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Jump to: 2024
Number of items: 334.


Prabhudesai, Amogh (2024) 'Chandonuśāsana of Vāgbhaṭa: An Unpublished Jain Text on Prosody.' International Journal of Jaina Studies, 20 (4). pp. 1-11.

Balbir, Nalini (2024) 'The Terāpanth's work on the Jain Āgamas.' International Journal of Jaina Studies, 20 (5). pp. 1-48.

Seiko, Harumi (2024) 'Multi-contextual perspectives on silence: a narrative case study.' Neofilolog, 63 (2). pp. 265-292.

Wright, Morag (2024) 'Promiscuous, diseased and unfit: Discourses and embodiments of Indian indentured women across the British Empire, c. 1840–1920.' Journal of Indentureship and Its Legacies, 4 (2).

Morris, Natasha (2024) ''Haptic games': the display of Qajar playing cards in the British Museum.' Museum History Journal. pp. 1-21. (Forthcoming)

Tahmasebian, Kayvan (2024) 'From Explication to Order: The Persian Vernacularization of Arabic Rhetoric.' Philological Encounters, 9 (3/4). pp. 346-374.

Lambert-Peck, Miles, Echaubard, Pierre, Saito, Osamu and Nishi, Maiko (2024) 'Putting power in perspective: a systematic review of power dynamics in social-ecological traps.' Discover Sustainability, 5. p. 515.

Bentley, Delia and Marten, Lutz (2024) 'Editorial.' Transactions of the Philological Society, 122 (3). p. 355.

Restifo, Aleksandra (2024) 'Emotion as Karmic Mode: Rasa in Ajitasena's Alaṅkāra-Cintāmaṇi (15th Century).' International Journal of Jaina Studies, 20 (2). pp. 1-22.

Krüger, Patrick Felix (2024) 'Metaphors of Kingship in Ancient Jain Literature and Art.' International Journal of Jaina Studies, 20 (3). pp. 1-21.

Murtagh, Ben (2024) 'Interview with Nuril Basri, November 2024.' Indonesia and the Malay World, 154. pp. 1-9.

Rai, Shirin (2024) 'Pluralizing the Care Economy Framework in Latin America.' Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society, 31 (4). pp. 747-750.

Harumi, Seiko (2024) 'Silent Dialogues: The shifting flow of silence and solitude in Tokyo Story and implications for L2 pedagogy.' Journal of Silence Studies in Education, 3 (2). pp. 103-124.

Yeon, Jaehoon (2024) 'Korean Studies in the United Kingdom: History and Prospects.' The Review of Korean Studies, 27 (2). pp. 247-264.

Hanwong, Tanongsak, Hanwong, Lalita and Murphy, Stephen (2024) 'The Prakhon Chai Hoard Debunked: Unravelling Six Decades of Myth, Misdirection, and Misidentification.' International Journal of Cultural Property, 31 (2). pp. 177-201.

Brook, Timothy and Cheung, Desmond (2024) 'Interview with Scholar of the Ming, Timothy Brook.' Ming Studies, 2024 (90). pp. 50-63.

Chang, Ha-Joon and Lari, Teemu (2024) 'Economics, Pluralism, and Democracy.' Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 17 (2). pp. 1-38.

Cano, Albert C., Leth Sørensen, Eva and Bhattacharya, Shreya (2024) 'Remapping the Critical: Imagining Anti-Hierarchical Futures in International Studies.' Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 52 (3). pp. 533-539.

Aina, Folahanmi (2024) 'Deploying air wings in biosecurity: the Nigerian Air Force’s crisis management response to the COVID-19 pandemic.' Journal of Contemporary African Studies. pp. 1-17. (Forthcoming)

Heisse, Christiane (2024) 'Whither economics imperialism? Debating Ambrosino, Cedrini and Davis.' The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought. (Forthcoming)

Shah, Akira (2024) 'Decloaking whiteness: Linguistic and pedagogical imperialisms of International Baccalaureate teacher education in Japan.' Anthropology and Education Quarterly. (Forthcoming)

B. K., Athira and Jiang, Jue (2024) 'Reports from the field of digital feminism: the uses of online spaces by Muslim women in India and the “genesis of online feminism” in China.' International Feminist Journal of Politics, 26 (5). pp. 1152-1172.

