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Number of items: 87.

Charney, Michael W. (1997) 'The Burmese.' In: Levinson, David and Ember, Melvin, (eds.), American Immigrant Cultures: Builders of a Nation. USA: Macmillan Reference, pp. 115-118.

Tsang, Steve (1997) 'Realignment of Power: The Politics of Transition and Reform in Hong Kong.' In: Pang-kwong, Li, (ed.), Political Order and Power Transition in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press.

Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (1997) 'An Industrial Complex in Ottoman Cairo: The Tanneries at Bab al-Luq.' In: Crecelius, D., Badr, H. and Ismāʻīl, M., (eds.), Dirāsāt fī tārīkh Miṣr al-iqtiṣādī wa-al-ijtimāʻī fī al-ʻAṣr al-ʻUthmānī: aʻmāl al-Nadwah al-ʻIlmīyah allatī aqāmatʹhā Hayʼat Fūlbrāyit bi-al-Qāhirah fī al-fatrah min 6-8 Dīsimbir 1996 M. al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Āfāq al-ʻArabīyah, pp. 1-8.

Martinez, Dolores (1997) 'Burlesquing Knowledge: Japanese quiz shows and models of knowledge.' In: Banks, Marcus and Morphy, Howard, (eds.), Rethinking Visual Anthropology. New Haven: Yale University Press, pp. 105-119.

Mosse, David (1997) 'Honour, Caste and Conflict: The Ethnohistory of a Catholic Festival in Rural Tamil Nadu (1730-1990).' In: Assayag, Jackie and Tarabout, Gilles, (eds.), Altérité et identité. Islam et christianisme en Inde. Paris: Editions de l'Ecole de Hautes Etudes en Science, pp. 71-120. (Collection Purushartha)

Peel, J.D.Y. (1997) 'A Comparative Analysis of Ogun in pre-colonial Yorubaland.' In: Barnes, Sandra T., (ed.), Africa's Ogun: Old World and New. Ibadan: Indiana University Press, pp. 263-289.

Pottier, Johan (1997) 'Towards an Ethnography of Participatory Appraisal.' In: Grillo, R. D. and Stirrat, R. L., (eds.), Discourses of Development: Anthropological Perspectives. Oxford: Berg, pp. 203-227.

West, Harry G. (1997) 'Mozambique: People and Cultures.' In: Middleton, John and Miller, Joseph C., (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Africa South of the Sahara. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, pp. 198-202.

Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (1997) 'The Lion-Gazelle Mosaic at Khirbat al-Mafjar.' In: Necipoğlu, Gülru, (ed.), Muqarnas XIV: an Annual on the Visual Culture of the Islamic World. Leiden: Brill, pp. 11-18.

King, Geoffrey (1997) 'The History of the UAE: The Eve of Islam of the Islamic Period.' In: Ghareeb, Edmund and Al Abed, Ibrahim, (eds.), Perspectives on the United Arab Emirates. London: Trident Press, pp. 74-94.

Tribe, Tania (1997) 'The Word in the Desert: the wall-paintings of Debra Maryam Korkor (Ger''alta, Tigray).' In: Fukui, Katsuyoshi, Kurimoto, Eisei and Shigeta, Masayoshi, (eds.), Ethiopia in broader perspective : papers of the XIIIth International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, Kyoto, 12-17 December 1997. Kyoto: Shokado Book Sellers, pp. 35-61.

Clarence-Smith, William (1997) 'The Rivaud-Hallet plantation group in the economic crises of the inter-war years.' In: Lanthier, Pierre and Watelet, Hubert, (eds.), Private enterprises during economic crises: tactics and strategies. Ottawa: Legas, pp. 117-32.

