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Number of items: 368.


Addison, Tony, Niño-Zarazúa, Miguel and Tarp, Finn (2015) 'Aid, Social Policy and Development.' Journal of International Development, 27 (8). pp. 1351-1365.

Adib-Moghaddam, Arshin (2015) 'Islamic Secularism and the Question of Freedom in Iran.' Middle East Critique, 25 (1). pp. 71-82.

Adger, W. Neil, Arnell, Nigel W., Black, Richard, Dercon, Stefan, Geddes, Andrew and Thomas, David (2015) 'Focus on environmental risks and migration: causes and consequences.' Environmental Research Letters, 10 (060201).

Anastasiadis, Foivos and Poole, Nigel (2015) 'Emergent supply chains in the agrifood sector: insights from a whole chain approach.' Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, 20 (4). pp. 353-368.

Asquer, Alberto (2015) 'Managing Challenging Organizational Change: Introducing Active Labor Market Policies in Italian Public Employment Agencies.' Public Management Review, 17 (6). pp. 901-921.

Achcar, Gilbert (2015) 'Impasse rentière du Monde arabe [Interview].' Economia, June. pp. 27-23.

Allin, Michael (2015) 'Joint reproductive autonomy: does Evans v Amicus Healthcare Ltd provide for a gender-neutral approach to assisted reproductive rights?' Medico-Legal Journal, 83 (2). pp. 98-103.

An, Hyojin and Yeon, Jaehoon (2015) 'Error Classifications and Strategies to Avoid Common Errors: An analysis of Brown and Yeon's 'Speed Up Your Korean'.' International Journal of Korean Language Education, 1 (1). pp. 149-184.

Abosag, Ibrahim (2015) 'The Antecedents and Consequence of Et-Moone B2B Relationships.' Industrial Marketing Management, 51. pp. 150-157.

Abou-El-Fadl, Reem (2015) 'Early pan-Arabism in Egypt's July revolution: the Free Officers' political formation and policy-making, 1946–54.' Nations and Nationalism, 21 (2). pp. 289-308.

Anjaria, Keya (2015) 'The Dandy and the Coup: Politics of Literature in the post-1980 Turkish Novel, Üç Beş Kişi.' Middle Eastern Literatures, 17 (3). pp. 263-282.

Abou-El-Fadl, Reem (2015) 'Neutralism Made Positive: Egyptian Anticolonialism on the Road to Bandung.' British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 42 (2). pp. 219-240.

Antonelli, Marta, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Turrvani, Margherita Emma and Rulli, Maria Cristina (2015) 'Global investments in agricultural land and the role of the EU: Drivers, scope and potential impacts.' Land Use Policy, 47. pp. 98-111.

Achcar, Gilbert (2015) 'Banners of Protest.' Le Monde diplomatique, July.

Adcock, Chris, Eling, Martin and Loperfido, Nicola (2015) 'Skewed distributions in finance and actuarial science: a review.' The European Journal of Finance, 21 (13-14). pp. 1253-1281.

Axelby, Richard (2015) 'Hermit Village or Zomian Republic? An update on the political socio-economy of a remote Himalayan community.' European Bulletin of Himalayan research, 46. pp. 35-61.

Artaud de La Ferrière, Alexis (2015) 'Stuck in the middle with you: the political position of teachers during the Algerian War of Independence.' Landscapes of Violence, 3 (3). pp. 1-27.


Berensmann, Kathrin, Dafe, Florence and Volz, Ulrich (2015) 'Developing Local Currency Bond Markets for Long-term Development Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa.' Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 31 (3-4). pp. 350-378.

Behrouzan, Orkideh (2015) 'Beyond 'trauma': Notes on mental health in the Middle East.' Medicine, Anthropology, Theory, 2 (3). pp. 1-6.

Behrouzan, Orkideh (2015) 'Medicalisation As A Way of Life: The Iran-Iraq War and considerations for psychiatry and anthropology.' Medicine, Anthropology, Theory, 2 (3). pp. 40-60.

Bouquet, Cyril, Barsoux, Jean-Louis and Levy, Orly (2015) 'The Perils of Attention from Headquarters.' MIT Sloan Management Review, 56 (2). pp. 16-18.