Mukherjee, Ananyo (2024) 'Governmentality or Class Politics: The Path Ahead for Indian Communists.' Journal of Contemporary Asia. pp. 1-12. (Forthcoming)

Caron, James (2024) 'Kārwān’s Talking Forest: Materiality, Poetic Imagination, and the Metaphysics of War Violence.' History and Anthropology. (Forthcoming)

O'Meara, Simon (2024) 'House First: The Quranic Figure of the Kaʿba.' Annales Islamologiques. (Forthcoming)

Rofe, J. Simon (2024) 'Sport Diplomacy and Sport for Development SfD: A Discourse of Challenges and Opportunity.' Journal of Global Sport Management, 9 (4). pp. 688-703.

Steel, Daniel, Belotti, Giulia, Mittiga, Ross and Mintz-Woo, Kian (2024) 'A Dynamic Collapse Concept for Climate Change.' Environmental Values, 33 (6). pp. 606-625.

Yesmin, Fariya (2024) 'Beyond papers: understanding the making of citizenship in the Foreigners’ Tribunals of Assam.' Contemporary South Asia, 32 (4). pp. 475-488.

ガータイス [Gerteis], クリストファー [Christopher] (2024) '「選択的記憶と戦略的忘却:日本における歴史の商品化と産業遺産」 [Selective Memory and Strategic Forgetting: The Commercialization of History and Industrial Heritage in Japan].' 東洋文化研究所紀要 = Bulletin of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, 186. pp. 63-109.

Ince, Onur Ulas (2024) 'Saving Capitalism from Empire: Uses of Colonial History in New Institutional Economics.' International Relations, 38 (4). pp. 589-614.

Beirne, John, Dafermos, Yannis, Kriwoluzky, Alexander, Renzhi, Nuobu, Volz, Ulrich and Wittich, Jana (2024) 'Weather-related disasters and inflation in the euro area.' Journal of Banking and Finance, 169 (107298).

Lucas, Christopher and Souag, Lameen (2024) 'A note on Jaradat, A. (2024) 'From nominal source to demonstrative: a case of grammaticalization in Standard Arabic.' STUF - Language Typology and Universals - Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung, 77 (4). pp. 593-594.

Peng, Xu (2024) 'The Political Economy of Ethnic Armed Organisations in the China–Myanmar Borderland: Opium, Gambling, and Online Scams.' Global China Pulse, 3. pp. 65-73.

Fenton-O’Creevy, Mark, Bowles, Benjamin, Maguire, Linda and Williams, Emma (2024) 'Uncomfortable knowledge, the production of ignorance, and the trustworthiness of UK policing.' Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 18. paae117.

Orsini, Francesca (2024) 'Soft Texts.' Journal of World Literature, 9 (3). pp. 357-371.

Rudge, Alice (2024) 'Beyond Heroes and Villains: Persisting With Autonomy on a Plantation Frontier.' Environmental Humanities, 16 (3). pp. 766-783.

Chukwuma, Julia Ngozi, Romero, Maria Jose and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa (2024) 'Healthcare financialisation in the Global South: Examining the role of the World Bank Group in promoting Public Private Partnerships in health in Africa.' The Review of Evolutionary Political Economy. (Forthcoming)

Wuerth, Milena, Storer, Elizabeth, Simpson, Nikita and Sarafian, Iliana (2024) 'Securitized trust: on the multiple guises of the UK policy agenda during the Covid-19 pandemic.' Critical Policy Studies. pp. 1-21. (Forthcoming)

Vinjamuri, Leslie and Yoeli, Max (2024) 'America’s Last Chance with the Global South: In an Age of Great-Power Competition, Washington Needs the G-20.' Foreign Affairs online.

Tian, Peipei, Zhong, Honglin, Chen, Xiangjie, Feng, Kuishuang, Sun, Laixiang, Zhang, Ning, Shao, Xuan, Liu, Yu and Hubacek, Klaus (2024) 'Keeping the global consumption within the planetary boundaries.' Nature, 635 (8039). pp. 625-630.

Tilley, Lisa (2024) 'Horizons of Liberation: Materialism, Ecology, and the Colonial Question.' Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies. pp. 1-22. (Forthcoming)

Mark, James and Clark, Phil (2024) 'Not Nuremberg — Histories of Alternative Criminalization Paradigms, 1945–2021: An Introduction.' Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development., 15 (1). pp. 41-57.

