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Number of items: 45.

Abou-El-Fadl, Reem (2018) Foreign Policy as Nation Making: Turkey and Egypt in the Cold War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Global Middle East)

Khatun, Samia (2018) Australianama: The South Asian Odyssey in Australia. London: Hurst and Co..

Hayakawa, Monta and Gerstle, Andrew (2018) Onna dairaku takara-beki (Great pleasures for women and their treasure boxes), (Tsukioka Settei 3 "Onna dairaku takara-beki' : Kinsei enpon shiryō shūsei VI (Collected Erotic Texts of the Early Modern Period VI). Kyoto, Japan: International Research Center for Japanese Studies. (Kinsei enpon shiryō shūsei VI (Collected Erotic Texts of the Early Modern Period VI)

Webster-Kogen, Ilana (2018) Citizen Azmari: Making Ethiopian Music in Tel Aviv. Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press. (Music/Culture Series)

Githiora, Chege (2018) Sheng: Rise of a Kenyan Swahili Vernacular. London: James Currey.

Bodt, Tim (2018) Duhumbi Storybook. New Delhi: Monpasang Publications.

Stewart, Sarah (2018) Voices from Zoroastrian Iran: Oral Texts and Testimony (Vol. I: Urban Centres). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. (Göttinger Orientforschungen)

Imafidon, Elvis (2018) African Philosophy and the Otherness of Albinism: White Skin, Black Race. London: Routledge. (Routledge Studies in African Philosophy)

Clark, Phil (2018) Distant Justice: The Impact of the International Criminal Court on African Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (African Studies)

Lapavitsas, Costas (2018) The Left Case against the EU. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.

Malik, Hamza (2018) The Grey Falcon: The Life and Teaching of Shaykh ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Jīlānī. Leiden: Brill. (Arab history and civilization, v. 155.)

Hezser, Catherine (2018) Bild und Kontext. Jüdische und christliche Ikonographie der Spätantike. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. (Tria Corda)

Sims-Williams, Nicholas and Bi, Bo (2018) Sogdian Documents from Khotan in the Museum of Renmin University of China. Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe = 中国社会科学出版社. (Da guo xue yan jiu wen ku = 大国学研究文库)

Kendhammer, Brandon and McCain, Carmen (2018) Boko Haram. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press. (Ohio Short Histories of Africa)

Wilkinson, Matthew L. N. (2018) The Genealogy of Terror: How to distinguish between Islam, Islamism and Islamist Extremism. Abingdon: Routledge. (Law and Religion)

Dey, Adrija (2018) Nirbhaya, New Media and Digital Gender Activism. London: Emerald. (Digital Activism and Society: Politics, Economy and Culture in Network Communication)

Masoudi Nejad, Reza (2018) The Rite of Urban Passage: The Spatial Ritualization of Iranian Urban Transformation. New York: Berghahn. (Articulating Journeys: Festivals, Memorials, and Homecomings)

Impey, Angela (2018) Song Walking: Women, music, and environmental justice in an African borderland. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. (Chicago Studies in Ethnomusicology)

Hanieh, Adam (2018) Money, Markets, and Monarchies: The Gulf Cooperation Council and the Political Economy of the Contemporary Middle East. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (The Global Middle East)

Ismail, Salwa (2018) The Rule of Violence: Subjectivity, Memory and Government in Syria. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Mahlouly, Dounia and Winter, Charlie (2018) A Tale of Two Caliphates: Comparing the Islamic State’s Internal and External Messaging Priorities. Dublin, Ireland: VOX-Pol Network of Excellence.

Bashi Rudahindwa, Jonathan (2018) Regional Developmentalism through International Law: Establishing an African Economic Community. New York: Routledge. (Routledge Research in International Law)

Caldwell, Ernest (2018) Writing Chinese Laws: The Form and Function of Legal Statutes Found in the Qin Shuihudi Corpus. Abingdon: New York: Routledge. (Routledge studies in Asian law)

Ince, Onur Ulas (2018) Colonial Capitalism and the Dilemmas of Liberalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Thakur, Vineet, Mallavarapu, Siddharth, Muppidi, Himadeep and Duvall, Raymond (2018) Postscripts on Independence: Foreign Policy Ideas, Identity, and Institutions in India and South Africa. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. (Critical Global Thought)

Bhandar, Brenna (2018) Colonial Lives of Property: Law, Land and Racial Regimes of Ownership. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. (Global and Insurgent Legalities)

Jaspars, Susanne (2018) Food aid in Sudan: A history of Power, Politics and Profit. London: Zed Books. (Politics and Development in Contemporary Africa)

HadžiMuhamedović, Safet (2018) Waiting for Elijah: Time and Encounter in a Bosnian Landscape. New York and Oxford: Berghahn. (Articulating Journeys: Festivals, Memorials and Homecomings)

Surak, Kristin (2018) MTMJ ―日本らしさと茶道. Otsu: Saihatesha.

Toporowski, Jan (2018) Michał Kalecki: An Intellectual Biography Volume II: By Intellect Alone 1939–1970. London: Palgrave Macmillan. (Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought)

Papanicolopulu, Irini (2018) International Law and the Protection of People at Sea. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Sims-Williams, Nicholas and De Blois, Francois (2018) Studies in the chronology of the Bactrian documents from Northern Afghanistan. Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. (Denkschriften der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse)

Young, Tom (2018) Neither Devil nor Child: How Western Attitudes harm Africa. London: Oneworld.

Stevens, John A. (2018) Keshab: Bengal's Forgotten Prophet. London: Hurst and Co..

Bevilacqua, Daniela (2018) Modern Hindu Traditionalism in Contemporary India: The Śrī Maṭh and the Jagadguru Rāmānandācārya in the Evolution of the Ramanandi Sampradaya. Abingdon; New York: Routledge. (Routledge Hindu Studies Series)

Fell, Dafydd (2018) Government and Politics in Taiwan, Second Edition. London: Routledge. (Research on Taiwan)

Alpa, Shah, Lerche, Jens, Axelby, Richard, Benbabaali, Dalel, Donegan, Brendan, Raj, Jayaseelan and Thakur, Vikramaditya (2018) Ground Down by Growth. Tribe, Caste, Class, and Inequality in Twenty-First Century India. London and New Delhi: Pluto Press. (Anthropology, Culture and Society)

Bellini, Chiara (2018) Storia dell’arte del Tibet e dei Paesi Himalayani. Torino: Einaudi. (Unpublished)

Asquer, Alberto (2018) Regulation of Infrastructure and Utilities: Public Policy and Management Issues. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Hammond, Marle (2018) A Dictionary of Arabic Literary Terms and Devices. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Sharma, Naresh (2018) Hindi Tutor: Grammar and Vocabulary Workbook. London: Hodder and Stoughton.

Scarciglia, Roberto and Menski, Werner F (2018) Normative Pluralism and Religious Diversity: Challenges and Methodological Approaches. Milano: Kluwer and CEDAM.

Pohjonen, Matti (2018) Horizons of Hate: A Comparative Approach to Social Media Hate Speech. Dublin: VoX-Pol Network of Excellence.

Smith, I.O. (2018) Landlord and tenant law in Nigeria. Lagos: Ecowatch.

Wearing, David (2018) AngloArabia: Why Gulf Wealth Matters to Britain. Cambridge: Polity Press.

This list was generated on Tue Mar 4 04:21:58 2025 GMT.