Behrouzan, Orkideh and Parkinson, Sarah Elizabeth (2015) 'Negotiating Health and Life: Syrian Refugees and The Politics of Access in Lebanon.' Social Science and Medicine, 146. pp. 324-331.

Bylander, Maryann (2015) 'Depending on the Sky: Environmental Distress, Migration, and Coping in Rural Cambodia.' International Migration, 53 (5). pp. 135-147.

Belke, Ansgar and Volz, Ulrich (2015) 'On the Unilateral Introduction of Gold-backed Currencies.' Intereconomics, 50 (5). pp. 294-300.

Bachmann, Reinhard, Gillespie, Nicole and Priem, Richard (2015) 'Repairing Trust in Organizations and Institutions: Toward a Conceptual Framework.' Organization Studies, 36 (9). pp. 1123-1142.

Bonura, Carlo (2015) 'Documentary as Montage: The ambivalence of post-authoritarian Indonesia in Amir Muhammad's The year of living vicariously.' Indonesia and the Malay World, 43 (127). pp. 413-430.

Biglari, Mattin (2015) '"Captive to the Demonology of the Iranian Mobs": U.S. Foreign Policy and Perceptions of Shi’a Islam During the Iranian Revolution, 1978-79.' Diplomatic History, 40 (4). pp. 579-605.

Bhandar, Brenna (2015) 'Title By Registration: instituting modern property law and creating racial value in the settler colony.' Journal of Law and Society, 42 (2). pp. 253-282.

Batabyal, Somnath (2015) 'Illusions of Empowerment: Television News and Assamese Identity.' Television and New Media, 16 (4). pp. 361-369.

Burrell, Jenna and Oreglia, Elisa (2015) 'The myth of market price information: mobile phones and the application of economic knowledge in ICTD.' Economy and Society, 44 (2). pp. 271-292.

Bargawi, Hannah (2015) 'Rural Institutions in Flux: Lessons from Three Tanzanian Cotton-Producing Villages.' Journal of Agrarian Change, 15 (2). pp. 155-178.

Behrouzan, Orkideh (2015) 'Writing Prozāk Diaries in Tehran: Generational Anomie and Psychiatric Subjectivities.' Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry., 39 (3). pp. 399-426.

Bedi, Arjun S., Pellegrini, Lorenzo and Tasciotti, Luca (2015) 'The Effects of Rwanda’s Biogas Program on Energy Expenditure and Fuel Use.' World Development, 67. pp. 461-474.

Bruce-Jones, Eddie (2015) 'Death Zones, Comfort Zones: Queering the Refugee Question.' International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, 22 (1). pp. 101-127.

Basu, Paul and Damodaran, Vinita (2015) 'Colonial Histories of Heritage: Legislative Migrations and the Politics of Preservation.' Past and Present, 223 (10). pp. 239-270.

Bates, Elizabeth Stubbins (2015) 'Sophisticated Constructivism in Human Rights Compliance Theory.' European Journal of International Law, 25 (4). pp. 1169-1182.

Bodt, Tim and Lieberherr, Ismael (2015) 'First notes on the phonology and classification of the Bangru language of India.' Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 38 (1). pp. 66-124.

Bhatt, Antra and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2015) 'Federal Transfers and Fiscal Discipline in India: An Empirical Evaluation.' Public Finance Review, 43 (1). pp. 53-81.

Branfoot, Crispin (2015) 'The Tamil gopura: from temple gateway to global icon.' Ars Orientalis, 45. pp. 78-112.

Belke, Ansgar and Volz, Ulrich (2015) 'The Strong Euro: Challenges for the European Central Bank and Implications for the Global Economy.' AEI Insights, 1 (1). pp. 53-68.

Bhandar, Brenna and Toscano, Alberto (2015) 'Race, Real Estate and Real Abstraction.' Radical Philosophy, 194. pp. 8-17.

Belkadi, Aicha (2015) 'Associated motion with deictic directionals: A comparative overview.' SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics, 17. pp. 49-76.

Banda, Fareda (2015) '“If You Buy a Cup, Why Would You Not Use It?” Marital Rape: The Acceptable Face Of Gender Based Violence (Symposium On The International Legal Obligation to Criminalize Marital Rape).' AJIL Unbound, 109. pp. 321-325.

Bevilacqua, Daniela (2015) 'Film review: “Flowers From the Mount of Olives” (Olimäe Oied). Directed by Heilika Pikkov, 70 min/ 2013.' Anthropology of the Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia, 3 (1). p. 95.