Ahmed, Ayisha (2024) 'Brilla boy!: Educated masculinity, hope and future-making in a Ghanaian senior high school.' Ethnography and Education. pp. 1-18. (Forthcoming)

Okech, Awino (2024) 'Gender Contestations and the Implications for Inclusive Societies.' African Journal for Sustainable Development, 14 (1). pp. 47-59.

Nenadovic, Ana (2024) 'What is grief, if not a site.' Hoja Filosófica : revista de Filosofía. Memorias huellas e inscripción, 62. pp. 112-117.

Ince, Onur Ulas (2024) 'From 'Chinese Colonist' to 'Yellow Peril': Capitalist Racialization in the British Empire.' American Political Science Review, 118 (4). pp. 1748-1762.

Heathcote, Gina and Kula, Lucia (2024) 'The Force Intervention Brigade in the DRC, Civilian Security and Women Peace and Security.' Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies, 15 (2). pp. 246-265.

Tilley, Lisa (2024) 'Opening Frontiers, Cheapening Nature: The Economic Functions and Socioecological Effects of Racism in West Papua.' Oxford Intersections. pp. 1-29. (Forthcoming)

Bevan, Paul (2024) 'Surrealism and the manhua artists of Liuyi.' Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, 11 (2). pp. 127-151.

Ouairy, Alexandre (2024) 'Haipai surreal: The light spectrum and Shanghai futurities.' Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, 11 (2). pp. 279-300.

Papagianni, Estela, Evgenidis, Anastasios, Tsagkanos, Athanasios and Megalooikonomou, Vasileios (2024) 'Tourism Demand in the Face of Geopolitical Risk: Insights From a Cross-Country Analysis.' Journal of Travel Research, 63 (8). pp. 2094-2119.

Bayliss, Kate, Fine, Ben, Robertson, Mary and Saad-Filho, Alfredo (2024) 'Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated: The persistence of neoliberalism in Britain.' European Journal of Social Theory, 27 (4). pp. 540-560.

Onyema, Emilia (2024) 'Corruption, Access to Arbitration for Local Communities: Mitigating the Cost of Corruption and Providing Access to Justice for Local Communities.' Arbitration: The International Journal of Arbitration, Mediation and Dispute Management, 90 (4). pp. 536-554.

Giladi, Paul (2024) 'Making Sense of Erotically Oppressive Lifeworlds: Dynamics of Testimonial Smothering and Testimonial Quieting.' Journal of Social Philosophy. (Forthcoming)

Murphy, Stephen (2024) 'Restitution and repatriation as an opportunity, not a loss: some reflections on recent Southeast Asian cases.' Antiquity, 98 (401). pp. 1395-1495.

Tsang, Steve and Cheung, Olivia (2024) 'Authors’ Response: Policy Implications of Xi Jinping Thought for China and the World.' Asia Policy, 19 (4). pp. 245-249.

Tao, Yiyun (2024) 'The Impact of Personality on Productivity and Job Performance.' Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences, 121 (1). pp. 164-172.

Armstrong, Neil and Byrom, Nicola (2024) 'An anthropological critique of psychiatric rating scales.' BJPsych Advances. pp. 1-9. (Forthcoming)

Daga, Moudwe and Djimet, Issa (2024) 'Photographs, Emotions and Protest at a Colonial Memorial in Brazzaville (Congo).' International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 23. pp. 1-10.

Kennedy, Hugh (2024) 'The Evolution of the Term Sulṭān in Early Islam.' Journal of Abbasid Studies, 11 (1). pp. 1-17.

Hamamra, Bilal, Gould, Rebecca Ruth and Mayaleh, Asala (2024) 'Against the depoliticisation of Palestinian female shahids.' Third World Quarterly, 45 (13). pp. 1929-1946.

Matar, Dina (2024) 'What it Means to be Palestinian: Reflections on Anti-colonial Identities in Times of Excessive Production and Destruction.' Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 17 (3). pp. 246-253.

Hammond, Marle and van Gelder, Geert Jan (2024) 'Rayhana 'The Mad': Her Persona and Poetry.' Der Islam, 101 (2). pp. 409-438.

Bresheeth, Haim (2024) 'Zionist Settler-Colonialist Identity.' Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 17 (3). pp. 239-245.

Bender, Michelle, Slobodian, Lydia, Gjerde, Kristina M., Cullet, Philippe, Singh, Pradeep and Olsen, Chloe (2024) 'The Rights of Nature and Legal Personhood in an Ocean Context.' Ocean Yearbook, 39. (Forthcoming)

Peng, Xu (2024) 'Playing with Fire: How Engagement with Illicit Economies Shapes the Survival and Resilience of Ethnic Armed Organisations in the China-Myanmar Borderlands.' China Perspectives, 138 (9-20). pp. 9-20.