Clarence-Smith, William (1997) 'Hadhramaut and the Hadhrami diaspora in the modern colonial era: an introductory survey [and] The economic role of the Hadhrami diaspora in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden [and] Hadhrami entrepreneurs in the Malay world c 1740-1940.' In: Freitag, Ulrike and Clarence-Smith, William, (eds.), Hadhrami traders scholars and statesmen in the Indian Ocean 1750s to 1960s. Leiden: E J Brill. (Social, Economic and Political Studies of the Middle East and Asia; 57)

Dikötter, Frank (1997) 'A History of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in China.' In: Lewis, M, Bamber, S and Waugh, M, (eds.), Sex Disease and Society: A Comparative History of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV/Aids in Asia and the Pacific. Wesport (Conn.): Greenwood Press, pp. 67-83.

Dikötter, Frank (1997) 'Racial Discourse in China: Continuities and Permutations.' In: Dikötter, Frank, (ed.), The Construction of Racial Identities in China and Japan: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. London: Hurst, pp. 12-33.

Powell, Avril (1997) 'Processes of Conversion to Christianity in 19th Century North Western India.' In: Oddie, Geoffrey A., (ed.), Religious Conversion Movements in South Asia: Continuities and Change 1800-1900. London: Curzon Press, pp. 15-55.

Wilson-Tagoe, Nana (1997) 'Reading towards a theorisation of African women''s writing: African women writers within feminist gynocriticism.' In: Newell, Stephanie, (ed.), Writing African Women. Gender Popular Culture and Literature in West Africa. London: Zed Books, pp. 11-28.

Dodd, Stephen (1997) 'Different Feelings: The Intellectual Shift between Meiji and Taisho.' In: Heinrich, Amy Vladeck, (ed.), Currents in Japanese Culture: Translations and Transformations. New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 263-277.

Ingham, Bruce (1997) 'Mens Dress in the Arabian Peninsula: Historical and Present Perspectives.' In: Lindisfarne-Tapper, Nancy and Ingham, Bruce, (eds.), Languages of Dress in the Middle East. Richmond: Curzon Press, pp. 40-54.

Ingham, Bruce and Lindisfarne-Tapper, Nancy (1997) 'Approaches to the study of Dress in the Middle east.' In: Lindisfarne-Tapper, Nancy and Ingham, Bruce, (eds.), Languages of Dress in the Middle east. Richmond: Curzon Press, pp. 1-39.

Akiner, Shirin (1997) 'Between tradition and modernity - the dilemma facing contemporary Central Asian women.' In: Buckley, Mary, (ed.), Post Soviet Women: From the Baltic to Central Asia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 261-304.

George, Andrew (1997) '"Bond of the lands": Babylon, the cosmic capital.' In: Wilhelm, Gernot, (ed.), Die orientalische Stadt: Kontinuität, Wandel, Bruch. Saarbrück: Saarbrücker Druckerei, pp. 125-145. (Colloquien der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft)

Hafez, Sabry (1997) 'Yusuf Idris : 1927-1991.' In: Cox, C. Brian, (ed.), African Writers. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, pp. 345-365.

Sims-Williams, Nicholas (1997) 'The denominal suffix -ant- and the formation of the Khotanese transitive perfect.' In: Lubotsky, Alexander, (ed.), Sound law and analogy. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 317-325.

Hutt, Michael (1997) 'Being Nepali without Nepal: reflections on a South Asian diaspora.' In: Gellner, David N., Pfaff-Czarnecka, Joanna and Whelpton, John, (eds.), Nationalism and Ethnicity in a Hindu Kingdom: The Politics of Culture in Contemporary Nepal. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers, pp. 101-144. (Studies in Anthropology and History)

Söhnen-Thieme, Renate (1997) 'Rise and decline of the Indra religion in the Veda.' In: Witzel, Michael, (ed.), Inside the texts, beyond the texts new approaches to the study of the Vedas ; proceedings of the International Vedic Workshop, Harvard University, June 1989. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, pp. 235-243. (Harvard oriental series, Opera minora ; 2)

Howe, Christopher (1997) 'Introduction [and] Technology and Competitiveness in Asia: Case Studies in Japanese Technology Transfer with Implications for the PRC.' In: Feinstein, Charles and Howe, Christopher, (eds.), Chinese technology transfer in the 1990's : current experience, historical problems, and international perspectives. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Ash, Robert (1997) 'The Grain Issue in China: Domestic and International Perspectives.' In: Brosseau, Maurice, Kuan, Hsin-chi and Kueh, Y. Y., (eds.), China Review 1997. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, pp. 135-160.