Belkadi, Aicha (2015) 'Deictic directionality and Space in Berber A typological survey of the semantics of =d and =nn.' CORPUS: Constitution et usage de corpus en linguistique berbère, 14. pp. 189-233.

Bouquet, Cyril, Barsoux, Jean-Louis and Levy, Orly (2015) 'Los peligros de llamar la atención de las sedes centrales.' Harvard Deusto Business Review, 243. pp. 64-73.


Caron, James and Ahmad, Mahvish (2015) 'Activism, knowledge and publishing: some views from Pakistan and Afghanistan.' South Asian History and Culture, 7 (1). pp. 30-36.

Chizema, Amon, Kamuriwo, Dzidziso and Shinozawa, Yoshikatsu (2015) 'Women on corporate boards around the world: Triggers and barriers.' Leadership Quarterly, 26 (6). pp. 1051-1065.

Coetzee, Carli (2015) 'Afropolitanism: Reboot.' Journal of African Cultural Studies, 28 (1). pp. 101-103.

Chiripanhura, Blessing M. and Niño-Zarazúa, Miguel (2015) 'Aid, Political Business Cycles and Growth in Africa.' Journal of International Development, 27 (8). pp. 1387-1421.

Cullet, Philippe (2015) 'Développement: Une occasion manquée?' Le Courrier. p. 6.

Chan, Stephen (2015) 'Decline and decay: a sobering trip through southern Africa.' The Conversation.

Cavatorta, Elisa, Shankar, Bhavani and Flores-Martinez, Artemisa (2015) 'Explaining Cross-State Disparities in Child Nutrition in Rural India.' World Development, 76. pp. 216-237.

Chan, Stephen (2015) 'South Sudan’s spiritual father would weep at the state of his country.' The Conversation.

Chan, Stephen (2015) 'The Life of Chan Wong Wah Yue: Swordswoman, Militia Member and Grandmother [Interview].' Kung Fu Tea.

Campbell, John and Afework, Solomon (2015) 'Ethiopian and Eritrean immigrants in Britain. Refugee Organising, Transnational Connections and Identity, 1950-2009.' African Diaspora, 8 (1). pp. 98-119.

Chen, Xi and Yeon, Jaehoon (2015) 'A linguistic analysis of lying in negative evaluations: The speech act performance of Chinese learners of Korean.' Journal of Korean Language Education, 26. pp. 55-92.

Chan, Stephen (2015) 'African democracy looks very different when viewed from Palestine.' The Conversation.

Croome, Sarah (2015) 'Accommodation and resistance in the implementation of a minority language: A survey of headteacher attitudes across primary schools in Cornwall.' SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics, 17. pp. 113-145.

Chan, Stephen (2015) 'China is Neither a Civilizational State nor a Meritocracy.' International Policy Digest.

Chan, Stephen (2015) 'A new government in Nigeria – but is it a model for other African nations?' The Conversation.

Chan, Stephen (2015) 'Europe must stop shifting the blame for the migrant crisis.' The Conversation.

Chan, Stephen (2015) 'Buhari wins as Nigeria turns its back on Jonathan.' The Conversation.

Chan, Stephen (2015) 'Nigerians defy violence and bad technology in chaotic election.' The Conversation.

Cornwall, Andrea and Rivas, Althea-Maria (2015) 'From “Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment” to Global Justice: Reclaiming a Transformative Agenda for Gender and Development.' Third World Quarterly, 36 (2). pp. 396-415.

Craven, Matthew (2015) 'Between Law and History: the Berlin Conference of 1884-85 and the Logic of Free Trade.' London Review of International Law, 3 (1). pp. 31-59.

Chan, Stephen (2015) 'Africa: Still the Dark Continent Beyond the Pale.' The Africa Report, 66 (Dec-Jan).

Chan, Stephen (2015) 'Nigeria’s election delay shows depths to which Goodluck Jonathan will sink.' The Conversation.

Chan, Stephen (2015) 'A Ceremonial Ride into the Sunset for Mugabe?' E-International Relations.

Chan, Stephen (2015) 'After a stormy election, dark clouds still loom over Zambia.' The Conversation.