Sharma, Nutandhar and Widdess, David (2024) 'Vitality and Sustainability of Traditional Music: A Survey of Devotional Singing Groups (dāphā khalaḥ) in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal.' Himalaya, the Journal of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies, 43 (2). pp. 149-154.

Clarke, Amber, Richter, Katharina, Lokot, Michelle, Rivas, Althea, Hafez, Sali and Singh, Neha S. (2024) 'Decolonising humanitarian health: A scoping review of practical guidance.' PLOS Global Public Health, 4 (10). e0003566.

Retsikas, Kostas (2024) 'Unleashing the Future: Deleuze's Crystals of Time and Theo Angelopoulos' 'The Travelling Players'.' Deleuze and Guattari Studies, 18 (4). pp. 570-594.

Andreoni, Antonio, Sophie, van Huellen, Lucas, Katera and Cornel, Jahari (2024) 'How to overcome rent seeking in Tanzania’s skills sector? Exploring feasible reforms through discrete choice experiments.' World Development, 182 (106705).

Ng, Bee Chin, Tan, Mei Jing Jo, Pauwels, Anne and Cavallaro, Francesco (2024) 'Language practices in Malay-Chinese families in Singapore.' Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 45 (8). pp. 2940-2960.

Bruce-Jones, Eddie (2024) 'Race, Law and Liminality: The Poetry of May Ayim.' Amerikastudien / American Studies, 69 (3). pp. 301-312.

Park, Chongwon and Yeon, Jaehoon (2024) 'Notes on word order variation in Korean.' Pragmatics: Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA), 34 (4). pp. 588-614.

Essex, Stephen, Caprotti, Federico, de Groot, Jiska, Phillips, Jon, Baker, Lucy, Wolpe, Peta and Reddy, Yachika (2024) 'The ‘capability’ of South African energy governance to deliver urban sustainable transitions.' Urban Research and Practice, 14 (4). pp. 515-542.

Borowetz, Taylor (2024) 'After property? The Haitian Revolution, racial capitalism, and the foundation for a universal right to freedom from enslavement.' International Journal of Human Rights, 28 (8/9). pp. 1304-1328.

Foster, Chase and Thelen, Kathleen (2024) 'Brandeis in Brussels? Bureaucratic discretion, social learning, and the development of regulated competition in the European Union.' Regulation and Governance, 18 (4). pp. 1083-1103.

Heucher, Katrin, Schrage, Stephanie and Abosag, Ibrahim (2024) 'When Global is Not Enough: Applying a Paradox Lens to Sustainability Transitions in Interorganizational Systems.' Journal of International Management, 30 (5). p. 101186.

Ugwuanyi, Kingsley and Nwoda, Chinazor (2024) 'Editorial note for SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics (Vol. 22).' SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics, 22. i-vi.

Jelpke, Tom (2024) 'Distal demonstratives in Nairobi Swahili: An emerging relative particle?' SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics, 22. pp. 1-15.

Williams, Scott (2024) 'Variety and heritage: An investigation into the relationship between perceptions of Basingstoke English and the London heritage narrative.' SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics, 22. pp. 16-29.

Mudenda, Talent and Ugwuanyi, Kingsley (2024) 'Evaluating the status of the Ndau language in education ten years after its official recognition.' SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics, 22. pp. 30-43.

Vita, Vasiliki (2024) 'Grassroots language action and legislature for Sonsorolese.' SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics, 22. pp. 44-66.

Liao, Pei-Yu (2024) 'Examining the power dynamics in the Sunflower Movement discourse using the lexicogrammar “被” (bei).' SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics, 22. pp. 67-84.

Lartey, Abraham (2024) 'Government responses to oilfield discoveries: Impact of resource wealth on non-resource tax revenues.' Journal of Government and Economics, 15 (100119).