Karshenas, Massoud (1997) 'Structural Adjustment and the Iranian Economy.' In: Shafiq, N, (ed.), Economic Challenges Facing Middle East and North African Countries. Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 202-224.

Karshenas, Massoud (1997) 'Macroeconomic Policies, Structural Change and Employment in the Middle East and North Africa.' In: Khan, Azizur Rahman and Muqtada, M., (eds.), Employment Expansion and Macroeconomic Stability under Increasing Globalization. London: Macmillan, pp. 320-396.

Dean, Kathryn (1997) 'Introduction to Politics and the Ends of Identity.' In: Dean, Kathryn, (ed.), Politics and the Ends of Identity. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, pp. 1-46.

Hale, William (1997) 'Turkey.' In: Sayigh, Yezid and Shlaim, Avi, (eds.), The Cold War and the Middle East. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 250-278.

Kong, Tat Yan (1997) 'Democratization and Its Aftermath: Transition and Continuity in South Korea.' In: Kim, Dae Hwan and Kong, Tat Yan, (eds.), The Korean Peninsula in Transition. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 91-115.

Tripp, Charles (1997) 'Iraq.' In: Sayigh, Yezid and Shlaim, Avi, (eds.), The Cold War and the Middle East. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 186-215.

Tripp, Charles (1997) 'An ''Islamic Economics''? Problems in the imagined reappropriation of economic life.' In: Dean, Kathryn, (ed.), Politics and the Ends of Identity. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, pp. 155-176.

Young, Thomas (1997) 'A Victim of Modernity? Explaining the War in Mozambique.' In: Rich, Paul B. and Stubbs, Richard, (eds.), The Counter-Insurgent State Guerrilla Warfare and State Building in the Twentieth Century. Macmillan, pp. 120-152.

Furniss, Graham (1997) 'Hausa literature.' In: Middleton, John, (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Africa South of the Sahara. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, pp. 8-9.

George, Andrew (1997) 'Assyria and the Western World.' In: Parpola, Simo and Whiting, Robert M., (eds.), Assyria 1995. Helsinki: Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project, pp. 69-75.

Buendia, Rizal (1997) 'The Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services: An Appraisal of a Strategy in Social Development.' In: Bautista, Victoria, (ed.), A Reader in Philippine Social Development Administration. Manila, Philippines: University of the Philippines, pp. 287-320.

Parfitt, Tudor (1997) 'La Grande Bretagne et les relations entre Juifs et Musulmans au Maroc au 19eme siècle.' In: Abitbol, M., (ed.), Relations judéo-musulmanes au Maroc : perceptions et réalités. Paris: Stavit, pp. 105-122.

Pagel, Ulrich (1997) 'The Tibetica of the British Library: A Historical Survey.' In: Krasser, Helmut, (ed.), Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Schloss Segau 1995. Vol.2. Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp. 725-732.

Al-Ali, Nadje (1997) 'Feminism and Contemporary Debates in Egypt.' In: Chatty, Dawn and Rabo, Anika, (eds.), Women Organized in Groups in the Middle East: formal and informal groups. Oxford: Berg.

Kratz, E. Ulrich (1997) 'Sources for the study of traditional Malay literature.' In: Saputra, Karsono H., (ed.), Tradisi tulis Nusantara. Jakarta: Masyarakat Pernaskahan Indonesia, pp. 191-210.

Contadini, Anna (1997) 'Murcia.' In: Enciclopedia dell'Arte Medievale. Roma: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, pp. 614-615.

Contadini, Anna (1997) 'Bone, Ivory, and Shell: Artifacts of the Byzantine and Islamic Periods.' In: Meyers, Eric M., (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East. New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 348-350.

