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Number of items: 60.


Cornwall, Andrea (2002) Beneficiary consumer citizen: perspectives on participation for poverty reduction. Stockholm: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. (SIDA studies)

Rai, Shirin M. (2002) Gender and Political Economy of Development: From Nationalism to Globalisation. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Finneran, Niall (2002) The Archaeology of Christianity in Africa. Stroud ; Charleston SC: Tempus.

Screech, Timon (2002) Erotyczne obrazy japońskie 1700-1820: przestrzeń przepływającego świata. Kraków: Universitas.

Screech, Timon (2002) The Lens within the Heart: the Western scientific gaze and popular imagery in later Edo Japan. Richmond: Curzon. (2nd revised ed.)

Arnold, David (2002) Gandhi. Lisboa: Editorial Inquerito (Mem Martins).

Arnold, David (2002) The Age of Discovery 1400-1600 (2nd edition). London: Routledge.

Robb, Peter (2002) A History of India. Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan.

Skorupski, Tadeusz (2002) The Six Perfections. Tring: Institute of Buddhist Studies.

Yeon, Jaehoon and King, Ross (2002) Continuing Korean. Boston: Tuttle Publishing.

Cruise O'Brien, Donal, Coumba, M. and Diouf, Mamadou (2002) Construction de l'Etat au Senegal. Paris: Editions Karthala.

Hafez, Sabry (2002) Takwin al-Khitab al- Sardi al- 'Arabi: Dirasa fi susulujya al-Adabi al-Hadith. Casablanca: Dar al-Qarawiyyin.

Parfitt, Tudor (2002) The Lost Tribes of Israel: the History of a Myth. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson.

Shindler, Colin (2002) The Land Beyond Promise: Israel, Likud and the Zionist Dream. London: I.B. Tauris.

Radice, William (2002) Myths and Legends of India, selected, retold and introduced by William Radice. New Delhi: Penguin.

Healy, Dana and Nguyen, Thi Thanh Binh (2002) Các khía cạnh vǎn hoá Việt Nam : aspects of Vietnamese culture. Ha Noi: The Gioi.

Smyth, David (2002) Thai: An Essential Grammar. London: Routledge.

Flynn, Norman (2002) Public Sector Management, Fourth Edition. Pearson: Financial Times.

Weeks, John, Andersson, David, Cramer, Christopher, Geda, Alemayehu, Hailu, Degol, Muhereza, Frank, Rizzo, Matteo, Ronge, Eric and Stein, Howard (2002) Supporting Ownership: Swedish Development Cooperation with Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Volume 2: Country Studies. Sweden: Sida. (Sida Evaluation 02/33:1)

Weeks, John, Andersson, David, Cramer, Christopher, Geda, Alemayehu, Hailu, Degol, Muhereza, Frank, Rizzo, Matteo, Ronge, Eric and Stein, Howard (2002) Supporting Ownership: Swedish Development Cooperation with Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Volume 1: Synthesis Report. Sweden: Sida.

Blankenburg, Stephanie and Schui, H (2002) Neoliberalismus: Theorie, Gegner, Praxis [Neoliberalism: Theory, Critique, Practice]. Hamburg: VSA Verlag (Germany).

Lau, Martin (2002) Afghanistan's legal system and its compatibility with international human rights standards : final report. Geneva: International Commission of Jurists.

Chan, Stephen (2002) Composing Africa: Civil Society and its Discontents. Tampere, Finland: Tampere Peace Research Institute.

Hale, William (2002) Turkish Foreign Policy 1774-2000. London: Frank Cass.

Tripp, Charles (2002) Irak - Een Geschiedenis. Amsterdam: Bulaaq.

Tripp, Charles (2002) A History of Iraq - Second Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Saez, Lawrence (2002) Federalism Without a Centre: The Impact of Political and Economic Reform on India’s Federal System. New Delhi: Sage.

Pottier, Johan (2002) Re-Imagining Rwanda. Conflict, Survival and Disinformation in the Late Twentieth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Fine, Ben (2002) The World of Consumption. The Material and Cultural Revisited. London: Routledge.

Parfitt, Tudor and Trevisan Semi, Emanuela (2002) Judaising Movements: Studies in the Margins of Judaism. London: Routledge.