Leicht, Caroline V, Bengtsson Meuller, Elsa, Borowetz, Taylor, Hiraide, Lydia and Pruszynski, Katie (2024) 'Differential and resonant solidarities: A materialist approach to the early career experience.' Politics. (Forthcoming)

Adams, Kathleen (2024) 'Tourism ethnography and tourism geographies.' Tourism Geographies. pp. 1-12. (Forthcoming)

He, Y, Mulqueeney, J M, Watt, E C, Salili-James, A, Barber, N S, Camaiti, M, Hunt, E S E, Kippax-Chui, O, Knapp, A, Lanzetti, A, Rangel-de Lázaro, Gizeh, McMinn, J K, Minus, J, Mohan, A V, Roberts, L E, Adhami, D, Grisan, E, Gu, Q, Herridge, V, Poon, S T S, West, T and Goswami, A (2024) 'Opportunities and Challenges in Applying AI to Evolutionary Morphology.' Integrative Organismal Biology, 6 (1). obae036.

Modern, Julia (2024) ''Deaf people are one, as they say': articulating 'Deaf Space' and deaf-hearing communication in a Ugandan market.' Language in Society. (Forthcoming)

Balogun, Bolaji and Křížová, Markéta (2024) 'The varieties of European colonialism in Central and Eastern Europe: The Polish and the Czech Cases.' Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies. pp. 1-19. (Forthcoming)

Cullet, Philippe (2024) 'Faecal Sludge and Septage Management – Rights and Regulatory Dimensions.' Environmental Law and Practice Review, 9. pp. 1-41. (Forthcoming)

Zhang, Jing (2024) 'Revisiting Building for Oil: Daqing and the Formation of the Chinese Socialist State.' Environment and Urbanization, 36 (2). pp. 487-490.

Kristina Hultgren, Anna, Upadhaya, Anu, O'Hagan, Lauren, Wingrove, Peter, Adamu, Amina, Greenfield, Mari, Lombardozzi, Lorena, Sah, Pramod K., Tsiga, Ismaila A., Umar, Aishat and Wolfenden, Freda (2024) 'English-medium education and the perpetuation of girls’ disadvantage: Parental investment and gendered aspirations in Nepal.' English Today. (Forthcoming)

Lee, Joseph and Laamann, Lars Peter (2024) 'Editorial: Christians in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong during Moments of Crisis.' Exchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context, 53 (3). pp. 177-181.

Balogun, Bolaji and Ohia-Nowak, Margaret Amaka (2024) 'Geographies of race in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe.' Ethnic and Racial Studies. pp. 1-20. (Forthcoming)

El-Merheb, Mohamad (2024) 'Louis IX and the transition from Ayyubid to Mamluk sultanate – Part II.' Crusades. (Forthcoming)

Lee, Yenn (2024) 'Constraint-based methodological innovations: Tales of doctoral and early career researchers in a pandemic-ridden world.' Possibility Studies and Society. (Forthcoming)

McNelly, Angus and Franz, Tobias (2024) 'Making and unmaking the actually existing hegemonic green transition.' The Extractive Industries and Society, 20 (101525).

Ercanbrack, Jonathan and Ali, Ali (2024) 'The new legalities of Islamic contractual interpretation: Institutional Frameworks and the Displacement of Intention.' International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 17 (6). pp. 1196-1212.

Kanchan, Tanvi (2024) ''Instagram is like a karela': transnational digital queer politics and online censorship and surveillance in India.' Culture, Communication and Critique, 17 (3). pp. 162-169.

Rudge, Alice (2024) 'Divorcing the dead, sharing with Others: negotiating alterity at the edges of a Malaysian rainforest.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 30 (3). pp. 687-705.

Fell, Dafydd (2024) 'The Struggle for Alternative Politics in Taiwan: Movement Parties in Taiwan's Party System.' Sulla Via del Catai, 30. pp. 75-96.

Sultany, Nimer (2024) 'The Wrongs of Zionism.' Palestine Yearbook of International Law, 24. pp. 3-23.

Boonhok, Saranpat (2024) 'Embodying ‘Thainess’ and the post-2006 coup crisis in Buppesannivas (Love Destiny).' South East Asia Research, 32 (3). pp. 304-323.

Cronin-Furman, Kate and Arulthas, Mario (2024) 'How the Tigers Got Their Stripes: A Case Study of the LTTE’s Rise to Power.' Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 47 (9). pp. 1006-1025.

Aaberg, Lars (2024) 'Corporate India after Section 377: haphazardness and strategy in LGBTQ diversity and inclusion advocacy.' Gender, Place and Culture, 31 (9). pp. 1235-1252.