Harrison, Rachel (1997) 'The “Good”, the “Bad” and the Pregnant: Why the Thai Prostitute as Literary Heroine Can’t be Seen to Give Birth.' In: Somswasdi, Virada and Theobald, Sally, (eds.), Women, Gender Relations and Development in Thai Society. Chiangmai: Women’s Studies Centre, Chiangmai University Press, pp. 323-348.

Fuccaro, Nelida (1997) 'Die Kurden Syriens: Anfänge der nationalen Mobilisierung unter französischen Herrschaft.' In: Borck, C., Savelsberg, A. and Hajo, S., (eds.), Ethnizität, Nationalismus, Religion und Politik in Kurdistan. Münster: LIT Verlag, pp. 64-70.

Weeks, John (1997) 'Employment, Livelihoods and Macroeconomic Policy for the Sub-Saharan Countries.' In: Khan, Azizur Rahman and Muqtada, M., (eds.), Employment Expansion and Macroeconomic Stability Under Increasing Globalization. Basingstoke: Macmillan.

Weeks, John (1997) 'Open economy adjustment and transition in Viet Nam.' In: Cook, Paul, Kirkpatrick, Colin and Nixson, Frederick, (eds.), Privatization, Enterprise Development and Economic Reform: Experiences of Developing and Transitional Economies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Fuehrer, Bernhard (1997) 'Die verklausulierte Projektion der Zukunft in die Vergangenheit. Ein Versuch ueber die "Die Ballade vom angebissenen Shaobing" (Shaobingge).' In: Fuehrer, Bernhard and Hammer, Christiane, (eds.), Tradition und Moderne. Religion, Philosophie und Literatur in China. Dortmund: Projekt Verlag, pp. 113-142.

Achcar, Gilbert (1997) 'Engels, penseur de la guerre, penseur de la révolution.' In: Labica, Georges and Delbraccio, Mireille, (eds.), Friedrich Engels, savant et révolutionnaire. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, pp. 139-160.

Marten, Lutz (1997) 'Licensing constraints for Swahili vowel harmony.' In: Markve, Stephen, Pennings, Evelien and Tsukiashi, Ayumi, (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixth Manchester Postgraduate Linguistics Conference. Manchester: University of Manchester, pp. 239-255. (Papers in Linguistics from the University of Manchester)

Kibble, Rodger, Marten, Lutz and Meyer-Viol, Wilfried (1997) 'Incremental interpretation using a tree description language.' In: Dekker, Paul, Stokhof, Martin and Venema, Yde, (eds.), Proceedings of the 11th Amsterdam Colloquium. Amsterdam: ILLC, University of Amsterdam, pp. 199-204.

Crewe, Emma (1997) 'The Silent Traditions of Developing Cooks.' In: Grillo, R. D. and Stirrat, R. L., (eds.), Discourses of Development: Anthropological Perspectives. London: Berg. (Explorations in anthropology)

Rao, Nirmala (co-authored) (1997) 'Public Attitudes to Local Government.' In: New Perspectives on Local Governance: Reviewing the Research Evidence. York: York Publishing, pp. 118-157.

Hakimian, Hassan (1997) 'Iranian Economy – The Qajar Period.' In: Yarshater, Ehsan, (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica. Volume VIII, Fascicle 2. Costa Mesa, California: Mazda Publishers, pp. 138-143.

Spencer, Paul (1997) 'Age, Ageing, and Age Organization.' In: Middleton, John, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Africa South of the Sahara. New York: Simon and Schuster Macmillan, pp. 8-13.

Poole, Nigel (1997) 'Change and research in the food industry: a European perspective.' In: Caswell, J. A. and Cotterill, R. W., (eds.), Proceedings of the NE-165 Regional Research Project Conference 'Strategy and Policy in the Food System: Emerging Issues'. Storrs, Connecticut: Food Marketing Policy Center, University of Connecticut, pp. 127-139.

Smith, Laurence and Sohani, A. (1997) 'Participatory Irrigation Management: A Case Study of Ability to Pay.' In: Kay, M., Franks, Tom and Smith, Laurence, (eds.), Water: Economics, Management and Demand. London: E and FN Spon, Chapman Hall, pp. 210-218.