Chan, Stephen (2015) 'Exploding enclosures in Africa and Europe (on Charlie Hebdo and Boko Haram).' African Arguments.

Centeno, Marcos (2015) 'The Shapes of Otherness: the Representation of the Ainu People in Brodsky’s Travelogues 1918-1919.' Kokoro, Revista para la difusión de la cultura japonesa (17). pp. 14-22.

Corey, Pamela (2015) ''The 'First' Cambodian Contemporary Artist'.' Udaya, Journal of Khmer Studies, 12. pp. 61-94.

Cramer, Christopher, Johnston, Deborah, Oya, Carlos and Sender, John (2015) 'Fairtrade cooperatives in Ethiopia and Uganda: uncensored.' Review of African Political Economy, 41 (S1). S115-S127.

Cornelsen, Laura, Green, Rosemary, Turner, Rachel, Dangour, Alan D., Shankar, Bhavani, Mazzocchi, Mario and Smith, Richard D. (2015) 'What happens to patterns of food consumption when food prices change? Evidence from a systematic review and meta analysis of food price elasticities globally.' Health Economics, 24 (12). pp. 1548-1559.

Cenci, Marisa, Corradini, Massimiliano, Feduzi, Alberto and Gheno, Andrea (2015) 'Half-full or half-empty? A model of decision making under risk.' Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 68-69 (October). pp. 1-6.

Charney, Michael W. (2015) 'Colonial Southeast Asian Military History.' Oxford Bibliographies.

Cullet, Philippe, Bhullar, Lovleen and Koonan, Sujith (2015) 'Inter-Sectoral Water Allocation and Conflicts – Perspectives from Rajasthan.' Economic and Political Weekly, 50 (34). pp. 61-69.

Centeno, Marcos (2015) '¿Qué se oculta tras el papel en blanco de machino? El dibujo como puerta al mundo interior infantil en children who draw (1956) de Susumu Hani.' L’Atalante. Revista de Estudios Cinematográficos. (Unpublished)

Campbell, John (2015) 'Asylum vs sovereignty in the 21st century: How nation-state's breach international law to block access to asylum.' International Journal of Migration and Border Studies, 2 (1). pp. 24-39.

Chan, Stephen (2015) 'Kissinger and the Westphalian State: Still Faithful After All These Years.' Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 44 (1). pp. 147-154.

Caron, James (2015) 'The Lives of Amir Hamza Shinwari: on personal histories against an imperial border.' Tanqeed: a magazine of politics and culture, 10. pp. 43-53.


Dimakou, Ourania (2015) 'Bureaucratic Corruption and the Dynamic Interaction between Monetary and Fiscal Policy.' European Journal of Political Economy, 40 (A). pp. 57-78.

Duffy, Rosaleen (2015) 'War, By Conservation.' Geoforum, 69. pp. 238-248.

Dimakou, Sofia, Dimakou, Ourania and Basso, Henrique S. (2015) 'Waiting time distribution in public health care: empirics and theory.' Health Economics Review, 5 (25). p. 25.

Dwyer, Rachel (2015) 'Vighnaharta Shree Siddhivinayak: Ganesh, Remover of Obstacles, Lord of Beginnings, in Mumbai.' Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 35 (2). pp. 263-276.

Duffy, Rosaleen, St. John, Freya, Büscher, Bram and Brockington, Dan (2015) 'Towards a new understanding of the links between poverty and illegal wildlife hunting.' Conservation Biology, 30 (1). pp. 14-22.

Driver, Ciaran (2015) 'Advertising's Elusive Economic Rationale: Public Policy and Taxation.' Journal of Economic Surveys, 31 (1). pp. 1-16.

Dafermos, Yannis and Papatheodorou, Christos (2015) 'Linking functional with personal income distribution: a stock-flow consistent approach.' International Review of Applied Economics, 29 (6). pp. 787-815.

Dodd, Stephen (2015) 'Gaikan: Eikoku no Nihon bungaku kenkyû.' Nihon kindai bungaku = 日本近代文学, 92. pp. 176-188.

Dafermos, Yannis (2015) 'The ‘other half’ of the public debt–economic growth relationship: a note on Reinhart and Rogoff.' European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention, 12 (1). pp. 20-28.

Duffy, Rosaleen, St. John, Freya, Büscher, Bram and Brockington, Dan (2015) 'The militarization of anti-poaching: undermining long term goals?' Environmental Conservation, 42 (4). pp. 345-348.

