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Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (1995) 'Sicily, the Missing Link in the Evolution of Cairene Architecture.' In: Vermeulen, U. and De Smet, Daniel, (eds.), Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk eras. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 275-301.
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Robb, Peter (1995) 'South Asia and the Concept of Race.' In: Robb, Peter, (ed.), The concept of race in South Asia. Delhi; Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-76. (SOAS studies on South Asia)
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Egger, Edeltraud and Hanappi, Gerhard (1995) 'CSCW as a Tool for System Transformation.' In: Problems of excavating cybernetics and systems : abstracts of papers accepted for presentation at the conference: Conference being held in Amsterdam, April 17 to 21, 1995. Amsterdam: University, Centre for Innovation and Co-operative Technology: International Federation for Systems Research, Systeemgroep Nederland (The Dutch Systems Group).
Egger, Edeltraud and Hanappi, Gerhard (1995) 'Modelling Creative Contradictions for Organizational Change.' In: Mudge, T., Shriver, B. D., El-Rewini, H. and Nunamaker, J. F., (eds.), Proceedings of the 28th Hawaii international conference on system sciences. Washington, D.C.: IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 871-880.
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Egger, Edeltraud and Hanappi, Gerhard (1995) 'A Network Talk on CSCW. Defining CSCW by the use of the network formalism.' In: Derigs, Ulrich, Bachem, Achim and Drexl, Andreas, (eds.), Operations research proceedings : selected papers of the International Conference on Operations Research. Berlin; London: Springer-Verlag.
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Khan, Mushtaq (1995) 'State Failure in Weak States: A Critique of New Institutionalist Explanations.' In: Harriss, John, Hunter, Janet and Lewis, Colin, (eds.), New Institutional Economics and Third World Development. London: Routledge, pp. 71-86.
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Inkster, Ian (1995) 'The development of science and technology essay, The Cambridge encyclopedia of Australia.' In: Bambrick, Susan, (ed.), The Cambridge encyclopedia of Australia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 270-272. (Cambridge World Encyclopedias)
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Menski, Werner F (1995) 'Dowry: A survey of the issues and the literature.' In: Witzel, Michael and Thakur, H. B., (eds.), Abolition of dowry and bride-burning (Papers for the First International Conference on Dowry and Bride-Burning, Harvard Law School, October 1995). Cambridge, MA: ISADABBI, pp. 1-18.
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Menski, Werner F (1995) 'Conclusions: Coping with the cost of mistakes.' In: Menski, Werner F, (ed.), Coping with 1997: the reaction of the Hong Kong people to the transfer of power. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham Books, pp. 185-201. (GEMS ; no.2)
Menski, Werner F and Göbel, Derek (1995) 'The predicaments of the South Asian ethnic minority communities in Hong Kong.' In: Menski, Werner F, (ed.), Coping with 1997: the reaction of the Hong Kong people to the transfer of power. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham Books, pp. 159-184. (GEMS ; no.2)
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