Jacobs, C., de Jong, Jeroen, Mollinga, Peter and Bastiaansen, W.G.M. (1997) 'Constraints and opportunities for improving irrigation management in a water scarce but waterlogged area in Haryana, India.' In: de Jager, James M., Vermes, Laszlo P. and Ragab, Ragab, (eds.), Sustainable irrigation in areas of water scarcity and drought. Proceedings of the International Workshop organised by ICID, Oxford, September 1997. Oxford: ICID (International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage).

Pauwels, Anne (1997) 'The role of gender in immigrant maintenance in Australia.' In: Wölck, Wolfgang and De Houwer, Annick, (eds.), Recent studies in contact linguistics. Bonn: Dümmler Verlag, pp. 276-286.

Pauwels, Anne (1997) 'Non-sexist language policy debate in the Dutch speech community.' In: Braun, Friederike and Pasero, Ursula, (eds.), Communication of gender. Kommunikation von Geschlecht. Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus Verlag, pp. 261-280.

Pauwels, Anne (1997) 'Managing multilingualism in Australia: Issues in language maintenance and intercultural communication affecting ethnolinguistics minorities.' In: Furukawa, C, (ed.), Individuals and communities - Living the differences. Tokyo: The National Language Research Institute, pp. 89-103.

Raman, Ravi (1997) 'Intervention in the Western Ghats: An Inquiry into the Historical Processes of Loss of Biodiversity and Community Sources of Livelihood.' In: Pushpangadan, P., Ravi, K. and Santhosh, V., (eds.), Conservation and Economic Evaluation of Biodiversity: papers presented at the Indo-British Workshop held at the Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, India in February 1996. New Delhi: Oxford and IBH Pub.

Menski, Werner F (1997) 'Race and law.' In: Ireland, Paddy and Laleng, Per, (eds.), The critical lawyers’ handbook, Vol. 2. London and Chicago: Pluto Press, pp. 61-75. (Law and social theory)

Hanappi-Egger, E. and Hanappi, Hardy (1997) 'Learning by Trying: simulating strategic behavior in group decision making.' In: System Sciences, 1997, Proceedings of the Thirtieth Hawaii International Conference. Los Alamitos, Ca: IEEE.

Hanappi, Hardy and Hanappi-Egger, E. (1997) 'Improving Marketing-Strategies: a Learning Tool for Insurance Companies.' In: IEMS'97. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems. Cocoa Beach, Florida. UNSPECIFIED.

Hanappi-Egger, E., Hanappi, Hardy and Katsikides, Savvas (1997) 'Transferring Control to (Semi-) Autonomous Working Groups: A Game-Theoretic Description.' In: Kantarelis, Demetri, (ed.), Business and economics for the 21st century (Athens, Greece, 1997). Worcester, MA: Business and Economics Society International.

Hanappi, Hardy and Hanappi-Egger, E. (1997) 'Telework: Revealing Some Myths.' In: Neties'97 : 3rd International Conference on Networking Entities, Ancona, 1-3 October 1997. Ancona: University of Ancona: European Association for Telematic Application (EATA).

Denwood, Philip (1997) 'Architectural style at Shalu.' In: Denwood, Philip and Singer, J. Casey, (eds.), Tibetan Art: Towards a definition of Style. London: Calmann and Kng, pp. 220-229.

Selwyn, Tom (1997) 'Tourism and Cultural Conflicts in Mallorca.' In: Selwyn, Tom and Fsadni, Carmel, (eds.), Sustainable tourism in Mediterranean islands and small cities. Msida: University of Malta for the Council of Europe and the EC MED-CAMPUS Programme.

Hintze, Almut (1997) 'Parataxis and Hy­potaxis in the Ave­sta.' In: Pirart, Eric, (ed.), Syntaxe des langues indo-iranien­nes anciennes. Colloque international – Sitges (Barcelona), 4–5 mai 1993. Barcelo­na: Editorial AUSA, pp. 51-62. (Aula Orientalis Supplementa 6)

Ingram, Catherine (1997) 'Riley Lee (master of the Japanese shakuhachi).' In: Bebbington, Warren, (ed.), Oxford Companion to Australian Music. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, p. 336.