Dovey, Lindiwe and Olivieri, Federico (2015) 'Festivals and the politics of space and mobility: the Tarifa/Cordoba African Film Festival (FCAT) as nomadic heterotopia.' Screen, 56 (1). pp. 142-148.

Duffy, Rosaleen (2015) 'Nature-Based Tourism and Neoliberalism: Concealing Contradictions.' Tourism Geographies, 17 (4). pp. 529-543.

Dovey, Lindiwe (2015) 'Through the Eye of a Film Festival: Toward a Curatorial and Spectator Centered Approach to the Study of African Screen Media.' Cinema Journal, 54 (2). pp. 126-132.


Easton, Kai (2015) 'Archive Notes: Travelling Africa and the Archives.' Journal of History and Cultures (5). pp. 82-83.


Ferrari, Rossella (2015) '"Zhongguo jianzhu yi bai nian": weishenme xin shiji women yi wu suo you 「中國建築一百年」︰為什麼新世紀我們一無所有 [Online].' Initium Media 端傳媒.

Fischel, Roy S. (2015) 'Origin Narratives, Legitimacy, and the Practice of Cosmopolitan Language in the Early Modern Deccan, India.' Purushartha, 33. pp. 71-95.

Fardon, Richard (2015) ''Do you hear me? It is me Akiga' Akiga’s 'Story' and Akiga Sai’s 'History’.' Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, 85 (4). pp. 572-598.

Ferrarini, Benno and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2015) 'The Product Space Revisited: China’s Trade Profile.' The World Economy, 8 (9). pp. 1368-1386.

Fell, Dafydd (2015) 'KMT’s Presidential Nomination: Significance and Historical Comparisons.' China Policy Institute Blog.

Feng, Kuishuang, Davis, Steven J., Sun, Laixiang and Hubacek, Klaus (2015) 'Drivers of the US CO2 emissions 1997-2013.' Nature Communications, 6 (7714). pp. 1-8.

Flügel, Peter (2015) 'Jaina Funeral Palanquins.' Jaina Studies: Newsletter of the Centre of Jaina Studies, 10. pp. 21-28.

Farquhar, Michael (2015) 'Saudi Petrodollars, Spiritual Capital, and the Islamic University of Medina: A Wahhabi Missionary Project in Transnational Perspective.' International Journal of Middle East Studies, 47 (4). pp. 701-721.


Gibson, Hannah and Wilhelmsen, Vera (2015) 'Cycles of negation in Rangi and Mbugwe.' Africana Linguistica, 21. pp. 233-257.

George, Andrew (2015) 'On Babylonian lavatories and sewers.' IRAQ, 77. pp. 75-106.

Giladi, Paul (2015) 'A Critique of Rorty's Conception of Pragmatism.' European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy, 7 (2). pp. 168-185.

Giladi, Paul (2015) 'Hegel's Therapeutic Conception of Philosophy.' Hegel Bulletin, 36 (2). pp. 248-267.

Grimm, Michael, Sparrow, Robert and Tasciotti, Luca (2015) 'Does Electrification Spur the Fertility Transition? Evidence From Indonesia.' Demography, 52 (5). pp. 1773-1796.

Gore, Charles (2015) 'Intersecting Archives: Intertextuality and the Early West African Photographer.' African Arts, 48 (3). pp. 6-17.

Gould, Rebecca Ruth (2015) 'The much-maligned panegyric: Toward a political poetics of premodern literary form.' Comparative Literature Studies, 52 (2). pp. 254-288.

Gisselquist, Rachel M. and Niño-Zarazúa, Miguel (2015) 'What Can Experiments Tell Us About How to Improve Government Performance?' Journal of Globalization and Development, 6 (1). pp. 1-45.

Gould, Rebecca Ruth (2015) 'The geographies of 'Ajam: The circulation of Persian poetry from South Asia to the Caucasus.' The Medieval History Journal, 18 (1). pp. 87-119.

Gerstle, Andrew (2015) 'Digital Humanities: What Collaborative Projects Can Achieve.' Art Research, 15 (March). pp. 3-11.

Gallagher, Julia (2015) 'The battle for Zimbabwe in 2013: from polarisation to ambivalence.' Journal of Modern African Studies, 53 (1). pp. 27-49.

