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Bramall, Chris and Nolan, Peter (1999) 'Embryonic Capitalism in East Asia.' In: Xu, Dixin and Wu, Chengming, (eds.), Chinese Capitalism, 1522-1840. London: Palgrave Macmillan, xiii-xl. (Studies on the Chinese Economy)
Branfoot, Crispin (1999) 'Tiruchirappalli and the Sacred Island of Srirangam.' In: Michell, George, (ed.), Eternal Kaveri: Historical Sites Along South India's Greatest River. Bombay: Marg Publications, pp. 75-88.
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Janku, Andrea (1999) 'Der Leitartikel in der frühen chinesischen Presse: Aspekte kultureller Interaktion auf der Ebene des Genres (The leading article in the early Chinese press: aspects of cultural interaction as seen from the perspective of genres).' In: Rothermund, Dietmar, (ed.), Aneignung und Selbstbehauptung: Antworten auf die europäische Expansion = Appropriation and self-assertion: answers to the European expansion. Munchen: Oldenbourg, pp. 111-136.
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Howard, Keith (1999) 'Korean tradition in Isang Yun's compositional style.' In: Sparrer, Walter-Wolfgang, (ed.), Ssi-ol Almanach 1998/99. Berlin: Internationale Isang Yun Gesellschaft, pp. 67-106.
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Hewitt, Brian (1999) 'Morphology revisited: some pecularities of the Abkhaz verb.' In: van den Berg, Helma, (ed.), Studies in Caucasian Linguistics: Selected papers of the Eighth Caucasian Colloquium. Leiden: Research School of Asian African and Amerindian St, pp. 197-208.
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