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Number of items: 47.

Perrow, David and Fouweather, Laurence (1993) 'CD-Rom Networking at Templeton College Oxford; Case Study.' In: Hanson, T. and Day, Joan, (eds.), CD ROM in Libraries: Management Issues. London: Bowker-Saur.

Furniss, Graham (1993) 'Hausa poetry.' In: Preminger, Alex and Brogan, T. V. F., (eds.), The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, pp. 496-497.

Orwin, Martin (1993) 'Phonation in Somali phonology.' In: Abdi, Mohamed, (ed.), Anthropologie somalienne : actes du IIe Colloque des études somaliennes, Besançon, 8/11 octobre 1990. Besançon: University of Besancon, pp. 251-7.

Parfitt, Tudor (1993) 'Un uomo migliore di me Gunga Din. L'immagine degli arabi nei racconti di Moshe Smilanski.' In: Trevisan Semi, Emanuela and Parfitt, Tudor, (eds.), L'Altro Visto Dall'altro: Letteratura Araba ed Ebraica a Confronto. Milan: Edizioni Libreria Cortina, pp. 51-59.

Contadini, Anna (1993) 'La Spagna dal II/VIII al VII/XIII Secolo.' In: Curatola, G, (ed.), Eredita' dell'Islam - Arte islamica in Italia. Milan: Silvana Editoriale, pp. 105-132.

Fardon, Richard (1993) 'Alliance et ethnicité: un système regional de l’Adamawa.' In: Héritier-Augé, Françoise and Copet-Rougier, Elisabeth, (eds.), Les Complexités de l’Alliance, Volume III Economie, politique et fondements symboliques (Afrique). Paris: Editions des Archives contemporaines, pp. 165-210.

Robb, Peter (1993) 'Ideas in agrarian history: some observations on the British and nineteenth-century Bihar.' In: Arnold, David and Robb, Peter, (eds.), Institutions and Ideologies. A SOAS South Asia Reader. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press, pp. 201-223. (Collected papers on South Asia, no. 10)

Robb, Peter (1993) 'Texts, Communities, and the History of Change in Modern South Asia.' In: Robb, Peter, (ed.), Society and Ideology: Essays in South Asian History presented to Professor K.A. Ballhatchet. Delhi, India: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-21.

Robb, Peter (1993) 'The Impact of British Rule on Religious Community: Reflections on the Trial of Maulvi Ahmadullah of Patna in 1865.' In: Robb, Peter, (ed.), Society and Ideology: Essays in South Asian History presented to Professor K.A. Ballhatchet. Delhi, India: Oxford University Press, pp. 142-176.

Robb, Peter (1993) 'Meanings of Labour in Indian Social Context.' In: Robb, Peter, (ed.), Dalit movements and the meanings of labour in India. Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-67. (SOAS studies on South Asia)

Robb, Peter (1993) 'Intermediaries and Change in Eighteenth-Century Gujarat: A Note on G.D. Sharma’s View of Credit, Revenue and Commerce.' In: Austin, Gareth and Sugihara, Kaoru, (eds.), Local Suppliers of Credit in the Third World, 1750-1960. London: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin’s Press, pp. 29-35.

Smyth, David (1993) ''Bahnar'; 'Cambodian'; 'Cambodia: Language Situation'.' In: Asher, R. E., (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Vol.1. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 300, 400-401.

Smyth, David (1993) ''Lao'; 'Southeast Asian Scripts'; 'Tai Languages'.' In: Asher, R. E., (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Vol. 4,8,9. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 2049, 4031-7, 4520.

Weeks, John and Pelupessy, Wim (1993) 'Adjustment in Central America.' In: Weeks, John and Pelupessy, Wim, (eds.), Economic Maladjustment in Central America. London: Macmillan, pp. 1-22.

Weeks, John (1993) 'The Nicaraguan Stabilisation Programme of 1989 and Prospects for Recovery.' In: Weeks, John and Pelupessy, Wim, (eds.), Economic Maladjustment in Central America. London: Macmillan, pp. 25-40.

Hobart, Mark (1993) 'Introduction: the growth of ignorance?' In: Hobart, Mark, (ed.), An anthropological critique of development: the growth of ignorance? London; New York: Routledge, pp. 1-30.