Gibson, Hannah, Githiora, Chege, Kanana Erastus, Fridah and Marten, Lutz (2024) 'Morphosyntactic retention and innovation in Sheng, a youth language or stylect of Kenya.' Studies in Language, 48 (4). pp. 909-950.

Errichiello, Mariano, Piraino, Francesco and Vevaina, Yuhan S.-D. (2024) 'New Perspectives on the Study of Esotericism and Zoroastrianism.' Religiographies, 3 (1). pp. 2-7.

Errichiello, Mariano (2024) 'What is Zoroastrian Esotericism? Towards an Ontological Approach.' Religiographies, 3 (1). pp. 56-74.

Balliester Reis, Thereza (2024) 'What is financial inclusion? A critical review.' Journal of Economic Issues. (Forthcoming)

Pelckmans, Lotte and Rodet, Marie (2024) 'E-motions: A History of Unrecorded Female Rural Displacements in Post-Slavery Africa.' Journal of Migration History, 10 (3). pp. 301-318.

Wright, Morag Flora (2024) 'Staring out my window: Reflexivity and relationality in research in a Covid-19 world.' Possibility Studies and Society. (Forthcoming)

Bo, Hong, Rodiat, Lawal and Sakariyahu, Rilwan (2024) 'China's infrastructure investments in Africa: An imperative for attaining sustainable development goals or a debt-trap?' The British Accounting Review, 2024 (101472). (Forthcoming)

Hamamra, Bilal and Gould, Rebecca Ruth (2024) 'Free speech and democracy in Palestinian Universities: A call for parrhesiastic speech.' Educational Philosophy and Theory, 56 (13). pp. 1317-1331.

Mihalopoulos, Bill (2024) 'Liberty, the 'Maria Luz' Incident and the Liminal Legal Status of Chinese Indentured Labourers and Japanese Licensed Prostitutes.' Past and Present. (Forthcoming)

Deacon, Chris (2024) 'Mnemonic Encounters: The Construction and Persistence of International “History Wars” and the Case of Japan–South Korea Relations.' International Studies Quarterly, 68 (3). sqae114.

Tsang, Steve and Cheung, Olivia (2024) 'Xi Jinping’s Approach to Acquire Strategic Technology from the West.' East Asia: An International Quarterly, 41. pp. 301-323.

Papacharalampous, Nafsika (2024) 'Antagonism and Shared Survival of Fish and Fishermen in the Lofoten Islands.' Society and Animals. pp. 1-15. (Forthcoming)

Travagnin, Stefania (2024) 'Editorial.' Contemporary Buddhism, 24 (1/2). pp. 1-2.

Ould Moctar, Hassan (2024) 'The constitutive outside: EU border externalisation, regional histories, and social dynamics in the Senegal River Valley.' Geoforum, 155 (103632).

Kotef, Hagar and Amir, Merav (2024) 'Torture’s Bureaucracy and the 'Legitimacy Effect'.' Perspectives on Politics. (Forthcoming)

Bruno, Cosima (2024) 'The Oikos of the Mother Tongue.' Chinese Literature and Thought Today (CLTT). (Forthcoming)

Sultany, Nimer (2024) 'Law’s Ideology: Neoliberalism and Developmentalism in Egyptian Jurisprudence.' International Journal of Constitutional Law, 22 (2). pp. 255-291.

Andreoni, Antonio, Frattini, Federico and Prodi, Giorgio (2024) 'Getting robots in ‘our own hands’: Structural drivers, spatial dynamics and multi-scalar industrial policy in China.' Competition and Change. (Forthcoming)

Ma, Kexin (2024) 'In Pursuit of Temporal Illusion: the Reproduction and Imitation of Antiquities under the Yongzheng Emperor (r. 1723–35).' Ming Qing Yanjiu, 28 (1). pp. 53-87.

Weimar, Gregor Marius (2024) ''They will know and fear the law' – Emperor Yongzheng’s Preface in the Great Qing Code of 1740.' Ming Qing Yanjiu, 28 (1). pp. 88-106.

Abbasi, Khadija (2024) 'Searching for a home: the bitter experiences of Afghanistani 'returnees'.' Soundings: a journal of politics and culture (87). pp. 76-90.

Stoyanov, Yuri (2024) 'The War in Ukraine: Challenges to Just War Doctrines in Eastern Orthodoxy.' Studies in Christian Ethics, 37 (3). pp. 669-692.