Gore, Charles (1997) 'Popular Culture in West Africa.' In: Middleton, John, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Africa south of the Sahara. New York ; London: Charles Scribner's Sons, pp. 447-453.

Gore, Charles (1997) 'Mami Wata: West Africa.' In: Middleton, John, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Africa south of the Sahara. New York; London: Charles Scribner's Sons, pp. 108-110.

Inkster, Ian (1997) 'Pacific partnership: creativity, industrial innovation and the proposed Japan-Australia Multifunctional Polis.' In: Satofuka, F., (ed.), Kagakugijutsu no seitaigaku. Tokyo: Agne Shofu Publishing, pp. 292-317.

Luczanits, Christian (1997) 'On the Construction of Clay Sculptures in Tabo (Ta pho) Spiti (c. 1042 A.D.).' In: Allchin, Frank Raymond and Allchin, Bridget, (eds.), South Asian Archaeology, 1995. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists Cambridge, 5–9 July 1995. New Delhi – Calcutta: Science Publishers and Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., pp. 691-701.

Luczanits, Christian (1997) 'The Clay Sculptures.' In: Klimburg-Salter, Deborah E., (ed.), Tabo – a Lamp for the Kingdom. Early Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Art in the Western Himalaya. Milan – New York: Skira – Thames and Hudson, pp. 189-205.

Thompson, Ashley (1997) 'Le Cambodge après Angkor.' In: Jessup, Helen L. and Zéphir, Thierry, (eds.), Angkor et dix siècles d’art khmer. Paris: Réunion des musées nationaux.

Singh, Gurharpal (1997) 'Sikhism.' In: Richards, Chris, (ed.), The Illustrated Encyclopedia of World Religions. Shaftesbury: Element, pp. 190-205.

Singh, Gurharpal (1997) 'Understanding Order and Legitimacy in Punjab Since 1984.' In: Mitra, Subrata K. and Rothermund, Dietmar, (eds.), Legitimacy and Conflict in South Asia. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 69-81. (South Asian Studies)

Drew, Catriona (1997) 'Self-determination, Population Transfer and the Middle East Peace Accords.' In: Bowen, Stephen, (ed.), Human Rights, Self-determination and Political Change in the Palestinian Occupied Territories. Kluwer Law International: The Hague, pp. 119-168.

Tsang, Steve (1997) 'Government and Politics in Hong Kong: A Colonial Paradox.' In: Brown, Judith M. and Foot, Rosemary, (eds.), Hong Kong's Transition, 1842‑1997. Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 62-83. (St Antony's Series)

Tsang, Steve (1997) 'Democratisation and the Confucian Tradition.' In: Shain, Yossi and Kileman, Aharon, (eds.), Enduring and Prospective Challenges to Democracy. Basingstoke: Macmillan.

Ash, Robert (1997) 'The search for grain self-sufficiency in mainland China: a continuing imperative.' In: Ash, Robert, Edmonds, Richard Louis and Shaw, Yu-Ming, (eds.), Perspectives on Contemporary China in Transition. Taipei: National Chengchi University, Institute of International Relations, pp. 58-77. (Institute of International Relations English series)

Ash, Robert (1997) 'China's food security: regional and structural dimensions.' In: Tisdall, Clement A. and Chai, Joseph C.H., (eds.), China's Economic Growth and Transition: Macroeconomic, Regional, Environmental and Other Dimensions. Brisbane: University of Queensland, pp. 427-439.

Brenner, Louis (1997) 'Becoming Muslim in Soudan Français.' In: Robinson, David and Triaud, Jean-Louis, (eds.), Le Temps des marabouts: Itinéraires et stratégies islamiques en Afrique Occidentale Française, ca. 1880-1960. Paris: Karthala, pp. 467-492. (Hommes et sociétés)

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