Dwyer, Rachel and Patel, D. (2002) Cinema India. The Visual Culture of the Hindi Film. London: Reaktion Books. (Envisioning Asia)

Orsini, Francesca (2002) The Hindi Public Sphere 1920-1940. Language and Literature in the Age of Nationalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Dwyer, Rachel (2002) Yash Chopra. London: British Film Institute.

Dhungel, Ramesh (2002) The Kingdom of Lo (Mustang). A Historical Study. Kathmandu: Tashi Gephel Foundation.

Watkins, Justin (2002) The Phonetics of Wa. Experimental Phonetics, Phonology, Orthography and Sociolinguistics. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University.

Marten, Lutz (2002) At the Syntax-Pragmatics Interface. Verbal Underspecification and Concept Formation in Dynamic Syntax. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Githiora, Chege (2002) Diccionario Swahili-Español. [Swahili-Spanish Dictionary]. Mexico: El Colegio de Mexico.

Zene, Cosimo (2002) The Rishi of Bangladesh. A History of Christian Dialogues. London: Routledge.

Skorupski, Tadeusz (2002) Kriyāsaṃgraha compendium of Buddhist rituals ; an abridged version. Tring: The Institute of Buddhist Studies.

Fortna, Benjamin (2002) Imperial Classroom. Islam, Education and the State in Late Ottoman Empire. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Dikötter, Frank (2002) Crime, Punishment and the Prison in Modern China. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

Reid, Richard (2002) Political Power in Pre-Colonial Buganda. Economy, Society and Warfare in the Nineteenth Century. Oxford: James Currey/Fountain Publishers/Ohio University Press.

Colvin, Peter (2002) Early printed books from Egypt at the Great Exhibition, London, 1851 [microform] / advisor, Peter Colvin. Leiden: IDC.

Kumar, Sunil (2002) The Present in Delhi’s Pasts. Delhi: Three Essays Collective.

Achcar, Gilbert (2002) The Clash of Barbarisms: September 11 and the Making of the New World Disorder. New York: Monthly Review Press.

Möhlig, Wilhelm, Marten, Lutz and Kavari, Jekura (2002) A Grammatical Sketch of Herero (Otjiherero). Köln: Köppe. (Grammatische Analysen afrikanischer Sprachen; v.19)

Harriss-White, Barbara and Erb, Susan (2002) Outcast from Social Welfare: Adult Disability in Rural South India. Bangalore: Books for Change.

Rao, Nirmala and Pimlott, Ben (2002) Governing London. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Saad Filho, Alfredo (2002) The Value of Marx: Political Economy for Contemporary Capitalism. London: Routledge.

Radice, William (2002) Gifts: Poems 1992-1999. Newcastle upon Tyne: Grevatt and Grevatt.

Radice, William (2002) Sigfrid Gauch: Traces of My Father. Illinois: Northwestern University Press.

Kabeer, Naila, Cook, Sarah and Suwannarat, Gary (2002) Social Protection in Asia. New Delhi: Har-Anand Publications.

Pierson, Stacey (2002) A Collector's Vision: Ceramics for the Qianlong Emperor. London: School of Oriental and African Studies.

Nikolaeva, Irina, Perekhvalskaya, Elena and Tolskaya, Maria (2002) Udeghe (Udihe) folk tales. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. (Tunguso-Sibirica 10)

Janson, Marloes (2002) The Best Hand is the Hand that Always Gives. Griottes and their Profession in Eastern Gambia. Leiden: CNWS Publications.

Chatterton, Jocelyn (2002) Chinese Silks and Sewing Tools. London: Jocelyn Chatterton.

Duffy, Rosaleen (2002) A Trip Too Far: Ecotourism, Politics and Exploitation. London: Earthscan.

Okell, John (2002) Burmese by ear, or Essential Myanmar. London: Audio-Forum, Sussex Publications Limited.

Martin, John and Singh, Gurharpal (2002) Asian Leicester. Stroud: Sutton. (Britain in Old Photographs Series)

Rettova, Alena (2002) Africká filozofie mezi lékaři a filozofy. Středokluky (Czech Republic): Zdeněk Susa.

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