Zhao, Dandan, Liu, Junguo, Sun, Laixiang, Hubacek, Klaus, Pfister, Stephan, Feng, Kuishuang, Zheng, Heran, Peng, Xu, Wang, Daoping, Yang, Hong, Shen, Lei, Lun, Fei, Zhao, Xu, Chen, Bin, Keskinen, Marko, Zhang, Shaohui, Cai, Jialiang and Varis, Olli (2024) 'Water consumption and biodiversity: Responses to global emergency events.' Science bulletin, 69 (16). pp. 2632-2646.

Wearing, David (2024) 'The myth of the reforming monarch: Orientalism, racial capitalism, and UK support for the Arab Gulf monarchies.' Politics, 44 (3). pp. 270-285.

Zou, Huan, Sun, Laixiang and Zeng, Zhao (2024) 'Climate Change and Corporate Vulnerability: Impact of Natural Disasters on JVs and WOSs.' Academy of Management Proceedings, 2024 (1). p. 16926.

Huang, Linlan and Zou, Huan (2024) 'Managing University-IJV Partnership for Low-Carbon Innovation: The Role of Networking Capabilities.' Academy of Management Proceedings, 2024 (1). p. 20057.

Salam, Dara (2024) 'The interrelationship between sovereignty, state building, and good governance: the case of the Kurdistan region.' Democratization. pp. 1-21. (Forthcoming)

Stevano, Sara (2024) 'The Devaluation of Essential Work: An Assessment of the 2023 ILO Report.' Development and Change, 55 (4). pp. 910-930.

Krever, Tor, Veličković, Marina, Mégret, Frédéric, Engle, Karen, Ní Aoláin, Fionnuala, Knox, Robert, Hammouri, Shahd, Quigley, John, Jaber, Nora, Rigney, Sophie, Kendall, Sara, da Silva, Clare, Schwöbel-Patel, Christine, Samour, Nahed, Burgis-Kasthala, Michelle, Teitel, Ruti G, Korhonen, Outi, Bowring, Bill, Allen, Lori, Chandler, David, Nesiah, Vasuki, Pappé, Ilan, Fakhri, Michael, Miller, Zinaida, Drumbl, Mark A, Sayed, Hani, Tzouvala, Ntina, Joyce, Daniel, Douzinas, Costas, Edelbi, Souheir, Hoffmann, Florian, Jallad, Zeina, Becker Lorca, Arnulf, Hajyahia, Alaa, Kolabhai, Reshard L, Almeida Cravo, Teresa, Chiam, Madelaine, Quintana, Francisco-José, Betancur-Restrepo, Laura, Fernandes Carvalho, Fabia, Kulamadayil, Lys, Li, Darryl, Reynolds, John, Sayed, Abdelghany, Eslava, Luis, Whyte, Jessica, Clark, Martin, Clements, Richard, Gevers, Christopher, Shalbak, Ihab, Uriburu, Justina, Özsu, Umut, Hernández, Gleider and Tallgren, Immi (2024) 'On international law and Gaza: critical reflections.' London Review of International Law, 12 (2). pp. 217-301.

Ryder, Craig (2024) 'Becoming augmented: The latent possibilities of ethnography in a pandemic.' Possibility Studies and Society. (Forthcoming)

Banerjee, Mouli and Rai, Shirin (2024) 'Parliament as a Workplace: Dilemmas of Vernacularisation and Professionalisation.' Politics and Governance, 12 (8196).

Istratii, Romina (2024) 'Beyond "Religious Fundamentalism": Bridging Religious Tradition, Gender Normative Systems, and State Institutions to Respond to Intimate Partner Violence in Ethiopia.' American Behavioral Scientist. (Forthcoming)

Ido, Vitor Henrique Pinto, Falcão, Matheus Zuliane, Portillo, Mirza Alas and Hu, Yuan Qiong (2024) 'From speech to action: using Brazil's 2024 presidency of G20 to embed equity in global health.' British Medical Journal, 386. q1582.

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Cooper, Gregory S, Davies-Kershaw, Hilary, Dominguez-Salas, Paula, Fahmida, Umi, Faye, Babacar, Ferguson, Elaine, Grace, Delia, Häsler, Barbara, Kadiyala, Suneetha, Konapur, Archana, Kulkarni, Bharati, Chengat Prakashbabu, Bhagyalakshmi, Pramesthi, Indriya L, Rowland, Dominic, Selvaraj, Kiruthika, Sudibya, Arienta R P, Tine, Roger C, Yadav, D M Dinesh, Zahra, Nur L, Shankar, Bhavani and Heffernan, Claire (2024) 'Investigating market-based opportunities for the provision of nutritious and safe diets to prevent childhood stunting: a UKRI-GCRF action against stunting hub protocol paper.' BMJ Paediatrics Open, 8 (Suppl 1). e001671.

