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Group by: Creators Name | Date | No Grouping
Number of items: 45.

Fuehrer, Bernhard and Wong, Lawrence Wang-chi, eds. (2015) Sinologists as Translators in the Seventeenth to Nineteenth Centuries. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. (Asian Translation Traditions Series; 2)

Addison, Tony, Niño-Zarazúa, Miguel and Tarp, Finn, eds. (2015) Aid, Social Policy and Development. London: Wiley. (Journal of International Development, vol. 27, no. 8)

Kirsch, Griseldis, Martinez, Dolores and White, Merry, eds. (2015) Assembling Japan: Modernity, Technology and Global Culture. Bern: Peter Lang.

Pizziconi, Barbara and Locher, Miriam, eds. (2015) 'Teaching' and 'Learning' (Im)politeness. Berlin: De Gruyter. (Trends in Applied Linguistics [TAL], 22)

Basu, Paul and Modest, Wayne, eds. (2015) Museums, Heritage, and International Development. New York and London: Routledge. (Routledge Studies in Culture and Development)

Jerven, Morten and Johnston, Deborah, eds. (2015) Statistical Tragedy in Africa? Evaluating the Database for African Economic Development. Abingdon: Routledge.

Orsini, Francesca and Butler Schofield, Katherine, eds. (2015) Tellings and Texts: Music, Literature and Performance in North India. Cambridge, UK: Open Books.

Bachmann, Reinhard, Gillespie, Nicole and Priem, Richard, eds. (2015) Trust in Crisis: Organizational and Institutional Trust Failures and Repair. London: Sage. (Organization Studies. Special Issue Vol. 36 (9))

Sato-Rossberg, Nana, ed. (2015) Special volume "Translation and Translation Studies in 1970’s Japan" in Invitation to Translation Studies. Vol 14. Tokyo: JAITS.

Lee, Yenn, Park, Han Woo, Fattore, Marco and Grassi, Rosanna, eds. (2015) 1) DISC 2013, 2) Qualitative and quantitative methods in complex socio-economic systems. Joint special issue of Quality and Quantity, Volume 49 Issue 4. Berlin: Springer Nature.

Laamann, Lars, ed. (2015) Central Asiatic Journal - Volume 58. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Hemmings, Charlotte and Lee, Vivian, eds. (2015) SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics, Volume 17. London: SOAS University of London.

Brown, Lucien and Yeon, Jaehoon, eds. (2015) The Handbook of Korean Linguistics. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. (Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics)

Furuichi, Noritoshi and Toivonen, Tuukka, eds. (2015) Kokka ga yomigaeru toki : motazaru kuni de aru Finrando ga nando mo saisei dekita riyū (When nations revive: Why Finland has been able to reinvent itself time after time). Tokyo: Magazine House = Magajin Hausu.

Gisselquist, Rachel M. and Niño-Zarazúa, Miguel, eds. (2015) Experiments in Development Economics. Berlin: De Gruyter. (Journal of Globalization and Development, vol.6, no.1)

Abou-El-Fadl, Reem, ed. (2015) Revolutionary Egypt: Connecting Domestic and International Struggles. London: Routledge. (Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Democratization and Government)

Flügel, Peter and Qvarnström, Olle, eds. (2015) Jaina Scriptures and Philosophy. London: Routledge. (Routledge Advances in Jaina Studies)

Smith, Laurence, Porter, Keith, Hiscock, Kevin, Porter, MJ and Benson, David, eds. (2015) Catchment and River Basin Management: Integrating Science and Governance. Abingdon; New York: Routledge. (Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management)

Dharampal-Frick, Gita, Dwyer, Rachel, Kirloskar-Steinbach, Monika and Phalkey, Jahnavi, eds. (2015) Key concepts in modern Indian studies. New Delhi/New York: Oxford University Press/New York University Press.

Oya, Carlos and Pontara, Nicola, eds. (2015) Rural Wage Employment in Developing Countries. Theory, Evidence and Policy. London: Routledge. (Routledge ISS Studies in Rural Livelihoods)

Harris, Rachel and Pease, Rowan, eds. (2015) Pieces of the Musical World: Sounds and Cultures. Abingdon: Routledge.

Sato-Rossberg, Nana, Curran, Beverley and Tanabe, Kikuko, eds. (2015) Multiple Translation Communities in Contemporary Japan. New York: Routledge.

Bhandar, Brenna and Goldberg-Hiller, Jonathan, eds. (2015) Plastic Materialities: Politics, Legality, and Metamorphosis in the Work of Catherine Malabou. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Dwyer, Rachel, ed. (2015) Bollywood. London: Routledge. (Critical concepts in media and cultural studies)

Marzagora, Sara, ed. (2015) Journal of African Cultural Studies vol. 27, no.1 - special issue on Literatures in African Languages. London: Taylor and Francis.