Abdel-Haleem, Muhammad (1993) 'Context and Internal Relationships: Keys to Qur'anic Exegesis.' In: Shereef, Abdul-Kader A. and Hawting, Gerald, (eds.), Approaches to the Qur'an. London: Routledge, pp. 71-98.

Abdel-Haleem, Muhammad (1993) 'Medical Ethics in Islam.' In: Grubb, A., (ed.), Choices and Decisions in Health Care. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, pp. 1-20.

Hakimian, Hassan (1993) 'Cotton - Production and Trade in Iran.' In: Yarshater, Ehsan, (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica. Volume VI, Fascicles 3 and 4. Costa Mesa, California: Mazda Publishers, pp. 333-338.

Ouyang, Wen-Chin (1993) 'Princess of Resolution: The Emergence of al-Amira Dhat al-Himma, a Medieval Arab Warrior Woman.' In: Ross, Lena, (ed.), To Speak or Be Silent. Wilmette: Chiron Publications, pp. 197-209.

Poole, Nigel (1993) 'Preface to the first edition in Spanish.' In: Grubb, W. G., (ed.), Un Pueblo Desconocido en Tierra Desconocida (first published in English in 1911 as 'An Unknown People in an Unknown Land', Seely and Co, London). Asunción, Paraguay: Iglesia Anglicana and the Centro de Estudios Antropológicos de la Universidad Católica, vi-vii.

Dia, Ibrahima S. and Mollinga, Peter (1993) 'Irrigation design and African farming systems.' In: Ubels, Jan and Horst, Lucas, (eds.), Irrigation design in Africa. Towards an interactive method. Wageningen: The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation (CTA), pp. 22-40.

Pauwels, Anne (1993) 'Communicating across cultures: An Australian case study of language-related research on cross-cultural communication in medical encounters.' In: Boswood, T, Hoffman, Robert and Tung, P, (eds.), Perspectives on English for professional communication. Hong Kong: City Polytechnic, pp. 7-36.

Pauwels, Anne (1993) 'Languages and the sexes in Australia.' In: Schulz, Gerhard, (ed.), The languages of Australia. Canberra: Australian Academy of Humanities, pp. 104-123.

Pauwels, Anne (1993) 'Gender and language reform in Australia.' In: Peters, Pam, (ed.), Style on the Move. North Ryde: Macquarie University, Dictionary Research Centre, pp. 105-119.

Bramall, Chris (1993) 'China.' In: Corbridge, Stuart, (ed.), World Economy. New York: Oxford University Press.

Egger, Edeltraud and Hanappi, Gerhard (1993) 'Pareto-Optimal Conflict-Management in Firms. Bargaining over organizational changes due to the introduction of computer systems.' In: Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Washington, D.C.: IEEE Computer Society Press.

Egger, Edeltraud and Hanappi, Gerhard (1993) 'Competence-Switching Managed by Intelligent Systems.' In: Proceedings of the seventh International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (poster session) : June 15-18, 1993 Trondheim, Norway. Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

De Blois, Francois (1993) 'Middle-Persian funerary inscriptions from South-Western Iran.' In: Skalmowski, Wojciech and van Tongerloo, Aloïs, (eds.), Medioiranica: proceedings of the International Colloquium organized by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven from the 21st to the 23rd of May 1990. Leuven, Belgium: Peeters en Departement Orientalistiek, pp. 29-43. (Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta, 48)

Denwood, Philip (1993) 'Tibetan.' In: Asher, R. E. and Simpson, J. M. Y., (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Language and Linguistics. Oxford: Pergamon Press.

Janowski, Monica (1993) 'The symbolic significance of food from the forest among the Kelabit of Sarawak, East Malaysia.' In: Hladik, C.M., Hladik, A., Linares, O.F., Pagezy, H., Semple, A. and Hadley, M., (eds.), Tropical Forests, People and Food. Biocultural Interactions and Applications to Development. Paris: UNESCO and Parthenon. (Man and the Biosphere)

Hunter, Erica C D (1993) 'The Cult of Saints in Syria during the Fifth Century A.D.' In: Livingston, Elizabeth A., (ed.), Studia Patristica, XXV. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 308-312.