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Adamson, Fiona, Chung, Erin Aeran and Hollifield, James F. (2024) 'Rethinking the migration state: historicising, decolonising, and disaggregating.' Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 50 (3). pp. 559-577.

Adamson, Fiona (2024) 'Entangled migration states: mobility and state-building in France and Algeria.' Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 50 (3). pp. 597-616.

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Jawhar, Sabria Salama, Amir, Alia, Huq, Rizwan-ul and Stewart, Simon (2024) 'Collaborative Problem Solving and Literacy Practices: A Conversation-Analytic Case Study of Children's Online Pre-gaming Interaction.' Social Interaction: Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality, 7 (1). p. 137312.

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Hosseini, Seyedahmad and Yadav, Prerna (2024) 'The Significance of Traditional Legal Framework in Regulating Groundwater Rights in Iran.' Law, Environment and Development Journal, 20 (1). 001-015.

Amir, Alia and Huq, Rizwan-ul (2024) 'The Dialectic of Academic Practices: A Reflection by Self to Bridge the Praxes.' Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, 15 (3). pp. 11-14.

Ahammad, Ronju, Tomscha, Stephanie A., Gergel, Sarah E., Baudron, Frédéric, Duriaux-Chavarría, Jean-Yves, Foli, Samson, Gumbo, Davidson, Rowland, Dominic, van Vianen, Josh and Sunderland, Terry C. H. (2024) 'Do provisioning ecosystem services change along gradients of increasing agricultural production?' Landscape Ecology, 39 (5).

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Bachmann, Reinhard (2024) 'Trust Matters: The governance of private and public services organizations' external relationships.' Handbook of Trust in Public Governance. (Forthcoming)

Rudge, Alice (2024) 'Longing, Loss, and Regret Beyond the Borders of a Malaysian Oil Palm Plantation.' Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography. (Forthcoming)

Ehrenberg-Peters, Nancy, Kappelmann, Jannis, Plesch, Daniel and Wilson, Henrietta (2024) 'ZeFKo Special Issue editorial: gender approaches to disarmament, arms control, peace and conflict.' Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 12 (2). pp. 171-179.

Reimer-Kirkham, Sheryl, Astle, Barbara, Ero, Ikponwosa, Beaman, Lori, Ibhawoh, Bonny, Imafidon, Elvis, Sawatzky, Richard, Tettey, Wisdom, Buyco, Meghann and Strobell, Emma (2024) 'Mapping a research-advocacy-policy agenda on human rights and albinism: a mixed methods project.' International Journal for Equity in Health, 23 (1).

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Cobarrubias, Sebastian and Novak, Paolo (2024) 'Embedding Externalisation: How Bordering Practices Transform Places.' Geopolitics, 30 (1). pp. 1-18.

Axelby, Richard and Thakur, Vikramaditya (2024) 'Relational Marginalisation: Comparing Scheduled Tribe Gaddi in Himachal Pradesh and Bhils in Maharashtra, India.' Sociological Bulletin, 73 (1). pp. 24-45.

Chu, Yin-Wah and Kong, Tat Yan (2024) 'East Asian Varieties of Capitalism and Socio-Economic Inequality: South Korea and Hong Kong Compared.' Journal of Contemporary Asia, 54 (1). pp. 61-89.

Pizziconi, Barbara and Iwasaki, Noriko (2024) 'Friends as mediators in study abroad contexts in Japan: negotiating stereotypical discourses about Japanese culture.' The Language Learning Journal, 52 (1). pp. 49-65.

Paterson, Audrey, Sakariyahu, Rilwan, Lawal, Rodiat and Alabi, Adedayo (2024) 'The Impact of Government Policy Responses to the COVID‐19 Pandemic and Brexit on the UK Financial Market: A Behavioural Perspective.' British Journal of Management, 35 (1). pp. 174-191.

Tomkinson, Joanne (2024) 'Origination and Africa's International Relations: Gatemaking and Airport Politics in Ethiopia and Ghana.' Third World Quarterly, 45 (1). pp. 133-150.

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