation of International News in Hong Kong: A Brief Survey.' Foreign Languages and Translation = 外語敎學與翻譯.

Lu, Xiaoning (2000) '迷途中的文化探索 – 论《新青年》与《东方杂志》的东西文化论争 [Cultural Exploration at Crossroads: the New Youth versus the Eastern Miscellany on Eastern and Western Cultures].' 中州学刊 = Academic Journal of Zhongzhou (3). pp. 127-131.

Lu, Xiaoning and Liu, Zhiyi (2000) '《呼啸山庄》与《金锁记》情感世界之比较 [A Comparative Reading of the Emotional World in Wuthering Heights and The Golden Cangue].' 外国文学研究 (Waiguo wenxue yanjiu) = Foreign Literature Studies (1). pp. 59-64.

Lensink, Robert, Hermes, Niels and Murinde, Victor (2000) 'Capital flight and political risk.' Journal of International Money and Finance, 19 (1). pp. 73-92.


Moore, Elizabeth (2000) 'Myanmar religious practice and cultural heritage.' The Journal of Sophia Asian Studies, 18. pp. 285-300.

Moore, Elizabeth (2000) 'Angkor Water Management, Radar Imaging, and the Emergence of Urban Centres in Northern Cambodia.' The Journal of Sophia Asian Studies, 18. pp. 39-51.

Menski, Werner F and Pearce, Samantha (2000) 'Author and subject index Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law to Vol 13 (1999).' Immigration and Nationality Law and Practice, 14 (1). pp. 50-72.

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2000) 'The Lore of the Master Builder: working with local materials and local knowledge in Sana'a, Yemen.' Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Working Paper Series, 137. pp. 1-17.

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2000) 'Reconsidering the role of the Mosque Minaret in Sana'a.' Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 29. pp. 95-102.

Miran, Marie (2000) 'Vers un nouveau prosélytisme islamique en Côte d'Ivoire: une révolution discrète.' Autrepart, 16. pp. 139-160.

Miran, Marie and Launay, Robert (2000) 'Beyond Mande Mory: Islam and Ethnicity in Côte d'Ivoire.' Paideuma: Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde, 46. pp. 63-84.

Menski, Werner F (2000) 'Is there a cure?' Hinduism Today. p. 31.

Menski, Werner F (2000) 'Developments in Muslim Law: The South Asian context. (The Birth Centenary Commemorative Lecture delivered in honour of Professor Asaf A A Fyzee at the Royal Asiatic Society Hall in Bombay, 22nd December 1999).' Supreme Court Cases (Journal section), 3 (9). pp. 9-18.

Marten, Lutz and Kula, Nancy C. (2000) 'Constraints and Processes: Evidence from Bemba, Herero, and Swahili.' SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics and Phonetics, 10. pp. 91-102.

Marten, Lutz (2000) 'Agreement with conjoined noun phrases in Swahili.' Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere 64 : Swahili Forum VII, 7. pp. 75-96.

McCausland, Shane (2000) 'Private lives, public faces—relics of calligraphy by Zhao Mengfu (1254-1322), Guan Daosheng (1262-1319) and their children.' Oriental Art, XLVI (5). pp. 38-47.


Neal, Mark and Morgan, John (2000) 'The professionalization of everyone? A study of the development of the professions in Britain and Germany.' European Sociological Review, 16 (1). pp. 9-26.

Nissanke, Machiko (2000) 'From Aid Dependence to Self-Articulated Aspiration: A Comparative Analysis of Sub-Saharan Africa and East Africa.' Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 14 (1). pp. 167-190.

Newton, Scott (2000) 'The Political Institutions of Tajikistan in the Wake of the General Agreement and the National Reconciliation Commission.' SOAS Law Working Paper Series.

Newton, Scott (2000) 'Transplantation and Transition: Legality and Legitimacy in Kazakhstani Legislative Process.' SOAS Working Paper.

Nikolaeva, Irina (2000) 'The status of schwa in the phonological description of Northern Ostyak.' Finnisch-ugrische Mitteilungen, 23. pp. 121-148.

Nikolaeva, Irina (2000) 'The vocalic system of Udihe.' Eurasian Studies Yearbook, 72. pp. 113-142.


Osunnuga, Tola (2000) 'Issues in Yoruba Oral Performance.' Journal of Vocational Arts and Social Studies, 3 (1). pp. 14-23.

Ouyang, Wen-Chin (2000) 'Romancing the Epic: "Umar al-Nu" man as narrative of empowerment.' Arabic and Middle Eastern Literatures, 3 (1). pp. 5-18.

Osella, Caroline and Osella, Filippo (2000) 'Migration, Money and Masculinity in Kerala.' The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 6 (1). pp. 11-133.

Orwin, Martin (2000) 'A literary stylistic analysis of a poem by the Somali poet Axmed Ismaciil Diiriye 'Qaasim'.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 63 (2). pp. 194-214.

Osei-Nyame Jnr., Kwadwo (2000) 'Gender and Narrative of Identity in Chinua Achebe's Arrow of God.' Commonwealth: Essays and Studies, 22 (2). pp. 25-34.

Otten, Tina (2000) 'In a Remote Area: Categories of the Person and Illness among the Desya of Koraput, Orissa.' Journal of Social Sciences, 4 (4). pp. 347-356.

Otten, Tina (2000) 'Krankheitskonzepte und Heilungsexperten bei den Desya, Orissa: Erste Einblicke.' Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte (21). pp. 129-139.


Parfitt, Tudor (2000) 'British Policy and the Jews of the Yemen (in Hebrew).' Tema, 7. pp. 151-175.

Pak, Youngsook (2000) 'The Korea Foundation Gallery at the Musée Guimet, Paris.' Apollo: a journal of the arts, 152 (465). pp. 43-46.

Pizziconi, Barbara (2000) 'The acquisition of Japanese Communicative Style - the yarimorai verbs.' BATJ Journal, 1. pp. 1-16.

Pizziconi, Barbara (2000) 'Some remarks on the notion of ''benefit'' and the Japanese communicative style.' SOAS working papers in Linguistics, 10. pp. 371-384.

Parfitt, Tudor, Thomas, Mark G., Weiss, DA, Skorecki, K, Wilson, JF, Le Rous, M, Bradman, Neil and Goldstein, D (2000) 'Y Chromosomes Travelling South: The Cohen Modal Hapolotype and the Origins of the Lemba - the 'Black Jews of Southern Africa'.' The American Journal of Human Genetics, 66 (2). pp. 674-686.

Poole, Nigel and Del Campo Gomis, F. J. (2000) 'Análisis de las características productivas y de comercialización de los citricultores valencianos y su relación.' Revista Española de Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros, 189. pp. 157-178.

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