Lee, Hyunseon and Segal, Naomi, eds. (2015) Opera, Exoticism and Visual Culture. Oxford; Bern: New York: Peter Lang. (Cultural Interactions: Studies in the Relationship Between the Arts; 34)

Fuccaro, Nelida, Freitag, Ulrike, Ghrawi, Claudia and Lafi, Nora, eds. (2015) Urban Violence in the Middle East: Changing Cityscapes in the Transition from Empire to Nation State. Oxford; New York: Berghahn. (Space and Place)

Goodhand, Jonathan and Sedra, M., eds. (2015) The Afghan Conundrum: Intervention, Statebuilding and Resistance. London: Routldege. (Third Worlds)

McCausland, Shane, ed. (2015) 丁乙 : 何所示 / Ding Yi: What's Left to Appear. Shanghai: Shanghai shuhua chubanshe.

Plesch, Dan and Weiss, Thomas G., eds. (2015) Wartime Origins and the Future United Nations. Oxon; New York: Routledge. (Global Institutions)

Fuccaro, Nelida, ed. (2015) The Middle East in London / Iraq: People and Heritage. London: The London Middle East Institute, SOAS.

MacKenzie, John M., Dalziel, Nigel R., Doumanis, Nicholas and Charney, Michael W., eds. (2015) The Encyclopedia of Empire. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

Edelman, Marc, Oya, Carlos and Borras, Saturnino M., eds. (2015) Global Land Grabs: History, Theory and Methods. London: Routledge. (ThirdWorlds)

Oya, Carlos, Ye, Jingzhong and Zhang, Qian Forrest, eds. (2015) Agrarian Change in Contemporary China. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. (Special Issue Journal of Agrarian Change. Vol. 15 No. 13)

Cullet, Philippe and Bhullar, Lovleen, eds. (2015) Sanitation Law and Policy in India: An Introduction to Basic Instruments. Delhi: Oxford University Press.

Herzig, Edmund and Stewart, Sarah, eds. (2015) The Age of the Seljuqs (The Idea of Iran Vol. 6). London: I.B. Tauris. (Soudavar Memorial Foundation Series)

Herbelin, Caroline, Wisniewski, Beatrice, Dalex, Francoise, Corey, Pamela, Gournay, Antoine and Poisson, Emmanuel, eds. (2015) Arts du Vietnam: Nouvelles Approches. Rennes, France: Presses Universitaires de Rennes.

Clarence-Smith, William and Freitag, Ulrike, eds. (2015) الشتات الحضرامي : تجار، علماء، ورجال دولة حضارم في المحيط الهندي، 1750-1960 / al-Shatāt al-Ḥaḍrāmī : tujjār, ʻulamāʼ, wa-rijāl dawlah Ḥaḍārim fī al-Muḥīṭ al-Hindī, 1750-1960. Tarim (Hadhramaut): Tarîm lil-Dirâsât wa al-Nashr.

Mullin, Corinna and Pallister-Wilkins, Polly, eds. (2015) WANA Uprisings and the Limits of Liberal Governance. London: Taylor and Francis. (Special Issue of Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding. Vol. 9, no. 2)

Urban, Frauke, ed. (2015) Environmental innovation for sustainable development: the role of China. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. (Special Issue of Sustainable Development: Vol. 23, Issue. 4)

Branfoot, Crispin, ed. (2015) Traditional Arts of South Asia: Continuity in Contemporary Practice and Patronage. London: Saffron Books.

Behrouzan, Orkideh, ed. (2015) Beyond Trauma: Notes on Emerging Agendas for Understanding Mental Health in the Middle East - Special Issue. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh. (Medicine Anthropology Theory Vol. 2 No. 3)

Bartolucci, Guido, Bellini, Chiara and Del Bianco, Paola, eds. (2015) Orientalismi : buddhismo, induismo, ebraismo e islam nelle raccolte della Biblioteca Gambalunga (secoli XV-XVIII). Rimini: Biblioteca Civica Gambalunga. (Orientalia Ariminensia; 1)

Pradella, Lucia and Marois, Thomas, eds. (2015) Polarizing Development: Alternatives to Neoliberalism and the Crisis. London: Pluto Press.

Tsunoda, Takeshi, Menski, Werner F, Mori, Masami and Ishida, Shin'ichirō, eds. (2015) 法文化論の展開 : 法主体のダイナミクス : 千葉正士先生追悼 = Hōbunkaron no tenkai : hōshutai no dainamikusu chiba masaji sensei tsuitō. Tōkyō: Shinzansha.

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