Gould, Rebecca Ruth (2015) 'Ijtiha¯d against Madhhab: Legal hybridity and the meanings of modernity in early modern Daghestan.' Comparative Studies in Society and History, 57 (1). pp. 35-66.

Gould, Rebecca Ruth (2015) 'Philology’s Contingent Genealogies.' Philology, 1 (1). pp. 53-66.

Gould, Rebecca Ruth (2015) 'Teaching Guide for "The Political Cosmology of Prison Poetics".' Literature Compass, 12 (1). pp. 45-46.

George, Andrew (2015) 'The Gods Išum and Ḫendursanga: Night Watchmen and Street-lighting in Babylonian.' Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 74 (1). pp. 1-8.

Garrett, Edward, Hill, Nathan W., Kilgarriff, Adam, Vadlapudi, Ravikiran and Zadoks, Abel (2015) 'The contribution of corpus linguistics to lexicography and the future of Tibetan dictionaries.' Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines, 32. pp. 51-86.

Goswami, Bisakha (2015) 'Rāgamālā: An Unpublished Source of Indian Music.' Journal of the Department of Sanskrit, 20. pp. 1-20.

Giglietto, Fabio and Lee, Yenn (2015) 'To be or not to be Charlie: Twitter hashtags as a discourse and counter-discourse in the aftermath of the 2015 Charlie Hebdo shooting in France.' Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Making Sense of Microposts co-located with the 24th International World Wide Web Conference, 1395. pp. 33-37.

Gore, Charles (2015) 'African Photography.' African Arts, 48 (3). pp. 1-5.

Gore, Charles (2015) 'Leonce Raphael Agbodjelou: Artist Interview.' African Arts, 48 (3). pp. 70-75.

Gibson, Hannah (2015) 'The dynamics of structure building in Rangi: At the Syntax-Semantics interface.' Cambridge Occasional Papers in Linguistics, 8. pp. 41-55.

Garrett, Edward and Hill, Nathan W. (2015) 'Constituent order in the Tibetan noun phrase.' SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics, 17. pp. 35-48.

Gorisse, Marie-Helene (2015) 'The taste of the mango. A Jaina-Buddhist controversy on evidence.' International Journal of Jaina Studies, 11 (3). pp. 1-19.

Gawne, Lauren (2015) 'The reported speech evidential particle in Lamjung Yolmo.' Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 38 (2). pp. 292-318.

Gifford, Paul (2015) 'A contemporary Nigerian Reading of the Bible.' Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, 152. pp. 38-56.

Gawne, Lauren (2015) 'Language documentation and division: Bridging the digital divide.' Digital Studies, 5.


Hanieh, Adam (2015) 'A Brief History of ISIS.' Jacobin [online].

Ha, Guangtian (2015) 'ISIS是21世紀的產物,20世紀的辦法不能對付它 [ISIS Belongs to the Twenty-first Century, not the Twentieth].' Hong Kong: The Initium [Online].

Ha, Guangtian (2015) '我在習正出訪的英國聽黃之鋒演講 [Listening to Joshua Wong in the UK, while Xi is Visiting].' Hong Kong: The Initium [Online].

Hutt, Michael (2015) 'Heritage, continuity, and nostalgia.' Cultural Anthropology - Hot Spots [website].

Haigh, Matthew (2015) 'Environmental communications: The reader's perspective.' Semiotica, 2015 (207). pp. 233-250.

Heubaum, Harald and Biermann, Frank (2015) 'Integrating global energy and climate governance: The changing role of the International Energy Agency.' Energy Policy, 87. pp. 229-239.

Hawthorne, Sian (2015) 'Christianity's Forgetting.' ReOrient: The Journal of Critical Muslim Studies, 1 (1). pp. 43-50.

Ha, Guangtian (2015) '民族問題,在「自由」與「獨裁」之間 [The Issue of Ethnicity/Nationality: Between ‘Democracy’ and ‘Dictatorship’].' Hong Kong: The Initium [Online].

Haustein, Jörg, Rakodi, Carole, Akhazemea, Daniel, Battcock, Mike, James, Rick and Währisch-Oblau, Claudia (2015) 'Roundtable: Pentecostalism and Development.' PentecoStudies: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Research on the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, 14 (2). pp. 241-260.