Inkster, Ian (1993) 'Eikoku to Nihon no Sangyo Kakumei ni Okeru Gijutsu Henkaku ni miru Shakaiteki Haikei ni tsuite no Hikaku Kento (Comparative treatment of the social context of technological change during the industrial revolutions of Britain and Japan).' In: Ryōsuke, Ōhashi, (ed.), Bunka no hon'yaku kanosei (Translatability of culture). Tokyo: Jimbun Shoin, pp. 133-146.

Bachmann, Reinhard and Malsch, Thomas (1993) 'Wissensbasierte Systeme in der Industrie. Zur Konstitution und Transformation von Wissen in der betrieblichen Organisation.' In: Wagner, Ina, (ed.), Kooperative Medien. Informationstechnische Gestaltung moderner Organisationen. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, pp. 235-249.

Singh, Gurharpal (1993) 'Ethnic Conflict in India: a Case Study of Punjab.' In: McGarry, John and O'Leary, Brendan, (eds.), The Politics of Ethnic Conflict Regulation : Case Studies of Protracted Ethnic Conflicts. London: Routledge.

Tsang, Steve (1993) 'Chiang Kai-shek and the Kuomintang's Policy to Reconquer the Chinese Mainland, 1949-1958.' In: Tsang, Steve, (ed.), In the Shadow of China: Political Developments in Taiwan since 1949. London: Hurst.

Ash, Robert (1993) 'Agricultural policy under the impact of reform.' In: Kueh, Y. Y. and Ash, Robert, (eds.), Economic Trends in Chinese Agriculture: The Impact of Reform. Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 11-45.

Menski, Werner F (1993) 'Legal pluralism in the Hindu marriage.' In: Arnold, David and Robb, Peter, (eds.), Institutions and ideologies: a SOAS South Asia reader. London: Routledge, pp. 148-164.

Menski, Werner F (1993) 'Preface: The primary purpose rule: Dimensions of the problem.' In: Sachdeva, Sanjiv, (ed.), The primary purpose rule in British immigration law. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham Books, pp. 1-5. (GEMS ; no.1)

Menski, Werner F (1993) 'Law and religion: The Hindu and Jain approach.' In: Bhattacharya, N. N., (ed.), Jainism and Prakrit in ancient and medieval India: essays for Prof. Jagdish Chandra Jain. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 361-374.

Menski, Werner F (1993) 'From alu ke paraunthe to Jain law.' In: Bhattacharya, N. N., (ed.), Jainism and Prakrit in ancient and medieval India: essays for Prof. Jagdish Chandra Jain. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 23-30.

Menski, Werner F (1993) 'Asians in Britain and the question of adaptation to a new legal order: Asian laws in Britain?' In: Israel, Milton and Wagle, N. K., (eds.), Ethnicity, identity, migration: The South Asian context. Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre for South Asian Studies, pp. 238-269. (South Asian Studies Papers, No. 6)

Brenner, Louis (1993) 'Two Paradigms of Islamic Schooling in West Africa.' In: Elboudrari, Hassan, (ed.), Modes de transmission de la culture religieuse en Islam. Cairo: Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, pp. 159-180.

Brenner, Louis (1993) 'La culture arabo-islamique au Mali.' In: Otayek, René, (ed.), Le Radicalisme islamique en Afrique subsaharienne: Da‘wa, arabisation et critique de l'Occident. Paris: Editions Karthala, pp. 161-195. (Hommes et sociétés)

Brenner, Louis (1993) 'Introduction: Muslim Representations of Unity and Difference in the African Discourse.' In: Brenner, Louis, (ed.), Muslim Identity and Social Change in Sub-Saharan Africa. London ; Bloomington: C. Hurst & Co ; Indiana University Press, pp. 1-20.

Brenner, Louis (1993) 'Constructing Muslim Identities in Mali.' In: Brenner, Louis, (ed.), Muslim Identity and Social Change in Sub-Saharan Africa. London ; Bloomington: C. Hurst & Co ; Indiana University Press, pp. 59-78.

Brenner, Louis (1993) 'Representations of Power and Powerlessness in West African Islam.' In: Chrétien, Jean-Pierre, (ed.), L'invention religieuse en Afrique: Histoire et religion en Afrique noire. Paris: Karthala, pp. 213-234. (Hommes et sociétés)

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