Hosany, Sameer, Prayag, Girish, Deesilatham, Siripan, Causevic, Senija and Odeh, Khaled (2015) 'Measuring Tourists' Emotional Experiences: Further Validation of the Destination Emotion Scale.' Journal of Travel Research, 54 (4). pp. 482-495.

Haynes, Katharine and Tanner, Thomas (2015) 'Empowering young people and strengthening resilience: Youth-centred participatory video as a tool for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction.' Children's Geographies, 13 (3). pp. 357-371.

Hanieh, Adam (2015) 'Development through Unity. Assessing ESCWA's Arab Integration: A 21st Century Development Imperative.' Development and Change, 46 (4). pp. 979-992.

Harris, Rachel and Jaschok, Maria (2015) 'Introduction: Sounding Islam in China.' Performing Islam, 3 (1-2). pp. 3-13.

Harris, Rachel (2015) 'The Changing Uyghur Religious Soundscape.' Performing Islam, 3 (1-2). pp. 93-114.

Hezser, Catherine (2015) 'Crossing Enemy Lines: Network Connections Between Palestinian and Babylonian Sages in Late Antiquity.' Journal for the Study of Judaism, 46 (2). pp. 224-250.

Hamzić, Vanja (2015) 'The (Un)Conscious Pariah: Canine and Gender Outcasts of the British Raj.' Australian Feminist Law Journal, 40 (2). pp. 185-198.

Hill, Nathan W. (2015) 'Tibetan part-of-speech conundrums: maṅ and yun riṅ.' Rocznik Orientalistyczny, 68 (2). pp. 65-72.

Hong, Eunsuk, Lee, In Hyeock, Sun, Laixiang and Harrison, Richard (2015) 'Entrepreneurship across Time and Space: Empirical Evidence from Korea.' Small Business Economics, 44 (3). pp. 705-719.

Hakimian, Hassan and Abdulaal, Abdulla (2015) 'GCC Economic Integration: Fiction or Reality?' Khamsoon. pp. 1-8.

Hua, Xiuping, Sun, Laixiang and Wang, Tianyi (2015) 'Impact of exchange rate regime reform on asset returns in China.' European Journal of Finance, 21 (2). pp. 147-171.

Hill, Nathan W. and Zadoks, Abel (2015) 'Tibetan √lan ‘reply’.' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (Third Series), 25 (1). pp. 117-121.

Hijjas, Mulaika (2015) 'Entries 25 and 42 in A Jawi Sourcebook for the Study of Malay Palaeography and Orthography.' Indonesia and the Malay World, 43 (125). pp. 88-89.

Hill, Nathan W. (2015) 'Hare lõ: the touchstone of mirativity.' SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics, 12 (2). pp. 24-31.

Howard, Keith (2015) 'Politics, Parodies, and the Paradox of Psy's 'Gangnam Style'.' Romanian Journal of Social Sciences, New Series, 1. pp. 13-29.

Heller, Jon (2015) 'Disguising a Military Object as a Civilian Object: Prohibited Perfidy or Permissible Ruse of War?' International Law Studies, 91. pp. 517-539.

Hill, Nathan W. (2015) 'Proposal for a transcription of Chinese characters in the study of early Chinese language and literature = 早期漢語言文學研究中的漢字釋讀方法新探.' Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics, 8. pp. 48-60.

Hill, Nathan W. (2015) 'The sku-bla rite in imperial Tibetan religion.' Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie, 24. pp. 49-58.

Hobart, Mark (2015) 'Beyond the Whorfs of Dover: A Study of Balinese Interpretive Practices.' Heidelberg Ethnology (1). pp. 1-20.

Harumi, Seiko (2015) 'Raising cultural awareness of classroom talk and silence.' IATEFL 2014 : Harrogate Conference selections : 48th International Conference, Harrogate, 2-5 April, 2014, 48. pp. 128-129.


Ibanez-Tirado, Diana (2015) 'Everyday disasters, stagnation and the normalcy of non-development: Roghun Dam, a flood, and campaigns of forced taxation in southern Tajikistan.' Central Asian Survey, 34 (4). pp. 549-563.

Ismail, Feyzi and Shah, Alpa (2015) 'Class struggle, the Maoists and the Indigenous Question in Nepal and India.' Economic and Political Weekly, 50 (35). pp. 112-123.

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